MTL - The Cultivation Of The Maid-Chapter 15 Leng Gong's Palace Concubine

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Sitting in the position of chief executive, and heading to the highest peak of **** career, Dehai was not proud.

This is not only because there are still several people who are not happy to behead him, but also because there is one of the "comrades" serving in this palace that makes him feel scared and rejoicing.

He has discovered that the most blessed person in this palace is either Her Majesty, the Queen Mother, or other people, or the concubine.

The ordinary concubine encountered the setbacks she had encountered, and basically couldn't get up at the Cold Palace level, but she had good luck. Not only did she successfully survive the severe torture, but she also followed her family's rise and followed. After being fair, Zhao Xue was promoted to a concubine and went all the way.

And what is the root cause? The **** said nothing to anyone, and he had an answer in his heart.

The moon is drifting in snow and the cold winter covers the entire imperial city again on time, but today is more special.

"Mei, Meilu. Is this about to start? My stomach hurts, can we not give birth?" Lying in a special delivery room, it hasn't officially started yet. Many attending midwives and palace people heard the concubine. Niangniang begging for nothing.

"Mother-in-law, don't worry, slaves will always be with you." The gentle voice with soothing, "You see that the German manager just said hello outside the door, indicating that Her Majesty will come over soon."

"Your Majesty can't come in to accompany me to have children, what's the use of being silly standing outside!" The crying voice became louder, "I don't want to give birth, don't give birth! My stomach hurts!"

See who's been raised like this. Used to be like a child, coquettishly came.

De Hai flicked the dust and watched the white snow covering the garden quietly, knowing that he was also being rushed when he talked now.

Yes, just after the first heavy snowfall this year, the concubine who has been raising her full-term baby is finally out and is about to produce. The well-prepared Kun Kun Palace will take care of it and send it to the special delivery room as soon as possible. Here, this is the previous scene.

"No, it's no longer! It's getting more and more painful! It hurts me! Help!"

Without waiting for His Majesty to come, the child in the stomach could not wait to get out, and the pain caused by the tearing caused Shen Rong to scream directly.

The medical woman and midwife were busy at once. Some people helped her adjust the position of her unborn baby. Some people walked in front of her to appease and instruct her how to breathe and work hard.

Shen Rong did it one by one, but the child just could n’t get out. When the pain came to life, when the mother-in-law said that the child ’s head was a bit big, she could n’t help holding the female officer ’s hand harder and crying even more: “Mei Lu , I should n’t listen to you and always steal food and raise my child so fat.

What's the use of saying this now? The experienced mothers who have had many birth deliveries rolled their eyes secretly. They have seen more cases of pregnant women intentionally or unintentionally taking supplements, and raising the fetus too much, resulting in dystocia. This kind of thing is not even considered in the palace. Bizarre.

At this moment, I could only appease and persuade her with more heart, and when she was full of strength, maybe there was still a chance to give birth to the child in one breath.

However, this female officer is also a ruthless man. Her wrists were bruised and her face was not responding at all. Her free hand wiped the sweat of the master, and her expression was not panic.

"It's okay, the mother-in-law always pays attention to exercise, so it doesn't matter." Help the concubine organize her messy hair, Mei Lu lowered her head and stared straight into her eyes. "By the way, when I brought you to the delivery room, I just steamed the millennial cake in the kitchen with rose filling, plum filling and your favorite osmanthus filling."

Every time she said a question, the concubine opened her eyes and swallowed droolingly. The food made by Meilu was really delicious, so even if her stomach was dying, she reflexively lifted the cake in her head. Taste and aroma.

Then she heard the young girl say something again: "When she left, the slave told the little Fuzi and Zhaoyue in the kitchen, and this cake was eaten for them. You must not be able to catch up now."

Qi Huang, who had just finished the government affairs at hand, hurried to the delivery room, but before entering the yard from a distance, he heard his own concubine's angry roar loudly.

"No! The flower cake is mine !!!"

Qi Haocang was shocked on the spot, watching the thick snow falling on the eaves, wondering what was happening inside.

Then came the mother-in-law shouting in surprise: "The head came out! The mother is working harder! ... Oh, it's a little prince!"

The emperor was immediately pleased, and he just stepped up a few steps and heard the cry in the delivery room: "There is one more and one, the mother nodded again and came out! ... It is the little princess !!" The ending was almost a surprise Screaming.

Qi Haocang settled in place, listening to the double Hong Liang crying inside, they felt a little untrue. Until Dehai hurriedly greeted him, congratulating him with a look of joy.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is overjoyed! The concubine gave birth to the dragon and phoenix, and the heavenly event is a sign of auspiciousness!"

In the royal family, twins are actually taboo, but if you make a good dragon and phoenix, then the attitude is very different, and the treatment is almost one by one.

Especially now that the imperial emperor is withering, not to mention the three little princesses in the palace, which is the status of the frailty and sickness of the second prince who was abolished. The concubine's stomach was so energetic and gave such good news that he was comfortable all over.

