MTL - The Counterattack Plan of A Villain With Ten Thousand Fans-Chapter 20

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This is a western restaurant, not the most upscale, but it is pure and elegant, and the melodious violin sounds a bit of energy for the quiet restaurant.

Chu Yun Ge with a smile, it is natural to get up and help Ling Lingnan to open the chair, "I am early."

Lingchu Nan sat opposite Chu Yunge, once again lamented that if the man enters the entertainment circle, even if there is no acting, this face can also support most of the box office.

Chu Yunge handed the menu to Ling Chunnan. "What do you want to eat?"

I swallowed the three words that I wanted to eat, and Ling Nannan ordered a steak. "098, is there any good advice?"

098 cold and cold road: "It is recommended that the host not want to fall in love all day, to complete the task is the topic."

"Who said that I just came to the date?" Ling Xiaonan swept the mother and son who had just entered the door. "098, you are too cute."

"Sorry, host, I misunderstood you." 098 also noticed the female hostess and mother, sincerely apologized, as a system, even forgetting the location of the plot characters, it is simply shameful.

However, 098 has turned over the story again, but did not get any information that the woman will appear in this restaurant today, can not help but wonder: "Host, how do you know that the woman will come here?"

“The story says that today the female host took her son to the aquarium. There is only one aquarium in the city, just in the vicinity.” As for how to infer the female host’s dinner in this restaurant, Ling Chunan Continue, "The book took a son who had lost a jingle plush doll, which was obtained from the restaurant."

Looking at the pile of plush dolls in the restaurant front desk, 098 could not help but admire the host. It is really an actor's origin. The details of such a small script are clearly remembered.

Ling Chunan naturally could not tell 098 that he had seen the female host and the party in this restaurant in the past. After a flickering system, he was happy and Chu Yunge found the topic.

Different from the appearance, Chu Yunge is very insightful about the traditional culture of the country. No matter what topic seems to be able to respond to him, such an interlocutor is undoubtedly easy and enjoyable.

At this time, a sudden burst of controversy sounded at the entrance of the restaurant. Lingnan looked at that direction, and his sight fell on the man who caused the contradiction.

The man was about twenty-five and six, handsome and handsome, and his own calmness was a bit unstable at the moment, with a bruise on his lips and obvious anger on his face.

This is the president of Haotian Entertainment Group. Ling Chunan has seen it naturally. He was a little surprised in his eyes. "How did the man come?"

098 took a moment to answer, "Return to the host, there is no such plot in the original."

At the beginning of the early years, Nan Rao was interested in watching the war of the male lord match in advance. The female lord was angry at the side, and the child was crying. I couldn’t help but raise the eyebrow and know the identity of the male lord. Will you sign a contract with the male company again?

“Xiaonan is interested in them?” Chu Yunge continued to water the cup in front of Ling Chunan.

At the beginning of the early Ling Dynasty, I took a sip from the water cup and smiled. "It’s just a little surprised at the president who saw Haotian here. It’s said that the president’s Wanhuazhong has not touched the leaves, I don’t know if it’s true.”

"But a hairy boy who doesn't know how to be tall and thick." Chu Yunge's voice was so cold.

“Well?” Ling Chunan had some doubts. “Do you know him?”

"I have talked with him about some business matters recently." Chu Yunge softened his expression and seemed to be reluctant to say more about it. His eyes fell on the plate in front of Lingchunan and only moved a little steak. "I See if you haven’t eaten much, is it taste bad?”

The storm has ended, the male lord has gone anger, and the female parent and the male partner have also left.

Ling Chunan retracted his gaze, his eyes on the man's table, his muscles on the well-defined arm, and smiled slightly: "I am not hungry."

"It's still early, my home is nearby, is it better to go to my house for a cup of tea?" Chu Yunge suggested.

"Okay." Ling Chunan immediately agreed.

For the man who led the wolf into the room, 098 reported subtle sympathy, but could not help but reminded: "Host, please don't forget the last time you gnaw the man's mouth."

"Not the same, I have a hunch, this person is very delicious."


As the president of Haotian Entertainment, although Lin Tianyi has had many women, he is only impressed by Yang Qingya. After three years, he has not forgotten. She has already had children and eats with other men. Disappointed, but with the principle of not being contaminated with women, I intend to ignore them.

