MTL - The Best Small Farm-Chapter 2483 Crazy Python Eater

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   Chapter 2483 Crazy Python Eater

  The beef shank was set up on the grill, making a sizzling sound, oil flowers came out, the color of the beef changed little by little, the scarlet became red and white, and gradually became a little browned, and the fragrance became stronger and stronger.

   "Gulu." The three little people squatting by the grill couldn't help but start to swallow.

   "It's really fragrant." Natalie, staring at the barbecue, the taste of the canned meat is a thousand miles worse than that of the barbecue. "Han, add a little more seasoning, just like the one just now, it's too fragrant."

  Li Han brushed on the chili oil, turned around and said with a smile. "The seasoning can't be added randomly, otherwise, the barbecue taste will be messed up."

   "Really?" Natalie muttered. "However, it's really fragrant, isn't it okay?"

   "Sister Natalie, don't talk, Dad is roasting meat." Dudu bulging and small mouth, villain, more greedy than Natalie, but he didn't speak, for fear of disturbing Li Han.

"I know, I know."

   Natalie muttered. "However, can this bare-ass lion be kept away from me? It's disgusting."

  The male lion, with only the buttocks and tail left, was shaved by Dudu, and was caught and brought back. According to Dudu, this big dog is the best to lead the way.

   As for the idea of ​​the lion king, the villain directly ignored it. The shaved lion king did not dare to resist at all, and Pidianpidian followed Dudu and returned to the resting grove.

Here, Li Han set up the barbecue grill, the lion king squatted on the side, the fragrance came out, this guy drooled, dripping down, making Natalie leaning against the lion king, disgusting bad, can't you? To drive this guy away, who knows, this guy will take a bite of himself.

   You must know that this is the Lion King, not a poodle. Dudu can ignore it, and others can't dare. "Sister Natalie has to be here." The villain glanced at Alta and Helen next to him, staying away from the Lion King and resting under the tree.

   Natalie snorted. "Little devil, don't forget who accompanies you to hunt."

   "Okay, it's almost ready, go get the plate." Li Han put down the jar and brush in his hand, picked up the seasoning jar on the side, grabbed a handful and sprinkled it on the barbecue, sizzling with oil, spraying more rich aroma.

   "It smells so good." Alta, a few people twitched their noses.

   "Alta, hurry up and get the plate, the barbecue is ready." Natalie swallowed her saliva and called to Arta with joy.


  Alta and Helen, Sally, grab their plates and run over.

   Natalie winked at Li Han, let's see, it's not the same, very greedy.

"Ha ha."

  Li Han, put the seasoning, took a large kitchen knife and cut a slice. "Would you like to try it first?"

   "Really, okay."

  Unfortunately, without waiting for Natalie to get started, the dudu villain took the lead, jumping and pinching the meat slices and stuffing them into his mouth. "It's hot and delicious."

   Natalie, depressed, not only the villain is fast, but also the hairless lion that should be eaten, but blocking her way, it must be the attention of the little devil pandora.

   "Little devil." Natalie gritted her teeth and looked at the Dudu villain, Dudu turned around and grimaced. "It's delicious."


   "Okay, the barbecue is ready." Li Han said with a smile, and cut a large piece with a kitchen knife. "The plate."


  Alta, hand over the plate, and Natalie next, hand it up. "Okay, if you want the sauce, get it yourself." Li Han put the barbecue on the plate and gestured to the jar on the stake beside his feet.

   "No, no, it's delicious to eat like this." Natalie, without waiting for the knife and fork to get started, just picked up the barbecue and ate it.

   "Natalie, slow down." Alta couldn't help laughing, but when he tasted the barbecue. "It's really fragrant." He immediately gave up the knife and fork, and finally, saw a group of adults, Xiao Huan, grabbing the barbecue and gnawing.


   Dudu and Baobao, Maria and a few villains, who wanted a bigger one, Li Han was directly handed to Dudu villain with the remaining corbel bones.

   The little dudu with a big bone on his back is so cute.

The lion king squatted in the corner and looked at Dudu. Just beef, the villain threw it to the lions directly. As for the lion king, Dudu said he didn't work and didn't eat, so he was directly excluded. Poor guy, still Didn't eat a bite of meat.

   "Hahaha, this guy looks really pitiful."

The hair was shaved, not to mention, and there was no food to eat. He squatted on the side and watched everyone eat, but he didn't dare to grab it. This was a kind of torture for the former Lion King. Usually, the Lion King eats first. Yes, the best part of the meat, now, let alone the best, the worst is not at all.

"Give you."

  Dudu just cut off a piece and threw it to the Lion King. "You have to work after eating meat."

   "Pandora wants to eat roast venison at night." The villain said.

   Natalie smiled, this lion king is so pitiful, you must know that male lions, especially the male lion kings in the lion group, rarely or even participate in hunting. The hairless lion king is not treated like this in pandora.

