MTL - The city of Monkey King-Chapter 6 Is Laozi so powerful? !

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I rely on!

The impact from the back directly turned Qin Fengchong forward.

But fortunately...

There was a group of meat for him, and the meat was divided into two, and the mat was very comfortable.

So big!

Qin Feng’s first consciousness was big. Looking at the woman who was crushed by herself, I really didn’t see it. This sportswear is so expected.

"Oh, it's so hot!"

The flames blew, and the clothes of Qin Feng were burned up at once.

But what makes him strange is that the woman who is being crushed by herself does not have a trace of fire. It is obviously a magical body.

Qin Feng pulled off his shirt and threw it away, which got rid of the flame.

"Can you get up?"

The woman was crushed. At this time, she was holding the Qin wind. There was a raging anger in her eyes. She had not been crushed by a man in her life.

"This is to save you, don't know how to be grateful."

Qin Feng licked his mouth and then stood up and stood up. The woman also stood up, but when she looked at Qin Feng, she was a little more surprised.

"You have nothing at all?"

"What? You want to die?"

Qin Feng himself was strange, and he slammed the fire in a solid way. Nothing else except the heat was felt.

Although the upper body clothes were burned, but the skin was not burned at all, even the elegant hairstyle was not burned.

"Death? You are indeed dead today."

Just at this time, outside the fire circle, the middle-aged rough man was eager to walk.

Carrying his hands, a sturdy look.

Also, in front of him, one is a woman who refines the middle quality, and the other is a hairy boy who refines the product. Naturally, it is invisible.

"He has nothing to do with this, let him go."

At this time, the woman said.

This is quite a surprise to Qin Feng, who previously took the initiative to pull himself into the water.

Now suddenly this is the case.

It seems that this woman must have felt that she has cultivated a high level before, and then she wants to use her own to shock this rough man. Who can think that she is just a newcomer.

Just... isn’t the brain kicked? It should be said that it is stupid to be home.

This middle-aged rough man has no problem with his mind, and he will definitely not let himself go at this time.

Sure enough, the middle-aged rough man heard this and couldn’t help but smile: "Lin Yuexi, you can be really stupid."

"What you want is me and the remedy. Killing an unrelated person is not good for you."

Lin Yuexi moved slightly, blocking in front of Qin Feng.

"But there is no harm, people I want to kill, Dan medicine and you, I have to."

The middle-aged rough man grinned and smiled. When he waved his hand, three flames suddenly appeared, and he slammed toward the Qin wind.

"Step aside."

Qin Feng smashed a hole, I rubbed it, Nima’s greeting didn’t come, I just looked down on it!

Pushing Lin Yueqi in front of him fiercely.


Three flames, all of them are on the body of Qin Feng.

The fire is burning!

"Well, it’s crushing the ant. The next thing is between you and me. I will give it to me. I will go back to work with me. I will keep you rich in my life."

The middle-aged rough man does not look at Qin Feng, and does not care.

Lin Yuexi looked at the fire on Qin Feng's body, and her eyes were revealing, and she pulled Qin Feng into the water.

The refining products are just a normal fire control technique, but they are enough to kill seven or eight times.

"If you die, you won't be given it!"

Lin Yue’s eyes are red, and he looks at the middle-aged rough man.

"Dead? This can't be yours."

The middle-aged rough man seems to have lost his patience. He no longer wants to play the game of catching mice. When he waved his hand, he suddenly had nine flames appearing, and he fell to Lin Yue.


At this time, the Qin Feng, which was originally burning with fierce fire, rushed out of the flame.

One blocked in front of Lin Yuexi, nine flames all fell on him.

"You are not dead?!"

Lin Yuexi looked at himself and Qin Feng, surrounded by fire, could not help but hold it.

"Can't die."

Qin Feng’s heart is called a fast, to be honest, just a moment he really thought he was going to die young.

But the three flames fell, and as before, there was no feeling of being uncomfortable except for a little hot.

"Oh shit!"

"Give me to die!"

The middle-aged rough man saw that Qin Feng had nothing to do, and suddenly became angry. He once again had nine flames coming out, and he appeared straight to the Qin wind and fell!

"On this point, it's not enough to give up the warmth!"

Qin Feng’s mouth swelled slightly and shouted at the middle-aged man.

"I am so angry, I am also angry!"

This middle-aged rough man was completely irritated by Qin Feng, screaming!

One after another, the flames went to Qin Feng with the same life, and more than 30 flames were smashed in a dozen seconds.

Fire, simmer! Ten meters around the Qin wind are burned.

With continuous flames, I couldn’t see the figure of Qin Feng.

Lin Yuexi looked at Qin Feng ten meters away, and his eyes were surprised and worried.

And the middle-aged rough man, so many flames, repaired is almost empty, and is holding his waist in the big mouth and gasping.

"Dead, Mao Zizi, dare to cross in front of me!"

The middle-aged rough man gasped for a few breaths, then he looked at Lin Yuexi: "It's yours."

There is a decisive intention in the eyes.

"and many more."

At this time, the sound of Qin Feng came out from the burning flame.

The middle-aged rough man heard a sigh, turned his head sharply, and looked at the place where Qin Feng was with an unbelievable look, watching the flames.

how is this possible!

I saw the flame in the range of ten meters...

At this moment, disappear at a very fast speed!

Accurately said, it was swallowed!

Qin Feng took a deep breath and sighed, and actually swallowed all the burning fires into the stomach!

** Xuan Gong body, swallowing a little fire is nothing.

"Oh, it tastes good."

Qin Feng barked his mouth and wiped his mouth.

"You, you, how is it possible!"

The middle-aged rough man is completely forced, and he has never seen such a perverted person!

"I am what I am, now it is the turn of the present!"

Qin Feng grinned, his feet slammed, and the body rushed out like a cannonball.


Directly punched in the face of this middle-aged rough man, even with his body light directly smashed, call!

Under the fist, the body of the rough man flew backwards with the sound of a pig's cockroach and slammed into the tree.

On a punch, the five senses are distorted and unrecognizable.

"I rely on... I am so powerful?"

Qin Feng looked at his fist and glanced at the middle-aged rough man who fell on the tree and could not climb even.

Even Qin Feng is amazed by himself. This guy is a refining product, and the body of the aura is so blasted by himself?

In fact, it is not surprising. He cultivated the products of Tianxiang, ** Xuan Gong, regardless of refining or refining, this is the top practice of Wanjie, where is the earth's low-level to dusty The exercises can be compared.

It is unceremonious to say that Qin Feng’s refining products are enough for the refining of the monks of the earth to be hard! Even beyond! 2k novel reading network