MTL - The Crazy Knight’s Age of the Universe-v2 Chapter 653 Degradation? (Three more)

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The chaotic years are ending sooner, and at the end of September of this year, the seeds of the rebellion were put to death in the soil.

Except for the hanged dead corpses at the city gate, the number of applications from outsiders decreased by 36%, and the pass rate was directly reduced by 50%. It seems that everything is not different.

It should be played, it should be troubled, and the party should continue to open, even if someone is shouting to be serious. In the wartime period of extraordinary times, even if there is someone fighting next door, everything seems to be with the people in the Harlem Great Wasteland It doesn't matter.

But something is changing quietly.

"... Does the life expectancy of the Hemo range from an average of 1,500 years to two hundred to three hundred years? A large number of aging populations will soon appear."

"They should not have noticed that the essential change is a change in the biological level / dna, but this will not last long."

"The birth rate has increased. Feedback from the major hospitals has conservatively increased more than tenfold. We need to make every preparation for the big explosion."

"Racial potential has increased and learning talent has increased significantly. Is this a change from long-lived to short-lived species?"

"Lightning resistance has decreased, and the natural talent for controlling lightning has weakened. Several warlocks and shamans have shown signs of obvious aging and degradation, and their average combat strength has shown a small intensity. But the life is shorter. On the one hand, the cell conversion rate of young adults has increased, their metabolic capacity has improved significantly, and their cell regeneration capacity has also been enhanced. To be honest, the appearance rate of big soldiers is much higher. "

"..... Is this a gift from the Lord of Life or a curse?"

"Don't think too much. This is the result of the update of the world version. The hatching world cannot afford and does not need so many long-lived species. For the natural cycle, dragging on to death and yielding is just a waste of resources. Large-scale adjustment is only time The problem. It is only because of the existence of war on the surface that the world urgently needs to generate enough resistance to accelerate this evolution and make everything so obvious. "

Rorschach's words can be regarded as a conclusion, but in fact he gave an answer that is the truth that is happening in this world.

In the position of Lord of Life, he saw a lot and learned a lot. Basically, most of the biological species of Aich and Ansorien were not a mystery to him. A teenager who has mastered the right to life can actually do a lot of.

For example, learning the other two sons of the elements, pinching a cannon fodder race that has a strong fertility, a short life span, and a strong innate battle, is also a requirement that many big guys from Ashe put on themselves.

But in the end, he gave up the idea.

"If a wise race was born to become a weapon for others, that would be too sad. And this extremely unnatural life violates the rules of life and will soon be trimmed by the world. If it is not trimmed, hehe, then It will be worse. "

Through the eyes of destiny, it seems that the world has been covered by this short-lived fighting race, its overwhelming evolutionary ability and unstoppable thriving power, so that all invaders and local residents have tasted "controlled by humanity." .

The person who is obsessed with destiny will become the destiny's plaything. Those who play with life must be played by life.

Having authority does not mean that he can act nonsense. After repeated consideration, Rorschach decides to give up this authority.

It's just that he has done the connection between the twins, and he still fulfills some of the duties of the **** of life. For example, the treatment of the Hima people is not exceptional. On the contrary, this is the product of his quiet treatment.

"More than 70% of life is a long-lived species of more than 500 years, this long natural cycle world cannot afford."

The rules of life speed up all this, faster aging, faster growth, faster replacement, more new generations of strong will be born in the next hundred years, but those stuck in some bottleneck The so-called veteran strongman who occupies a lot of resources will be taken away by his crazy old body.

Cruel? Extremely cruel.

Is it fair? Not fair at all.

But ... this is life.

But for the entire planet and the entire world, you are a parasite parasitized on it. Life and death are all about drawing your own nutrients and consuming your own resources. Maybe all is better, but the new master of life can live with the world. It is not bad to get such a return in the negotiations.

Rorcia was still a little bit afraid in that position. If there is no Lord of Life in place, I am afraid that the other party will directly reduce the life to about 50 years. It is also associated with the fact that the current adult Himo will die for three years, The entire Harlem Wasteland has become a real deathland.

In a sense, this is the meaning of the existence of clergy, the world does not exist, its conscious instinct is selfish to the limit, and if there is no channel to communicate with it and put forward opinions that may be accepted, the situation is easy to appear towards the entire world Development, but the possibility of extinction of intelligent creatures has changed.

On the other hand, it was Aich and Ansorien who negotiated. The level was too high. Rorschach had only the purpose and the proposal was mostly rejected.

To be straightforward, it is that with the connection of the Styx River and the unity of the rules of the elements, the two worlds have gradually joined together. The first of these is indeed the so-called "Most Favored Nation / Most Favored Race Problem".

"The family is so poor that the mother doesn't even want to raise her own children, let alone other people's children."

The closest description is probably this truth.

You are a two-hundred-year-old elf in Ish. In the end, you can live between five hundred and eighty years old, and you can survive two thousand years. When you come to me, two hundred should be dead!

This collision of natural laws is an unreasonable mechanical run-in. The rules of life and race are repeatedly run-in on the world tree of the two worlds. The main body of life of Aesch's natural master, Ansorien, is only on the sidelines. Share ... at least that's what they said.

Considering that both sides are staunch anti-elfinists ... well, yes, the victims are elves again.

Afterwards, the elf tribe and the elf gods issued an open letter full of malicious greetings without dirty words ... well, to be honest, the only large-scale victim in this world is probably the elf tribe, and they reached out Xiang Ansorien's hand was severely severed. Whoever didn't want to live longer, there was a large-scale wave of elves returning to Ansorien for a moment.

Although there are many problems, there is no doubt that the newer races that are shorter-lived, more viable (high-speed cell division), more fertile, and more capable of learning are more adaptable to the next war time, and the fulfillment of the rules of life also meets Ansorion's own expectations, all reincarnation restarted.