However, the day is not the wish of the people, the man who walked with Yang Qingya even said nothing, and gave him a punch when he rushed to the restaurant door.

He was stunned at the time, but then he learned from the man's mouth that the child turned out to be his?

Impossible, Lin Tianyi touched the bruises of his mouth, smirked, his eyebrows were full of coldness, and the woman who usually wanted to climb his bed had gone. I thought I had met a good one. I thought about it for three years, but it was a I want to rely on my child's superiority.

"Inverse attack value +10%, the current counterattack value is 20%, please continue to work hard."

Ling Chunan came to the parking lot with Chu Yunge, just to see the picture of the air-conditioned male owner driving away.

Chu Yunge opened the door to the south of Ling, and Ling Nannan sat naturally in it. "098, you said that he took me back to see if he was uneasy? Suddenly a little excited."

098: "Host, please pay attention to the purity of thought."

Ling Chunan had some grievances. "I haven’t eaten all day, and if you have a task, regardless of the meal, I will only feed myself."

It seems to make sense. 098 was almost convinced, but it suddenly reacted. Who will eat the host? It has experienced so many hosts, and it is also a South, and he still complains about it regardless of food?

I didn’t pay any attention to the system that was experiencing a strong ideological struggle. At the beginning of the year, Nanxun sat in the co-pilot and “carelessly” forgot to wear a seat belt.

Sure enough, Chu Yunge sat on the driver's seat, and leaned toward Lingnan, and pulled the seat belt on his right hand to tie it.

The smell of the man was very good, and the throat was very sexy. Lingnan looked at the neck in front of him and swallowed his mouth. His eyes were full of coveted colors.

Has returned to the 098: "Host, please hold a little."

Chu Yunge's movements are very fast, and Lingchunan has some regrets to see the meat in front of him getting farther and farther.

As Chu Yunge said, his home is indeed nearby. Ten minutes later, the car smoothly entered a high-end residential area.

Sitting on the sofa at the south end of Ling, waiting for the man to come out of the kitchen, he looked at the direction of the kitchen and suddenly said: "Reassure, I will not bite him."

098 was wondering how to discourage the host.

"Hello, you are an old system. Why don't you know that ordinary people have poor resilience? He is so handsome, what if he is broken?" Ling said slowly in the south.

" didn't do this in the last world." For the capricious host, 098 is not sure what he is thinking.

"At that time, I just came out of the dark room, and some couldn't control it." Ling Chunan picked up his eyebrow and smiled: "But it is much better now."

I thought of going back to the first day of the world. After returning home, I lost control to the host who was almost blinded by myself. 098 was silent. Did it suddenly feel that such a host was a little pitiful?

As Ling Chunan said, he really only drinks tea at Chu Yun Ge's house. In addition to watching Chu Yunge's back from time to time, he did not show any difference.

Xie absolutely sent him a proposal to go back. Ling Chunan let Chu Yunge send him to the restaurant parking lot again. After waving his hand to say goodbye, Ling Chunan quietly drove the car back to his home.

On the first day of Lingchu Nan’s return, he dismissed the nanny at home. Now the sky is dark, the empty villa is unpopular, and it seems a bit sensational.

With a bang, the switch was pressed, and Ling’s cold face passed through the living room and went into the bedroom.

"Host, are you okay?" Looking at Lingchu Nan into the bathroom, 098 was a bit worried.

"Well?" Lingchu Nan slowly took off his clothes and sank himself into the bathtub. "You think more, what can I do?"

Lying in the water, looking at the ceiling that was torn by the waves, "098, do you say the same person in the two worlds?"

"Impossible." 098 smashed the iron. "According to statistics, every soul in every world is unique and can never appear in two worlds."

At the beginning of the early Ling, he snorted, closed his eyes and silenced.

"Host... What happened to you?" After a while, I never saw Lingnan from the water, 098 was a little scared, the host would not want to commit suicide?

"Host, host?" However, its call has never been answered. When we consider whether it is a measure to prevent the host from being alive, Lingnan finally emerged.

098 breathed a sigh of relief and was trying to persuade Ling Chunan not to think about it, but suddenly heard him speak. He said, "Five minutes, step back."


