MTL - The Daily Life of Being the Campus Idol’s Fake Boyfriend-Chapter 6 00 hearsay

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006. hearsay

In the year of the senior high school entrance examination, Tencent had a "WeChat". The friends around Lingke had fought in new social software. He also followed the trend and applied for a micro signal with Q`Q.

As WeChat associates Q'Q friends, the system directly extracts contacts for him, and there is also Feng Feng in the inside.

The earliest group of people who played WeChat were not fortified, and Ling Ke once again mixed into the circle of friends of Yu Feng.

In the past year, Yu Feng has grown a lot higher. The facial features are more and more three-dimensional, the eyebrows are getting more and more handsome, and the dressing is getting more and more delicious.

Compared with those of the 16-year-olds who have acne on their faces and squirting their faces, the singularity of 戚枫 is really unique. Sometimes a casual selfie in a circle of friends can kill the oily noodles outside. Small fresh meat star.

Ling Ke's handsome guy is highly sought after in high school. He can't imagine how popular Yu Feng is in his social circle.

Different from the mixed Q'Q space, if you are not a common friend on WeChat, you can't see who the other person likes and left a message.

Ling Ke originally thought that his circle and the circle of Feng Feng did not overlap at all. After all, he was studying in a public school. Qi Feng was still in a private school. The geographical location of the two schools was separated by more than half of the city.

It was only when he inadvertently exchanged a micro-signal with a girl in the school and saw the girl’s “likes” in several states of Yu Feng, only to realize that the city was actually very small.

The girl is the social flower of their high school. It is one time higher than Ling Ke. It is also the Minister of Culture and Entertainment of the Student Union. It usually organizes some public welfare activities and learns that Ling Ke will play the piano and has to change his contact information.

As for Ling Ke, this is a character. The two did not talk a few words after adding WeChat at first. Until the other party gave them a "like", Ling could not sit still.

During a rehearsal for the school literary festival, many girls who performed at the same stage joked that Ling Ke first gave them two songs in private.

Under normal circumstances, Ling will find an excuse to refuse, after all, he is a gay, do not want to use his talent to provoke girls.

But that day, he saw the Minister of Culture and Entertainment also squatting, remembering the praise of the other party to Qi Feng, I do not know what psychology, it should be down.

He sat in front of the piano and smiled and asked the excited girls: "What do you want to hear?"

Ling Kesu came to show people with high cold. This laugh, with such a tone, the girls looked silly directly, and several of them could not stand the heart.

Ling can see that they can't answer, twisted their heads and said to themselves: "I practice classical music, you may not like to listen... I just play a few popular ones." After playing the key, after playing a string of sounds, start playing.

The girls didn't know what he was playing. I saw the teenager in front of the white shirt in front of me, the ten fingers fluttering, the right foot rhythmically slowly stepping on the sustain pedal... It was this scene that told them to lose. Soul, let alone the intoxicating tune of the ear.

Fluent, natural, as if not being played, but flowing from Lingke's fingertips.

After a song, the girls exclaimed: "One more! Listen! Come again!"

"What song did you just play? It's so nice!" Someone searched online, "I want to download it and listen every day!"

Ling explained: "It's not special. It's some of Richard Plesman's popular piano music. You can look for "Autumn's Whispers", "Dream Wedding" and "Childhood's Memories", but Online and I may not be the same, I made a series."

Girl: "Oh, my god, you are too good!"

Ling can see that they are screaming at the face and feel embarrassed. The difficulty of popular music is very low, and it can be played with a level of amateur five or six. He didn’t feel very hard when he played at home.

Ling can glance at the minister and pretend to say: "I have ever encountered a better one than me... called Feng Feng."

To be honest, Ling Ke doesn't know how to play the piano, but the other side's violin is drawn like this, presumably the piano will not be too bad.

The minister slammed, and it was really hooked: "Wu Feng? Defeng International School's 戚 maple?"

Ling Kezheng wanted to answer the news. Unexpectedly, a girl suddenly interrupted: "You actually know Yan Feng! He is the school grass of my original school!"

The person who is not sure asks: "Who is Feng Feng?"

The girl introduced it briefly, and someone responded: "How do you all know Yan Feng? Has he already made a name for himself?"

Ling Ke originally wanted to test one, but did not expect to pull out the radish to bring out the mud, a stone to stir up thousands of waves.

It turned out that among these people, it happened that some people had studied elementary school and junior high school in Deyin International. Zeng and Feng Feng were alumni. Some people who used to go to Deyin International now learned about such a person. As for the minister. It is also through the relationship of seven turns and eight windings that there is a contact information for Yu Feng.

