MTL - The Cultivation Of The Maid-Chapter 16 Leng Gong's Palace Concubine

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Despite her depression, Shen Rong closed herself in the dormitory for several days as soon as she was busy with the pro-concern issue. The Queen Shen revived and walked out.

Now that someone has been replaced, the emperor and queen, who have contributed to the status quo, have of course made appropriate arrangements for their beloved daughter.

"Fanger, there are not many people who know about you at present. Except for me and your father's emperor, outside the palace, you know the family of Jingguo and Jinghenggong." The queen said I called to my children and told my daughter who successfully concealed the sky, "Don't you always like Jing Heng's second son, I will arrange next ..."

"No, mother, I won't go!" Knowing what the queen wanted to say, the little princess shook her head vigorously and refused, her eyes were red. "I have also thought about it a lot during the days you closed yourself in the dormitory. Sorry, After my mother, I was too selfish. I was clearly a princess, but I put the responsibility that I should have on others and let others take risks. I am too bad to be able to continue to enjoy your goodness with such peace of mind. "

"Fanger ..." Shen Rong moved.

"After my mother, I want to change my status to the Department of Agriculture!" Qi Yufang wiped his eyes and his face was firm. "Aunt said that I am talented in planting, and she said that if I can continue to improve, maybe I can grow and increase the yield. I want to go there and do my part! After the mother, I am not the princess who only enjoys the people's dedication but does not know how to return! "

"Where can you be in a place like the Secretary of Agriculture ..." Shen Rong immediately opposed, Qi Yuzhen, who had not spoken, said suddenly.

"Mother, I will go to the barracks with my uncle tomorrow." A word from the son was shocked that Shen Rong forgot everything he wanted to say. "You scolded me and my sister right before, because we have always stood high and enjoyed it. All the people respected but forgot their duty. Don't tell me, I have made up my mind. I am the future emperor of Dalai. I accept the worship of all peoples. If I can't protect them, what qualifications will they have?

Compared with his sister's excitement, Qi Yuzhen's look was more indifferent, but the will revealed in his eyes could not be ignored.

"You guys, are you brothers and sisters collusion?" The queen didn't know what to say for a while. At that time, it was true that she was scolded for not being sensible. Now that she is sensible, she has asked for hardship and motivated, but she couldn't help feeling bad. .

At this time, the dragons and babies were on their knees and solemnly nodded to their mother.

"Mother, forgive the wayward of your sons and daughters! Three years, for a period of three years! If you fail in three years, you and your father will be punished!"

In the end, Queen Shen agreed to the children's request, saying that her father's job was with her and would not affect her children.

Forced to marry and kiss his relatives, Shen Rong knew very well that the emperor's aggressive and overbearing character had long since been suffocated. If the situation forced it to evolve into three kingdoms, he could immediately organize the army to send the generals to benefit the country. It would be better to destroy the royal family that was robbed in the fire, but now it is not going well.

"Go! Give military conscription instructions to all ministries and provinces! For example, if every household has a thirteen-year-old and younger recruit, the household will be exempted from food tax by 30%!"

"Ironsmiths and wooden wares can be used by craftsmen to enter local craft camps. The household registration of the craftsman is exempt from ten years of food tax and ten years of military service!"

"From this year on, all soldiers in the country will have a 50% increase in their rates!"

"Restructuring the military exercise, which is held every three years, to be conducted every six months!"

"I want to recruit a lot of troops and train! Big training!"

It took several months to finally completely stabilize the situation outside the territory, eliminated the idea of ​​Yuntu and Juchi's joint attack on the big cock, and after confirming that there were no external problems, the emperor Qi Huang sent a lot of money. Start military training for all.

The sister-in-law who was almost attacked by the Three Kingdoms now has a sense of crisis. He is also very positive in responding to the call of Tianjia. Besides, there are so many benefits of being a soldier at the moment. Not only can it reduce taxes, but it also has a lot of money. , Even more happy.

