MTL - The Big Landlord-Chapter 398 Final value

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October 17

The hot weather during the day has not passed. In the evening, the cool breeze at night blows people through the cold, and the irritability in the heart is also blown away, but not everyone is like this, even if the wind in the evening is cool, my heart The fire was not blown out, but the more it was blown, the more it burned into a raging fire.

The palace of Ziwei is playing this scene.

After the news of the looting of gold, the emperor had just sent a temper, but because the origin of gold is not suitable for publicity, so few people know, the people in the palace only know that the emperor is in a bad mood, even this time is the most affected. The scorpion of the pet has been rushed into the cold palace for no reason, which is extremely unfortunate.

What they don't know, however, is that it is only the beginning, and the real explosion is still behind.

The emperor burned a palace in anger, and the fire burned for a night, and the fire was so bright that even the people outside the palace could see it.

Under the night sky, one by one curious look, no one knows what the **** of law came over.

When it is time, the sky is bright.

The fire gradually went out, the palace was turned into a black ruin, and the atmosphere in the palace was as serious as ever. Now there is more suppression and danger than the usual ice.

When Lei Yang received the news from the people sent by the palace, he hurriedly rushed over. Passing through the burnt-out palace, he knew that something was going to happen, otherwise the emperor would not anger the palace. He was very Surprised, this is the first time he saw the emperor's emotions out of control.

The palace could not live, and the emperor moved to the Dehua Hall.

The Dehua Hall was originally the palace where the emperor lived. Later, the emperor rebuilt a majestic and luxurious palace as his own palace. The palace was vacant.

When Lei Yang had just arrived at the gate of the palace, a vase came out and the debris splashed under his feet. If he walked a few more steps, the vase would definitely lie on his head.


The voice of the emperor’s anger came out of the temple, and the low-pitched roaring of the eunuchs and palace ladies standing outside the temple shrank their necks and shivered. Now whoever comes to the emperor, whoever dies, there are already several palace eunuchs who have been executed. .

The chief **** was withdrawn from the inside and saw that Lei Yang was like a savior. "Lei Wang, you have to persuade the emperor, and then continue this way..."

"First tell me what happened?" Lei Yang is still confused.

The **** immediately told him that he had received a secret letter a few hours ago. He had not read the secret letter, so he did not know what the content was written, and he could make the emperor send such a big temper.

"You said where the secret letter was sent from? Which pigeon?" Lei Yang suddenly had a bad feeling, it would not be what he thought.

"It's the ace pigeon."

The words of the **** accredited confirmed Lei Yang’s speculation.

The ace pigeons are faster than ordinary pigeons, but because the number of ace pigeons is small, they are only used to convey important news, and he has already guessed what happened in the past few days.

Lei Yang walked into the hall and escaped the oncoming teapot. The teapot was as divided as the vase. He looked up and saw a black figure facing him. One hand was placed on the table, and the five fingers were pinched on the table as if they wanted to Crushing in general, the strength can be seen very large.

"Emperor brother..."

Lei Yang’s words and stops, he did not know how to persuade, the gold was robbed is not a trivial matter, related to the purple micro-national army, once the strength of the army is weakened, the consequences are unimaginable.

Lei Lin turned around, and the handsome outline of the knife and axe was still with obvious anger. When people saw his expression, they would definitely scare their legs and become soft. They said that Tianwei was unpredictable, and this was true.

"The purple door was closed."

Lei Yang was shocked, "This..."

This news can be shocked hundreds of times more than the robbery of gold. It was the organization established before the emperor's ascension. The Ziwei Congress has today's achievements and Guowei and Ziyimen are inseparable, and the efforts of the emperor are also inseparable. How can you say that the end is being terminated?

"Emperor brother, are you kidding me? This joke is not funny at all." Lei Yang finally found his voice, his face was very ugly.

"Do you think you will be joking with you?" Lei Lin said.

Lei Yang is sullen, he certainly knows that the emperor never makes a joke, but this news is too difficult to accept, Ziyimen is the first of the three forces in the town, there is a look at the East, how can it be said that no more will be gone Gold can be remade in a batch, but the purple door is destroyed, which means that the huge and tempting money tree of Yuanjing gambling house also falls into the hands of others, which means that there will be no more gold to be shipped in the future.

