MTL - The Counterattack Plan of A Villain With Ten Thousand Fans-Chapter 19

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Going back to the residence, in the horrific sight of the agent, Lingnan’s south face closed as usual. “I’m not aware of it before, but now I’m really thinking about it.”

098: "It's just that you can't complete the task, your mission is to let him die without a place to die."

Ling Chunan: "Speak first, then."

The next day, Ling Chunan carefully disguised the door.

Seeing Lingchu Nan slowly parked on the roadside parking lot, 098 finally could not help but ask: "Host, you dress up...?"

"How? Where is it strange?"

Listening to the female voice that emerged from the south mouth of the early Ling Dynasty, 098 disappeared, and everything is strange.

At this time, Lingnan’s long hair flutters, his face is decorated with exquisite makeup, light-colored casual clothes, plain shoulder bag, how to look is a young and beautiful girl, I don’t know how Lingnan South did it. The makeup didn't even look like his original outline. Especially the female voice that was so terrible that it was so horrible.

"Ah!" Just opened the door, Ling Chunnan suddenly screamed.

Although 098 did not want to pay attention to him, but for the task, he still asked: "Host, what?"

"I forgot to bring a sack."


This is an old town block, with many pedestrians passing by, no matter how many men and women have to look at Lingnan.

Within half an hour, 098 had found that at least five men had hit the billboard on the side of the road, and its shameless host was still glaring at everyone looking at him.

"Host, the target mission appears." Looking at the broker from the upstairs, 098 finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then it found that the people who had been imprisoned to death in the early days of the past were really extraordinary. He didn’t even look at Lingnan at a glance!

"Today's babysitter is on leave, he is going to buy me lunch." Lingchu Nanchao 098 introduced, "We went to wait for him."

It turns out that Ling Nan was really familiar with the agent of the decade. He blocked him in an alley.

Looking at the man who was violently tempted by Lingnan, who had no resistance, suddenly there was a faint sympathy in the system program that had no emotions.

The agent has to stay in the hospital for at least a year, hey, the ribs are broken again.

Ling Chunan knows the human body very well, naturally knows where to fight, because he used a rag to plug the mouth of the person from the beginning, so there is nothing to do except the snoring sound.

Because Lingchu Nan was attacking from behind, and he was beaten by the spirits, he did not see his appearance until he left.

"Host, where did you just use the rag to stop your mouth?" 098 silenced for a long time and asked, it actually did not see Lingnan South with a rag.

"Look at the trash can in his alley." Ling Chunan's heart is clear about the system.


In the mood of the early Lingnan, driving in a small tune, and then being chased.

It’s not someone else who is chasing him. It’s Chu Yun Ge who just hit him yesterday.

The handsome mixed-race man was a little surprised when he saw Lingnan, and then a very courtesy apology. "I am sorry, Ms., just drove a little bit of God."

098 suddenly sounded a reminder: "The host does not listen to him, you just opened so slowly, and in the slow lane, he must have deliberately ran into chasing you."

"I know, he must be swearing at my beauty." Ling Nan’s action stunned his long hair.


"It doesn't matter." Turning to the man, Ling Chunan looked at the rear light of the car that was damaged, and smiled at the man. "There is no big problem. Just change the light. Just drive carefully next time."

His car is not expensive, the style is ordinary, he hasn't used it since he bought it, even his agent doesn't know its existence, so Lingnan is only confident to open it out, it seems that luck is OK.

Chu Yunge listened to Ling Xiaonan’s voice for a moment, and his expression seemed strange. Then he returned to God and said very seriously: “I will be responsible.” Suddenly continued, “The turn signal is broken, this The car will be sent for repair, I will send you back."

But repairing a car, can you not say so embarrassing? 098 thought about it, and then I heard the voice of Ling Chunan. "098, I bet five hairs, this man is watching me."

098 was silent for a moment and hit the road: "Even if you look at it, you are also looking at the woman you are playing now."

"Nothing, he is so handsome, if I am willing to have a pure relationship with me, I don't mind dressing up women."


