MTL - The Correct Way of Face-Slapping in Transmigration-Chapter 116 7.2 Face Sweeping

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Gu Yunxi couldn't help sneering twice as world data and original body memory were absorbed here.

It is true that the original body fell into the end where it was eaten by the zombies, but Zhou Fan was afraid that he had not paid any affection to the original body from the beginning, but wanted to use the identity of the original owner to expand the family industry.

Because the relationship between the two could not be made public, out of guilt, the original body helped the Zhou family introduce a lot of contacts and made them a lot of big business.

Fortunately, the end of the world is here, otherwise the original body will never see through such a hypocrite.

Gu Yunxi squeezed his eyebrows, drove out the disgusting pictures in his head that were bitten by zombies, exhaled a spit, and then looked down on the world data.

After Song Ziqing fell into the zombies, Zhou Fan just looked at him coldly, and continued to hurry with Zhuo Yeye and the survivors in the team, and finally arrived at the c base one week later.

When they reported their identity as Song Ziqing, they immediately received generous treatment from the base, and even the leader of the base, Song's father, greeted them out of the house.

However, Song Song ’s eager father thought that he would meet his son for a moving father and son, but he did not expect that they would have the news that they would never be separated from each other.

Originally the young son of the Song family, is the old son of the father Song, deeply loved by the father Song. The pain of the white-haired man sending the black-haired man once made Song Father unbearable and uneasy. He blamed his son's death on the leader of the team, Zhou Fan, and let out harsh words would definitely cost him.

As soon as Zhou Fan entered the base, the leader wore small shoes and became the target of criticism. Some regrets that he did not rescue Song Ziqing at the time.

The c base is the largest survivor protection base in China, and there are countless powers in it. His original powerful combat power dwarfed immediately before these elites.

Zhou Fan had a rough time at Base C. When walking on the road, he would always be called by powerful psionics. He was beaten with bruises and swollen and lost his face. Even when he took someone out for a task, he would be excluded . Gradually, the team that had followed him all the way began to become disheartened and had the idea of ​​quitting. His leadership is at stake.

Just then, Zhuo Yeye successfully approached Song's father with the jade pendant on his neck. He also received Song's approval and became his adopted son.

He described himself as Song Ziqing's Mo Niu, saying that Yu Pei was thrown to him before his death, and he was brought back to his father. He had never dared to take it out because it was too sad to see Father Song, fearing that when he saw Yu Pei, he would see Wusiren, even more heartbroken.

The authenticity of these words is no longer testable, and Father Song did not believe the words of a stranger who had never met before. But Zhuo Yeye knew the original body very well. He not only knew the small movements and habits that the original body would usually have, but even knew a secret that only the Song family would know.

If you don't trust a person very much, you will never reveal the family's secrets so easily. After hearing the secret from Zhuo Yeye's mouth, Father Song gradually had a little trust in this person, but he was a very cautious person, still retaining doubt, and observing the professed son and friend secretly. people.

In order to win the trust of Song Father, Zhuo Yeye made a very clever move. He proactively revealed the secret of his power to Father Song. It turns out that he not only has healing powers, but also a rare space power, and he has a very large space, which can be used to store the entire c base's food and ordnance at one time.

These two powers are very precious powers in the last days, especially space powers. From the end of the last century to the present, no more than five people have revealed spatial abilities. And the space as vast as Zhuo Yeye is even more unique to him.

Zhuo Yeye's candid frankness finally let Song father release the last doubt. He gradually accepted the youth's persuasion and let go of Zhou Fan. Since then, the two had a lot of intersection because of the late Song Ziqing, and in the process of contact with the youth, Song's father found that Zhuo Yeye was already an orphan, and he thought of adopting him as an adopted son. One is to help his son take care of this good friend, and the other is to catch a dual system power by the way.

Although the Song family was the founder of the base, the Zombie siege for several consecutive times has caused the Song family to lose a lot of outstanding children, and it is now withered. Over time, sooner or later will lose leadership of the base.

If the Song family wants to continue to maintain the right of speech and leadership at the base, they must recruit powerful combat powers to join the Song family.

After Song Song adopted Zhuo Ye as an adoptive son, he always looked for opportunities to train him. Soon, Zhuo Yeye emerged in the c base. His dual system ability can play an important role every time he goes out of the mission, becoming one of the indispensable abilities on the base, and his prestige has improved a lot. Coupled with Father Song's intentional promotion, not long after, he took a place in the leadership seat and became the youngest leader. And Zhou Fan, who is partnering with him, is also rising. And somehow, the team of psionics led by Zhou Fan has grown very fast, and everyone's abilities have made great progress. His thunder abilities have made rapid progress, and he has been promoted to become the top master in c base.

