MTL - The Day I Checked In In the City-Chapter 377 foreigner

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The simple dining hall dinner was fast, especially Zeng Qian, in order to show that she was only big breasts, but she was actually very slender.

So within 20 minutes, the two of them finished their meal and left the cafeteria.

While eating, Li Xu signed one by the way.

Obtained the production method of spicy crayfish.

Li Xu felt that he was getting closer and closer to the chef.

However, the high probability of check-in in the cafeteria is related to food. Li Xu didn't need it for the time being. He only signed in once, and he didn't continue to sign in.

After coming out of the cafeteria, Li Xu and Zeng Qian strolled along the tree-lined path, looking at the lush green and leafy campus, a feeling of comfort and incomparable comfort arose in their hearts.

Although he has been away from school for several years, he still prefers the quiet life on campus.

There are books to read, meals to eat, girlfriends to accompany, beautiful women to strike up a conversation with, roommates to play black, friends to play ball, and buddies to have a beer!

The disturbance here is the least, and it is also the easiest place to live.

At this time, there were not many students. Most of the few people were holding books or carrying bags. Obviously, they came to school early to study.

In the same university, some people come in for a walk and take nothing with them, while some people come in for a walk and take away a lot of knowledge.

Zeng Qian secretly glanced at Li Xu, who was walking side by side with her, and looked at his right hand from time to time.

I feel a little nervous in my heart. If he holds my hand at this time, should I be restrained?

But if I refuse, will he be angry?

The hormones in Zeng Qian's little head began to work again.

Is it because of the big boobs?

Unfortunately, her little wish was not fulfilled until she left the school gate.

Li Xu was immersed in the memories of the past and the imagination of the future life.

At the door, he took a taxi as usual, and then Li Xu told the driver the address and was ready to go home.

Zeng Qian was still a little unsure, she knew that as long as she returned home, Li Xu would definitely stay in the house again, or go out and disappear.

Yin Ya bit her teeth lightly, as if she had made up her mind. Zeng Qian said softly, "Li Xu, it's okay for you to go back, right?"

Li Xu was sitting in the co-pilot. Hearing this, he looked back at Teacher Zeng and said with a smile, "I'm fine? What's wrong with Teacher Zeng?"

"Then, can you accompany me to the movies?"

As soon as these words came out, the driver who reacted the most turned out to be the driver, and his eyes instantly widened!

Good guy, even if you flirt with a girl and a teacher, you will be chased backwards!

The driver couldn't help but glanced at Li Xu, he looked okay, but he wouldn't be chased by a woman!

Does it have a speciality?

The driver is well-informed, and quickly turned around. While driving, he listened to the following.

Seeing Zeng Qian's appearance, Li Xu froze in his heart, what should come is still here.

I originally wanted to be a friend.

In the end, it was time to make a choice.

"Okay, Master, stop at the mall in front!" Li Xu said, and turned his head.

When Zeng Qian heard this, she couldn't help but feel happy.

Soon the car arrived at the mall, and the two got out of the car and walked in.

Zeng Qian boldly reached out and grabbed Li Xu's palm, a shy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Li Xu coughed lightly, stopped, stared at Zeng Qian's beautiful eyes, and said calmly, "I think there are some things I can't hide from you!"

Zeng Qian said in surprise: "What's the matter?"

"I have a girlfriend! I'm sorry!" After Li Xu said it, he felt a lot more relaxed.

Zeng Qian heard the words, her bright eyes dimmed slightly, and the hand she was holding was already released.

The corner of his mouth forced a smile: "I should have guessed it!"

It was the first time that Li Xu had rejected a girl at such a young age, and he didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only say softly, "I'm sorry!"

Zeng Qian shook her head and remained silent for a long time before she said, "Thank you for being so frank. Let's go to the movies!"

Li Xu said in surprise: "Are you still watching?"

"Can't you accompany me to watch the 33 Days of Broken Love?" Zeng Qian said angrily.

Li Xu was a bit dumbfounded. Today's girls are much more free and easy than their predecessors when it comes to their feelings.

The movie Thirty-three Days of Broken Love is outdated, and the movie theater didn't show it either. Zeng Qian chose a love movie and took Li Xu directly into the screening room.

For a long hour and a half, Li Xu lived like a year. He had no interest in this kind of rotten love movie, but Zeng Qian watched with snot and tears.

No way, Li Xu also left the theater to buy tissue paper for her.

Zeng Qian wiped the tears from her cheeks and said with a tearful/little mouth, "Why are you being so kind to me?"

