MTL - The Correct Way of Face-Slapping in Transmigration-Chapter 181 9.24 Face to Face Order

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Under the luxuriant white snow, a gorgeous man stood. When he wore a red coat, his gorgeous face surpassed all the people in this world. No one has seen anyone better than him, but he is The righteous existence of the righteous people is a cruel and cruel maniac that everyone wins.

To anyone who hurt Beichen Xuanming, Ming Luo will not show mercy. He lifted his hand gently, and gradually tightened the whip, and strangled those people alive, with very cruel means.

He did not conceal his magical identity, and his body was full of strong magic.

"Magic cultivation! Beichen Xuanming really colluded with magic cultivation!"

Ning Luo looked along this voice, sneered, and said, "What about the magic cultivation? How about you, there are several magic cultivations here?" It makes these right people hard to bear.

He casually glanced at Chu Ya who was invisible and raised an eyebrow. He thought Chu Ya was fearless, but Chu Ya also had concerns. As the king of the demon world, he intervened in the dispute over the right path, and it was officially declared a war between the two realms. Except for Zixiao, no one can make him care about betting on the entire demon world.

Anyway, he doesn't need Chu Ya to help, he just wants Beichen Xuanming to survive. The life and death of other people have nothing to do with him.

"Falling down, leave." Beichen Xuanming stood up with the sword in his hand and stood in front of the youth.

Every mountain peak in Tiandaozong has been covered by snow, which makes people feel a sense of chaos in time and space. No one can explain today's strange weather.

Maybe this is a warning to all people from heaven, or a silence to Tiandaozong. Surrounded by thousands of monks, no one thinks that victory will be Tiandaozong.

Ming Luo turned to glance at him, suddenly burst out laughing, and said slowly, "Beichen Xuanming, who do you think you are?"

"Don't you think I love you so much that you are going to die?" The young man played with the whip in his hand, his clear voice was over the sky, "I don't love you, I don't love at all."

"But looking at your righteous people who are serious all day, they want to play with you."

With a wave of the dark green whip, after more than ten years, he destroyed the seal formed by Beichen Xuanming. Ming Luo released all the disciples of Tiandaozong and said with a smile, "My favorite thing in life is to watch You are killing each other right away, kill them. "

"You Beichenxuan meditation to protect them, I just want them to die."

The disciples of Tiandaozong were a little stunned, and even the monks who besieged Tiandaozong stopped. Some of them don't understand what the situation is now. I thought this magic repair was to help Beichen Xuanming. Now looking at it, it seems that he is looking for fault.

"Aren't you killing? OK, I'll kill!"

With such a swift effort, the young man killed two of them in a wave of his hand. His whip is very powerful, and when he is drawn, the whole body will be covered with black mist and magical energy will enter the body.

Under the backswallowing of heart sworn, Beichen Xuanming couldn't even pick up his sword. He huddled with pain, almost lost consciousness, and the young man only turned his head to look at him, as if he didn't care about his life or death. But those white and slender hands were tightly gripped, and forced to resist the desire to go to check.

Beichen Xuanming coughed a few times, helplessly hooked the corner of his mouth, and thought to himself that this man was really stupid. Master had already told him everything and asked three times how he would choose. His answer has not changed from beginning to end.

But is Beichen Xuanming's heart really willing to sacrifice thousands of worlds to fulfill his love with the sinking? it is ... now. But in the future, he will regret it, because he is not a selfish person, and he cannot bear the sin.

"Flick off, don't prevent me from killing people!" Ming Luo gave a low drink, and the long whip in his hand wrapped around Bei Chen Xuanming's body. After throwing him to the person of Tiandaozong, he quickly retracted the whip and grabbed Bei Chenxuan The sword in the hands of Hades took a step forward, blocking the monks from attacking him.

He is not good at using swords, but he does not know how to use them. He has seen the appearance of Beichen Xuanming practicing sword many times, and he has long remembered that trick in his heart.