It ’s impossible to release so much, saying no one is tempted, but wise people know that it ’s never the time to take a shot, but there are always some irresistible greedy moves that should be common people ’s cakes. Qi Huang, who was so concerned about this, certainly did not relent.

After cutting a large number of people at the food markets around the country, both officials and local gentry are honest.

When I heard that even Prince Edward had been in the barracks for training, and even that he would release the battlefield to kill the enemy in the future, everyone knew that the royal family was really angry and wanted to play for real.

For a time, martial arts prevailed throughout the country.

There is a big move over Tianzi, and the low-key dragon and phoenix are quietly working hard according to their own minds, worrying that the Shen queen of the children will care about it from time to time. The son followed him to the barracks to train her. There is no way, but in the agriculture department Daughter, she will let Melo take the time to visit.

The team of relatives had already arrived in Li Xiuguo long ago, and the "Princess of the Flying Moon" over there even made it possible for the royal family to return a letter to the royal family.

Upon receiving this letter, everyone inside knows that everything is going well.

Time passed quickly, and Dachao Dynasty was constantly changing.

In the first year, the large-scale expansion of military forces in various places has been drilled in a decent manner. In order to train troops, a lot of green forest bandits have been cleared. The security has improved, and the circulation of merchandise has also been greatly increased.

The next year, the Department of Agriculture released the latest improved wheat seeds, which not only tripled the original yield, but also shortened the growth period by half. Farmers and landowners across the country rushed.

The third year ... Oh, in the third year, there is no big news in the country. It is nothing more than the continuous improvement of the above. The big news is out of borders.

Three nations, Li Xiuguo, Ju Chi and Yuntuo, are fighting!

Yes, this group of barbarians didn't stare at the rich big **** this year to fight the autumn wind or something, instead they fought against each other.

The masterminds who have been paying attention to their movements for a long time have quickly investigated the reasons, or the people living at the border know that they have even spread to the country.

The royals of these three countries will suddenly fight to fight for a woman. It is rumored that she is as beautiful as a goddess. With only one eye, a man can be obsessed with her. Just a little laugh can attract at least two men. A duel for her life and death, wherever she says what she wants, even the stars in the sky will surely have men fought for her. This country-loving woman was so fascinated by the royal family and high-class aristocracy of the Three Kingdoms that countless men throw her head and blood on her, even if she lost all her wealth and lost her country.

If the people feel that they are crazy and incredible when they hear that the three countries have been mad and red-eyed, then they know that the scourge of the water is the words of the princess Feiyue they sent to Li Xiuguo and his dear, The whole person was stunned and couldn't believe it.

At the time when people from all over the country were discussing this matter, Dasao had already lined up an army at the border and divided into three groups of soldiers and horses. At the same time, the court also announced to the public the truth three years ago-

It turned out that it wasn't the real Princess Feiyue that was sent to kiss and kiss, but the female secretly cultivated by the royal family. Because her looks were like Princess Feiyue, she was sent to perform secret tasks. As for what the mission is ... do you still not see the chaos in the Three Kingdoms?

And the real princess of the flying moon has been hiding in the agriculture department, do you know the new wheat that you are planting now? It was the princess Feiyue researched for the grandmother in the agricultural department!

This reversal was caught off guard, and a lot of people were shocked, but after they responded, they couldn't help laughing and shouting Long live!

"Your Majesty is still wise! If I had sent Her Royal Highness to my dear for the first time, I'm afraid I would never have enough to eat!"

"Yeah! Thanks to the princess for researching improved wheat! Our family will no longer grow rice with rice!"

"Good change! Good change! Fortunately, I didn't send it to my dear!"

The people are very forgiving and easy to forgive the superiors. As long as they give them a stable living environment and eat enough food, they will be grateful to you and will never worry about being cheated three years ago.

