MTL - The Black Technology Era of Xueba-Chapter 941 ? Anxious, anxious

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Xia Guo and even many cities around the world are undertaking great linkages in future urban construction, which has greatly promoted the industrial development of Pangu Technology and Water Drop Company.

But some people couldn't sit still.

Dominated the real estate industry of Xia Guo's economy for two or three decades.

For example, Hengda, Biyuan, Factoring and so on.

The performance of several real estate companies has been declining sharply in the past few months since the launch of the Water Drop Suspended House.

Although there are not many cities that already have floating houses, only Jiangcheng, Shenzhen and East Longitude.

Because Dongjing's east longitude is not a city in Xia Kingdom, several real estate companies in Xia Kingdom also have no business here, so they can be excluded during statistics.

However, many cities do not currently have floating houses but are preparing to introduce them.

This has caused a very bad effect-everyone is waiting, no one buys a house, and not only no one buys a house, but many people sell their homes for investment.

With such a series of operations, housing prices in major cities are falling.

People are looking forward to floating houses and covering their funds and do n’t want to use them—no one buys second-hand housing—investors who invest in real estate are afraid that the future house prices will be lower, so they will sell extra properties at low prices—there are more second-hand houses on the market The price is lower than that of a new house, but fewer people buy it-no one buys a new property developed by the developer-the developer has a lot of funds to buy land and open the property, and tight cash flows may go bankrupt-the number of developers decreases and the land is bought The decline in the number-lower land prices-the avalanche of the property market.

If you do not take into account factors such as local local debts and managers' underestimation of the property market, this is the simple law of the property market.

And at this time, the energy of local managers cannot compete with the market energy of the country.

Taking Hengda as an example, Hengda has always had abundant cash, and for the first time, Hengda, which has laid out its industries in various industries, experienced cash flow constraints.

Because Hengda uses a lot of cash and even financial means such as leverage, all its energy is used for land acquisition and development, and most of the cash is also trapped in the house and the land.

As long as there is a problem in the sales link, then the entire economic cycle chain will have serious problems.

Now the problem has arisen.

In order for the group to survive, Hengda took measures to survive with a broken arm.

Like Jiangcheng, if Hengda has taken the land but has not built a house, it will immediately give up. The land deposit is not required, and the fine should be paid.

In addition, in many cities across the country, house prices have been sold at a loss.

Shenzhen is the first place where Hengda sells at a loss.

The average house price in Shenzhen is a little higher than the central area of ​​Jiangcheng, and it is about 70,000 to 80,000 yuan. The floating house is now sold for around 40,000 yuan a flat.

Well, Hengda sells 21,000 flats!

This method does have an effect. It is 21,000 square meters, and those who cannot buy a floating house can buy it!

In Suzhou and Hangzhou, Hengda has adopted more extreme methods and is not selling anymore! Urgent layoffs to the Real Estate Sales Department.

The local sales department was dissolved on the spot.

What about housing?

Although excellent enterprises will invest cash in the process of housing construction, most of them still use other economic means.

For example, let the construction unit advance the money, let the material supplier advance the money, land use loans, and other methods, such as settlement after housing construction is completed.

Every house means that there is debt behind Hengda's ass.

Real estate companies know that housing is definitely difficult to sell, and those who owe money to real estate companies certainly understand this truth.

When you sell a house here, the construction party, material supplier, etc. will definitely come to your door and ask you for money.

You do n’t have any money to pay back?

The wise Xia Guo people invented a great tool-paying off debts with a house.

The sales department of Hengda in Suzhou and Hangzhou City was dissolved on the spot. If you want to buy a house, you can get it by yourself. If you are vying for a lot of houses, you should go to the bank or the court.

But this is not the way to go.

What Yu Hongchang saw in his office was the ever-shrinking of Evergrande's assets. After decades of hard work, it seemed that he had returned to the beginning of the business overnight and was still carrying a debt of ass.

This result is unacceptable anyway.

Not only Hengda, many real estate companies in Xia Kingdom are unacceptable.

Construction sites in the real estate industry across the country are on the verge of shutdown, and a large number of migrant workers have been demobilized home, causing a large number of unemployment.

A famous real estate agent commented on Weibo: "The past few months have been the darkest and most tragic months in the history of Xia Guo's real estate economy. We cannot evaluate Xiao Ming and his Water Drop Company so eager to launch a Water Drop Suspended House It is the promotion or destruction of Xia Guo's economy, but we have seen a lot of migrant workers lost their jobs, but what I worry about most is still happening. "

Real estate companies have also exerted pressure on Xiao Ming through this public opinion offensive, and they all agreed that Xiao Ming's doing so would destroy Xia Guo's economy.

Real estate developers may not be worthy of sympathy, but unemployed migrant workers have caused widespread concern.

Migrant workers' friends are the foundation of Xia Guo ’s economic construction. It can be said that without them, there would be no Xia Guo today ~ ~ Many netizens who originally supported Xiao Ming were also confused, and it seems that this should not happen .

They are discussing, and even wondering if Xiao Ming is rushing to launch hovering houses in multiple cities.

"From the reality, real estate is still an important part of Xia Guo's economy. We do not deny that floating houses can bring us a bright future, but I don't think it should be so hasty."

"Pangu Technology is still in a hurry. It does not take into account the actual economic situation of Xia Kingdom. A large number of unemployed workers will cause irreparable damage to Xia Kingdom's economy."

"I actually support Xiao Ming all the time, and he is also a big fan, but this time, I have doubts about his aggressiveness."

After completing the launch of the floating house, Xiao Ming has been in a semi-retired state, perhaps taking classes in school or participating in research in the laboratory.

Some time ago, Xiaoming became a national hero because Pangu Technology acquired a 50% stake in Toyota because of the introduction of Suspension House.

However, during this period, due to the large number of work stoppages and unemployment of friends of migrant workers, Xiao Ming was pushed to the cusp again.

A reporter from Xia Guo Daily applied for an interview with Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming knows the doubts in everyone's heart, he simply opened a media day for one day, and he was interviewed by more than 20 domestic and foreign journalists.

Upon hearing this news, qualified and unqualified media flocked to them. They came to the conference room of the headquarters of Pangu Science and Technology Park in Jiangcheng, waiting for Xiao Ming to appear.

When Xiao Ming appeared in front of the camera, the reporters could not wait to throw out sharp questions one after another.

The reporter of Xia Guo Daily first asked: "Excuse Xiao Xiao, did the Water Drop Company consider the impact on Xia Guo's economy when launching the floating house?"