"Reward!" Qi Huang waved his hand in great mood, "All rewards!"

"Your Majesty!" A group of people kneeled and rejoiced, all rejoicing.

Dehai was among them, with a smile on his face. He said that the concubine is the most blessed.

The children were hugged to clean and take care of them. Qi Huang, who had a quick glance, was very satisfied, and then went to accompany her with the biggest hero today, and said a hard word to his concubine.

As soon as she entered the room, she saw that the pale concubine lying on the bed was pulling her female officer eagerly: "Hurry up! Let them bring the flower cakes, and it will be a little slower!"

Qi Haocang: "..."

Shen Rong raised some bad emperors after being imprisoned for a year. For example, she didn't like to deal with other princesses. For example, she fell in love with food and sometimes gave him a little temper for no reason.

It was because he knew him that he faintly indulged, understood her innocence and harmlessness, and realized that he had misunderstood the emperor's increasing love for her, not to mention that the concubine now gave him a pair of dragons and phoenixes.

Concubine Rong Guifei is full of sons and daughters, or the auspicious dragon and phoenix. She has been suspected by the outside world that her majesty killed too much before she was punished by her son. The royal family raised their eyebrows and exhaled. The empress queen who still remembered her eldest grandson had left people behind and ran to visit her new grandson and granddaughter every day. It was impossible to take a bite.

Regarding this, the child's mother-in-law doesn't care about it at all, and her grandmother can't stop her to see her grandson. Even if the old lady falls by herself, she can't bear to have her beloved grandson to be in trouble.

Her attitude of complete trust and trust made the empress empress Jiang everywhere when she gave birth to her grandson, and she was very worried that she was afraid of being taken away, not to mention the frail mother-in-law, Concubine, who is still the lifeblood. Defend it.

There is no harm without comparison, the old lady's heart went directly to the concubine.

The queen queen is usually fine in the Cining Palace. Now she looks at her grandchildren casually at the side of Kun Kun Palace. She spends most of her daily work here. The old lady has stayed here. It is impossible to entertain only the snacks and fruits. Always have lunch or dinner at Xunkun Palace to eat ... After one or two visits, the queen mother finds that the things in the kitchen of Xunkun Palace are better than the royal meal. The room was still eating, so I stayed here longer.

Both Shen Rong and Qi Haocang were speechless about this, but when they found that Mrs. Shen, who is also the concubine's mother and daughter, often entered the palace, two old ladies, you hug a granddaughter, I hug a grandson, and chatted cheerfully about the parenting experience When you can stretch it longer, you know that you are still naive.

"Ronger." Wenrou Township was about to be robbed, the world of the two was no longer there, and the emperor was pained and determined.

"Huh?" After confinement, eating and drinking all day long is like a concubine who gave birth to water and looked at him, her eyes were black and white.

"You move with your child." Qi Haocang looked more and more and said to her seriously, "Kuning Palace has better conditions than Xi Kun Palace, the place is big, you will live more comfortable in the past. More convenient After the mother, they go to see the children, and they don't have to worry about getting noisy. "

Shen Rong: "..." You are the only one who is obviously noisy, right?

In this way, after the three princes Qi Yuzhen and the four princesses Qi Yufang, who had reached the age of one and completed the weekly ceremony, Gui Rong was transformed into a queen by a sacred decree under the witness of many officials and their families. Feng Yin ruled the Sixth Palace and officially became the lord of the harem.

"Meilu, I regret it. It was so troublesome to be a queen."

The new queen is complaining about her confidante, and unlike the concubine, she only needs to consider one acre and one third of her land. As the hostess, the queen has to manage the entire harem. There are more things to do. The things in the house must be managed, and the things in other people's houses must also be controlled.

"These books made me feel dizzy ..." and at the Kun Kun Palace were not a heavyweight matter piled on the desk, Shen Rong looked bitter, and then put her gaze on the female officer for help, "Mei Lu, before Kun Palace, you also manage it very well, can you leave these things to you? You are now my palace girl, qualified to hold Fengyin on behalf of us, and we will follow the old rules? " Holding her.

If the chief executive is the highest peak of the eunuch's career and is often accompanied by the emperor, then the palace maid is the apex of the palace maiden's career. They will stay with the queen or the queen mother to help manage the harem trivia. Right of Feng Yin.

"I see, please give it to the slaves." Her female officer should calmly, and her voice was as impatient as ever, "But my mother, wait for the slaves to sort out these books, and you must listen to my summary. A qualified host Do n’t even know how many things you have. ”

The joy that Shen Rong had just revealed was put away soon after hearing the gentle exhortations of the female officer. She looked at the young girl's complexion and said, "How good is it for me to meet a smart and silly female officer like you who follows what."

From entering the Cold Palace to closing down the queen, Shen Rong knew that she had always been taken care of by the people in front of her. Without Mei Lu, she would not dare to think about her life without Shen Lu. The present Yipin Palace is still as clear as before, and Shen Rong is emotional and grateful.

"Because it's a mother-in-law." The female officer smiled. "I'm the one I want to serve."