It seems that I didn’t realize that 098’s heart was full of emotions. Lingnan continued to speak. “I used to be able to dive for eight minutes in the water.”

... What host is it bound to?

Didn't talk to 098 again, I was wiped clean with the expressionless water in the south, and then lay on the bed. "098, I want to cure this disease."

098: "..." It turns out that you also know that this is a disease.

"I am a little scared." Ling Nannan's voice was left in the quilt, and it looked a bit stuffy. "I didn't feel that eating someone else or myself was very happy."

"But I can't control it."

"The kind of desire seems to be deeply implanted in my soul."


"I used to be cut by a knife and I was scared to death." Ling Chunan continued, "I am afraid of pain."

"But I want to live more."

"I thought I could hold on until they remembered me."

098 had seen the scene at the time of the investigation, and it was able to accurately outline the situation at that time.

In the space of the black hole, the blood was covered with the south, and the eyes were full of despair. His eyes stared straight at the direction of the exit and gradually lost his interest.

"But why did I return to the world?" Lingchu Nan's body was a little trembling, and the voice seemed to choke.

"Host... Are you okay?" I have never been bound to experience such a cruel host before, and I can't help but feel overwhelmed.

Just as 098 racked his brains to search for comforting words, Ling Chunan suddenly burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha, 098, you are so cute!"


Although the gods did not bind it to emotions when they were shaped, 098 felt insulted at the moment, and it was actually scammed by a host who was only twenty years old.

098, who is not very good at observing human emotions, did not find that there was no smile in the depths of the south.

After laughing for a while, Ling Chunan wrapped his quilt and closed his eyes.

In the second half of the month, Lingnan didn't go out at home. When I was hungry, I was stunned. I was very self-sufficient, and while I was vomiting, I was given a nutrient and healing medicine for my own host to ensure Lingnan. Will not be killed or thinned before completing the task.

Perhaps it was the performance of Lingnan South that night was too real. Before I knew what sympathy was, 098 still moved to the host.

Ling Chunan did not go to provoke Chu Yunge, Chu Yunge invited the appointment also pushed.

Without him, Chu Yunge and Zeng Wuyue are too like.

Although he did not want to admit it, Ling Chunan had to say that he had a good impression of Zeng Wuyue. Sometimes he would subconsciously reach out in the morning, but there was no such familiar hug. This habit was terrible. He once firmly believed that I will never be spoiled.

"In case I couldn't help but bite him, he killed me before I finished the task. I didn't fail the mission." Ling Nan said to 098.

The simple 098 believes in his rhetoric.

This calm continued until the film started.

"Ling brother is good."

"First south is good."

Along the way, many people greeted Lingnan, and when Ling Nannan debuted for more than ten years, a red fire never cooled down. It was also a big-name figure in the circle. The movie master did not know how many took it, so he also took a sound. brother.

Ling Chunan smiled at the people around him and then led an assistant who had returned to work into the dressing room.

Ling Chunan has his own exclusive dressing room. When passing through the public dressing room, some unexpectedly found the woman.

Yang Qingya sat in front of the mirror with an elegant and gentle smile on her face, letting the makeup artist act on her face. From time to time, she spoke with the agent and said that she was very kind.

Seeing Lingyang South to see Xiangyang Qingya, a makeup artist quickly introduced: "This is Miss Yang Qingyang, she is the female number two of "Listeners.""

Seeing Lingchu Nan, the female host smiled a bit, and there seemed to be a flash of worship in her eyes. She said, "Ling Ge is good, please take care of it later."

Ling Xiaonan nodded quietly and smiled at her. "Hello."

Ling Chunan entered the dressing room. "Is the woman signing up with Haotian Entertainment?"

"Back to the host, not." 098 replied, "She signed a contract with Xinyu Media."

The president of Xinyu Media happened to be the grassroots entrepreneur who had splashed his sulfuric acid. Lingnan touched his chin and smiled a little. "I remember that Wu Zichu didn't know the woman at this time in the plot."

"Yes, the host, the female lord refused to sign a contract with Haotian after knowing that the man is the president of Haotian Entertainment, so she got to know the male match in advance. This movie is a male match with a good impression on winning the female host. The relationship put her in, but there are also female actors who are very good at acting, plus the original female No. 2 because of the scandal can not continue to play the role." 098 will collect the information to Ling Chunnan.