Despite this, Ling Chunan refused the proposal that Chu Yunge sent him back. He took the check he had given enough to buy his small broken car. He reluctantly said goodbye to the man.

"Host, don't you want to sleep?"

"I am talking about pure relationship. Isn't there a business card enough?" Ling Chunan took the steering wheel and finally concluded, "098, you are too dirty."


After that, until returning home, 098 did not say a word with Ling Chunan. On the third day, Ling Chunan received a phone call from a broker who was in bed at the hospital. The man’s voice was unclear and he said something unexpected. I have to ask for a half-year holiday. Ling Chunan is worried about it for a while before I hang up the phone.

"Inverse attack value +10%, the current counterattack value is 10%, please continue to work hard."

098 sound calm: "The teeth are mostly lost, and I still insist on calling you. The agent is really love for you."

Ling Chu Nan sighed. "098, you have been with me for so long. Why don't you know who my true love is?"

Looking at the host's gloom, 098 couldn't help but think of the words of Lingnan and Zeng Wuyue when they were together. Did the host really fall in love with Zeng Wuyue?

Then 098 immediately found that he thought too much. His next sentence was, "098, I think Chu Yunge has the taste of true love."


Without waiting for 098 to speak, Ling Chunan sighed again. "On five days, I lost six pounds."

098: ... that is not what you bite yourself.

Then it saw that Ling Nannan took out his mobile phone and continued to dial, and the number seemed familiar.

The phone was connected, and Ling Xiaonan’s face was bright and his voice was serious. “Hello, is Mr. Chu? I am Ling Chunan.”

098: ... Host, have you been thinking about it long ago? Actually, the phone number was backed up.

"I will pay more attention to the future rations." Ling Chunan seems to see through the idea of ​​098, lazily returning, 098 surprised, silenced.

The male voice opposite the phone was low and magnetic, and Lingnan still maintained the sound of the right child. "Do you remember to chase a car two days ago?"

"Remember naturally." The opposite voice was smiling.

"She is my cousin. Last time I said that I would like to invite you to dinner. I wonder if you are free?"

098 looked at Ling Nan Nan Hu's mess, and quickly finalized the meeting time.

Since there was no previous announcement in the film, Ling Chunan had no other notices, so it was an idle period before the film was started, and several assistants were also on vacation.

Lying at home for a few days, I finally arrived at the day he agreed to meet with Chu Yunge.

At the beginning of the Lingnan, I slept until half an afternoon, and then slowly got up.

Looking at Lingnan's slow-moving look, 098 cold and cold opening: "Host, you and Chu Yun Ge about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, now 3:30, the distance from the agreed location is 40 minutes." In other words, Ling Chunan also There are fifty minutes to clean up.

"Know it." Ling Chunan yawned into the bathroom, and finally at the beginning of the early morning, standing in front of the bedroom mirror, "098, what is the first formal meeting to wear?"

Everything is good, just wear clothes. For such an unscrupulous host, 098 screamed silently, and then he made a very serious suggestion, "As long as it is not recognized."

Then Ling Chunnan put on a pair of shirt jeans, pulled down the broken hair that grew to the root of the ear, and took a pair of glasses to wear.

098 is anxious: "Host, are you going to go out like this?"

“Well?” Ling’s south footsteps kept on, “What's the problem?”

... The problem is that you will definitely be recognized when you go out like this.

Then 098 found that he thought more.

An hour later, Lingchu Nan leisurely stepped into the restaurant. What is amazing is that anyone who looks at him, besides being surprised that he looks good, no one even recognizes that he is the star of today's red half-moon, 098 is incredible ,"how did you do that……"

"temperament." Ling Xiaonan's southern words are simple and concise, with a neat smile on his face, coupled with the pair of black-rimmed glasses, like a neighbor's little brother.

Unclear 098: "..."

At the beginning of the first year, Ling saw a man who seemed to be shining in the corner of the restaurant. He walked over the whole face. "Mr. Chu, waited for a long time."