Shen Rong couldn't help but reached out and took hold of the female officer's hand. She smiled with pouting lips a little ashamed and grateful: "I will work hard to be a good queen who doesn't let Mei Lu worry."

With such a spirit, Shen Rong canceled her negative attitude of laziness before, and her next step was steady and steady, and she soon became a qualified queen, and took care of the entire harem.

This relieved the queen queen and relatives and relatives, such as the General Mansion, who were still a little worried at first, and then proud of the malicious parties who wanted to see the joke. The queen's position became more and more stable.

As time passed by day by day, the pair of dragons and phoenixes who could not even take the road also grew to five years old, which is the age of innocence and naughtiness.

"After mother, I'm back from school!"

As a young boy yelled, the queen Shen sitting in the side hall saw a little guy in a bright yellow robe running in like a wind, only to get up straight and was hit by him.

"Oh, you stinky boy, how many times you do n’t want to run wild, because your mother ’s body and bones have been knocked off by you!" Holding her son ’s little shoulder, Queen Shen knocked him a bit of politely. .

He was still buried in her arms and the boy immediately put his tongue over her where he was hit. "Mother, do you still say me, don't you have a right shape? When someone was there, I was a queen, and when I was no stranger, I was "Smelly boy!" The more he said that a small face wrinkled more and more, and turned a fine copy of the five senses into four dislikes, it was Qi Rongyu, the son of Shen Rong.

Shen Rong raised his hand and patted his head again: "You're my son, isn't it bad to call you a bad boy? By the way, how can you be one, Fanger?" She asked Qi Yufang, another daughter.

Qi Yuzhen was even more unbalanced, and muttered indignantly: "Call me a stinky boy, call her a fanger ..." After receiving the threatened eyes of her mother, she immediately betrayed her. "After school, she asked me to come back first and say that I should find a fu Something. "

Want something? What does Fanger want? While Queen Shen was wondering, her son was dragged by her son again: "Mother, Aunt Melo! Why didn't you see her when you came back?" The little man said while looking at her with her feet on her feet.

"What else can I do for the two of you guys?" Shen Rong rolled her eyes at the son immediately, thinking that Mei Lu was alone before, and they didn't expect that after the birth of the children She also robbed Melo with her. Everyone has to let them take advantage of them all the time. I wonder if she would be unhappy even if she was a mother.

The queen was unhappy, but there was nothing she could do.

Qi Yuzhen is indeed the son of Shen Rong. The little child did not hide her desire when she heard that Aunt Meilu was cooking. She swallowed and asked, "What is delicious?"

"I don't know. I forgot to ask." Shen Rong, who was also drooling, ignored her son's resentful eyes and replied casually.

Just then, a clear and clear shout of a little girl sounded outside the hall: "Mother, brother, I'm back!"

The words didn't end. A little girl with similar facial features and Qi Yuquan and the same pink carved jade stepped into the door, holding a scroll of scrolls in her hand, and ran to their mother and son.

"Sister, you are a girl. Aunt Mei Lu also said that as a princess, you must behave with dignity and integrity?" Qi Yuxi took a small face and taught his sister.

Qi Yufang spit out his tongue directly at him: "But the mother-in-law and aunt also said that we can be more casual when there are no guests, or how tired are you holding the shelf every day! Look at the elder sister and the second emperor, one by one outside Unsmiling, back to her mother-in-law was also embarrassed, I looked uncomfortable, brother, aren't you uncomfortable? "

Qi Yuzhen immediately said nothing. He looked uncomfortable, but he was better in his palace. There was a mother, even if the father and the emperor occasionally saw them making fun, they just smiled and never trained them.

As long as the two children are old, Shen Rong will stay in Kunning Palace for as long as possible. When he moved here, he was taken away by the old team. Then he added two more staff according to the Queen's specifications. Under Melo's management, Kun The defense of Ninggong Palace is more rigorous than that of Kun Kun Palace. There is no one with a broken mouth in the palace, so the masters are assured that they can "wave the waves" on their own territory. Qi Huang himself is also one of them, of course, he has no mouth to say Children's.

However, because of such a common "little secret", the emperor's sense of belonging to Kuning Palace is also stronger.

"Fanger, what are you holding in your hand?" Shen Rong asked curiously, remembering what his son said before.

"This, it's worthy of a map!" The little girl raised the scroll in her hand and said crisply, "Today Taifu told us about the history of the Dachao Dynasty, and said that besides my Dacha, there were three people who were on the edge. The country also talked about some customs and customs, and I asked the Taifu for this map. I want to see what our country and other countries look like. "

Qi Yuzhen's eyes suddenly lighted up. As the queen's only son-in-law, he was made a prince by his father when he was three years old. When it comes to interest in the territory of the country, the boy is far more than the girl: "I, I, I, I want to see Sister, open it! "

Shen Rong also led the children to make room for them. The mother and the son-in-law just laid out the Kanyu map, and a tempting aroma of dessert passed in from the door.

