MTL - The Counterattack System is Only Available In the Mahayana Period-Chapter 682v2 Unity of ideas

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  Chapter 682 Unity of ideas

   "Tell me, give me a reason not to kill you." Feeling the punch that landed on the tip of the nose, Venerable Shenzang's heart was about to jump out, and it was the joy of the rest of his life.

   There is nothing wrong with the Qi Wang technique. This person is a saint who takes the safety of the world as his own responsibility, and will never allow the destruction of the heavens and the world.

  If you want to save the heavens and worlds, then you will not die.

   "As the Dao of Heaven, the more worlds I rule, the stronger I become. Why should I dig my own grave and let the fairy world destroy the heavens and the world?"

   "This is a last resort."

  Jiang Li raised his eyebrows. His Holiness Shenzang would not destroy the world for no reason.

   "Do you know how I was born?" Venerable Shenzang asked back.

   "People are calling God, please open your eyes, so the Dao of Heaven has produced spiritual wisdom, and now you have the current 伱?" Jiang Li is not very sure, this is what the Taoist ancestor said to the Changcun Immortal, and the Changcun Immortal said to himself.

   "Yeah, ridiculous reason, right?"

   "And my body—the Dao of Heaven, the embryonic form of the Dao of Heaven in your Kyushu, oh, you call that thing the Earth Vein."

   "Whether it is the way of heaven or the veins of the earth, they are all born in the same way, born from the thoughts of all living beings."

   "Even your time travel is the result of sentient beings' thoughts."

  Jiang Li pondered for a moment, then said: "You mean to say that the thoughts of sentient beings are terrible?"

   Venerable Shenzang shook his head: "No, what I want to say is not that the thoughts of all sentient beings are terrible, but that the unity of thoughts is very terrible."

   "What's the difference?" Jiang Li didn't understand what Venerable Shenzang meant.

   Venerable Shenzang said solemnly: "The difference is very big, let's think from another angle."

   "If it is said that the unity of mind can produce the way of heaven and find you, the savior. Then what is unity of mind?"

  "One mind is unity, which is what the world often says, think in one place."

   "So if there is only one person left in the world, does any of his thoughts belong to the unity of thoughts?"

  As soon as these words came out, Jiang Li's pupils shrank suddenly.

  He never thought about it that way.

   That's right, if there is only one person in the world, then any of his ideas are unified, and he can do whatever he wants.

   "Where is the evidence? What evidence do you have to prove this?" Even though what the Venerable Shenzang said was likely to be true, Jiang Li did not choose to believe it completely.

   "What he said is true." Confucian sages, Buddhas, and immortal emperors came to the center of the battlefield. What the venerable Shenzang said was known to all Hunyuan Wuji immortals except the Emperor Houtu.

  They looked at Jiang Li with complicated expressions. Jiang Li's last move completely overturned their cognition, and judging from Jiang Li's easy-going attitude, this was not his full strength.

   How terrible!

  Jiang Li glanced at Confucian Sage, and Confucian Sage nodded.

  Jiang Li knew that Confucian sages had always resisted the way of heaven, and Confucian sages said so, so this matter could not be false.

   "If you still don't believe it, you can ask the Taoist ancestor in Wu Zhi." Venerable Shenzang said, he was telling the truth, and he was not afraid of Jiang Li's research.

   "You continue to talk."

   Venerable Shenzang continued: "Before the birth of the heavens and myriad worlds, there was only one person in the world, and that person was called Taichu."

   "In the beginning, as the only will, all wishes come true, and anything can be done with just one thought."

   "Nine rules of space, time, and possibility were created in the beginning. This is the ultimate law, the underlying law, and the foundation of the world's operation."

   "For this reason, the world has the concept of space, where we live, and the concept of time, the long river of time was born, the gathering place of possibilities, reincarnation, immortal cultivation, and destruction."

   "Then created many things in the beginning, such as the fairy world, the heavens and the myriad worlds... etc. This is the real act of creation."

   "The Immortal World is the first world created in the beginning."

   "And the last thing created in the beginning was man."

  “When a second person appears in the world and has a second thought, the ability to create the world will no longer exist in the beginning, because the thoughts of people and people will not be completely unified.”

   "Then came the third person, the fourth person, and the fifth person... endless intelligent creatures appeared, and only then did the prosperous heavens and worlds come into being."

   "Where is the beginning now?"

   "He died a long time ago. In the beginning, he didn't give himself infinite life, and he didn't have an immortal body. After the world was created, he died every time."

  The Venerable Shenzang looked at Jiang Li and said seriously: "At first, seeing that you were not in the rules, I thought you were the reincarnation of Taichu, but I changed my mind, Taichu was only the first intelligent creature to appear, and had the ability to create the world. He is not as strong as you at all. Even if he is reincarnated, he must abide by the rules."

   "Besides, it is not certain whether it was reincarnation in the beginning, or whether the body died and the dao disappeared."

   "Your strength is unprecedented."

   "In the beginning, only one world was created, but because of the existence of the rules of possibility, the choice of people, and the accidental occurrence of things, it led to the emergence of parallel worlds."

   "Whether it is this world, or a parallel world, a long river of time, and a place where possibilities converge, all must face the rules of destruction."

   "Observer World named the rule of destruction Black Tide, for your understanding, I also called it this way."

   "Now the black tide has completely swallowed up the possibilities. There are no living people and no dead people. There are only black tides."

   "Think about it, in the possible meeting place, people's potential is maximized, where everyone is sacred, so powerful that it is unimaginable."

   "Becoming an immortal is very easy for the creatures there. Heavenly immortals, golden immortals, Hunyuan Wuji immortals...there are countless numbers, so the way of heaven born there is also the strongest."

   "Even so, the gathering place of possibilities is swallowed by the black tide, and resistance becomes futile."

   "The black tide has occupied the gathering place of possibilities, turning 'possible spread' into 'inevitable spread', and the next step is to swallow other worlds."

   "I can connect with the Heavenly Dao of the parallel world. As far as I know, hundreds of parallel worlds have been swallowed up."

  Speaking of this, Venerable Shenzang is heartbroken, the Heavenly Dao of the parallel world is not much different from his own, and the black tide can swallow other Heavenly Dao, so it can swallow itself.

   Facing the black tide and the rules of destruction, there is nothing anyone can do.

   "The only way now is to pray."

   "Pray that the black tide will swallow other parallel worlds, and we will be the only world."

  "After the black tide comes to our world, we need to ensure that I will be the last one to be swallowed."

   "In this way, I am the only survivor of all worlds, and my thoughts are the only thoughts."

   "At that time, I will change the nine rules to eight rules, remove the rules of destruction, and the black tide will naturally retreat and disappear."

   "Then I resurrect our world with my mind."

   "It's the only way."

  (end of this chapter)