MTL - The Dead Cycle-Chapter 65 Haunted

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Although it is early winter, today is a rare good day.

The golden sun hangs in the clear blue sky. Although the imaginary sunlight cannot warm up, it can warm the heart.

A white dove flutters its wings and soars in the air.


With a bang, a cold arrow cut through the sky and hit the white pigeon accurately.

The white dove fluttered a few times in the sky in vain, before falling stiffly from the air.

A man in black carrying a bow and arrow rushed to the place where the white dove fell, lifting the dying white dove.

Jibee headquarters.

The man in black strode into the lobby like a flying enclave, "Boss! The carrier pigeon flying to the spider web has been successfully shot down by me!"

The man in black presented the already stiff carrier pigeon after finishing the offering.

"Good job!" Ji Yishuai smiled and closed his mouth. "Take down the bamboo tube and take the pigeon to stew it!"

"Observe!" The man in black took off the bamboo tube wrapped around the pigeon's feet, handed it to Ji Yishu, and took the pigeon to the kitchen happily.

Ji Yishuai couldn't wait to pull out the small note in the bamboo tube and read it.

The little man stood aside and pointed at the note with curiosity. "Boss, what does it say?"

"Hum!" Ji Yishui smiled aggressively, and handed the note to the little men, "Sure enough, as expected, Lianxianlai and Linglong had a secret relationship."

The little man picked up a note and looked at it. The words "Already have a clue, come quickly" are written on it.

The subordinates rejoiced and said, "Boss! What they say is the Book of Chrysanthemums ?!"

"That's absolutely true!" Ji Yishuai also beamed, "This time, we can finally get on first!"

Ji Yishuai took an elite group of soldiers vigorously and aggressively, marching into Jiuhua Mountain.

In order to gain time, more than a dozen people rushed around the clock, ten days later, and finally reached the Jiuhua faction.

Ji Yishuai and his men are all thin, but as long as they think that Linglong will **** in front of himself and concede, and even withdraw from the rivers and lakes, Ji Yishuai thinks all the suffering is sweet!

After the disciples of Jiuhua sent a false accusation, Lian Xianlai hurriedly greeted from the room. Seeing that the person standing in front of him was not dexterous, he couldn't help but wonder, "I wonder if your Excellency is?"

"Ji Yishuai!" Ji Yishuai patted his chest proudly.

"Ji Yishuai?" Lian Xianlai thought hard for a long time and still couldn't remember who it was. But the most important thing about walking the rivers and lakes is to have eyesight, so Lianxianlai is still very good at authenticity. "It turned out to be Ji Jixia, long famous."

Ji Yishuai was successfully pleased, and Chong Lianxian waved his hand. "Lian is polite."

Lian Xianlai smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said politely, "I don't know what hero Ji Ji came to the Jiuhua School, what's the matter?"

"Cough," Ji Yishuai put his hand to his mouth, and coughed dryly. "I heard that you already have clues to the" Chrysanthemum Collection ", so please come and see if you can help."

Lianxian came here to remember who Ji Yishuai was. He had heard his disciples mention that there was a leader of Ji Ji who didn't know the heights and heights, and even challenged Linglong to find the secret book "Chrysanthemum Collection" first. The leader who didn't know the height of the sky seemed to be named Ji Yishuai.

Seeing Lianxian hesitant, Ji Yishuai said: "Lian is in charge, as long as you can find the" Chrysanthemum Collection ", as for who helped you find it, this is not important, right?"

Lianxian Lai smiled and nodded: "Master Ji said."

Ji Yishuai laughed, "Can you tell me what the clue is?"

Lian Xianlai turned aside and made a "please" gesture to Ji Yishuai, "Ji, please."

Ji Yishuai followed Lianxian to the back mountain of Jiuhua faction. Hidden mountain has a hidden cave, which is usually used by Lianxian to retreat.

The cave was very dark, and Lianxian came to order a few torches, lighting up in front.

Followed Lianxian a few steps, Lianxian stopped suddenly, shot the torch on the wall, "Here it is."

Ji Yishuai bullied him, and looked at it with the light of Lianxianlai.

On the mountain wall, there are several large characters carved with swords and dragons—

Amethyst of purple jade, beginning to get started; chrysanthemum collection, peaking.

Ji Yishuai was startled and took a cold breath: "This ... this ?!"

Lian Xianlai said: "I was going to retreat into the mountain that day. I didn't want to see these sixteen words on the mountain wall. When I was shocked, I wrote Feng Fei's book to Linglong. My Jiuhua School ’s basic internal skills, the person who engraved this word must know the martial arts for me, and it is likely that the man in black who stole the secret.

Happiness came too suddenly, and Ji Yishuai's back sweated coldly. "So, that man in black ... was it Jiuhua faction?"

Lianxian nodded, "I think so too."

Ji Yishuai took a few breaths, and finally calmed down the excitement temporarily, "Lianzhang, near Jiuhua School, is there any place to hide?"

Lianxian came to think about it, and said, "Zhuzhulin. But that was my forbidden area, and my disciples were not allowed to enter."

Ji Yishuai gave a high-five and determined: "Yes, the man in black must be hiding in the purple bamboo forest, where no one can go in and out, it is most suitable." Ji Yishuai paused, looking at Lianxian, "Lian Head, it is not too late, please let me lead my men into the Zizhu Forest to search. "

"This ..." Lianxianlai was quite embarrassed.

