MTL - The City of Terror-Chapter 1688 , treasure house world!

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The power of the book friends is still very huge. Yesterday, the poor road said the collection, and then it has risen two or three hundred today, and then hundreds of hundreds of thousands, and oh! ——

I have to say that this is far from the performance of Luo and the five-star ordinary strength in Wei Xiaobei's imagination.

If it is not possible to have problems with the property sheet, Wei Xiaobei suspects that this is a counterfeit.

But this kind of thing is not impossible.

It is like the deer that Wei Xiaobei once saw.

Luhan is a four-star ordinary creature level, but it basically has no attack power, and some are only the horrific ability and speed of horror!

So as long as they can catch up with their speed, even Samsung's ordinary creatures can kill the deer!

And Wei Xiaobei’s eyes, which are extremely insignificant, should probably be attributed to this category.

Its five-star ordinary creature ranks are more in other ways than in combat power.

But then again, the point of gold that was released on his finger was really awesome.

After Wei Xiaobei shot hundreds of arrows, he almost understood it.

This is probably an extension of Luo's point technique from a regular force capable of material changes.

Any substance that does not have life activity will be transformed into gold by changing its basic material form.

To be honest, after Gabriel showed this ability, Wei Xiaobei was initially worried.

If this ability turns its own gold and silver into gold, then it will lose money.

However, in the case of Qiaoluo accidentally pointing his finger at Jinwu, after the gold Wu did not change in the slightest, Wei Xiaobei put his heart back into the chest.

Moreover, the gold that has changed from the ability of the company seems to be temporary.

When Wei Biaobei was in a hurry to cope with the Jinwu siege, he took a gold coin transformed from an arrow into his hand.

After a few minutes, the gold coin changed, from the golden color to the ordinary silver white. Wei Xiaobei gently cut the gold coin and looked at the material inside, only to confirm that the gold coin has become an alloy. The material, that is, the material that changed back to the previous arrow.

However, the gold coin is still in the form of gold coins, but it has not changed directly from the gold coin to the arrow form.

Of course, these are all trivial things.

Under the siege of the three-legged Jinwu, Qi Bilu became more and more embarrassed. Although the light beams ejected from the Jinwukou could not be seriously injured, they were able to burn the clothes of the body.

After a few beams of light, Chebi Luo became a white-spotted scorpion from top to bottom, bare, not only the clothes were made into ashes, but even the eyebrows, the hair was burned.

However, what makes Wei Xiaobei quite surprised is that the skin of Nubuat has not been harmed by the slightest, and a layer of faint golden light floats on its skin, blocking the damage of the light column.

But even so, Chebi Luo could not escape from the encirclement of the three-legged Jinwu.

But in any case, becoming a white spot is an unbearable shame for a god.

Therefore, while Luo was busy running away, he did not know where to take out a suit and quickly dressed it.

But this act of saving one's face ended in failure.

Because the six pillars of gold and uninterrupted jets of light, enough to make the clothes that Cameron just put on instantly turned into ashes, blown away by the breeze.

"I want to be angry!"

After several failed dressings, he was a little angry, and he yelled, and his body suddenly shone with dazzling golden light.

This is a shock to the Jinwu squad who besieged him.

As mentioned before, this is a five-star general creature level in any case!

You know, even Wei Xiaobei is struggling on the road to the five stars!

It is not an exaggeration to expand the hidden strength of this.

Therefore, the six-headed Jinwu detached and even opened the distance between the two, and at the same time, the last three Jinwu of Wei Xiaobei’s shoulders also flew out, forming a huge encirclement with the six Jinwu, which will be better than Luo is surrounded by it to prevent it from escaping.

After the golden light of the body of the company, Wei Xiaobei felt that there was a slight change in the space collusion.

this is?

This kind of spatial change, Wei Xiaobei has a very familiar feeling.

Every time you open the passage to the Aoki Fortune, there will be such changes in the surrounding space!

In other words, this is a space channel that opens to other worlds!

Even the world of treasures it owns!


Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei’s originally calm heart suddenly became a wave, and even became excited.

An independent world, a world that may be similar to Aoki's land!

Wei Xiaobei’s eyes suddenly stared at Nabibi, for fear that he would escape after a space-opening.

After all, Wei Xiaobei also knows the power of an independent world. Others don’t say that Wei Xiaobei is able to fight strength far beyond his own existence in Aoki Fortune!