Tiandaozong's swordsmanship is unpredictable. Under the flashing of the sword's tip, the figure fell quickly, and the sword in his hand was dedicated to those monks who practiced high. He always kills these people to protect the heavenly sect.

However, after all, he is not an opponent of these people, and the entire Heavenly Sect can not win such a large number of monks with such strength, let alone one.

When the barrier was not enough, the enemy's sword stabbed him on the shoulder, and then there was a long stream of blood next to the neck and back. The turquoise that had been embellished on the crimson dress could not be seen for a long time, but His face did not change.

Under severe pain, Beichen Xuanming is still reluctantly maintaining his mind. He has to keep an eye on this young man in red, so he sees that he bears swords from all directions, stops in front of himself, and then takes a step. Raising his hand and holding his hand, he continuously sucked the aura of Tiandaozong into his body, and then turned into a magical energy, lingering on the monks.

At that moment, the cultivation of the sinking actually improved. It's just an instant thing!

When several strangers saw this weird scene, the look on their faces was neither anxious nor fearful, but extremely excited! They have never heard of this kind of cultivation, and they have never seen it before. If they can use it for themselves, they will be able to do more with less in the future.

Catch it! This was the first thought that flooded their minds.

Chu Ya stood on the mountain peak, quietly watching the sinking suffering, but did not help. He knew in his heart that the sinking didn't need his help, and the man was not ready to live.

He probably wanted to hurt Beichen Xuanming with ruthlessness, but he couldn't do it. In contradiction, he chose to use this sacrifice to make the man remember him forever, and remember the name of Ming Luo. As Ming Luo once told him, even if he can't become immortal, he will have Beichen Xuanming alive.

A sharp sword was pointed at the throat of the sinking, the demon young man slowly raised his eyes, and those black and red eyes exuded a strong evil. He chuckled, and the black mist began to diffuse in Tiandaozong.

The man's sword trembled, but he didn't remove it. He gritted his teeth, and the sword's edge deflected, cutting off the young man's tendons in one fell swoop. The ping-pong sound was the sound of the ancient sword falling to the ground. The man was pleased in his heart, put the sword in his sheath, and bent down to touch the ancient sword of Beichen Xuanming. He was touched three or two times, and the man laughed and held the ancient sword in his hand, only to feel that he felt the whole world of cultivation in his hands.

However, in the eyes of others, he just burst out laughing suddenly, and it should be that the demon is in the body. Not only him, but those who were touched by the dark mist released by the youth were crazy. These enchantments brought out what they wanted most. In the face of these desires, everyone's face was so ugly.

"He was very badly hurt." Beichen Xuanming was supported by three disciples of Tiandaozong, staring intently at the drop of red blood falling from the falling clothes, and there was never a panic in his black eyes. He even forgot that they were all monks, who had a panacea, just torn off his white coat and hurried forward, hoping to wrap the bleeding wounds on the body for the youth.

Hong Ying looked at Beichen Xuanming who was pale, looked at the severely wounded fall, and looked at the dead monks and the people who did not give up, and her tears had dried up.

She sent the seriously injured Han Guangxian to a safer place, closed her eyes, picked up a sword, and suddenly rushed to the front of Beichen Xuanming like a lightning.

The wind on Tiandaozong was very cold, and the violent wind rolled with snow flakes and slapped her beautiful face. Hong Ying didn't hesitate and stabbed with a sword.

The warm blood sprayed on her skin, and Hong Ying had no idea whether the blood was her or that person. She was in pain. I didn't know if it was the palm of the body or the heart.

Zixiao was killing, Tiandaozong's disciples were killing, and several major monks were also killing. This was a brutal slaughter, and only one of them could survive.

The right way, it was originally one, but now you are dead.

Beichen Xuanming did not speak, he was thinking, Ming Luo was lying in my arms.

The man slowly reached out his hand and rubbed the youth's cheeks very gently. Between them, there was no wind of rage, no snow, no thousands of monks, only two of them.

