MTL - The Defeated Dragon-Chapter 1002 Equivalent alchemy

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"Brother still remembers this inky ring?" After feeding the little water dragon, A Ke and Liszt continued chatting, and she was wearing a black finger.

"Remember, the artifact equipment of the ancient moon killer wizard, why, you have already cracked how to use it?" Liszt was surprised.

According to the identification of ancient knowledge books, this inky ring is a metal alloy, most likely an alloy of a large number of unknown metals, and its function is equivalent to alchemy.

"Not yet, but there are already some eyebrows," said Acut. "There are very few records about alchemy, but considering the conversion between materials, Acut thinks that equivalent alchemy can be achieved, and this inky ring is Tools to assist alchemy. "

"So how does alchemy work?"

"My brother said that matter is subdivided into very small particles, called atoms. Atoms are composed of nuclei and electrons, and nuclei are composed of different protons and neutrons. They are very tight and difficult to change. The properties of matter are changed by atoms. Electron or get electron. "

"Yes, I said that, and I can't remember which part of the alchemist I read." Liszt was ashamed. He did pass on a lot of physical chemistry knowledge to Ah Ke, but he has forgotten this knowledge in recent years.

Now it is not clear what theory of chemical reaction is, just remember what electrons get and what electrons are lost.

So I couldn't help asking: "Ake, did you find anything out of this?"

"Well, the gains and losses of the atoms' electrons change only the temporary form of matter, not the essence. My brother said that the change of the nucleus is the real alchemy, which can change matter from iron to gold."

"Well, did I say that, probably."

"Ake found that the function of the inky ring is to stimulate the change of metal. It can accelerate the movement of metal nucleus, so that the metal nucleus can be easily decomposed and recombined. Once Ake fully masters the methods and theories in it, it can relive the ancient times. Alchemy! "

Although the nucleus or something, Lister can't remember it.

He only knew that nuclear fission and fusion could change chemical elements.

Nuclear fission is the principle of atomic bombs, and nuclear fusion is the principle of hydrogen bombs-what atomic bombs seem to use for fission, what barium elements are generated, and emit a large amount of energy; hydrogen bombs use isotopes of hydrogen atoms, and deuterium and tritium gather to become helium And emit a lot of energy.

But this doesn't mean that he doesn't know the meaning of alchemy: "Aki, does it mean that once the alchemy is developed, you can really turn the stone into gold?"

"Not stone, brother. According to the equivalent alchemy ability of the inky ring, metal can change the nature of each other through alchemy. Iron can be turned into gold or even magic metal, but the meaning of equivalent alchemy may still be Including attrition. "


"For example, ten parts of iron can only consume at least one piece of mountain copper. The physical price of mountain copper must be much greater than the price of iron."

He responded quickly: "Is there a different 'valence' between all metals?"

"It should be like this, but you need to find out the price of the respective alchemy between the metals. It is not yet possible to determine which metal has the highest price and which metal has the lowest price."

"Being able to figure out the price of metal can definitely rely on alchemy to make a lot of wealth."

Liszt put his eyes out and saw clearly: "From the current market price, the price of one ton of iron is not comparable to the price of one pound of copper. If you can smelt one ton of iron into one pound of copper, you can Make money; if the alchemy is ten pounds, it is a huge profit; if the alchemy is one hundred pounds, it is a great profit! "

"Acut will deduce alchemy as soon as possible."

"Don't worry too much. Your workload is too heavy now. Learn to relax ... Anyway, we all have a long life to live, and don't care to develop alchemy later." Liszt obtained the avatar of Phoenix Although I don't know my specific life.

But he felt that his aging rate had been greatly delayed.

According to the reincarnation of the Phoenix for five hundred years, he can definitely live for two or three hundred years, and even reach the five hundred years of life of the Lord of the Dragon Domain.

Of course, the contract fairy dragon is still one of his dreams.


The little water dragon is asleep, digesting the maggots and getting super water magic.

Acut continues to study the power of the cursed dragon, and plans to summarize the soul elements in the near future. The materials on the other side of the magical teleportation array are also being collected. This time it is an improved magical array. The stability, comfort, and safety are far better than Xinlu's teleportation array.

Liszt toured the territory.

Nowadays, with the influx of the knight class, there are more and more people who can control the moon killing indigenous people, and the collection of the southeast half of the Flame Island has basically been completed. Except for some small tribes hiding in the corner of the virgin forest, the other moon-slaying indigenous tribes all walked out of the forest and became leaders of the Kingdom of Fire.

Moon killers are different from African niggas. Although they also live in primitive society, they have a more basic attitude and are willing to work hard.

Probably because the forest properties of Flame Island are not as rich as expected.

There is so much food on the African land that African **** develop a lazy personality. In the Forest of the Flame Island, the Moon Killers must fight with Warcraft, and must endure the starvation of the winter. In order to survive better after the horde grows, it can only split the small tribes to migrate farther.

Forced by life, the Aboriginal people can develop the qualities of hardship and hard work.

Focusing on the construction of the King of Fire City, the Island of Fire is divided into two halves, the southeast and the northwest, and the knights of the Fire Kingdom have opened up to the northwest.

There are not many indigenous people who kill the moon in the northwest, but there are also millions, and millions of serfs can be collected.

Liszt stopped at the inspection of the King of Flames, and more and more moon-slaying serfs who had received training and some work experience were arranged to work here. A large city, designed to accommodate 500,000 people, is emerging. The construction of a royal palace on the nearby sacred mountain has also begun.

Standing on top of the mountain, and integrated with the mountain.

Coming from a distance ~ ~ and complement the King of Flames, the entire drawing was revised several times before it was finally determined. The hinterland of the sacred mountain is the dragon's nest of the bone dragon Winnie; the forest behind the sacred mountain is the dragon's nest of the mountain copper dragon Mata-Mata has little environmental requirements, and mainly eats and drinks to serve it.

Jade Mountain is the dragon's nest of the light emerald dragon Ethan, and the endless volcano is the dragon's nest of the fire dragon.

Greymouth Iron Orn's Dragon Nest is still uncertain, it is flying aimlessly on the island of flames, preparing to find a favorite habitat by itself, and build a Dragon Nest at that time.

The invisible Long Bad has no place to stay, and does not need a dragon nest, or the world outside the material is its dragon nest.

As for the small water dragon, even the name has not been caught, let alone a dragon's nest-the big thing is to throw it into the sea in the future, and the ocean is its dragon's nest.


He rode invisible Long Bud and examined his royal palace in the physical boundary: "The royal palace can be directly called the royal palace of flames, and what name should the royal palace ... the sapphire palace is called the blue sky Qingshan palace, and the iron ridge palace is called the platinum tooth Palace, the eagle's palace is called the Iron Dragon Serial Palace ... "