The purple micro-country can fight against many countries and not fear the challenges of the enemy. It relies on the perfect military system and strength, and it will make up for the support of the silver.

In addition, more than half of the internal links between Ziwei and other countries are relying on the intelligence part of Ziyimen. Now the purple door is gone, which means they are disconnected from those inside. Not only that, but if the other party is interested, very It may be possible to touch the inside line here.

The situation is very serious.

Lei Yang has thoroughly understood the mood of the emperor brothers. They are caught in a bad situation. If they are not handled well, they will cause indelible damage to Ziwei.

"The people behind it must have been premeditated, but they got the news of where they got the purple clothes. How can a person who is so cautious in the East may have a complete set of opponents? Is anyone betraying us?" Lei Yang had to speculate.

Lei Lin gnashed his teeth: "Besides who he can!"

Lei Yang knows, "Imperial brother is saying that the Great Asian War is a godless god?" Suddenly thought of what, "Chendi knows, the plan of An Yuzhi and the poisonous scorpion failed, the poisonous scorpion was caught, can not stand the torture, so betrayed the purple Weiguo, the news of the Ziyimen was revealed to Fu Wutian."

The guess is completely correct.

"Emperor brother, what should I do now?" Lei Yang had a resentment against the poisonous scorpion. She thought that this woman liked the emperor's brother. In the end, she even betrayed the emperor, but now it is not the time to hate others.

Lei Lin did not answer him immediately.

It is definitely his anger when he is ruined.

The purple door is too important for him. At the beginning, perhaps all the hopes should not be put on the purple door. Unfortunately, it is too late to say this now.

He has no chance to come back.

"White macro?"

Because Lei Yang did not like Poplar and his same name, he forced him to change his name, so he became Bai Hong. Poplar was also a weak, and even his name could be abandoned after being threatened.

After the last test failed, he has been recovering from injury. Although it is better than half, it still looks obvious. After knowing that he is disabled, Poplar... Now Bai Hong’s threat must kill the person who designed him to become disabled. .

His transformation is good for Ziwei, because since then he has devoted himself to various experiments and research, vowed to make something more powerful than fire-铳, but how can it be? Easy, he can only re-edit according to the original fire--the last few days before he said that there is a result.

After the test, the effect is indeed similar to the fire-铳 used in Daya, but the time is too short, and now it is impossible to manufacture in large quantities, and the gold is robbed, which has a certain impact on this plan.

"That guy is a useless straw bag. Before that, I dared to succumb to us. The younger brother had long wanted to kill him." Lei Yang always disdain Bai Hong.

Lei Lin’s eyes are sharp. “The useless grass bag also has his use value. It’s no longer useful to keep him...”

"Is the emperor decided to abandon him?"

Lei Yang’s eyes lit up, and as soon as the emperor ordered it, he immediately went to perform.

Lei Lin did not answer, but his expression has already told him the answer. With the sample, even if the sample has been modified, Bai Hong still took a few months to make a real fire - enough to let him know this person. There are a few pounds and a few weights, which is much worse than that person.

"He still has the last use value, after he has drained his value, people - how to deal with you!"

"The emperor speaks and speaks."

The next day, Lei Yang left the Ziwei country with a group of guards, and there was also a fearful and uneasy Bai Hong. He thought that he finally studied the fire and it was a great credit. He did not wait for him. When he saw the emperor of Ziwei, he was taken out of the palace by Lei Yang.

Bai Hong knows that Lei Yang doesn't like him, because their names are the same. The noble prince of course does not want to have a relationship with him. If it is in his original world, he will not let Leiyang, but now it is In the world of others, he can only shrink his neck and be a man.

"Where are we going?" Bai Hong was afraid of being sold, a weak opening.

Lei Yang gave him a meaningful look. "You will know when you get there."

The eyes are absolutely not good.

Bai Hong swallowed a sip of water, and it seems that he has to save himself.