The true princess who had lifted her reputation and regained her status was blushing when she praised her. It was indeed her efforts to improve the wheat varieties, but she did so at the suggestion of Aunt Melo. She told the facts at the time, but nobody paid attention to it. Everyone just praised her and deducted all the credit from her, making the little princess very guilty. It turned out that the client was very gentle and soothing. "This is a necessary process. You need this reputation more than me" ... Wow, she still likes her aunt the most!

On the other side, the three armed forces that initiated the war are also good news companies. The time of their invasion is very good. It is the gap between the three kingdoms to fight down the red eyes. The soldiers of the three weak countries are equipped with terrible troops. In front of the army, there was no force to fight back. In a blink of an eye, they were rushed to death, and it was easy to win.

Of course, Shen Jiajun and the prince who are with him are indispensable. The goal of the army is to directly point to the royal family of the Three Kingdoms. It is fast and will never give the other party any reaction time. This raid is extremely beautiful.

"Newspaper! The giant city of Ju Chi has been broken, all the members of the royal family have been captured, and a surrender book has been submitted to submit to my concubine!"

"Newspaper! The Yuntu Kingdom imperial city has been broken, the king has abandoned the city and fled, and the remnants of the royal family have presented a surrender book and are willing to submit to my concubine!"

"The newspaper——! The imperial city of Li Xiuguo has been broken, all the members of the royal family have committed suicide, and the local aristocracy has submitted a surrender book to submit to my concubine!"

From Jingcheng Avenue to the Royal Palace Hall, every fast-moving news sent the people and Chaotang in a happy mood. There were young children who didn't understand and led the adults to ask.

"Does it mean that they will never hit us again?"

"Yes! All of their future land will be mine, and the people in those countries will be affiliated with our wife!"

The entire Daxun fell into a sea of ​​celebration, and the four countries have since merged into a single country. There is always only the name of Daxun on the map. People in the border areas no longer have to worry about being bullied and invaded.

When the triumphant soldiers returned to the DPRK, they also brought a large number of loot from the Three Kingdoms, piles of gems, precious fur, and even the rare high-end medicinal materials that were very rare in Dalai. A car widened the eyes of the people they saw.

They suddenly realized that the other three countries were not as poor as they thought. There were treasures over there! There are many treasures that have not yet been dug!

When the common people discovered the highlights, and the merchants were gearing up to go to Nuggets, the upper class nobles had already discussed how to divide up such a large piece of cake, but there were also perspectives and scholars who were always singularly concerned about another .

What about the peerless beauty who scourged the Three Kingdoms?

Where have you been Will not be killed by those veteran soldiers by mistake?

In their wild speculation, a warm little flower hall full of western style was filled with the aroma of desserts and black tea in the western-style warm flower hall in the Lixiu Kingdom Palace far away.

The flower-shaped bone china tea cup has just been filled with black tea. The tea-pourer is dressed in a crow-colored blue female uniform. The wide sleeve robe is pressed to the side elegantly. The slender and beautiful hand is very skilled in adding milk and put two more. A cube of sugar, then gently pushed it to the opposite, a beautiful dark-haired woman in a black court dress with white snow and red lips.

"Aunt, it's so easy to come here for the first time here." The woman smiled wryly as she watched this cup of Earl Grey tea, which was well-prepared, "You never seem panicked."

"Because it's not necessary," the female officer sitting opposite her said gently. "Those emotions don't help solve things, they only slow down the efficiency. That's not OK."

"Because there is no way to execute the queen's order well?" The woman sneered, but with ridiculed eyes in her face was sad. "I'm just a **** in your eyes from beginning to end."

"But it's not abandonment, a girl in the past." The look of the female officer was calm. "The guilt of your mother-in-law has always been true. I thought you would return to Da-yu and ended up staying here. The mother-in-law had to send me in person. You should also feel this sincerity? You have done your job well, and the royal family will not treat you badly. You can make requests as much as you like, as long as it is not too big. "

Such a big tone is really the only confidence in the dynasty after the annexation of three countries in one breath. The ridicule on Chunxi's face deepened, but this time to himself.