"Mother-in-law, and two His Highnesses, what are you looking at?" When the gentle and steady female voice sounded, the two children who wanted to see the map immediately turned around, and gathered around the female officer holding the tray.

"Aunt Mei Lu!" The brothers and sisters shouted at the same time, looking up.

"Is this the golden silk red date corn cake?" Queen Shen stared at the cake in the tray first, relying on her height.

"It also comes with a savory jujube tea soup." Mei Lu added a smile as she lowered the tray.

"Awesome, great!" The eyes of the three foodies were brightened, and then they were disappointed with inertia. "It's too little."

"If you eat too many snacks, you won't need dinner." The female officer was unmoved. "It's important to maintain good health."

With half sorrow and half happiness, the mother-in-law drank tea and ate snacks, and soon gathered back to the previous desk. Longfeng also did not forget to pull Aunt Meilu up.

"Aunt, Taifu told us a lot of things today!" Qi Yuzheng first showed up. "It turns out that there are three other countries around our Dachao. They are called Yuntu Kingdom, Lixiu Kingdom and Juchi Kingdom!"

"I know, I know, too!" Qi Yufang was unwilling to fall behind, and immediately rushed to speak. "Fu Fu said that Yuntu Country is located on the grasslands and is not good at farming. The water cannot survive. Only my Dacheng Dynasty is the most favored by the heavens. The vast mountains, rich water, and beautiful water are the most supportive. Therefore, our national strength is the strongest among the four countries! "

"Both Highnesses are right." The female officer nodded with a smile.

The queen next to it was a childish mumbled mouth, pointing at the convincing figure on the case table: "The mother later test you, do you know the country names above, do you know where the four countries are located?"

The two five-year-olds were stunned. Although they started to read the three-character sutras of the Baijia surname from the age of three, there is no guarantee that the brothers and sisters will recognize all the characters.

"I'm sure you can! Don't look down upon your mother!" Be the first brother to raise his fist and refuse to admit.

"That is, although Taifu didn't teach us how to write, we must all know each other!" My sister followed closely behind.

A few heads immediately surrounded the top of the map. Sure enough, although some of the text above was unknown, the brothers and sisters guessed even better than the words they knew.

On the map, the four kingdoms are fan-shaped, and the big dynasty is located in the position of the fan handle.

The two children were a little tangled.

Qi Yufang was a little distressed: "I always feel that the three countries are a group, and they seem to come to bully us at any time."

Shen Rong, who was born in the General's Mansion, didn't say anything. Her daughter was right. The three countries came to harass several times every few years when they watched the big things and big things.

Just trying to comfort her daughter and tell her that the soldiers in the border are not vegetarian, and Qi Yuzhen suddenly said, "I want to include them all in the picture. After the mother, you see, if you connect the four countries, it is just complete. Where's the fan! "

Shen Rong opened her mouth wide, and then laughed, "Son! You are indeed the seed of Lao Shen and Lao Qi's family! The tone is big enough, ambitious and stronger than your father's emperor!" He patted his son's shoulders and looked She didn't fight when he raised his small face proudly. When he grows up and knows more and more from Taifu, he will understand how naive the idea is.

Qi Yufang looked at her mother's attitude towards her brother. She felt keenly that there was something wrong but couldn't tell. She could only look at her with a small mouth and tangled. Her wrinkled face looked exactly like Qi Yuzhen's expression before.

The little prince and the prince in the palace were all learned in the same place before the age of seven. After the age of seven, the prince will learn deeper knowledge with the Taifu, including the art of governing the country, and the princesses will be much looser and will be based on Choose your own courses based on your talents and preferences, such as piano, calligraphy, painting, poetry, song and poetry, and for example, fragrant fragrant —— the princess of the royal family does not worry about marrying, she is also a junior when she goes to another's house, her husband is a minister, and she is a lifetime Have to be respectful to the princess.

Qi Yufang is also the same. She is as clever and intelligent as her brother. She is very famous among her peers of her age.

In addition, both brothers and sisters inherited the good genes of their parents and were born with a good appearance. Longfeng was praised Zhang Da from a young age, especially Qi Yufang herself. She was loved by her parents, protected by her brother, and grandmother and grandmother. There is also the family of the grandfather, who is treated like a pearl and a treasure. At the age of twelve, he was given the title "Flying Moon" by his father and emperor. The name of her pet was as big as her looks. up and down.

Such a little princess with three thousand pets in her body, who has not been developed into a spoiled female bully, is already a little girl with her own strength. It is amazing.

Occasionally Qi Yufang himself also heard such remarks, saying how the children of a certain family family were spoiled by their mother-in-law and grandmother and finally lost the family Yunyun without learning and incomparable, and could not compare with Princess Feiyue. She rolled her eyes very implicitly. She was very fond of her at home, but if she loved her mother and queen brother as well as her aunt Melo, she knew that Why can't she be proud.

If nothing else, Qi Yufang will be very happy. She is well-known and noble. She will be the sister of the future emperor in the future. She will not worry about the future at all.

