MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2264 Waiting for the millennium (the finale)

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This site is the fastest update of the latest chapter of the God of War! Qi Ying wanted to bring Xuanyuanjian up, but lost any strength.

It is impossible to establish a true connection with the new universe, and every part of his power has been drained.

"Why don't you blow up!"

Qi Ying's new universe of thoughts, glaring at the chaos of the origin of the fullest.

He knows that when Pangu destroyed the world, he actually absorbed almost equal strength with Pangu, but all of the power was absorbed into the origin. If the chaotic ball of the original point could burst, he is very likely. Get the power above the Pangu.

However, the origin chaotic ball has no change at all.

Pangu did not intend to kill Qi Ying directly.

He is not in a hurry at this time, but looks far into the world of saints.

"The world that Heaven will build? Interesting, the former sanctuary shelter, I haven't found it for years! It looks beautiful! The blue planet seems to have the legend of the saints."

Pangu, who was still very calm, suddenly became extremely fierce. "The hateful scorpion, I want to ruin everything you have!"

In the palm of your hand, there is an energy ball - this energy ball is enough to destroy the entire saint world.

Just in the moment when the energy ball is thrown away.

Qi Ying tried his best to move and stopped in front of the energy ball.

Even though he knew that the ending was the same, he could not allow someone on the azure planet to be hurt before his eyes.

The Xuanyuan sword of the hand has been shattered by energy.

Qi Ying’s body was destroyed.


Everything is left, but Pangu’s smile is solidified.

The sage world is still there! The blue planet's still spinning, seems to be laughing at Pangu.

"who is it?"

Pangu clearly couldn’t have been Qi Ying’s own blow, and looked angrily at the surrounding void.

A blossoming snow suddenly falls from the sky and floats in the void.

Heavy snow, standing with two figures, a girl with a powdered jade, for the white youth next to her, holding an umbrella.

"who are you?"

Pangu shouted, but he felt a little fear in his heart.

The breath of the girl, that is, the Lord of God, is not worth mentioning, but the breath of the young man in white, I can’t see through it!


Who else in this world can power be above itself?

The girl smiled lightly. "You are not qualified to know his name!"

The young man in white, smiled a little. "I don't care what you do, but I want to destroy the world. I don't allow it."

"No! It shouldn't be like this!" Pangu was shocked. "You don't have the power of heaven. The only Qi Ying who has the power of heaven has been killed by me. Why is this world still there?"

"Are you sure that Qi Ying was really killed by you?"

The white youth is a smile again.


Endless void.

Qi Ying’s vague consciousness suddenly awakened.

"I was attacked by Pangu, why is it still alive? Here, where is it?"

Qi Ying couldn't feel anything, and it was all dark.


A golden force broke through the darkness!

"The power of heaven? The power of my heaven!" Qi Ying noticed the golden power, and the surrounding area was dark, and at this moment, all collapsed.

He saw the new universe again and saw the six worlds shrouded in the atmosphere of Hongmeng.

as well as.

The power of Hongmeng, which is constantly pouring into six worlds.

Qi Hua stood in front of Qi Ying, covered in golden light and excited. "Father, you succeeded, the origin was broken!"

"The origin, broke open?!"

Qi Ying, who has been a little worried, suddenly wakes up completely!


The key to breaking the origin is the power of heaven!

Just as the Pangu Great God used the open axe to break the heavens and the earth, the chaos of the origin requires the power of heaven to break.

It stands to reason.

As long as the origin continues to exist, one day, one day, the power of heaven will give birth and break it.

However, he was killed by Pangu outside, and the soul returned to the original point with the power of heaven, and the original point was opened in advance!

In front of Qi Ying.

The six worlds accepted the influx of chaos and changed wildly.

Every world has expanded innumerable times, and there are hundreds of trillions of small worlds attached to the human world! Heaven has risen to the top of the six worlds, Hell Purgatory and the Yin Shi sink to the bottom, and the Shura world has become a passage through other worlds!

A moment of a new structure in the six worlds.

Qi Ying felt that the endless power and message had poured into himself.

He closed his eyes and quickly opened it.. "No, rain mom!"

As soon as the mind is moving, Qi Ying has appeared outside the new universe.

It is still the endless void, and Qi Ying’s heart is that the saint world is still there, and the blue planet is still spinning.

He turned around and saw the Chaos giant Pangu.

And... the girl holding the umbrella, and the white youth under the umbrella.

Seeing Qi Ying appear, Pangu grinned and looked at the white youth. "I want to kill Qi Ying, you will not stop!"

White youth side.. "Please."

