MTL - The Best Male Supporting Character In the Pet Text is Reborn-Chapter 24

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"...In fact, we don't know everything about the events of the year, basically relying on various clues and abnormal guesses, but although there is no definite evidence, we can be sure that these guesses are definitely inseparable ."

"I was hired by the Fang family when my wife was just married. At that time, my wife offered a high salary and had a good personality. I valued this job very much and worked hard. In order to keep this job , I am more careful than other servants and babysitters, at that time, from the time my wife was pregnant with the eldest young master until she was born, I never relaxed for a moment."

"Even when my wife was pregnant and gave birth for a whole year, I didn't even want to take a day off. On the day of my wife's delivery, I was with me from beginning to end. Fortunately, the eldest young master landed safely and my wife was considerate. Me, just give me a holiday and let me go home and have a good rest."

"At that time, I thought that I didn't take a rest for a year, and there was nothing serious about my wife's confinement, so I happily went home for half a month... But who knows that I will go back after half a month, I found something was wrong."

"Although most of the newborn babies are similar, I watched them for a while when they were born, but they are still different. I remember that the eldest young master had a red spot on his chest when he was first born. mole…"

"We country people are superstitious, there is a story about where the mole grows on the body, this mole grows on the front of the body, there is a mole on the front of the body, there is a happy saying that the mole bears the person's back, good luck, I was still laughing at that time Complimented other babysitters."

"But when I came back from vacation, I found that the red mole on the eldest young master's chest was gone..."

Speaking of which.

Mother Zhang couldn't help but secretly glanced at Fang Ziyang's face, and found that the other party's expression didn't change at all except for the darker eyes, so she couldn't help but feel more nervous and scared.

It's just that things have come to this point, the young master is the only way for their family to survive, she has to bite the bullet and continue to explain.

"At the time, I thought it was strange, but because the eldest young master looks very similar to Mr., I didn't think too much, I thought it was my own eyes that didn't see clearly, and I remembered it wrong..."

"It wasn't until later that the wife checked out the tumor and went to the hospital for surgery. Obviously, the operation went well. The doctor said that as long as you take good care of it in the later period, recovery is not a problem at all, but who knows that within a few days of the operation, the wife will The emergency stopped breathing one night."

"Although all the examinations at that time showed that Mrs. was not able to survive because of her own health, I felt that something was wrong."

"Then, at that time, our family was not short of money. Madam has always been very kind to me, and my heart is still towards Madam. So after thinking about it, I will let you, Uncle Liu, quietly. To find out if there was anything special about the day Mrs. Cha died... Result, result."


Fang Ziyang's face was expressionless, and his voice seemed to be inaudible.

Mother Zhang was too afraid to speak.

Uncle Liu could only bite the bullet and say, "In the end, I went to check the monitoring of the hospital, but the monitoring happened to be broken that day. But the nurse on duty in the hospital told that on the afternoon of the day his wife died, the eldest young master went to see Madam, stay for half an hour..."

" After the eldest young master left, the wife was very emotional and rang the emergency bell, and then called the husband. However, the husband was very busy that day, so he didn't go in the afternoon, so he didn't go until the evening. , and then the husband and wife stayed in the room alone for an hour and talked."

"But getting along in the middle doesn't seem to be pleasant. It seems to be arguing. In the end, the husband gets angry and leaves. And the wife ... waited until the middle of the night and died of an emergency."

Uncle Liu's voice became quieter as he spoke.

Although there are all kinds of anomalies from the beginning to the end, but connecting them together is the information that makes people ponder.

If Fang Qianhao is really Fang Yandong's illegitimate son, then many problems that have been bothering Fang Ziyang before can be figured out.

Because of their different mothers, he and Fang Qianhao are not as close as other brothers;

But because the father is the same, so he and Fang Qianhao are relatives no matter how blood is identified;

Because of their different mothers, Fang Yandong's attitude towards their brothers is very different...

And his mother's death.

Maybe it may really be an accident due to physical reasons, but it is very likely that it is not without the inside story.

You might as well make a bold guess that the mother saw her brother first on the day of her death, and she may have learned from some of her brother's actions and words that the child she loves is the illegitimate child of her husband, but her own son has disappeared. the truth.