At the age of fourteen, the little princess who loved Douchu fell in love with a person who was the son of a prince. Even if she got married, she was considered to be a householder. Just when she was about to gather courage and whisper this story to her mother, a bad news came by unexpectedly.

Yuntu Country replaced the new king. After he took office, the first thing he did was to tear up the agreement to drop the book, which had been in truce for 20 years, and even united the giant Chi Kingdom next door.

The chaos in the chaos was chaotic. After Jiang Yanxiang stepped down, the highly-selected successor was worthy of his post. After stabilizing the situation in a few words, he suggested on the spot that his Majesty send a request for help to Li Xiuguo. Yuntuo could find a helper. They can do it too.

This proposal was quickly implemented. After a dozen good horses ran to death at the post, the court quickly received a reply from the king's room.

"Too much bullying!"

After reading the other party's reply, Qi Huang roared on the spot.

The King Lixiu's family promised to send troops to support, but in addition to the huge amount of money and a fine salt cloth armament, the other party also requested that Princess Feiyue marry their prince to become a princess. The letter also said that they had seen the princess Feiyue, so it is best for the royal family not to fool other princesses, otherwise not only the agreement will be invalidated, but they will also attack the grandfather with Yuntuo.

Yu Fang is his most beloved daughter. The emperor has secretly found suitable objects for the little girl. Now the barbarian actually wants his baby daughter to go to that kind of barren land to live a hard life!

"Your Majesty!" The Prime Minister hurried to his knees and begged hard, "My minister knows that this is digging your heart, but Your Majesty ... Please take the big picture seriously!"

Compared with the safety of a country, what is it to sacrifice a woman?

Besides, shouldn't it be a sacrifice for the country as a princess of the royal family?

"No! I won't marry! I don't want to go on a kiss !!!"

In Kuning Palace, Qi Yufang, who learned of this bad news, collapsed almost instantly. Li Xiuguo had no seasons and was frozen all year round. The people there lived blood and lived like savages, so even the poorest Dachao people did not want to go. Live there.

"Mother, aunt, I wo n’t marry, I wo n’t marry, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I smashed everything in the room, and finally the little princess who was unable to make a noise again cry in the arms of her relative Liver and bowel are broken.

The prince Qi Yuzheng on the one hand squeezed his fists, biting his eyes with red eyes, let alone Shen Rong, who was the biological mother, had already burst into tears.

But what if you do n’t marry? She was reluctant to let her daughter go, but what about the daughters of other people in Dalai Lama? As a queen, how can she explain to her mother all over the world?

"Yier." Shen Rong looked at her son with trembling lips. "Really, is there really no other way?"

The Prince slowly shook his head, with a heavy expression on his face: "I knelt in the Royal Study Room for a few hours and was beaten out by my father."

Qi Yufang cried out in tears, which was a heartbreaking sorrow after being abandoned by her beloved father.

"Go out! Go out! I don't want to see you now! I don't want to see anyone!"

The completely collapsed princess drove her family out of the door, locked the door, and lay crying on the bed.

Since then, the princess has gone on a hunger strike. After not seeing her daughter eat for a day and a night, Shen Rong also collapsed. At this moment, the emperor did not dare to come to Kuning Palace because of her guilt and had hid elsewhere. The queen could only cry in the arms of the woman officer she most relied on.

"Meilu, what should I do? What should I do!"

With the child Shen Rong, I know that the pain of this inability to protect her daughter is even worse than when Her Majesty beat her into the cold palace. If she can, she hates to replace it!

"Daughter, don't worry, there will be a way." Her lady officer was still so calm, such a voice made her want to believe, but ...

But what else can I do?

When she was negative and desperate, the closed door sounded a notice from the palace people: "Mother-in-law, aunt, the German dean seeks out of the palace."

Dehai? Shen Rong froze. Why did you come here suddenly?

After carefully cleaning up, the hard-working queen still met the **** Dehai in the side hall.

After seeing the ceremony, she opened the door without saying a word: "I know that you are not in a mood to chat with your slaves now, you can't hide it. The mother and the princess are heartbroken, but in fact her majesty is not up there. The matter of Princess Moon's marrying and kissing is a matter of course and nobody can change it. But this does not mean that there is no room for manipulation in this matter. "

"What does Degong mean?" Shen Rong didn't understand.

The **** smiled, then turned to the door and shouted, "Let her in!"

Xu Xun, a palace lady was taken by two eunuchs and sent to them kneeling in front of them. The sound of the hall door closing shook the palace lady's shoulders.

Shen Rong looked at the maiden who was kneeling on the ground and she had not shrunk into a ball. She lowered her head tightly. The maiden's clothes were of low grade. The hands on the ground were thin and fleshy but covered with calluses and cracks. At first glance, it was the rough maid who had suffered a lot.

Without waiting for her to question again, De Hai had screamed at the palace girl: "Look up! Don't you know to see the ceremony before the queen and wife!"

The maid was shaken again, shuddering, raising her face and saluting the queen's hoe: "Slaves and slaves, spring worship, worship and meet the queen's maiden, maiden's blessing, Jin'an!"