This is where you control the world!

Therefore, if this escaping into the treasure house world, there is no way for Wei Xiaobei.

As Wei Xiaobei inferred, it didn't take long for a golden light to enter the space channel on the side of the body.

That’s more than Luo’s seeing Jin Wu’s retreat a long distance, and he laughed happily: “Afraid? Look at my artifact!”

When he spoke, then Biro put his hand into the space channel, and seemed to explore something inside. After a while, the hand of Biro was shrunk back from the space channel.

Holding a thing in his hand is probably the artifact he called in his mouth.

Wei Xiaobei’s eyesight is excellent, so it’s clear that he saw what he was holding on his hand.

However, Wei Xiaobei was shocked at the moment, and then his right hand rubbed his eyes hard, for fear of his own eyes, and he was wrong.

That is better than the thing that Luo is holding on his hand is a piece of triangle cloth. How to look at it is like a pair of pants!

After that, this pair of Luo put the suspected pants on his body, and he was able to cover his own vitality.

After concealing the key points, Chebyro seems to have become mad, pointing to the golden nucleus that surrounds himself: "Come on, keep coming! I am not afraid of you now."

Those Jinwu were naturally provoked by anger, and even a jet of light came.

Not to mention, the pants that were worn by Biro actually had some doorways. After the light beam of Jinwu was swept, the crotch was not damaged at all, and even the semi-ignited seedlings did not rise.

This piece of pants has blocked the attack of Jin Wu!

In this sense, it is not an exaggeration to be called an artifact.

But then again, an artifact in the shape of a crotch really makes people look a little spicy.

Wei Xiaobei also feels a bit puzzled about the behavior of this.

This guy looks a little more funny, opens up the space channel, does not escape, it does not take out the attacking artifacts from it, killing the four sides, also OK, can take out a pair of pants, just to cover the ghost is what?

Doesn't he know that he is still in the encirclement?

Or is it that he thinks he has a space channel as a retreat?


Wei Xiaobei did not think too much about the problem, only a short order was issued.

After getting the order, Jin Wu even rushed up. This time, they are not only just outside the mouth of the light, but they are close to each other!

Wei Xiaobei made up his mind this time, even if he lost a few Jinwu avatars, he would force this to kill the killer!

Besides, Wei Xiaobei is also ready to open up the space channel. It is not good. By abandoning all the losses of the avatar, he can also escape to Qingmu Fudi!

But then let Wei Xiaobei become more stunned.

In the face of the ferocious Jinwu, there was still a bit of courage in the beginning, and he waved his fist to counterattack.

But after Jin Wu’s claws left a few scars on his body, he even held his head!

Is this the secret of the legend? ! !

Ok, this is just a web joke that Wei Xiaobei’s mind flashed.

What really surprised Wei Xiaobei was that Lubi actually shouted out the words of surrender and beg for mercy!

Well, you have a five-star ordinary creature level. Before that, it was a space channel, and it was a dazzling artifact. So you surrendered two times?

This makes it a good battle for the war, and finally the Wei Xiaobei feelings of escaping and fleeing?

You are a god! Not a small thief who has been caught!

It should be said that Wei Xiaobei initially thought that this is a deceptive means of Luo, and he wanted to take the opportunity of surrender and seek for mercy, and took the opportunity to win Wei Xiaobei in one fell swoop!

But in the end, a gold Wu will put the head into the space channel, and Luo is still holding his head to maintain the posture of defense.

This makes Wei Xiaobei have to be convinced that this is more than Luo really surrendered!

Obviously, although this is more expensive than the god, it is called the patron saint of the world's wealth, but in essence it still does not get rid of the essence of the little thief of the past!

What is the nature of a small thief?

That is the slick head, can run and run, can not run, scream a few words, see scare people, but also when the pain of the fists and feet, the timid nature of the head for mercy!

A guy with such an essence, even if it is a god, is unlikely to play the power of his own strength.

Let a few Jinwu will be better than Luo, Wei Xiaobei will look down on the space channel.

But what makes Wei Xiaobei quite surprised is that the world opposite the space channel is so small!

Really small!

The diameter is no more than one hundred meters!

And inside is the structure of a warehouse, there are no animals, no plants, no sun, moon and other stars!

This warehouse world is divided into spaces, some spaces contain things, and some spaces are empty.

Probably this is the so-called treasure house world.

This treasure house world is indeed an independent world.