Then he called Fang Yandong to question him in anger and lost his mind. The conversation was very unpleasant.

After all, the body of the person who has just completed the operation is extremely weak and the least stimulated.

Of course it is possible that some people have manipulated the hospital equipment and breathing tubes, but this may be too difficult to find evidence after so many years, even if there is evidence, it would have been destroyed long ago .

Fang Ziyang's face was expressionless, but his heart was filled with anger like a volcanic eruption, and a deep chill down his back.

It's not that he doesn't know that Fang Yandong is cruel, but if what Uncle Liu and Zhang's mother say is true, then he obviously underestimates Fang Yandong's treatment of him, his mother, and perhaps his real brother. How ruthless.

Tiger poison does not eat children, what kind of person is the father he once respected and admired?

Forcing himself to calm down, Fang Ziyang was silent for a long time, took out the photo he got from Yan Tong, and handed it out,

"Look at this photo, do you recognize the woman in it?"

Uncle Liu and Ma Zhang looked at each other and took the photo carefully.


Uncle Liu shook his head.

Mother Zhang remembered something, hesitated for a while, then nodded in confirmation, "I seem to have some impression of this woman..."

Fang Ziyang's heart tightened suddenly.

Mother Zhang continued while recalling, "I've seen this woman, but I don't remember the exact name. It's not a good friend she told my wife, she was the one who was pregnant when she was pregnant. See you later..."


"The background of this photo is the hospital, it looks like it was taken when the wife just gave birth to the eldest young master, I just went home for vacation, but I don't remember the wife still with her We took pictures together."

Although my memory is a little fuzzy, I still remember it roughly. After all, this woman still talked with her about parenting for two or three months.

Mother Zhang carefully handed back the finished photo, a little curious, "Little Master, where did you get this photo? I don't remember this photo in Madam's belongings..."

Fang Ziyang did not answer.

He also wanted to know where this photo of Yan Tong came from and what does this photo have to do with him?

Or...what does it have to do with his real brother.

Closing his eyes, Fang Ziyang tried his best to suppress his emotions, "Since you guess Fang Qianhao is my dad's illegitimate child, do you have any guesses about that woman?"

Since there is an illegitimate child, then there will naturally be a lover, and it may even be some kind of 'true love', otherwise why Fang Yandong loves Fang Qianhao so favorably.


Uncle Liu shook his head in embarrassment, "Although we have guesses, but there is no direction, Mr. looks very clean."

Since it was suspected that Fang Qianhao was an illegitimate child, their husband and wife have also conducted investigations in private, just to hold some substantial handle in their hands, so as not to be cleaned up after being useless.

But unfortunately, Mr. concealed it so well that they didn't gain anything.

But as a woman, Zhang Ma is more gossipy and knows more things,

"We don't know if Mr. has a secret lover, but there used to be a woman who always pestered Mr., this is not a secret, everyone knew it to some extent. That woman is really shameless Like a lunatic, no matter how the husband refuses, it's useless, like a dog-skin plaster..."

"Even after the wife gave birth to the first young master, the woman did not stop, and continued to make trouble with the husband for several years. After the wife was pregnant with you, the young master, the woman gave up and left."

"Is the other party's name Zheng Yating?"

Fang Ziyang remembered what he saw in that golden book.

If he is a vicious cannon fodder in such a golden book, then this Zheng Yating is the best villain, and this woman is so infatuated with Fang Yandong that he is crazy.

In the plot, in order to marry Fang Yandong, Zheng Yating did not hesitate to steal Fang Yandong's sperm for in vitro pregnancy, and wanted to use her children to achieve her goal.

It's a pity that the child was born but failed to live, so Zheng Yating did not give up and went to the orphanage to adopt Yan Tong, ready to continue her crazy and irrational plan.

But it failed in the end, the truth came out, Yan Tong and Fang Yandong, and a group of spare tire men continued to love each other...

He had a good guess.

Mother Zhang nodded, "That's right, that's the name, the young master has heard of it? Speaking of which, this woman is really annoying. I heard that if it wasn't for her sister who used to have some friendship with her husband, Having saved the life of Mr., it is absolutely impossible for Mr. to tolerate her for so many years."



