MTL - The Cold Lord God Always Acts Like a Spoiled Brat To Me-Chapter 838 Sports students vs dance students 70

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  Chapter 838 Sports students vs dance students 70

She looked up at the billiards hall in front of her, and made sure that she had found the right place. Her fingers were afraid of the cold, curled up in her sleeves, sweating unknowingly, her heart was tense, and she kept rushing in, feeling like going through fire and water .

  The health pot watched her secretly, trying to call her to stop, but didn't.

  This little fox has now been turned into small fragments, losing most of its soul and memory, but it has become one with the small world, and it is not known whether it is good or bad.

   Jiuchongtian is not allowed to interfere with the reincarnation of fate, and those who violate it will be condemned by God, just like back then...

   As a result, Qi An was stopped by someone before he had rushed three steps.

   "Little girl, minors are not allowed to enter!"

  The front desk stopped her.


   "I'm an adult!"

Qi An explained to herself with a serious face, her voice was soft, and her person was also soft. She was wearing a very soft white knitted sweater and a fluffy down jacket, her jet-black hair was loosely draped behind her, a very small Only, with thin and straight legs, like a cat.

  Because he was afraid of the cold, the zipper was pulled to the top, covering half of his chin, and his eyes had a clear feeling of moonlight.

  Like a high school student, among other things, so pure that people want to be bullied.

   It's just that his face is a little pale, and he feels a little more vulnerable for no reason.

  The front desk remained skeptical: "Please register your ID card."

   Qi An handed her the ID card and added: "Nineteen this year."

  Even young and innocent, I don't know who is getting cheaper.

   "Which room?"

   "I'm here to find someone." Qi An was silent for a while, and her voice became softer, "May I ask if Pei Xuyan has been here these days?"

  The front desk paused, and said for a long time: "Well, you go."

Ganqing is looking for that person, the front desk has an impression, that man has a good physique, is rich and powerful, even if he doesn't smile, he attracts people, he is in his early twenties, young and sexually tense, he just keeps Very cold, can't afford to climb high.

   Looking for it is in vain.

   Alas, another one who was harmed.

Qi'an followed the box number given to her by her friend and walked all the way to the depths of the second floor. The decoration here is extravagant and enjoyable, and it is full of brilliance everywhere. Several men walked past Qi'an and stopped jokingly: "My sister comes here to drink Ah? Will you drink it?"

   "No drink." Qi An shook his head, vigilantly refusing.

  They still wanted to pull Qi An to say a few more words, but fortunately, he didn't seem to be a particularly arrogant and unreasonable person, so they left after saying a few words.

   Qi'an let go of his hands, and walked forward quickly.

  When this girl came here, it was like a sheep among wolves. Men know men best. That ignorant aura attracted a lot of tacit eyes, waiting for who would hunt first.

  Qi An has never been to clubs or nightclubs since she was a child, and she has never been to such places.

   I only went to KTV two or three times, and I went with many friends. Now that I come here alone, I feel a lot of psychological pressure, but when I think of Pei Xuyan, I feel that there is nothing wrong with it. I just want to find someone quickly, which is too tormented.

  Walking through the spacious corridor, she followed the box sign until she found 2119. Her heart was pounding, she took a deep breath, and raised her hand to knock on the door of the box.

  The sound inside was very chaotic, and there was a sound of Jin.

  So she pushed open the tight door, and the faint light shone from inside to her feet, as if she had entered another bizarre world!

   Chaotic and chaotic.

The door of the box was only half open, Qi An was too restrained and didn't dare to look at it all, so his sight was limited, he could just see the pool table over there, a few boys were playing pool, and a group of people were sitting on the sofa inside, Young and willful, smoky and full of voices.

  The breath is filled with the unique smell of tobacco, as well as the smell of perfume brought by women.

  Because of Qi An's sudden intrusion, it almost attracted the attention of most of the people present, and they all looked at her in unison.

  The atmosphere is subtle.

  Among so many people, Qi An saw the innermost figure at a glance, leaning on the sofa alone, most of his body was hidden in the darkness.

When other people talked to him, he occasionally responded twice, with a sleepy look of indifference, playing with dice loosely in his hands, his fingers were thin and slender, and his raised veins were extremely sexy. , revealing a sense of seductive desire for no reason.

   She stared at the hands and recognized his person.

  But he didn't even look up, indifferent, not interested.

   "Yo, who's it? Who the **** is looking for a high school student?" Someone's voice broke the silence, and soon there were other snorts.

  In their eyes, the girl pushed open the door timidly, and stood awkwardly at the door, daring not to come in. She really didn't fit in with the surroundings.

   "Han Jiaci? Did you bring it?"

   "How is it possible, I like to let go, this is not my style..."

Being watched by so many people, Qi An's scalp felt numb, subconsciously took half a step back, her legs were thin and straight, recalling her purpose of coming here, she still firmly grasped the cold doorknob with one hand, took a step forward, and said: "Sorry, I'm looking for Pei Xuyan."

  The tone was very unfamiliar, and it sounded in the box, like a cat's paw scratching, it tickled people's hearts.

  The originally contemptuous and laughing atmosphere fell into a strange dead silence when she said a certain name.

   After a long time, someone slowly said: "Brother Yan, I'm looking for you."

The man held up the wine glass on the coffee table with his left hand, and while talking to others, he was drinking the wine carelessly. He raised his head slightly, his face was unclear, and he had a unique depraved aura. The golden liquid in the glass was shaking, and the ice cubes collided with each other. Inexplicable desires lingered, as if they were looking at her.

  Instinctively, Qi An's heart tightened, hanging in his throat, disturbed by his glance.

   "Sister, come in quickly! What are you doing standing at the door, I told you that you are Brother Yan, you are human." Someone greeted with a smile.

   Qi'an was somewhat against such an environment, the smell of smoke in the air was choking, surrounded by strange men, and a few girls, some sitting on her boyfriend's lap and kissing unscrupulously.

  But knowing that Pei Xuyan is here, she is not so afraid. The sense of security accumulated in her heart is warm and down-to-earth.

  She pursed her lower lip, walked towards Pei Xuyan step by step, and finally stopped in front of him.

  The others seemed to be watching a good show, with playful and playful eyes, someone said in a low voice.

   "Brother Yan likes this kind?"

   "School, I heard that he seems to be interested in a school girl this semester, is she the only one?"

   "Then he is in such a bad mood these days... Is it because of this woman?"

  Qi'an could hear their words clearly, felt a little uncomfortable, and called out in a low voice: "Pei Xuyan..."

  The voice is timid.

  He didn't get up when he saw her, until she walked in front of him, with her head leaned back, her body lazy, her long legs open casually, her chin slightly raised and she looked at her with unfamiliar eyes.

   "Who told you to come here."

  The tone is very low and deep, revealing a unique magnetism, without ups and downs.

   After getting used to his voice, I remembered how many days I hadn't spoken.

   "I'm the one who came to look for you." Qi An was terrified by his look, suffocated for no reason, her eyelashes trembled twice, and said, "Can we go out and talk?"

   "Speak here if you have something to say."

   "Can you go out, there are too many people here..."

   A very familiar sentence.

   Qi'an also remembered.

  (end of this chapter)