MTL - The Best Of You-Chapter 47

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Shen Nianshen stood on the side of the road for a long time before slowly walking towards Sun Tiantian.

With each step, it seemed that he was carrying a thousand pounds of weight.

He went to Sun Tiantian and looked down at her. What I wanted to say, but my throat seemed to be burned by magma, and I couldn't make a sound.

Sun Tiantian bowed her head, and suddenly a pair of familiar shoes appeared in her sight. She froze and raised her head slowly.

Her eyes were red, and she stared at Shen Niansheng momentarily.

Shen Nianshen also looked at her, and the two looked at each other quietly, without anyone speaking first.

Shen Nianshen looked at Sun Tiantian's flushed eyes, and looked at the tears in her eyes, her eyes were sore.

He stared at her for a long time, finally squatting down, and gently touching Sun Tiantian's head with his right hand, his voice was hoarse and almost choked, "Are you a fool, didn't you let you go back to school?"

Sun Tiantian looked at Shen Nianshen and heard his voice. The grievances in his heart suddenly flooded, and the tears that had been held back could no longer be controlled. The big ones fell down, crying and asking, "Why are you here now?" ? "

She cried terribly, tears all over her face, and her shoulders trembled uncontrollably.

Shen Nianshen knew Sun Tiantian from the first day. She laughed every day and lived so happily every day. He loved her bright smile and love her crooked eyebrows. He never thought about it. One day, he hurt her like this. sad.

Each of her tears was like a knife falling on his heart, and he was suddenly at a loss as to what to do.

He wiped her tears in a panic, "Tian Tian don't cry, don't cry well ..."

He couldn't see her crying. What he was most afraid of was that Tian Tian was unhappy with him.

But the more Shen Nianshen kept her from crying, the more sad Sun Tiantian was crying. Like a child who has been aggrieved, the more he coaxed her, the more aggrieved in his heart.

She plunged into Shen Nian's deep arms and hugged him tightly. "Why are you here so late, what are you doing?"

He told her nothing, she didn't know what he was doing or what he was thinking.

Shen Nianshen hugged her, her eyes flushed, and choked, "I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, and my grandmother fainted suddenly. In the emergency room, I was too panicked and didn't have time to explain it to you. I thought you would go back ... "

He didn't expect that Sun Tiantian would always be waiting for him here, he really thought she would go back.

When Sun Tiantian heard Shen Nianshen's words, her tears suddenly freeze, and she raised her head suddenly, worriedly asking, "What happened to grandma ... grandma?"

Shen Nian shook her head deeply. "It's okay for now, don't worry."

He raised his hand to help Sun Tiantian wipe his tears and looked at her, blame himself very much, "I'm sorry ..."

Sun Tiantian shook her head quickly and said, "Why didn't you tell me when my grandma fainted? I knew I'd come to the hospital to find you. I don't have to spend Valentine's Day, I just want to be with you."

She said, tears could not help but hurriedly wiped her hands.

"I'm sorry." Shen Nian's **** had sour hair, bowed his head, and kissed his grandson Tian Tian's eyes.

Sun Tiantian's eyes were soggy. When Shen Nian kissed her deeply, her eyelashes trembled.

Shen Nianshen tenderly kissed Sun Tiantian's eyes for a while, then slightly loosened her.

He looked at her deeply, his voice soft, and said, "Let's go back, shall we?"

Sun Tiantian nodded.

Shen Nian pulled her up.

Sun Tiantian squatted on the ground for too long. When he got up, his calf was numb, and the whole person fell to the ground again.

Shen Nian was startled, holding her in a hurry, "What's wrong?"

Sun Tiantian's eyes were still a little red, she bent her hands and rubbed her knees, looking at Shen Nianshen in a grudge, "legs numb ..."

Shen Nian was deeply subconscious and squatted down, "Is the knee numb?"

Talking, rubbing Sun Tiantian's knees.

Sun Tiantian whispered, "The calf is numb ..."

Shen Nian took a deep look, and then helped Sun Tiantian pinch her calf. After a while, she asked, "Are you better?"

Sun Tiantian nodded, "It's better."

She watched the deep thought of squatting on the ground helping her rub her calf, and the grievances in her heart suddenly disappeared.

She handed Shen Nianshen the gift in her hand, "Annian, for you."

Shen Nian took a deep poke and reached out to take over, "What?"

Sun Tiantian bought a beautiful gift bag and Shen Nianshen opened it and found out that it was a shoe box.

Sun Tiantian pointed to the shoes on his feet and said happily, "It's a couple's shoe. We're one pair."

Shen Nian Shen looked up at her, and for a long while didn't speak.

Sun Tiantian bent her eyes and asked him, "Would you like to try?"

When Shen Nian heard this, she couldn't help laughing. "Do you try it on the street?"

Sun Tiantian: "..."

"Go back and try again," said again, "I have something for you, too."

Shen Nianshen led Sun Tiantian to the side of the road.

Sun Tiantian saw Shen Nianshen's motorcycle for the first time, and his eyes widened, "Annian, is this yours?"