Fang Ziyang sat up straight, an incredible guess flashed in his mind.


Start with Zheng Yating's sister.

Follow the trail and he may be pleasantly surprised.

If it goes well, he will not only be able to find out what happened in the past, but may also find his real... brother.

Surprise, apprehension, anticipation.

Although it is not known whether his real brother is as bad as Fang Qianhao, Fang Ziyang can't help but look forward to it.

What if the other party is different from relatives like Fang Yandong?

Does this mean that he is no longer just a person in this world?

Be sure to keep checking.

But now this is not something that can be achieved in a short time. The more important thing at present is to quickly get the money that Fang Yandong defrauded from him over the years.

Finally, I couldn't hold back my emotions and took a deep breath.

Fang Ziyang suppressed his joy and looked at Uncle Liu and Ma Zhang in front of him.

"I don't care about the past things for the time being, but from now on, when you get on my boat, don't think about any other thoughts, otherwise I can't guarantee that I will be more than Fang Yandong. ruthless."

"I'll give you the first thing, tell Fang Yandong, I'm going to hold an antique jade exhibition..."

For Fang Yandong.

Whether it was the indifference in his previous life or the things he gradually discovered after his rebirth, Fang Ziyang had to give up on this father.

If he could lie to himself before that his father was bewitched, it would be bad for him, but now all kinds of evidence show that Fang Yandong may have never had a little bit of father-son love for him.

In this case, he doesn't have to show mercy.

How did Fang Yandong swindle money from him, how could he take it back from the other party!

With Fang Ziyang's words, Uncle Liu and Ma Zhang did not hesitate to go to Fang Yandong to 'report'.

Now that they have boarded the boat of the young master, there is absolutely no way to regret it. Even if they don't consider the methods of the young master today, even if they don't betray Fang Yandong, they will be happy soon.

It's just that I was too greedy at the beginning, and I didn't see Fang Yandong's character clearly and got on the other party's pirate ship, and I went all the way to this point.

Uncle Liu and Ma Zhang were not very loyal and firm people. In order to keep their three family members, there was no pressure to betray at this moment.

"What? He wants to hold an antique jade exhibition?"

Fang Yandong didn't expect his little son, who had been well-behaved for more than ten years, to suddenly wake up, and he didn't even pay attention to the two little people, Liu Shu and Zhang Ma, and frowned when he heard the report .

The younger son will hold an antique jade exhibition, which is not good news for him.

In order to coax dividends from Fang Ziyang's shares over the years, he has spent a lot of effort, and specially let Zhang mother teach her young son to enjoy the exaggerated character, design fake antiques and fake jade Get a lot of money from the other party's hand.

It is precisely because of these funds that he can more easily move in the group and eventually take the seat of the chairman of the board of directors.

Now Fang Ziyang is going to hold an exhibition, which means that those fake antiques and fake jade locked in the basement are going to be taken out for people to watch?

That's absolutely impossible! Just come to a knowledgeable person to talk about the leaked things, and you have to make a big deal!

Fang Yandong was in a bad mood,

"How could he suddenly think like this?"

What kind of exhibitions are they doing well, why don't you see them in the basement?

Uncle Liu touched his sweat and was careful,

"The young master said that he felt that he was too unlucky for the past two days, so he wanted to find something happy to rush. He didn't want to go to the banquet for the time being, he was tired of bungee skiing, and the rest was The only thing he can do is play with his favorite antique jade, and he will just hold an exhibition to be happy..."

Mother Zhang nodded, looking very embarrassed,

"We persuaded the young master, but you know the temper of the young master. He is in a bad mood these days because of the hot search video, and he doesn't listen to other people's advice at all. We can't stop the tantrums."

"Sir, what should I do now, those antique jades are all fakes, and they can't hide things when they are seen!"

What to do?

Fang Yandong also wanted to ask what to do!

These years have been smooth sailing, and it has been a long time since he has been so troubled as he has recently. He really did not expect the hot search video to be so exciting to his younger son.