Pangu carrying a sky-throat, a virtual step, toward Qi Ying, with a cruel smile on his lips. "You are hiding in the world you created, and then reborn with the power of the source? It doesn't matter, I can kill you once, just Can kill a thousand times, 10,000 times, countless times! I see how many times you can resurrect."

"I won't let you be unscrupulous anymore."

Qi Ying stood in the air.


Pangu suddenly came to an axe and directly reached Qi Ying!


Crisp sound.

Just as the egg crashed into the stone, it killed countless gods and saints, and the axe that combined the power of certain heavens was actually lifted by Qi Ying and broken into countless pieces.

"This, how is this possible?!"

Pangu stunned back.

That is a big axe! The power and the creation of the Pangu hand are exactly the same! Was it so broken that it was broken?


The white youth is far from Qi Ying.

The snow girl next to me is mad.. "Oh, why do you salute this kid! Even if you are a brother, you should be a brother to the brothers!"

"When you hear the truth, there are specializations in the industry. He has more places than me. It is worthy of my salute."

The white youth smiled calmly.

Qi Ying’s eyes flashed, approaching the Chaos Pangu Giant who had lost his faith. “You are not really Pangu. The gods of creation, never sacrifice their children to let themselves be detached. You should not exist in this world.”

His fluttering hands rested on Pangu’s shoulders.

"Don't, friend, never meet!"

Send friends!

Today's friendship wind, with a complete heavenly power, came to the moment of Chaos Pangu giant, the latter immediately collapsed into a boundless chaos.

"Time goes against, reverses the cycle!"

Qi Ying looked at the chaos and said the sentence that once was a man, but his power is far from being comparable.

Heaven's power, words and deeds!

In the endless void, the chaos of the air is constantly rushing, one by one, reappearing, and a familiar face, also appeared in front of Qi Ying.

Hongjun, Fangtianhua, Dijun, Taiyi, Snow, no pity, Yuji, Hugh, true God, past Buddha, Jianzu... They all stood in the void again, their eyes were confused and confused.

They looked at Qi Ying, who was volley, and hoped Qi Ying gave them an answer.


Qi Ying’s figure disappeared with the strange white youth and girl not far away.


Familiar space, the beautiful valley, the pavilion with the chessboard.

Qi Ying did it in front of Mr., and the two smiled.

"I told you, staying in your own world, not mixing with the outside robbery, everything will come to the fore." Mr. sighed and shook his head. "But it still didn't change your actions! We really are not a character, younger brother. ""

Qi Ying shook his head and smiled. "I really can't sit back and watch my hometown."

Mr. Xiao smiled again.. "This is also the place I admire you the most."

"Right." Qi Ying questioned, "From Mr., you call my younger brother, meaning, do we have a division?"

"It is the same brother who can break the chaos and create a true world." Mr. faintly said, "Today, I am your brother, you don't have to use the name of the birth."

"Yes, brother!" Qi Ying also smiled, and then asked, "Pangu, count our brothers? I am talking about the real Pangu. Not the later counterfeit goods."

Mr. Shakes his head. "Pangu, never reached our level! He only did it, and when he created the world of heaven, he was already dead. And you are our best, the best one." You have already built the rudiment of the world. After the chaos is opened, the world of heaven is naturally formed. Although the early stage of your practice is extremely difficult, it is far from the road of creation of heaven, but then you can catch it again and again. The opportunity, the beating, and almost no effort, has become a detached person! You have not caused any turmoil in the original world, you are detached - of course, you have to thank the counterfeit Pangu, not his plan, you do not know How many millions of years to wait for enough power to be detached."

"This way!"

Qi Ying is amazed.

If it is not a counterfeit Pangu, I will concentrate on gathering so many chaos. I will collect the chaos of the chaos and absorb the chaos. I don’t know which year to fill the origin!

I really have to thank him.

"When are you going to meet other brothers and sisters?"

Said to the brothers.

"No hurry, no hurry." Qi Ying shook his head and said, "I will go back to see my relatives, anyway, the road here, I remember, I can come back at any time."

I didn’t think that you didn’t know what your kid’s idea was. When I saw your eyes, I guessed that your wife had waited for you for a thousand years, and called you back to warm up!”

"So what, brother, let me go first!"

Qi Ying smiled and got up directly, one moved and left from the pavilion.

Six big worlds, the human world, the Tianluo mainland plane.

On the nameless hill of the Unknown City, a woman in a red dress is scratching a white tiger next to her. Beside her, the beasts gather, as well as the fire phoenix, the Qinglong, the Kirin, the poisonous dragon, etc... These are the heavens The beast of one side is as gentle as a pet.


The woman in the red dress felt that her skirt had become cold, and an unfair big hand touched her thigh.

Awaiting the voice of the millennium, she appeared in her ear.. "Su Su, I am back."