It turned out that this movie was indeed replaced by the female No. 2, but after being replaced by a double-shadow, the big sister-type character in the entertainment industry, it must have been a great effort to match the male lover.

"I don't know if his company is still running?" At the beginning of the first half of the year, he looked at himself in the mirror.

After getting good makeup and changing clothes, Ling Chunan came to the studio and waited for the boot.

The reporters who were invited to see his eyes brushed up, but because of the majesty of the director, he could only lift the camera and slap the photo with a little unwillingness.

This kind of scene has seen much in the south, but he is somewhat surprised by the calmness of the woman.

Three years ago, Yang Qingya was dived by the male master after she had not officially debuted. This time it should be her first formal contact with the media. I didn’t expect it to be so calm and elegant, just if she had some fingers on her side. Stiff, Ling Xiaonan almost thought she was born again.

After the simple press conference, the reluctant reporters were called by the director to ask the semi-mandatory to go out.

The first act was officially started.

For auspicious, the first shot is usually a simple plot, it is best to achieve one achievement.

Therefore, the first act that the director has hand-picked is the solo play of Ling Chunan.

"Xiaoling, come on, I am optimistic about you." The director solemnly patted Ling’s shoulders and smiled very kindly. Then he naughty and blinked. "My best director position is yours." ”

Ignore the hidden sight that I saw from time to time, the director of the Southern Dynasties nodded. "Chen, you are too lifted me, I will try my best."


The ringing of the class has been ringing for a long time. The silent music classroom is empty. The lonely piano stands in the empty classroom. It seems that the person who used it finally left a little anxious. The bench was twisted and stood on the side of the piano. It seemed a little lonely.

I don't know how long it took, a footstep sounded from the door.

The footsteps were extremely slow, and it seemed that every step was a little uncertain.

Gradually, the footsteps stopped outside the classroom.


When the door was pushed open, the sound that came out echoed in the classroom and then returned to silence.

Behind the door stood a white boy, the sunset pierced from behind him, illuminating his delicate and beautiful near-perfect facial features, especially the eyes, shining in the sunlight.

However, in the next moment, the teenager held the door and tentatively took a step toward the classroom.

The dark pupils that lost the sun map are still beautiful, clean and pure, and people can't help but admire the gift of the creator. However, the only drawback is that there is no luster in these eyes.

He is actually a blind person!

This discovery made some people in the place pick up the heart.

The juvenile supported the wall and carefully tried to move forward. He was so slow every step of the way, but this scene seems to have happened countless times. He could hear him seem to be reading numbers.


He stopped his steps. It turned out to be a number of steps. The onlookers who had not seen the script suddenly realized.

The young man touched the blackboard under his hand and slowly turned toward the center of the classroom. He turned around at 90 degrees and began to walk toward the middle of the classroom step by step.

He was still counting a few numbers, and everyone watched as he was getting closer and closer to the extraordinarily free bench. He couldn’t help but get nervous. Some people couldn’t help but remind him, but they were quietly running. The camera reminded them in time that it was just acting.

Just as the number of teenagers reached the 30th step, his legs touched the stool.

The people were relieved, but fortunately they did not fall.

At the moment when everyone was suffocating, I only heard a bang, and the young boy who had just stood still slammed on the ground. There was still a pen on the ground that did not know who fell, which broke the balance of the boy.

The position where the boy fell was very close to the piano, only a little, his head hit the piano foot.

Some girls couldn't help but screamed in a low voice, then suddenly returned to God, looking pale to the director, but the director still looked at Lingnan, and sighed and continued to look at it.

The blind man who fell down seemed to be annoyed, and then slowly stood up on the piano.

He gently opened the lid, the beautiful slender fingers touched the keys, and a crisp note blew out from his fingers.

The young man who has been expressionless since the beginning of the moment, the corner of his lips suddenly opened with a very pure smile.

The scene was silent, and for a long time, only the sound of the camera was running.

For a long time, the director finally returned to God, he was excited to dance, "Xiao Ling is great!"

Ling Chuan turned his head and saw that Chu Yunge, who did not know when he was present, was coming toward him. Zhang opened his hand and gave him a hug. The voice from his ear made Ling Chunan’s body suddenly stiff. He said: "Baby, I love you." 2k novel reading network