MTL - The Cold Prince Dotes On His Wild Wife-Chapter 983 Meow, meowing in tears

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Things have already happened, and it doesn't help that much is said. All he can do is accept and forgive. Just the premise ...

Yin Tianyao slowly turned his head, looking at Bai Zhuo, Bai Zhuo understood, and looked at Mo Yan, "Auntie, I am not a demon ... I ..."

Before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Mo Yan, "I'm sorry, boy! It's my fault. It's me that hurts you."

Bai Zhuo's lips were frowned, with a bitter smile. At this moment, feeling the warmth between her loved ones, she no longer hated, no complain, it was pink, her eyes covered with a layer of mist, and she couldn't let them fall.

Yin Tianyao took Bai Zhuo tightly in his arms and said to everyone,

"It's been ruined here, let's go back and talk about it."

In this way, the group went back to Mingyou Kingdom together.

One month later, the King Yin House was overjoyed. Bai Zhuo and Yin Tianyao knelt on the lobby in scarlet robes, and the emcee shouted excitedly.

"Thank you Gaotang!"

Mo Yan and He Lianyi sat on Gaotang, and looked at the two young men kneeling in front of them with smiles, and nodded happily.

Su Taner stood beside Jing Tianyi and poked at Jing Tianyi's waist,

"Well, was this marriage done by the mother-in-law?"

Sedum pursed her lips and looked at Su Tan'er pettingly, "Well. What's wrong?"

Su Taner nodded. "I want this unique wedding, too."

Sedum pinched the corner of his mouth with a beautiful smile, "Okay, just right, my mother prepared a gift for us!"

Su Taner was pleasantly surprised, "Huh? What gift?"

Jing Tianyi took Su Tan's hand and retreated.

When Su Taner reappeared, she was already wearing a particularly eye-catching snow-white wedding dress, and her slender, white arms were holding Sedum, and she came down with a shy head.

She was so exposed for the first time ... it was a little uncomfortable. Jing Tianyi was very satisfied with Su Taner's performance at the moment. The two came to Yin Tianyao and kneeled down at the same time.

Seeing this, the master of ceremonies shouted again.

Mo Yan and He Lianyi looked at each other, hearty laughter spread through the whole palace.

In the night of the cave room, Yin Tianyao returned to the wedding room with a little wine. Bai Zhuo was a little nervous sitting beside the bed. He heard the sound of footsteps from far to near, and his heart fluttered. She couldn't believe it, just marrying uncle like that, it was like a dream ...

Some heavy breathing came from the man, and Bai Zhuo took a moment and raised his eyes sharply. The hipa on his head was taken away by Yin Tianyao.

Bai Zhuo's smart eyes stared at Yin Tianyao, "Uncle ..."

"um, I……"

"What's wrong? Tonight is our candlelight night. Does Zhuoer want to escape?"

Bai Zhuo shook his head, Yin Tianyao looked at the seductive little girl, bullied himself, Bai Zhuo's nervous hands reached Yin Tianyao's chest, "Uncle ..."

"Zuoer, let's have a child!"

He knew that the child they died was a hurt in Bai Zhuo's heart. His aunt said that if he wanted to heal the wound, he must give Zhuo Er a healthy and lively child.

Bai Zhuo's tears passed from the corner of his eyes, Yin Tianyao bowed his head, his thin lips fell on Bai Zhuo's face, and kissed the salty tears.

"Another child, let's protect her together!"

At last Bai Zhuo nodded and hugged Yin Tianyao's neck ...

The night was long, the candlelight went out, and the room was dark.

And they do n’t know, their children are now reincarnated by Bai Yin ...

This is a world with frequent wars. There are a total of five countries in this world, and the five nations are headed by Hyun Dragon Country!

When Bai Yin opened his eyes again, everything around him was so strange, but soon, he got used to it.

Dressed in a gold and white python robe, he got up from the bed, and a chest pain came from him. The bright red dazzling blood slowly leaked out, stained his chest, and the white python robe was shocking.

He rubbed his heavy brows, why his head was blank, he just remembered that he was betrayed by the beloved woman, who gave birth to another man's child and eloped with that man. And the child that was born was hidden by him ...

His head was getting heavier, and Bai Yin's brows froze tightly. For a long time, his head was flooded with memories and chaos. At last, he digested those memories, and finally his red pupils were cold and bloodthirsty. Way

"Come here!"

Soon the attendant came over, "King! The slave is here."

"Come to the doctor! Stop the bleeding well!"

The attendant was frightened and hurried back. Before leaving the palace, a cold voice came again, "Wait!"

The attendant's legs softened and he fell on his knees,

"What else does the king command?"

Bai Yin asked coldly,

"Where's the princess!"

The attendant wiped a sweat, "Going back to the king, the princess was carried away by the nurse."

Bai Yin waved her hand, "Go!"

"Yes, King!"

The attendant left, Bai Yin got up, glanced around sharply, and finally left the hall and walked towards the south.

All the way through, those people saw Bai Yin as if they were seeing demons, their bodies shivered involuntarily.

Bai Yin stopped outside the gate of Yixin Hall. Raised his eyes and glanced at the plaque in Yixin Hall, and strode in. In the courtyard, the girl hurried to the bedroom with the basin, and when she saw someone coming, a "bang" came, the basin fell, and a cry came.

The girl was so frightened that she fell to her knees and hurriedly asked for mercy.

Bai Yin's eyes sank, and she coldly spit out a few words, "Drag it out and cut it!"

Soon, a woman's miserable cry came, and then nothing happened.

In the bedroom, the little princess lying in the crib heard the sound of outside sounding petrified.

The man's voice sounded like the ears were getting pregnant ... but his temper was terrible, fierce, and cruel! The girl just dropped the basin and pulled out and chopped it! Isn't it because she was scared to cry that this man lost his temper?

At this moment, Bai Meowing ’s heart is very wronged and sad ... I miss her Bai Meowing, in this world, she is also a lively and lovely, who loves flowers and flowers, and she is definitely warming her baby and her puppets.

Unexpectedly, playing with a mobile phone was too focused, and she fell into a sinking well when she lost her footing. She was so miserable that she passed through the world in a strange way, and also passed through the child who had just been a month old!

This child is just an ordinary child, but she is a princess and the most unloved princess!

Just now I heard the mother-in-law whispering with the girls, saying that the princess's mother had run away with a man. The emperor of this country was so angry that she took the princess as a bait and led her to show up. It's just that the woman didn't show up again ...

Bai Meow meowed his thoughts, thinking in his heart, which meant that the princess's mother put a green hat on this terrible man outside ...

No wonder he would be angry. Whoever was wearing a green hat would be happy, let alone a king of a country!

Being dreaming, the cold breath hit, Bai Meowou hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep!

Now she can't run, she can't turn over, she can only pretend to escape the cold father!

It's just that the breath on the man's body is too depressing, which makes people breathless. Bai Miaomei's heart collapsed at this moment ... I miss my parents! Who will save Bai Meow! A meow is full of tears ...