"Even at the head, although Zizhulin is a forbidden area for Jiuhua faction, we are not the Jiuhua faction and we did not violate the rules of the Jiuhua faction. Moreover, it is an emergency now.

Lian Xianlai frowned for a moment, then sighed: "Then ... just do what Ji Jixia said!"

With the approval of Lianxian, Ji Yishuai was very happy. He was counting the number of people entering the purple bamboo forest. Lianxianlai said with a heavy face: "It's just ... The black man in martial arts is very strong. If Ji Jixia is encountered, what is Ji Jixia going to response?"

Ji Yishu handsomely patted his chest, "Be assured that you can take charge, I have a way to deal with him!"

Lianxian came to hear Ji Yishuai say this, and finally Shu opened his frown, "That's good."

Several men were left waiting for the Jiuhua faction, and Ji Yishuai took the rest with a young apprentice of the Jiuhua faction and walked towards Zizhulin.

On the way, Ji Yishuai asked: "Why, why is Zizhulin a noble school?"

The apprentice replied: "Zhuzhulin is the burial place of the heads of the Jiuhua School, uncles, etc., and the disciples under the door are not allowed to disturb them without permission."

A little man behind Ji Yishuai immediately shivered. "So, is it all graves?"

The apprentice nodded. "That's it."

Subordinate: "..."

Ji Yishuai shouted and cheered everyone up, "What are you afraid of? We are doing well and doing well, and the seniors will not come to educate us!"

The apprentice who led the Jiuhua School hesitated for a moment, but still talked plainly: "In fact, in our Jiuhua School, there have always been legends about the haunted purple bamboo forest. Everyone dare not go to the purple bamboo forest, not because it is the gated area, but ... it's haunted. "

Ji Yishuai: "..."

The apprentice continued: "Presumably the masters, ancestors and ancestors saw that the Jiuhua faction is so declining now. They are unwilling to rest in peace."

Ji Yishuai: "..."

"Boss, I have a sudden stomachache, can I not go away?" A man crouched on the ground with pain in his face.

Ji Yishuai frowned and punched the man with a punch. "Let's make no effort!" He turned and instructed the crowd, "If anyone dares to step back, I will cut his leg!"

His hands crouched on the ground stood bitterly and stood up to follow Ji Yishuai and continue walking.

The apprentice who led the way pointed to a bamboo forest in front of him, and stopped the footpath: "There is a purple bamboo forest in front of me, and I asked Master Ji to go by myself, and I won't go by."

When the apprentice finished speaking, he ran away with his legs round.

Ji Yishuai scolded a timid mouse in his heart and walked ahead to lead the way.

The winter weather is already cold, and this feeling is even better when it enters the purple bamboo forest. Several people shivered in unison.

"Leader, do you say ... is there really a ghost in it?" One of his men asked tremblingly.

"Big day, where's the ghost!" Although Ji Yishuai said that his chest was well-formed, the palms of his hands had already grown a thin layer of cold sweat.

"Boss," said another of his men, tremblingly. "You say you have a way to deal with people in black. What is it?"

"I haven't figured it out yet."

Subordinate: "..."

His heart was even worse.

In the purple bamboo forest, only a few people clicked on the broken bamboo leaves, and the sound of heavy breathing was growing.

Due to the dense bamboo growth in the bamboo forest, the sunlight is not easy to come in. The bamboo forest appears much darker than the outside, and there is a faint faint mist.

With a bang, a dark shadow passed quickly behind several people, Ji Yishuai and others turned back, "Who ?!"

There was only an empty road behind, and a few bamboo leaves drifted down from the bamboo.

There was another "swipe", and a dark shadow passed by behind Ji Yishuai and others. Ji Yishuai had already scared a cold sweat, but turned around stubbornly, "Who is it? Do n’t pretend to be a ghost!"

One of his subordinates sat down on the ground in shock, crying, "Boss, let's go out now, it'll be dark later!"

Ji Yishuai was so determined that he had to find the Book of Chrysanthemums. "I said, whoever dares to step back, I'll cut off anyone's leg!"

Just as Ji Yishuai's words just fell, a weird laughter echoed over the bamboo forest, unable to hear the direction.


The laughter was full of vitality, but with the indescribable eerie coldness, it sounded creepy.

Ji Feng's men sat on the ground almost crying, "Boss! Really a ghost--"

Ji Yishuai clenched his fists and shouted into the air: "What kind of person is it? There is a kind of heads-up!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha." The weird smile came from all directions again, "Mao Tzu, want to challenge your grandfather?"

This time, I actually talked, and my voice was yin and yang, neither male nor female, but male and female, "You take ten steps to the left, then turn right and go straight for twenty steps, and you will see your grandpa!"

Then there was a hahaha laugh, and then the sound came to an abrupt end.

The men were so frightened that they took a moment to calm down and asked, "Boss, me, us, what should we do?"

Ji Yishuai took his heart to the side, "Let's go and see, who is pretending to be a ghost here!"

Drag your hand from the ground, and according to that voice, turn left ten steps first, then turn right twenty steps, and stand. A few people held their breath in their place.

A grave suddenly appeared before the crowd.

The author has something to say: The title of this chapter is actually funny, you, play ~~ = v =

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