"Aunt." She looked down at the black tea on the white round table and murmured, "Three years have passed, and I have seen a lot of things I have never seen before, and my vision has widened, so every time I think about life in the palace They all shuddered, you completely released the devil in my heart and turned me into what I am now ... "

"But you are living the life you want, aren't you?" The female officer interrupted her grievance in a word. "You don't need to work anymore and you don't worry about being bullied. Every day, Jinyiyushi is loved and loved by everyone. People. Why did you come here to blame us for your careful injuries? If you said at the time, either me or the queen would let you go. "

The door is always open, it is just a fork that can clearly see the left and right end points. It is nonsense to use this to criticize anyone.

The one who can't stand the temptation is myself. If you make a choice or yourself, don't put on the victim's face.

Chunxi suddenly got stuck and was silent about Mei Lu's rebuttal.

Yeah, she always couldn't stand the temptation. Because of greed for Ronghua, she chose to marry and kiss. After inexplicably getting a magical thing that claims to be the Raiders system, she couldn't stand what the system said like snow skin, bright eyes, graceful singing ... and so on. Those women could n’t refuse the reward, and kept seducing the royal men. To improve the so-called beauty value. At first it was only a scourge of the King's House. When the beauty value became higher and higher, things would no longer be under control. She was taken by everyone, and the royal families and nobles of the Three Kingdoms beat her.

When she thought that things were out of control, Dachao's iron hoof suddenly came. Coincidentally, the system that gave her beauty suddenly disappeared.

Chun Xi, who had been stupid, suddenly had a head in her head, and finally realized that this was a round from beginning to end. She was a prop, and the three kingdoms attracted by the prop were the targets that Dasao wanted to harvest.

"Do you have anything you want?" The opposite officer still smiled slightly, as she did when she was in the palace three years ago.

For a moment, Chunxi was frustrated. She lowered her eyelashes and lost all the hatred and indignity in her heart. She said without emotion: "I want to live there with my prince, and I want to live there all my life. . "

The stupid prince who fell in love with Princess Feiyue at the first sight, so took the opportunity to mention the rude request of the stupid prince, who was really good to her. When she first arrived, he always accompanied him tenderly. Unfortunately, she betrayed him and finally watched him die ...

She has always been selfish, and the custom of the Dalai Dynasty cannot tolerate a woman like her, so she had to hide here and continue to enjoy prosperity and honor under the name of "Dalai Chenshi".

After agreeing to Chun Xi's request, she arranged for her servants. After telling the officials stationed there that the small palace is the old-age care place after Chun Xi, she was not allowed to neglect, and Mei Lu embarked on the road back to Daxu.


[Host, I'm here. 】

"Xq7669 was frozen by you again?"

[No, it absorbs enough energy to successfully upgrade and has gone to another world. Before leaving, I also fixed the beauty to the host who helped it. 】

"It sounds a bit spiritual."

[It's just that the mantissa has been raised up and turned into xq7668. 】

"Do you upgrade too?"

[That's more than the energy you wish for your host. If the host is willing to try for me, I will be happy. 】

The conversation was terminated.

How Dalai Dynasty expanded its territory and how the upper nobles negotiated with the royal family to share the cake was not important to Melo. Compared to these, she was more willing to watch the queen mother hug her son who became dark and look at it. A tearful joy smiled and saw her distress and busy preparing her daughter for a dowry ...

Finally, a few years later, she was glad to see her as the emperor's son set foot in the palace of the golden emperor and ascended the throne as emperor.

Queen Shen became Queen Mother Shen.

She finally sat down in the highest position of the concubine, with the son of the emperor respected, accompanied by the princess daughter, guarded by the eldest son of the grandfather, and the country that ruled the country was rich and strong, and no one would commit crimes. All the rest of her life would be peace and joy.

Therefore, the most important and dependant female court official finally collapsed and fell down.

