MTL - The city of Monkey King-Chapter 1274 Are you ok.

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Endless sky, the edge of the land.

The fairy buddha, the four forces are gathered in one place.

Everyone is looking at that avenue.

The one that extends from the endless heavens leads directly to the Platinum Avenue of the heavens.


It has a silhouette and can be seen on this Platinum Avenue.

Sun Wukong, Sanqing, Jade Emperor, Sakyamuni.

They all looked calm and looked at the extraterrestrial army that came from Platinum Avenue.

Their respective pressures spread out from the body.

This is like telling everyone something.


Above the Platinum Avenue.

At the forefront of the army outside the sky, behind the flowers without tears, there is also a pair of wings appearing in the eyes, with a chill.

He stopped.

At the moment when he stopped, many of the extraterrestrial troops behind him stopped.

Hands, slowly lifted up.

Drinking lightly, I don't know where it is.

Behind the sky, the army outside the sky, all moving in unison, crazy toward the front, rushing away.

At the same time.

Fairy Buddha, the pressure of suppression.

It was also at this moment that it was scattered.

Everyone understands what this represents.

It was also a crazy scream, and the inexhaustible Heavenly Soldiers, the demon people, and the Taoist people rushed up.

With the army outside that day.

In this bordering land, they met.

A world war broke out.

This is not a war that belongs to any party.

But belong to this piece of heaven and earth.

Belongs to the wars of the heavens.

If it is lost, this piece of heaven and earth will be occupied by the extraterrestrial forces, and the Terran, or other races, will be completely transformed into squalor and vanish in this war.


The second world, the land of frost.

"Where is he."

The Emperor of Donghua looked at the frosty continent in front and asked.

In this sentence, he asked Bodhi's ancestors.

"Under the tree."

Bodhi and the East China Emperor stand side by side, the same is to look at the frosty continent, back.

The ‘he’ he said to the Emperor Donghua is not someone else, it is Qin Feng.

"Can you tell me who he is now?"

Donghua Emperor asked Bodhi's ancestors.

For Qin Feng, or the name more familiar to Donghua Emperor, it is called ‘焱’.

Bodhi, just with a smile.

"I don't know what to say, but I don't know."

Bodhi’s remarks made the East China Emperor’s eyes curious.

He does not doubt Bodhi’s words.

Since Bodhi said that he did not know, Bodhi must not know.

After all, now that the world has reached this time, there is nothing to hide.

"The old way can only tell Jun, that person, not this piece of heaven and earth."

This is the export.

The brow of Zhen Yuanzi was also wrinkled.

‘It’s not the content of this world,’ the meaning of this is very obvious.

Since it is not this world, then it is another world.

And a broader world.

Where, where.

Hongjun, son-in-law, land pressure, these ancient gods, is it... their world.

"All right."

“No need to think.”

The words of Donghua Emperor, will stop the thoughts of Zhen Yuanzi.

"Our goal today is this."

Emperor Donghua, raised his finger to the frosty continent in front.

Everyone, looking in the direction of the Emperor Donghua, was frowned.


The East China Emperor and the flooded people have been looking for.

Looking for the one that will destroy the world.

However, there have been no traces of the discovery.


When there is a breath, one that transcends the breath of any one, and in these days, they find the place of frost.


Square inch mountain.

Oblique month Samsung hole.

Under the Bodhi tree.

Qin Feng.

Still closed eyes and knees.

However, at this time, Qin Feng, opened his eyes.

There is a very strange mood, and it is echoing in his heart at the moment.

He, I don't know what this mood represents.

'Are you ok. ’

Qin Feng’s brows wrinkled.

In his heart, suddenly there was such a voice.


In front of him, there is a virtual shadow, which is condensing fast, like the starry sky, and it is piled up like a person.

The appearance of this person.

It is exactly the same as Qin Feng.

Looking at Qin Feng with an unpredictable smile. 2k novel reading network