From day to night, snow stopped. The moon above Tiandaozong has always been very beautiful, and the bright moonlight shines on everyone's face, making their faces clear. Either greed or killing is meaningless to Beichen Xuanming. He just looked at Ning Luo in a blink of an eye, and for a while, everything in front of him was blurred.

It turned out to be tears.

"Ming Luo, do you remember? You said you want to join the WTO, you want to find a bamboo forest, build a wooden house, only the two of us, live a lifetime, a lifetime."

"You say, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand years, as long as you are alive, you will always love me, and you will also let me love you, so that everyone in the world knows Beichen Xuanming of the Heavenly Sect. Falling in love with the fall of magic. "

"You say, the world often says that we only admire and not envy. What do we cultivate when we have each other?"

"Look, every word and every word you say, I remember." Beichen Xuanming's body was stained with blood, and his wide palm was attached to the young man's chest, and he suddenly laughed, "I give something A name was given, Jingtian, do you like the name? "

He became overwhelmed in a flash, everyone in Tiandaozong knew that Beichen Xuanming was crazy. Because the young man who blocked his sword could not survive.

Their faces were ashamed and merciful on their faces.

When Chu Ya joined, the fight finally began to bear fruit. I do not know how long it took, and finally there were no screams, but there was nothing left.

The snowflakes fell again and fell on everyone, only then did they feel cold.

Beichen Xuanming murmured to himself and hugged the youth tightly in his arms.

The sinking is not dead, even though he bleeds a lot of blood and looks pale as a ghost, he is still alive. Because he cannot die in the hands of others. He asked Beichen Xuanming to end his life with his own hands, and pierced the ancient sword to his chest.

The young man chuckled his lips and held the man's cold palm, saying, "I have fulfilled my promise." I exhausted my life and loved a person. His eyes flickered, and his face became glamorous, completely unlike a person who was about to die.

"Beichen Xuanming, I forbid you to forget me, forbid you to live a comfortable life, to live with you forever, I will always be with you alone.

The radian of the corner of Mingluo's mouth was getting larger and larger, he looked at Beichenxuan for a long while. He did not live forever, only for this life, but for him enough.

He remembered the life in which a child spent his life in the deep well, and the ten years of leisure and chicness in the secret world of Xianfu. Ning Luo smiled leisurely, and those touching eyes began to lose their light slowly.

He held Beichen Xuanming's hand, glanced at Chuya and Zixiao, and put the sharp, unusually bright sword into his chest.

Everyone present could stop him, and their cultivation was more than enough to stop today's fall, but no one did.

Beichen Xuanming's face did not even have a trace of blood. When the sword in his hand penetrated the youth's body, instead of being sad, he smiled slightly.

The eyes of Tiandaozong are full of fear, and this is the most terrible. Beichen Xuanming's expression they didn't dare to look at, just the depressive breath emanating from the man was creepy.

Zixiao's real eyes are no longer cold. He looked at the silent Beichen Xuanming and the young man who disappeared, narrowed his eyes, sighed, and said sadly, "The one that survives is always The most painful. "

Chu Ya stood beside him, and naturally heard him say this, he touched the sword mark that almost put him to death, and sighed, "Life is better to die, to live, and to die , All the same. "

At this moment, Beichen Xuanming suddenly made an action. His eyes fell on the ancient sword, Xiao Suo's intention was revealed in his eyes, he held the sword in his hand, and said lightly, "Failed."

His eyes were filled with bleakness, and then he laughed. The sound was not like the coldness that everyone was accustomed to, nor the gentleness toward the sinking, but the indescribable majesty. Individuals can't afford this majesty.

He smiled for a long time, and then suddenly stopped his smile, and his gaze disappeared.

"Ming Luo, Ming Luo, this name is the deity? It's a good name. Beichen Xuan Ming, Ming Luo, originally meant to be connected with him like this." Names are connected like flesh and blood.

Then he smiled two more times, but an expressionless smile.

Everyone thought that Beichen Xuanming was overly sad and caught in a frenzy. Only the real Zixiao and Chu Ya who knows the highest, know that the person in front of them is no longer Beichen Xuanming, or not just Beichen Xuanming.