Li Xu was speechless.

While listening to the girl's sobbing in a low voice and watching the **** love movie, Li Xu felt a lot of guilt in his heart.

No, you have to divert your attention.

Li Xu decisively turned on the sign-in mode.

"Sign in!"

"Sign in successfully, congratulations to the host for getting a cash reward of 521 yuan, please pay attention to the host to check it!"

521? The system is a real dog!

Li Xu was speechless, is he short of a few hundred dollars?

"Sign in!

"Sign in successfully, congratulations to the host for receiving a 20% cash reward at the box office of the movie "I Love Your World". It lasts for three days."

Isn't "I Love Your World" the movie that's playing on the screen?

Just this shit?

Li Xu has given up any hope of box office rewards.

After a bag of tissues was wiped, the movie was finally over.

Li Xu walked out of the movie theater impatiently.

"Let's go back!" Li Xu said when he walked to the door.

Zeng Qian nodded and said nothing.

On the way back, the two of them each thought about their own thoughts and did not communicate much.

When they got to the door of the house, Zeng Qian took out the key, opened the door, paused, and then said softly, "Good night!"

After that, without waiting for Li Xu to respond, he quickly ran into his home.

Li Xu shook his head and returned to his home.

It's okay to say it, save the misunderstanding, and it will be more chaotic at that time.

Silent all night.

The next morning, Li Xu went to exercise for a while, then bought some breakfast and brought it back.

As usual, I left a copy for Zeng Qian. I can't just eat alone because I don't talk about boyfriends and girlfriends!

Zeng Qian made an appointment with Xu Jiansheng last night to meet at his office at 9:30 noon.

So how can I have to offer a copy of this morning meal.

After Li Xu finished eating, Zeng Qian came over and knocked on the door when it was after eight o'clock.

"Let's go!" Zeng Qian said calmly, and there was a sense of alienation in her words.

Li Xu nodded, closed the door, and went downstairs with her.

An hour later, it was still a familiar office building and a familiar laboratory.

The difference is that at this time there is more of its owner - Xu Jiansheng in the office.

As soon as the three met, Xu Jiansheng hurriedly apologized to Zeng Qian.

"I'm sorry, I was too busy yesterday to take care of it!"

Zeng Qian smiled and said, "It's okay, I know you're busy, I just brought my friend over to recognize the door."

After speaking, Li Xu stepped forward to greet Xu Jiansheng.

Xu Jiansheng smiled and said, "I know you, but I didn't expect you and Teacher Zeng to know each other!"

He had a good impression of Li Xu. During the interview, there were only two undergraduates who had published papers. The interview was also quite impressive.

The three of them were seated as the guest of honor. Xu Jiansheng invited a graduate student to pour tea for them, and then asked them the purpose of their visit.

Li Xu hesitated, thought for a while, and still expressed his own thoughts.

"I usually ask for leave? This is ok. When I'm not busy with the experiment, I can ask for leave!" Xu Jiansheng said inexplicably.

"Professor Xu, what I mean is that I can usually take more leave. My situation is a bit special!"

"Special?" Xu Jiansheng asked in surprise.

"I have my own company, and I may take time off work to deal with business. But you can rest assured that the course will not be delayed."

"Company?" Xu Jiansheng looked at Li Xu up and down, and remembered the episode yesterday afternoon, and asked, "Is the company not small?"

"It's okay, there are about a hundred employees." Li Xu didn't know what he meant, so he didn't dare to say too much.

"I support students to start their own businesses, but I also need to distinguish between priorities. Your situation is quite special, but you can't break the rules and regulations of the school. It's okay to ask for three days and five days. If you keep asking, I'm afraid not to. The students who are more likely to have their opinions will also have their opinions." Xu Jiansheng said.

Li Xu immediately understood what Xu Jiansheng meant. It's okay to ask, but not consecutively, and not too long.

"Okay, I understand, I will pay attention." Li Xu was a little overjoyed to hear that, and he took a step by step, at least the first step was a good one.

After a few chats, Zeng Qian got up and left the office for an excuse.

"Professor Xu, since you are very busy, we will not disturb you." Seeing this, Li Xu shoved the two cards in his hand into the opponent's teacup.

Seeing these two cards, Xu Jiansheng's face was a little unsightly, and he scolded: "Take it back. If you do these again, I will not approve it for a day!"

As soon as Li Xu saw Xu Jiansheng's face, he immediately knew that it was not good. He was not afraid that he would accept the gift, but he was afraid that he would not accept the gift.