The moment she looked up, letting people see her face clearly, Shen Rong could not help but lean back and took a breath.

At first glance, this face looks like her daughter Yufang!

If you look closely, the other party should be older, because the labor and the living environment are not smooth, the energy and vitality are very withered, let alone the temperament. The second look will definitely not confuse the two.

"Chun Xi is a new group of palace ladies who came in at the beginning of this year. Because of clumsiness, they have been working in the Huanyi Bureau, and the old slaves were occasionally found a month ago. Madam, Li Xiuguo has promised to give us half a year to prepare the dowry. Go and kiss, you see, in the past six months, it should be more than enough to think about Princess Feiyue? "

Dehai's words were so straightforward that the meaning was not clear, but the maid was still a little confused and didn't understand the state. Shen Rong looked at the face like her daughter Xiao in front of her, knowing that this was wrong, but her mouth was like glue. I can't say anything.

It was clear that the queen was the default De Hai bowed his head, said nothing very caring, and asked the **** to pull the maid out and leave Kuning Palace again.

Since then, Kunning Palace has been quiet. The news that Princess Feiyue had gone on a hunger strike protest outside the palace turned into a princess who was persuaded by the queen, and promised that the relatives would no longer resist. However, when the queen or princess appeared in front of people, there was no smile on her face. This made Baiguan and the public, who were still angry for Princess Feiyue's irrational, feel guilty.

Who has no children, and where is the barbarous place of Li Xiuguo? In this case, everyone would feel bad.

And the people who originally felt that Feiyue Gong was mainly sent to his relatives were more and more indignant. Many writers and writers who were not afraid of death wrote a lot of poetry and essays, either to ridicule the weakness of the royal family or to sorrow the country and be deceived. Go for peace.

There is no mention of how the outside of the palace is boiling. Inside the palace, Dehai, who had previously praised Haikou to ensure that he could get it, was sweating.

"I'm not going! I'm not going to marry! I don't want to go to a barbarian place!"

After knowing her fate, the spring maid of the palace violently resisted.

I thought that such a weak cowardess would be obedient when she threatened to seduce, but Dehai underestimated the people's contempt and rejection to the foreign state. Yeah, even the poorest people are unwilling to go to that kind of place, let alone the maid of the Royal Palace.

De Hai had wanted to use her relatives as a threat. As a result, her parents died and she was treated harshly by her uncle's family and then sold in to be a palace maid. He said that he was going to kill her uncle's family when he said that he would not be happy. Applause, Dehai didn't hesitate, she used her own fate, and people said, "Let me go there, I would rather be killed now." The **** was so angry that he wanted to drag his hair.

"You have to go if you don't! You can't help it now!"

At this time, De Hai was no longer charming and charming when he was at Kuning Palace, and even very vicious. Under the dual pressure of the emperor and the empress, he was definitely a villain in the villain's face.

Threats don't work, then change to a different one. There are some ways in the palace that torture people but not let them die.

For several days, Chunxi was tortured in a dark room. She hadn't eaten for two days, and her body was covered with needles and whipped bruises on her face. The other party didn't let her sleep, as long as she closed her eyes. Someone woke her up.

"Are you promised now?" When the old face that had occupied the first place in her hate list appeared, Chun Xi felt that her spirit had reached the limit.

But she still shook her head: "No."

Then she was proud to see the cracking of the old face, and was about to grin and laugh twice, the closed door of the house opened, and a thin and indifferent figure came in.

"De Gong, forget it, don't torture a poor man again." The voice was very gentle and nice, Chun Xi tried hard to open his eyes to see clearly, but his vision was blurred.

"But, Girl Melo ..." The hateful **** director hadn't finished speaking, and Chunxi had completely passed out and could no longer hear what they were saying.

When I did n’t know how long I had slept, I finally opened my eyes and found that I was lying on a very soft big bed. This was the most comfortable bed she had ever slept in. Her embroidery on the top of her head was very delicate. Good smelling incense.

Sitting up slowly, she touched the quilt, and she turned her head to look around in disbelief, but the movement was just a little bigger, and the wound on her body made her scream out in pain.

"It wasn't long before your injury was covered with medicine and it should not be disturbed. It is best to lie down and rest well these days." A gentle female voice came suddenly, scaring Chunxi quickly looking past and seeing not far away Someone sat there quietly, her face was ordinary and there was a little tear mole under her left eye.

"Mei, Aunt Meilu!" The level-repressed instinct made Chunxi sublimely salute her, "Aunt is auspicious!"

"You don't have to be so nervous." The other person smiled at her gently, and the calm temperament easily calmed Chunxi's uneasy heart, "I am here to apologize to the queen mother."


"Mother-in-law has always felt guilty about letting you marry you. I heard that you would rather die than torture and be tortured by Dagong, it is even more regrettable, so let me come over and ask you to come back. I apologize to you and hope you forgive her. "

These remarks made Chun Xi silent, and she was the victim of the victim without resentment, but when she heard the apology of the queen, she thought she was so troubled and envious of her daughter. As an orphan, she would never experience this kind of motherly love in her life.