Just like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, she suddenly suffered from incurable diseases. All the medical officers of the Taiyuan Hospital failed to delay the illness of the female officer, let alone save her life.

"Your Majesty, Mother Queen Mother, Your Royal Highness, you three should go in and have a look." The doctor who walked out of the room shook his head at them with a low tone, "I'm afraid I'll be late ..."

"No! Meilu!" Shen Rong didn't believe it, she screamed into the house without a gesture, "How can you leave Ai's home first! Ai's family won't let you go!"

"Aunt!" Qi Yufang who followed was already crying, and the brother next to her was also red-eyed and reluctant.

But the person lying on the bed was already dead at a glance, and her face was pale and closed, and her eyes seemed to be out of nowhere.

"Meilu! Meilu, look at Ai's house!" Shen Rong stepped forward and held the female officer's hand. She wanted to shake vigorously but did not dare, "Wake up, don't sleep!"

It seemed that she had heard her call, and the person on the bed finally regained consciousness. When she opened her eyes, her face was a little embarrassed. After seeing Shen Rong, a queen queen, and the emperor with the robe behind her, and a princess with a similar face, she His eyes were wet: "Mother, mother ..."

"Meilu, I'm here!" Shen Rong responded quickly, "Don't be afraid, you'll be fine, you'll stay with me to the end, right?"

When the female officer heard her say that, she first stung, and then she slowly laughed: "Madam, slave-girl just ... remembered the previous thing, slave-girl thought that she had been stolen by the lady-in-law's sister-in-law's sister-in-law. At that time, you appeared ... At that time, you seemed to the slave as a goddess and rescued the slave ... You also gave the slave money to take care of your father, mother, and younger brother, the first time the slave met a kind person like you people……"

Shen Rong kept shaking her head, she didn't say so well, she was always the one being taken care of!

"Mother-in-law, slavery misses the past ... Could you please call slavery again ... the original name ..."

The request made by the female officer made Shen Rong startled. She fixed her eyes on the other person's eyes. There was no indifference or calmness she used to see, only a tender and pure expectation. For a moment, Shen Rong's magic in the past made her always feel wrong but she couldn't say anything.

"Su Yu!" She choked, and reached out her hand tremblingly and touched her head. "You are a good boy, thank you, I should thank you very well." She turned and looked back at her pair of children. , "Fang Erfang, come on, call Aunt Su Suyu!"

Impatiently urged by her mother, the royal brothers and sisters called "Aunt Su Yu" although they were puzzled.

"Good ..." Looking at everything in front of her, the female officer smiled and closed her eyes completely with contentment.

Shen Rong bowed her head, tears like rain.


[Congratulations to the host for completing the task perfectly, and the client is very satisfied, gaining 100 energy points. 】

[Because the host task completion is perfect, you can get the following gift packages:]

[A. Perfect leather maintenance: As an excellent servant, it is natural to take good care of every leather item of the master. (Energy Point: 20)]

[B. Mastery in Gunsmithing: As an excellent servant, when facing a sudden crisis, he should have the ability to retreat from the enemy like a bodyguard! (Energy Point: 10)]

[C. Perfect hacking technology: As an excellent servant, you should be able to control all information and data on the network at any time, and provide convenience for the host at any time and place. (Energy Point: 20)]

Returning to the pure white space, Mei Lu saw a series of information given by the system and directly chose to close.

[Host, although you are proficient in many powerful skills, the art is endless and the technology is endless. I suggest that you still spend some energy points to buy one or two, and you will always use it for future tasks. After all, we never know what skills the next master will need us to master. 】

"No need." Melo looked calm about the system's suggestion. "A007, I want to know how much energy points I need to exchange for my wish."

[If the amount of compensation for this task is based, the host needs to complete a thousand to complete. 】

"One hundred thousand, I know." There was no a007's unexpected surprise or jump, its host just nodded gently, still calm, "Begin to welcome the next client." 2k novel reading network