MTL - The Cold Prince Dotes On His Wild Wife-Chapter 997 Dangerous, some cat fled

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Bai Meow nodded, Bai Yin wiped the tears from her eyes, and a soft kiss fell into her eyes.

The wait is long, especially for Bai Meowing, who knows he is poisoned, but does not know when it will happen, or which poison will kill her. She is afraid of death. She is more afraid now, and she ca n’t bear this. A man who looks cold but lonely and warm inside.

She misses her parents, but at least they are happy. So, she wanted to stay here, stay with this man, make him happy and make him laugh.

The first class was five days. For five days, Bai Meow was as normal as usual. Nothing happened. However, during these five days, she woke up every night without seeing Bai Yin beside her.

A small body came to the Royal Study with a thin dress, and the candlelight in the Royal Study flickered. Bai Meimao got up curiously, stomped his feet and looked at the man lying on the couch through the door slit. He Around him, the Royal Doctor fell on his back with a lot of silver needles in his hands.

Bai Miaomei's heart felt like a needle being stuck. She stared at the doctor until all the needles had been inserted and removed. From start to finish, the man on the bed didn't say a word.

Afterwards, the Royal Doctor sighed and said, "King, you can no longer approach Her Royal Highness. If you continue to do so, your body will be too much. The poison of Her Royal Highness has no effect on other people, but it will affect you. But fatal. It's not just a cruel person who has cast such a long-lost poisonous curse on a child! "

Bai Yin yelled coldly: "Shut up for you!"

The imperial doctor hurried to his knees, "But your body can't go on like this on the king. Just listen to the old minister's advice!"

"Get out!"

The imperial doctor hurriedly packed his medicine box and left.

Bai Meowu went back to the bedroom, lying on the bed, tears kept falling, she said what happened to the father these days, it turned out that it was because of her!

The sound of heavy footsteps came, Bai Meowou hurriedly closed his eyes, Bai Yin stepped to the bed step by step, looked at the wet little things in the corner of his eyes, leaned down and kissed her forehead softly, "Small things,朕 No longer with you, have nightmares again? "

The words fell down, backed off the shoes, went to the bed, took Bai Meow tightly into his arms, and slept heavily.

Bai Meimao heard even breathing, lying on Bai Yin's side and staring at his cool face, his tender little hand caressing his face, "Father King?"

Bai Yin did not respond.

Bai Meow sucked his nose, "Father King?"

Still nothing happens.

Bai Meimao carefully got out of bed and got dressed. As a three-year-old, she sneaked into the imperial dining room and tried to hide in the wooden barrels that transported fresh fruits from the palace every day.

The next day, three shots above, Bai Yin's arms tightened, and she used to pull the small things in her arms towards her.

However, he opened his eyes suddenly and saw that there was a pillow in his arms, and his heart seemed to fall like a boulder.

The reaction came, Bai Yin shouted. "Come here! Come here!"

"King! Son-in-law is here."

"Where's the princess? Where's the princess?"

The girl's heart tightened, "I don't know!"

Bai Yin only wore a lining, she got down from the bed, and didn't even wear her shoes. She went barefoot to the girl and flew her uncle, and he rushed outside like a mad lion and shouted, "Find me! To the princess, all die! "

The crowd was frightened and spread out looking for Bai Meowing.

At this moment, Bai Meowou has successfully left the palace, I do not know where he is going. She was very scared. She was afraid that she would be found by a three-year-old and sold to a trafficker ~ and then ... thinking of the children who have been trafficked in the world, Bai Miaomei was a little bit irritated at this moment.

The princess looked around in the palace, but after searching for a while, he couldn't find it.

None of the people who came to report to Bai Yin left the study room alive!

On this day, blood flowed into the palace! The emperor was angry. The people also began to panic. Will the innocent people be affected because of the disappearance of the princess. Suddenly, the people in the city were actively looking for the princess.

Bai Yin sat at the desk with long hair, her face pale and bloodless, and Han Bing got the news as soon as possible. He threw away his usual evil spirit and reminded Bai Yin with a serious face,

"King, please calm down. The palace is in a panic now, and today you have killed more than 200 slaves."

"How do you calm down? She's just a three-year-old. She doesn't know anything, she doesn't even know how to walk sometimes. Besides, she still has poison spells in her body! Damn it all!"

Han Bing's eyes converged. "Calm down, let's think about it, maybe the princess is playing a hide-and-seek game with you intentionally?"

"She put a pillow in her arms. Do you think she will play games with her? She is talented and different from ordinary people. After leaving her for a while, she will look for her! What time is it now! Ah?"

Frost has nothing to say. Brows frowned, and after a moment, he suddenly said: "King, quickly, order to order all the carriages in the palace to be checked regularly!"

Bai Yin took a moment to return to God, and then he understood. "Give me clothes, and I'll look for them myself!"

"No, you have too many enemies. It will be dangerous to leave the house!"

Bai Yin directly locked Han Bing's throat: "Say these nonsense to You! Your life is not up to them!"

After speaking, he got dressed and quickly left the palace.

At this point, Bai Meimao finally experienced the bumps along the way and stopped.

There was a voice outside: "Hurry down all the fruits and vegetables in these barrels! The palace is still waiting."

"Yes, Mr. Li."

Bai Meowu felt like he was rolling around in the barrel, and then buried under a large meal.

The body moved, and a voice came: "Ah? Strange, how can these dishes move by themselves?"

Bai Meowu hurriedly stopped, and the man's voice came again, "It turned out to be wrong, hey, these days are too tired."

Soon, there was no movement outside, and Bai Meowou carefully climbed out. Round eyes looked around. It looks like a rural garden, with endless greenness, and looks very comfortable. Taking advantage of her absence, she walked toward the south exit.

Just when I got to the door, there was a big yellow dog lying on the ground, his long tongue dangling in the air, and Bai Meowu was scared to take two steps back. The big yellow dog stared at her, slowly got up, ready to pounce. .

Bai Meow Meow smiled at the big yellow dog: "Meow Meow!"

Learn Meow!

The big yellow dog paused, and looked at Bai Meowu motionlessly. Finally, Bai Meowou lay on the ground, learning the appearance of a big yellow dog, and slowly moved forward. Finally, he successfully escaped the big yellow dog and escaped the countryside.