"A little thought!" Li Xu said with a smile.

"I don't need it. Take it back. I'll make it clear to you in advance that you can ask for leave, but if there is a problem with your studies, I won't give it to you after graduation." Xu Jiansheng said rather sternly.

Li Xu sighed in his heart, and he did not continue to push the card forward, but took advantage of the situation to withdraw it.

"Thank you, teacher, I understand. Then I won't disturb your work." After Li Xu finished speaking, he got up and left the office.

Xu Jiansheng nodded with a sullen face, but did not get up to send it off.

After going out the door, Li Xu saw Zeng Qian standing in the corridor talking on the phone, and shook his head, indicating that she didn't need to pretend.

Xu Jiansheng didn't come out to send him off, so Zeng Qian couldn't help but take the initiative to say hello.

So after she probed and said to Xu Jiansheng, she took Li Xu downstairs.

"It's done?" Zeng Qian asked.

"I don't know, but Professor Xu agreed with me to ask for leave, but the academic requirements are very strict! I don't want anything." Li Xu shook his head and said.

"Professor Xu's focus is on study and scientific research. It is normal for him to not want the money." Zeng Qian said.

"Well, think of a way later!" Li Xu comforted himself.

"I have to go to the office again, so I won't go back with you." Zeng Qian said goodbye after Li Xu finished speaking.

Li Xu said thank you, and couldn't say anything more, so he watched Zeng Qian leave.

After Zeng Qian left, he slowly walked towards the school gate.

There are still about ten days before the start of school, Li Xu decided to go back to Jeju first, and then go to school.

After all, my sister and the others are going to start school one after another these days, so Li Xu still has to go back and have a look.

Besides, about the construction of the factory, he also wanted to take a look at the scene.

Li Xu walked forward while thinking about things like this. Before he reached the school gate, he saw two foreigners, one black and one white, walking into the campus from outside the school.

This black and white, followed by a yellow-skinned girl.

This strong visual impact made Li Xu a little stunned.

The footsteps paused awkwardly.

Sure enough, it is a big city, and foreigners of all colors can be seen everywhere.

Li Xu took a double look, then passed by them and left the school directly.

Schools are now competing for the so-called world-class schools, recruiting a large number of scumbags from various countries to study in China.

It's already no surprise.

Nothing to be curious about.

After leaving school, Li Xu called your 4S shop and asked about the door maintenance.

After learning that it had been repaired, he took a taxi directly to the BMW 4S store to pick up the car.

Not having a car is really inconvenient.

Cheng Miduo's Audi was at home, otherwise he wouldn't have been out for two or two days and had to take a taxi.

After doing a car maintenance and cleaning in the store, Li Xu drove to Shangdu Opera Academy.

Cheng Miduo was very happy when he heard that the car was repaired, and began to think about where to play for a while.

Li Xu originally planned to go back to Jeju this afternoon. Seeing that the girl was very playful, he was embarrassed to interrupt her thoughts and went out with her for another afternoon.

In the evening, he handed her the car keys and talked about returning to Jeju.

Cheng Miduo was obviously a little unhappy, and went back just a few days ago.

"I'm going to school here in the future, little fool!" Li Xu said with a smile as he scratched the girl's very upturned nose.

"I know, but I still don't want you to go!"

Cheng Miduo said aggrievedly, and suddenly said, "How about I go back with you? I haven't been to Jeju for a long time."

Li Xu felt a big headache. This girl wanted to give it away as soon as it came out, and she had to send her sister, Chen Xiaojie, if she let her go.

No way, only to find reasons, to find excuses.

After spending a long time talking, Li Xu finally dispelled the idea of ​​the girl going back to Jeju with him.

At around seven o'clock in the evening, Li Xu took a taxi to the airport by himself.

He left the car key to Cheng Miduo, and did not let Cheng Miduo deliver it.

Looking at the brightly lit airport, Li Xu felt a little emotional, and unknowingly he became a frequent passenger on the plane.

After entering the waiting room, Li Xu first got up and went to the toilet, ready to release the excess water in his body.

When I walked to the men's toilet, I heard the voice of a foreigner coming from the toilet cubicle.

He was speaking in English, and Li Xu could just understand.

"I'll be on the plane in a while. This time it's a girl who is more than 1.7 meters tall. I can't wait to have something to do with her." The English of foreigners is still very standard, but it is obviously not the American side. accent.

Li Xu shook his head, and when he heard this, it meant that a girl had asked him out.


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