Mei Lu didn't take it seriously when she saw that she didn't speak, but just paused and continued, "As a gift, Kunning Palace will not only take care of your injury to the girl in the past, but also give you a lot of money Go out of the palace. Please rest assured that in addition to your money, your household registration and the royal family will also handle it for you, and you will not have a livelihood outside the palace. "

Chunxi listened for a moment, and her eyes moved along Mei Lu's standing and stared at her. At this moment, another palace girl came in, holding a tray in her hand, with porridge and side dishes filled with delicate dishes. The milk fragrance from rice porridge made the spring hungry for several days. Drool.

"Hungry? This is a porridge to nourish your stomach. You eat these pads first, and then you will switch to a normal meal." The female officer said at this time.

"Why, why?" The maid did not understand why she was so nice to her.

In response to this, the female officer smiled slightly: "Girl Chunxi, you are no longer a maid, but a guest who was injured in Kunning Palace. So during this period Kunning Palace will entertain you with the specifications of entertaining guests, this room is your future temporary You can use whatever you want in this house. "

Chun Xi was stunned by her words, and the female officer continued.

"Not only meals, but also daily food and clothing, you can tell me anything you need. You can also find any other palace person when I am away, and they will never neglect you."

After explaining these words, all the people in Kunning Palace left, and only Chunxi looked around while holding the porridge bowl.

She hasn't eaten this porridge, but she knows it. I used to listen to the imperial chef inside when I was pulled to help move the charcoal. It was the millet core of the Jiangnan Tribute that was soaked with spring water from Yuquan Mountain, supplemented by fresh goat milk, tributes almonds, and peach blossoms. The casserole is cooked by a person. It must be stirred all the time. Only small bubbles are allowed. It is not allowed to boil for three hours. It is only something that is qualified for eating.

As soon as the porridge was poured into the mouth, the hungry spring juice was directly drunk in a few mouthfuls, and the taste was too good. She could not help but pour out a few dishes in the small dish. It was like walking around the room like exploring a new continent, and he was afraid to reach out when he looked at these precious furniture furnishings with a strange look and fear of soiling.

When she walked to the dresser, she could never walk away.

On the bronze mirror stand, there is a delicate ivory comb, gouache for skin rejuvenation, blusher, head oil, and flower yellow, a few jade buckles and golden cage **** for the daughter's house, and a three The layered makeup box, the box is carefully carved with beautiful paint on it, attracted by this beauty and the desire in the heart, Chunxi could not help but gently lifted one of the layers.

Suddenly, the jewellery inside made her take two steps backwards.

Full and round Dongzhu necklace, earrings with gold inlaid jade, emerald bracelet with emerald green, red lotus entangled ring with ruby ​​face, and exquisite flying bird calyx ...

You can use anything in this house.

Leng Bingding, the words that the palace woman said earlier appeared like a curse in Chunxi's mind.

Instead of touching the jewellery, she rushed to the side of the wardrobe a few steps and opened it violently, and the satin fur mink inside it fascinated her eyes again.

After staying at Kunning Palace, Chunxi has been living the same luxurious life as those of jewellery and clothing. Every day is a delicate meal. Someone is waiting to get up early. Someone is helping to wash and change clothes. Wear jewelry on the dresser casually. Wardrobe The clothes in it are changed casually, and even if you do n’t like the color of a certain piece of clothes, there will be new ones immediately. The best medicine for changing dressing is to try not to leave any scars on her body. The hands full of calluses and cracks are often carefully washed and maintained, and the spring milk can be found every day to be smooth and delicate every day.

"Hello, have you heard? The prince of Li Xiuguo made a special trip to Beijing to find our princess two days ago."

"I heard that, although it is a barbarian with yellow hair and green eyes, it looks pretty good. She is very attentive to the princess and actually kneels and offers flowers to her in court."

One day she overheard a maid whispering in the backyard facing the window.

"But the princess ignored him and hee hee, he looks like an abandoned puppy."

"If he doesn't come, I really don't know that Li Xiuguo is not as poor as I thought. That prince is very sincere. He sent many precious gems that even our auntie didn't have, and there are other things I ca n’t say. The thing that comes is said to be a gift! "

"Well, even if he really likes the princess, robbery in the fire! Otherwise, he is worthy to marry our princess?"

"That is, the princess should always ignore him and give him some bitter food!"

The two chatted and walked away while chatting, not knowing that someone in the room was lying on the window and overhearing carefully.

The rich life is still going on. Although the female officer has repeatedly said that Spring Festival can go out of the room, she still timidly continued to crouch in the room. As the scars on her entire body became lighter day by day and disappeared at a rate visible to the naked eye, Chunxi's heart became anxious instead.

This meant she was leaving the room and getting closer and closer to this princess-like life.