The same city, the best of these few schools, you come and go, there will inevitably be overlapping circles. It was just that no one had mentioned it before. Now that someone has started, everyone is naturally talking about it.

For example, Yan Feng’s father is a mysterious financial man. His mother is a well-known show host. His family is in the most expensive land in Qinglan Bay. He is said to have a brother, but no one has ever seen what it looks like.

In addition to these, Yan Feng himself is also very good. He has been a student representative of Deyin International to exchange with overseas sister schools. He participates in the Ivy League Summer Camp every year and has won awards in the domestic youth computer programming competition...

Informed people fluttered and danced to count the family background and all kinds of deeds of the Maple family, and they took a group of girls to get their eyes out.

Such a person is simply the actor in the idol drama!

Such a good condition, the girls who chased Feng Feng are naturally countless. It is said that there are many romantic affairs in Feng Feng. From the third day onwards, the girlfriends are constantly changing, but the ordinary girls are not looking at the maple, he only has a scandal with Bai Fumei.

One of the well-known things is that Linghua Group’s palm jewels have been chasing 戚 一年 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫 枫It is said that the two families have already fixed the dolls, so this girl is the fiancée who is justified by Feng Feng...

Listening to the proper nouns of Mary Su’s words, Ling Ke is calm, but the heart has already turned a thousand waves.

If the brain hole can have a barrage, at this moment, his brain should be flying continuously, such as - "living trough!" "true and false!?" "There is a chaos in the circle!" "A good show!" - This type of exclamation.

However, most of this information is heard, because even the girls who have been with the school are not the same classmates of Feng Feng. They only say that Deyin International has different levels of class, and Feng Feng is in an elite class. It’s too accessible, so no one knows how much truth is rumored.

Even so, everyone still listens to it, after all, it’s really exciting for real people.

The girls talked about the flushing, and when they got through the idiots, they remembered Ling Ke who came up with this topic.

The minister reacted and asked: "Ling Ke, how did you get to know Feng Feng?"

Ling can close the lid and express his expression without saying: "It was only when I was very young, I saw one side of the examination, and then I didn't contact."

At the time of being shocked by the gossip that was heard, Ling Ke was also very lost in the heart. It turned out that he was glimpsing in the circle of friends in the Maple, but it was just the tip of the iceberg in the other life.

Just the minister also turned out his WeChat excitedly to show you the friends circle of Feng Feng. The girls saw the appearance of Qi Feng, and they burst into exclamations such as “good handsome” and “cool”. If you are bold, you should contact the minister directly for the contact information of Yan Feng.

Ling can listen on the side, and I don’t know what it is.

In his eyes, the "friend circle" that is of extraordinary significance is like a star's personal homepage in the eyes of girls. Everyone can be embarrassed.

Sometimes, he also admires the girls who can brazenly swear by the maple, but he can only be in the dead of night, only...

Ling Ke Shantou, suppressing his own inexplicable vinegar.

Compared to this, Yan Feng’s girlfriend and fiancee made him even more depressed.

Ling can smile, never fall in love, he has already tasted the taste of falling out of love.

For the next few days, Ling Ke’s mood was overcast. He blocked the circle of friends of Yan Feng and decided to cultivate his body and completely quit this guy.

Only after half a month, Ling can't help it.

The fact that Yu Feng is a straight man is something he can't change, but to be honest, he has never imagined to associate with Yan Feng.

Anyway, he is just an eye control, as long as the length of Yan Feng is relative to his appetite, how does the other person's private style have anything to do with him? Regardless of the change of a girlfriend in a few days, he does not prevent him from satisfying his physiological needs through obscenity.

Although this is a bit embarrassing, but he does not say it, who knows?

After thinking about this, Ling Ke was relieved.

He immediately released the 戚 maple from the "Little Black House", and when the night fell, he clicked on the other's photo and greedily replenished the weight of the half-month.

After the dawn, he is also a hero of high cold abstinence!

In the second half of the second year of high school, Yan Feng made such a message in the circle of friends: "Mom wants me to go abroad, but I can't eat the vegetarian fish from Wang Sujia when I am out of the country. I can't eat the raw fried bag made by Aunt Li. See also I can't get a snow girl... Hey, don't go, don't go, just take a break from this, love it. I heard that F is quite good, try a try, fighting!"

The picture below is the big white dog, and there is a bunch of food.

Because of this sentence, one year later, Ling can take the top three of the city to get the F department of the news department.

He never thought about following it deliberately, but when he got the result, Ling Ke felt vaguely that there seemed to be a force majeure in the darkness, pulling him in the direction of Yan Feng.