  Hunting, hunting, after the roast meat at noon, the girls clean up the dishes, and now it is really difficult to wash them. "Han, there is no water around, what should I do?" A pile of dishes and knives and forks can't be left like this.

   "There are lions, and there must be water sources around."

   Li Han said. "Pandora, let this lion help you find it."

   "Big dog." Dudu, nodded his head, ran to the side of the Lion King, and patted the lion's bare head.

   "Can it understand?"

   "It doesn't matter if you don't understand." Li Han said with a smile. "The lions are not too far from the water."

   "All the big dogs know." Dudu, I don't know what means to use, the Lion King seems to understand that the villain is looking for water and stands up.

   "Hey, do you really know?"

   "Let's go and see, where is the water source?"

  It's just that there was something wrong when a crowd came. "So many bison?"

"Big dog." Dudu patted the lion king, but this time, the obedient lion king said nothing, just kidding, a group of Congo bison, or the river, if there is a wide area, the lion king would dare Run over, roar a few times, and shove a few times.

   But now, if you run over, you may face the impact of dozens and hundreds of bison, and your life may not be saved. "Wait a minute." Li Han said. "Look around for lone bison."

   "Han, are you planning to hunt the bison?" Natalie squinted her eyes.

   "Hunting is not necessary now, but if you can catch a few bison, it would be a good thing." Elephants are spacious, but there are too many, which is sometimes inconvenient. If you get a few bison, it is much more convenient to use as a mount.

   Dudu villain, his eyes lit up. "Dudu go."

   "Be careful not to startle the bison herd."

  Li Han, did not stop.

   "Han, are you sure that pandora is fine alone?"

   "Hehe, the lions were nearby just now, do you think there is something wrong?" Li Han smiled and looked at Natalie.

   "This, I think, maybe it's ok." Natalie murmured in her heart, maybe, pandora, can really conquer the bison, and she will be obedient if she hasn't seen the Lion King.

  There are really a lot of bison around. After all, the water source is not large, and a group of bison crowded this area, and many scattered around. "It's so stupid." Dudu easily touched a bison and slapped it successfully.

  One, two, three... After a while, the villain subdued more than a dozen robust bison. However, at this time, the bison also found something wrong, the lions appeared, and there were sentries that were a little bit wrong.

   That's right, the bison herd is not as messy as it looks. There are many strong bison sentry around, just like human sentinels, but these sentinels seem to suddenly lose their function, and the bison herds riot.

   "Quick, hide."

   Hundreds of bison run up, no one dares to collide head-on unless you die. Dudu villain, there is no other way but to hide, fortunately to surrender to the protection of the bison and hide to the side.

  Li Han and others ran to the edge of the woods, watching the dust flying, everyone was somewhat afraid. "Fortunately, it's far away. It's better. If you are hit by the bison, let alone us, the elephants may have problems."

   "I don't know, what happened to pandora?"

   Natalie looked worried.

   "Don't worry, pandora is fine." Li Han pointed to a high **** not far away, where there was a small herd of bison, a small man, sitting on the back of a strong bison, waving his little hand.

   "Pandora?" Natalie exclaimed in surprise.

   "That's right."

  Li Han said with a smile. "Okay, let's go there, everyone, be careful. On the African side, the water is not too safe."

   You must know that there may be hippos, crocodiles and the like in the water. These things are no worse than lions and other beasts.

  After washing the dishes, a group of people, tidy up, Li Han and Dudu, Tom, Sally, the four rode on the bison, and the others sat on the back of the elephant and set off. "According to the map and walking straight, we should be able to reach this small town in two to three days."

   "Han, you're sure you won't be biased."

  In the evening, we were stationed under a tree, set up tents and mosquito nets, and the little people fell asleep after a while. Li Han and Tom, a few people were by the bonfire, discussing the route for tomorrow. "Well, I'm not sure, but we don't have a better solution now, can we?"

   "Perhaps, that's all."

   The next day, in the early morning, he appeared on the agreed route, but it was surprising that at noon, he actually met someone on the grassland, yes, a few young people. "What are these uncles doing?"

Dudu villain, blinking his eyes, was the first to notice that this group of strange people, not many, four or five, wearing clothes, quite shabby, dirty, three sitting on the edge, one standing on the edge On top, another appears to be buried in the ground.

   "What do these people do?"

   Natalie got off the back of the elephant and asked Li Han in a low voice.

   "Not very clear, Tom, have you seen it?" Li Han turned to look at Tom.

  Tom frowned. "I once heard that some peoples in Africa live by hunting, killing sheep and deer, or bison and zebra. Some of these hunting tribes are very peculiar and rely on hunting pythons."

   "Python, you mean that this person may be hunting and killing pythons?" Li Han, at this time, saw clearly that one of the five people had one leg inserted into a hole as thick as a bucket. Could this person be fishing for pythons?

   This is a bit similar to fishing for eels, but fishing with legs is crazy.

   (end of this chapter)