MTL - The Black Technology Era of Xueba-Chapter 878 ? Super dream planning

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The starting point of Jiangcheng's managers is good, because they clearly know that the engine of Jiangcheng's development is in the Pangu Science and Technology Park and this high-tech park driven by the Pangu Science and Technology Park.

If the road to and from this high-tech park is severely blocked, it will be equivalent to the appearance of a vascular plunger in a healthy body, which will cause major problems.

Therefore, the purpose of constructing the viaduct is to solve this problem as soon as possible.

Jiangcheng management is also worried that Pangu Technology will move its headquarters to other cities due to traffic problems. And many cities with better infrastructure than Jiangcheng are beckoning to Pangu Technology in the dark.

For example, Rongcheng directly and publicly shouted to Pangu Technology. As long as you can move the headquarters, all the infrastructure here will be matched, and Pangu Technology will not be charged a penny.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange also secretly sent autumn waves, hoping that Pangu Technology could move all or part of its industries over and reactivate the Shanghai's economic potential. Pangu Technology is a private company. Everyone will choose a place with a comfortable environment to buy a house. Of course, the company will also choose a place with convenient transportation and an economically developed home.

Jiangcheng's managers were also worried that Xiao Ming would move due to traffic problems, so the construction of the elevated building was passed with little resistance, and he said that construction would start as soon as possible.

Xiao Ming got the news just after testing the skyroof in the virtual world and couldn't help but feel funny.

He can understand Jiangcheng's concerns, but it will cost a little more to build a special elevated tower, and after the popularity of air traffic in the future, the elevated tower will not only be useless but also costly.

Gao Derui suggested: "In fact, we should start from two aspects, one is to launch a private aerial vehicle as soon as possible, and the other is to develop an anti-gravity public transport in the air." "After all, the private aerial vehicle costs there, and not everyone can consume it. Affordable. But air public transportation, which is shared by city managers and citizens, can well solve the problem of travel congestion. "

Gao Derui used Qinghe equipment to build his own vision in the virtual world. He said: "The sky train has many passengers and the train load is high. Even if our superstring battery is borne, the cost will be high, and it will be directly installed in the controlled fusion The reactor will be available by then, but the risk factor is high. So public air transport can be an extended version of Airbus. "

Gao Derui said that the Airbus is not an Airbus in Europe, but an anti-gravity city air-space bus.

"We can do this." In the virtual world, Gao Derui constructed an air and sky bus, and a bus professional virtual transportation line (yellow).

The bus will follow the yellow wire in the air, and several bus stops will be set up according to the current bus regulations.

So how to get on and off passengers?

Gao Derui cleverly designed the floating lift.

In this way, the sky bus does not need to descend or rise at all times, and passengers only need to stand on the anti-gravity suspension lift to get on and off the sky bus.

Xiao Ming acknowledged Gao Derui's design. Private aerial vehicles are not affordable to everyone, but air traffic routes cannot be the privilege of rich people. Therefore, both private transport and public transport must keep up. Only in this way can it help urban development.

After Gao Derui finished designing, he looked at Xiao Ming and waited for the boss's speech.

Xiao Ming smoothed out most of the buildings on the ground and then clicked in the air.

A suspended building appeared in view.

Skytrain took the owner home, then docked next to the suspended building.

Below the suspended building are forests, wetlands, stadiums, parks, etc., and the beautiful scenery is the home of animals.

Below is also the city's green lungs and environmental regulators. For the first time, people and nature are in such harmony.

Both Xu Limin and Gao Derui knew that this was the goal of Pangu Science and Technology's future struggle. Both of them secretly made up their minds. This goal will not be far away and will be achieved in the next few years.

Xiao Ming said, "So before releasing our skyroof, I need the future energy company to give detailed cost and pre-sale price of the skyroof. I don't want our price to be unacceptably high."

Gao Derui and Xu Limin will continue to solve the problem and build the best car with the cheapest method.

Xiao Ming also proposed to Jiangcheng managers as an ordinary Jiangcheng citizen, hoping not to build an elevated road from Chengzhong District to Jiangcheng. If bilateral traffic is really to be managed, it can be widened on the basis of the existing expressway. , Set up footbridges to cancel traffic lights.

Such measures can save money and achieve better results.

Although Xiao Ming made suggestions as an ordinary citizen, Jiangcheng's managers dare not treat Xiao Ming as an ordinary citizen.

Xiao Ming's opinion was sent up. Most of the experts from transportation and urban planning think that this suggestion is not good and cannot completely solve the traffic problem.

However, in view of Xiao Ming's identity, the experts still asked Pangu Technology for comments.

Xiao Ming replied this way: "Pangu Technology will open up a new future traffic ~ ~ In this time period, it will take a huge effort to build an elevated tower, so it is better to save money to build future traffic."

Xiao Ming's answer made the urban planning experts very puzzled. Since Xiao Ming said so, Jiang Cheng decided to adopt Xiao Ming's opinion and spend a little money to renovate the road.

Gao Derui also handed over the final cost of Xiao Mingmin's aerial skyrocket-395,800 soft sister coins, and the replacement cost of the superstring battery was 1,000 soft sister coins once.

Seeing this price Xiao Ming Changshu breathed a sigh of relief, technology brought capacity, the increase in production capacity can promote cost reduction.

The simple Pangu technology can mine and use helium III on the moon, otherwise the cost of the aerial vehicle will be astronomical.

According to this calculation, the profit of selling the sky-and-sky car to Pangu Technology is very impressive.

Pangu Technology will not pursue huge profits, but the cost given by Gao Derui does not include the scientific research expenses of Pangu Technology.

The cost of scientific research cannot be measured. It is an astronomical figure.

For the company to have a good shipment, it must ensure that the profit of the product is sufficient for the next scientific research, so Xiao Ming's pricing is also in mind.

"The cost of the air bus is higher, about 1 million soft sister coins, and the cost of replacing the battery is about 3000."

The research, development, and production of Airbus are the same as subway trains, and it is almost impossible to consider the cost recovery. It is the author of city management that must be invested in the process of urban development.

In the future, air anti-gravity buses can earn the battery cost and operation management cost even if they complete the task.

"What about output?" Xiao Ming was concerned about this issue. Gao Derui said: "If we use the Tianhe new energy vehicle production line, we can achieve mass production."

Xiao Ming is very satisfied. "Micronuclear new energy vehicles should be reduced in price."