On the day when it was confirmed that there were no more scars on her body, Chun Xi looked at herself with her hands as white as jade, and was horrified to admit that she had no way to go back to the past, and that she could work hard in the winter and heat Three meals are just civilian days of coarse tea and light rice.

"The mission of Kunning Palace is completed." The female officer who reappeared in the room smiled and congratulated her. "It took three months to finally raise the flesh. Congratulations girl, you are free."

"No!" Chunxi screamed, and immediately looked down to conceal when she was out of shape. "That ... Aunt Melo, me, I ..."

"What's the matter?" The other side looked at her with a tilted head. "If you need anything, say that you are still guests of Kuning Palace before you leave, you are welcome."

"Aunt, aunt me ..." Chun Xi blushed, and the images of richness and misery in the past alternated with each other. In the end, he shouted with a gritted tooth and closed his eyes, "I'm willing to marry the princess and kiss!"

She doesn't want to! She doesn't want to leave! She didn't want to live that humble life anymore!

She wants to be a princess! She wants to be a princess!

The air was quiet for a long time, and after a long time, Deng Xi, who did not dare to open his eyes, heard the female officer's groan: "This matter ... I can't be the master, I have to report to my mother-in-law."

"Yes, yes ...!" She kept responding, "Yes! Aunt you say that I am voluntary! I was not forced, I really want to worry about my mother and princess!"

The female officer got up and left, but the determined spring dream felt like the year was seconds, and she subconsciously stood in front of the bronze mirror ... She occasionally opened the window to look outside, and sometimes saw Princess Feiyue, even she could bear it Can't help but sigh.

They really look like each other.

But destiny is completely different.

After waiting for a long time, Chunxi finally waited for the female officer, and when she got the news from the queen, she almost wept with joy, during which she almost thought she would be abandoned.

"Since you are willing to marry, then in order to avoid revealing flaws and gaining more time for my dynasty dynasty after Li Xiuguo, some etiquette training is essential, can you agree?" The female official said to her with some seriousness. .

Chunxi nodded hard, and no matter how hard the training was, she had not suffered before.

"This can't be better." The female officer frowned and looked at her with a smile. "If possible, we hope you can lie to Li Xiuguo for a lifetime, at least three years. The longer the time, the better it will be for you and us. wrong?"

After listening to Chun Xi, she became more and more serious, which is related to whether her future of prosperity and prosperity can continue.

After talking about this layer, the atmosphere of the two sides became more and more gentle. Chunxi saw the female officer beckoning to the door. Several palace men came in with a few trays, and then placed them neatly on the case table. On the tray were a white bearskin cape, a delicate three-piece sapphire necklace, a bracelet, and a ring, a small diamond crown, and a short gemstone scepter.

"This is a gift from Li Xiuguo's prince to her future princess. The queen mother asked me to pass it on to you. These belong to you."

Chun Xi's eyes glowed at this moment.

In the next three months, hell-style training started, and Rao was a psychologically prepared spring shake and suffered a lot. But whenever she could n’t persist, just look at the gifts given by the prince and she would Unlimited motivation.

Finally, the day of the marriage came, the princess wearing the delicate wedding dress stepped on the driver's seat gracefully, the door of the wind-proof car was closed, and it was completely covered by the heavy red curtain. There are well-equipped soldiers escorted, followed by a number of property clothing and palace eunuchs.

This mighty and friendly team crossed the gates of the palace, and finally stepped onto the streets of Beijing. The people who saw them along the way did not laugh, and some even cried. They all knew that it was their princess who had exchanged this crisis for Da-hyun.

At this time, some people in the palace who knew the truth were relieved, especially the dragon and phoenix, which was relieved.

It ’s finally gone, it ’s great to go without my / sister to get kissed!

However, the queen standing next to them was extremely pale, and she looked at them calmly: "Do you think this is good? Have you escaped a sigh of relief? Feeling happy?"

Brother and sister looked at her puzzledly.

"What a joy!" Shen Rong couldn't help but yelled, "As the royal family who should protect the people, it makes them happy to sacrifice for themselves!"

The lungs of the dragon and the phoenix shook.

"Yuer and Fanger, you all remember to me, this is a day of shame! As the royal family can't protect the country, even I can't protect my daughter, I feel ashamed and shameful! That girl's fate should not be like this We owe her! "

Shen Rong looked at the children who bowed their heads, and showed no mercy, especially aligned with the jade, rare words.

"If you are really ashamed, think about what you want to do as a Chu monk to make Dachang Country stronger, and stop repeating it!"

After finishing her sleeves, Queen Queen left, leaving two brothers and sisters with their heads and fists embarrassed and biting their lower lips.

On the farther wall of the palace gate, the team watching the relatives gradually went away, and Melo who stood alone in the wind looked pale.


[Host, I'm here. 】

"You can forcibly extract the lower system from the binder, can you also force it?"

[Yes, host. 】

"A007, unfreeze xq7669, re-run, and designate the binder as Chunxi."

[Okay, the freeze on the number xq7669 · "Gong Fei Raiders" system has been released ... the import positioning has been started ... the casting is complete! 2k novel reading network