Shen Nian said, "No, it was borrowed by a neighbor."

As he said, he took out the chocolates and ragdolls that he had bought in the afternoon from the back compartment and said, "For you."

Sun Tiantian saw the pink rag doll in Shen Nianshen's hand, and opened her mouth in a flash.

Shen Nianchen looked at her crooked eyes, and she was not as heavy as she was just now, and asked her, "Do you like it?"

Sun Tiantian nodded vigorously, "I really like it."

She held the doll in her arms. "I can sleep with it."

Shen Nian bent her lips slightly. "Just like it."


Sun Tiantian received Shen Nianshen's gift and was very happy.

She is not a person who can dig into the horns. Shen Nian didn't come late at night because she took care of her grandmother in the hospital. He prepared gifts for her, so she was not sad at all. The loneliness and sadness of those few hours were soon left behind by her.

Shen Nianshen handed the motorcycle helmet to Sun Tiantian and said, "Wear this well."

Sun Tiantian snorted, took the helmet, and stared at Shen Nianshen with admiration, "You are so good, you can ride a motorcycle."

Shen Nian laughed deeply and didn't speak.

Sun Tiantian put the helmet on her head. She had never been on a motorcycle and was not very likely to wear it. She hadn't fastened the straps for a long time.

Shen Nianshen laughed at her, "Why so stupid."

Talking, he raised his hand to help Sun Tiantian wear a helmet strap.

Sun Tiantian obediently stood there, helping Shen Nian to help her tie.

Shen Nianshen fastened her soon. He got in the car first, and Sun Tiantian followed.

"Afraid?" Shen Nian asked deeply.

Sun Tiantian shook her head and hugged Shen Nianshen's waist tightly. "Not afraid."

Shen Nian deeply whispered, "I will drive slowly."

Sun Tiantian nodded, holding Shen Nianshen, his cheek pressed against his back.

The wind was strong at night, and Sun Tiantian was a little bit cold. She subconsciously held Shen Nian closer.

Shen Nianshen felt Sun Tiantian hold him tightly, "Is it cold?"

He lowered his head and touched Sun Tiantian's hand, as cold as ice.

He frowned suddenly, thinking that Sun Tiantian had just waited for him for several hours in the cold wind, and could not help but blame himself.

He glanced down the road and saw a hotel in front of him. The car drove over and stopped.

Sun Tiantian froze, "What's wrong?"

Shen Nian Shen said, "It's too far back to school. Let's live outside tonight."

Having said that, he got out of the car and helped Sun Tiantian from the car.

"Take a hot bath first, don't catch a cold." Shen Nianshen said as he led Sun Tiantian to the hotel.

As soon as I entered the hotel, I immediately felt a heating, and the cold outside was two worlds.

Two people asked for a standard room and checked in quickly.

When he arrived in the room, Shen Nianshen immediately raised the heating in the room, and then went to the bathroom to help Sun Tiantian release water.

The hot water dripped from the shower, and the bathroom was quickly surrounded by the heat, very warm.

Shen Nianshen then came out of the bathroom. "Come on, the water is already hot."

Sun Tiantian said "um", took off his coat and went to the bathroom.

She was too cold, her hands and feet were cold.

Sun Tiantian went in to take a bath, and Shen Nianshen burned her a pot of hot water outside and poured it into a disposable cup to cool.

After finishing my work, I finally sat down on the sofa and closed my eyes for a while.

He leaned his head, his neck against the armrest on the back of the sofa, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose, his eyebrows tightened tightly, and the whole man looked very tired.

The doctor's words kept ringing in his ears: your grandmother's condition is not very good, and surgery is recommended.

Hundreds of thousands of operations cost him like a boulder.

Sun Tiantian took a hot bath in it, and her body was finally warm. After rushing for twenty minutes, she finally turned off the water and wrapped in a bathrobe to get out.

As soon as she came out, she saw Shen Nian leaning deeply on the sofa, covering her eyes with her right hand, looking extra tired.

Sun Tiantian walked over lightly, took off his shoes, kneeled on the sofa, and gently pressed his fingers on the temples on both sides of Shen Nianshen, helping to rub gently.

Shen Nianshen found out that Sun Tiantian had already come out, opened her eyes and shook her hand, "Wash it up."

Sun Tiantian nodded and looked at him.

Shen Nian touched her hand deeply, finally warming.

He sat upright and brought the water cup on the coffee table to Sun Tiantian. "Drink some hot water, don't catch a cold."

Sun Tiantian took the cup, looked at the dark circles under Shen Nian's deep eyes, and was particularly distressed. She raised her hand and touched his face, trying to say something, but didn't know what to say.

Shen Nian smiled deeply and rubbed her head. "I'm going to take a bath as well, and if you drink water, go to the bed and warm it first."

Sun Tiantian nodded, "I know."

Shen Nian stared at Sun Tiantian for a while, bowed her head and kissed her, then stood up and turned to the bathroom. 2k novel reading network