Not only did he almost lose his younger son's trust, but yesterday he heard that his younger son beat Xie Wenxu! Many people know that there is still a lot of trouble in the public!

He hadn't figured out how to deal with it before, and as a result, there was an exhibition.

It's like opening a Pandora's box, one bad thing after another.

The group shares in Fang Ziyang's hands have not yet been obtained, and the legacy left by Mr. Lu cannot be taken out. If the younger son is aware of anything now, he will be stabbed by the other party's temper. Come.

Fang Yandong's elegant face was gloomy, "This exhibition can't be held. Zhang Ma go and call the young master..."

Mother Zhang hesitated.

Uncle Liu persuaded, "No, sir, I can't say it, this time the young master was really stimulated by the hot search video, it was when his temper was on the top, with the temper of the young master, The more we persuade him, the more afraid he will do it.”

"Could it be that he was allowed to mess around, and then reported the incident? It was more than two billion dollars, not more than twenty dollars of garbage!"

The series of unsatisfactory things made Fang Yandong's temper difficult to restrain recently.

Looking at Uncle Liu and Zhang Ma very badly,

"I give you a lot of money every year to let you watch him, that's how you show me? He contacted the lawyers to broadcast live broadcast, and you didn't notice any movement. Even if it’s a trivial matter like the exhibition, I can’t persuade you, am I raising you all with rice?”

With such a tone, anyone who is familiar with Fang Yandong knows that the other party is angry.

Uncle Liu and Momma have been with each other for so long, how can you not hear it.

Mother Zhang was frightened and defended again and again, "No, no sir, we have always been careful to watch the young master, but the young master has such a temper, and it is easy to mess up if you are stimulated..."

Uncle Liu nodded in agreement, carefully proposed,

"Sir, Hui Fen and I are not trying to shirk our responsibility, it's just unexpected. I'm afraid I can't stop the young master from holding an antique jade exhibition. I said that the young master must be suspicious, so let's just follow He, let him do it."

"Anyway, it's just an exhibition. There are not many antique young masters in the basement. We will find some real things to replace before the exhibition, and fool the day of the exhibition. It will be fine."

"My son has a way to borrow things, and that's the fee..."

The number of antiques worth 2.3 billion is not easy to borrow, and it is impossible to do with less intermediate handling fees.

Fang Yandong thought for a while with a gloomy face before handing over a card,

"If this matter is not done well, your family of three will go back to the countryside for me. I don't support idlers here."

The tone of voice is no longer the usual elegance, with the aloofness that holds the power of life and death like an emperor.

"Got it, sir."

Zhang Ma and Uncle Liu lowered her head and tremblingly assured that, as always, she was compliant.

Since the husband doesn't see them as human beings, it's no wonder they betrayed.

There is an excuse for being stimulated by a sudden change in personality. In order to fail, Fang Yandong can't stop the antique jade exhibition.

But it may be due to intuition. Fang Yandong always feels that something is wrong. He can't stop the antique jade exhibition, but he can speed up the authorization of Fang Group's shares.

I promised to come back to the exhibition the next night, and the agreed share authorization agreement was ready.

Fang Ziyang had anticipated it long ago, and did not resist, and signed the letter obediently and obediently.

Of course, as compensation and appeasement, Fang Qianhao was also forced by Fang Yandong to sign Grandpa Lu's inheritance and abandonment letter, and he inherited all the inheritance funds left to his mother.

Of course, Fang Qianhao was very unwilling to do this, but compared to the Fang Group's shares, he was willing to give up the money of Grandpa Lu!


If you put this kind of eyes on him before, Fang Ziyang will still feel bitter and hated, hating why he has such a big brother who eats the inside and outside of the barbecued pork.

But now there is only a sneer.

Since Fang Qianhao is not his mother's son, why should he inherit his grandfather's estate? Why inherit his mother's shares?

He just took back a little thing, and looked at him with this cannibalistic look, his face is really big.

Wait, wait.

The debt he owed at the beginning will slowly be recovered little by little.

Compared to Fang Qianhao's gnashing of teeth, Fang Yandong's mood is much better, the share authorization is in hand, he is not so annoyed that Fang Ziyang is going to open an antique jade exhibition, and he plays the role of the perfect father again. look.