On the other hand, the original body thrown into the zombies did not die. When he woke up again, his body was incomplete and rotten, but he still kept his consciousness.

He became one of the zombies, or a mutant zombie. Because he awakened healing and fire abilities, he became a rare dual-line power. Moreover, not only can his body complete self-healing immediately, but also he does not have to live on human flesh like other zombies. He only needs human anger or a little blood, as long as it is properly controlled, it will not cause human death.

He is more like a vampire than a zombie.

The smell of blood makes Song Ziqing feel that he is still alive after all. Alive is better than dead. After fleeing and betraying this way, he had already seen what **** love was. The only wish is to return to my father and become one of the forces guarding the base.

He does not resent Zhou Fan and Zhuo Yeye, all these are his blind choices and deserve to bear the consequences. However, he must take back the ancestral jade of the Song family, and the two were not qualified to touch their Song family.

Through a series of camouflage, Song Ziqing covered up his zombie characteristics. He went north to C Base, but never expected that his father would be seriously ill, his elder brother died, and the Song family was declining. And Zhuo Yeye and Zhou Fan became the actual leaders of c base.

As the youngest son of the Song family, his presence at the base caused a lot of shock. When he finally found Song's father, he found that his father had fallen ill.

He learned from his father what happened during this time. It turned out that Zhuo Yeye and Zhou Fanlangzi's ambitions, in order to fully obtain the leadership of the base, even fiddled with their missions, killing more than a dozen base abilities including Brother Song, and these abilities not only Is it the backbone to protect the base or the loyalty of the Song family.

The Song family suddenly lost so many excellent talents, and its decline became an unchangeable fact. The vacancies caused by the death of these abilities can always be made up, so the abilities team led by Zhou Fan and Zhuo Yunye took office as a matter of course, becoming the new generation of c-base leadership.

Even though the Song family was defeated, the thin camel was bigger than the horse. The materials and ordnance owned by the Song family are still coveted. If Song Ziqing does not return, it won't be long before the two can subdue the remaining power of the Song family for their own use, turning the Song family into their possession. But Song Ziqing came back at this time, completely disrupting their plans.

The original body was the heir of the Song family, and his return allowed the affiliates attached to the Song family to see hope again. They rejected Zhou Fan and Zhuo Yunye's solicitation and chose to continue to follow Song Ziqing.

In order to reinvigorate the Song family's leadership in the base, Song Ziqing reorganized the Song family's psychic team, led them to the most dangerous places to perform tasks, and often retired without any injuries. The materials they brought are enough to drive the entire C base crazy, and it is only a matter of time before they regain leadership.

The rise of the Song family made Zhuo Yunye and Zhou Fan very uneasy. They knew that what they did would definitely provoke Song Ziqing's revenge. Although the leaders of the base are now two of them, after all, their foundation is too shallow. Not only do they lack leadership experience, but they also lack the most important thing in the last days—materials, which will sooner or later lose their hearts.

When Zhou Fan was at a loss and was at a loss, Zhuo Yunye suddenly became extremely calm. He convened a conference of power activists with great fanfare, revealing the identity of Song Ziqing's zombies in front of everyone. Moreover, I don't know what he used, so that Song Ziqing couldn't keep his disguise, revealing those blood-red eyes.

Zombies are the enemies of human beings. No matter how much Song Ziqing once contributed to the base, the moment he was found his true identity, he was immediately besieged by the powers.

Surrounded by so many abilities, even if the original body has powerful abilities, after all, it still does not escape the disaster. To his surprise, Zhuo Yunye didn't order to kill him, but locked him in a research room, and tortured him daily as a test for studying mutant zombies.

The king was defeated. He lost this power struggle, and he had nothing to say. But Zhuo Yun Ye Qian shouldn't have to, shouldn't have to kill the people of their Song family.

Zhuo Yunye and Zhou Fan used the research of zombie virus vaccine as the reason to capture all the living people and those who were dependent on the Song family into the laboratory, and they were being tortured inhumanely.

Until the end of his life, Song Ziqing's ears always echoed with the miserable howls of his family and subordinates.

Zhuo Yunye's behavior of innocent people doing experiments can be described as heartbroken, but God has made him really work out an end-time vaccine. With such merit, what is a living experiment?

When Song Ziqing died, he felt both unwilling and well-deserved. At least their sacrifice can return the world to its original appearance, and it will once again welcome the scent of birds and flowers. Therefore, his last wish was contradictory. He wanted to take revenge, but also worried that killing Zhou Fan and Zhuo Yunye because of selfish desire would cause the world to move on in the dark.

Ironically, the original body did not know that Zhuo Yunye had not developed any vaccine at all. The so-called antidote to the last days has always been there, and it is in the jade pendant of the Song family.