I also have the heart to ask about the invitation list of the antique jade exhibition, and give some suggestions,

"Since the exhibition is going to be held, let's hold a bigger one. In addition to your little friends, Dad will invite you a few uncles who are proficient in antique jade collection to give you the palm of your hand. Eye."

"By the way, your Uncle Xiao Yao and Aunt Yao can also make a phone call. Those are your mother's former good friends. They care about you very much on weekdays, and they can't be forgotten..."

However, after removing the filter, Fang Yandong really did not forget to squeeze his value all the time. The exhibition organizer just calmed down the negative speculation and comments on the other side's family on the Internet. Inviting friends of the mother's life was to gather the contacts who had lost their friendship due to the death of his wife.

Since you want to install it, let's install it together.

Since you want to act, let's act together.

Fang Ziyang was happy and obedient, smiling,

"Okay, then I'll trouble Dad. You must help me hire a few big uncles with special face."

Fang Yandong was very pleased with this obedience.

The picture of the father's kindness and the son's filial piety can see Fang Qianhao gritted his teeth very much, and interjected strangely,

"Oh, Fang Ziyang can't see that your mentality is really good enough. The day before yesterday, the police broadcast the police. Yesterday, he beat his fiancé in public, and today he is holding an exhibition. Do you really think that you are not famous enough or something? Please make some snacks, if you want to kill yourself, don't pull our Fang family into the water, okay!"

It's okay not to.

As soon as Fang Yandong remembered Xie Wenxu's beating, he immediately put away his smile and replaced it with the expression of Yan's father,

"Yangyang, your brother doesn't speak well, but some truths are still true. I heard that you beat Xie Wenxu yesterday, but in front of outsiders, what's the matter, you have to ignore etiquette With such a heavy hand?"

"He cheated, who am I going to beat him?"

There are good reasons, but Fang Yandong does not agree.

Something like a man's half-heartedness, not to mention the upper class, is also common among ordinary people, and he doesn't think it's a big deal at all. How many people in high society get married and don't play before and after marriage? It's just cheating, not killing people. What's more, the other party is the heir of the Xie family.

Fang Yandong frowned, with an irresistible preaching tone,

"Yangyang, although Dad loves you very much, you can't be too self-willed when you live in our circle. Sometimes there are things that you have to endure, especially marriage, which is too caring. It breaks easily."

"When Xie Wenxu was able to take the initiative to get engaged to you despite the pressure at home, it means that you have the most place in his heart, and the rest are just acting on the scene..."

Tell me, isn't it just for your own interests?

Fang Ziyang pursed his lips and interrupted with an unhappy expression, his eyes reddened and grieved,

"Dad, you are very reasonable, but I can't do it! You don't know how Xie Wenxu treats me. son's."

"I haven't suffered so much grievance since I was a child. Since he dares to cheat on me, what if I beat him? Not only will I beat him, but I will also break the engagement!"

Fang Yandong's complexion changed slightly, and his previous good mood disappeared immediately.

How much did the Xie family lose when the engagement was dissolved? !

Fang Ziyang did not give him a chance to continue speaking, and continued to complain,

"Anyway, I must break this engagement. Dad, don't you love me the most? Why do you want me to endure Xie Wenxu's cheating? In the past, Dad would obey me in everything, but today he told me to swallow it... "

"Dad, you've changed, you've become vulgar, you've become snobbish, and you've become so ignorant that I don't even know you! You're too much, I don't want to authorize the shares to you, I hate you! "

He went to get the share power of attorney that was just signed while talking sly words.


Tear it to shreds.

Isn't Fang Yandong trying to spoil him? If he is spoiled, he will only do it like a god, so let's take a good look at his masterpiece.

Fang Ziyang roared his 'grievance', and threw the fragment of the document in his hand into the air.

Then when Fang Yandong and his son did not respond, they quickly grabbed Fang Qianhao's still-good inheritance relinquishment book on the table, turned around and ran out of the villa gate.

Fang Yandong didn't react at all.

Fang Qianhao was struck by lightning.