MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 65 The appearance of the bishop

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After the press conference, An Junfeng went to the company to deal with other matters, while An Ruoshui returned to the old house ahead of schedule.

Li Tian had to consult with Xu Xiu about some matters, so she left early.

In the Anjia old house at this moment, An Ruoshui always felt that this place was different from usual. There was always a feeling that someone was watching her secretly.

Self-denial in my heart, the security measures of the old house are very good, and there are bodyguards invited by Mr. Butler and eldest brother in the front yard, so it is impossible for thieves to break in.

An Ruoshui returned to his room full of exhaustion, but was suddenly brought into his arms the moment he closed the door.


An Ruoshui cried out in fright, the sudden appearance of a stranger made her feel terrified, and she just focused on struggling desperately.

Luo Xuange saw that An Ruoshui was very scared, so she had to let go of An Ruoshui.

An Ruoshui turned around and found a strange and despondent young man standing in front of her. She opened her mouth in fright, but was so frightened that she didn't know what to say.

Luo Xuange's eyes were full of loss and injury. She wanted to leave now, because An Ruoshui's every action and every look showed her fear.

An Ruoshui is very familiar with that look, her little Luo is often so inexplicably lost, but what is going on with this man?

"Who are you? How did you get in?! What do you want to do?" An Ruoshui felt that this strange man should not hurt her, except that the man suddenly hugged her when she entered the door, The man did not make the slightest radical behavior.

Luo Xuange looked at her lost, with a tired tone: "Do you think I'm a monster too?"

"Xiao Luo?!"

When An Ruoshui heard the familiar voice, her heart was like a dying flower in the desert, and she suddenly felt a water flow that nourished her heart.

An Ruoshui came to Luo Xuange, looked at Luo Xuange's face in disbelief, and the men's casual clothes on her.

"Xiao Luo, how... how did you become like this?"

An Ruoshui didn't have curiosity or fear in her heart, she just wanted to find out if this person was Luo Xuange, and what happened to Luo Xuange would make him look like this.

Luo Xuange looked down at her clothes. It was not a familiar color and style, but a large men's clothes. She suddenly remembered that after she picked up a set of clothes that day, she found that She was dressed in men's clothes, and she changed her appearance into a man for convenience.

At this moment, Luo Xuange hurriedly touched his ear to the root of his ear, and in the blink of an eye Luo Xuange tore off the thin disguise on his face, Luo Xuange's original appearance Shown in front of An Ruoshui.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Did I just scare you, I... I'm too anxious. I don't remember still changing, I..." Luo Xuange was explaining but found An Ruoshui standing in the original Weeping silently.

Singer Luo Xuan hurriedly searched for a tissue on her body, but she couldn't find anything, so she could only use her hand to wipe it off.

"Don't cry." Master Luo panicked. This was the first time she saw An Ruoshui cry so sadly and sadly, and she knew that An Ruoshui's tears were shed for her. , depressed and uncomfortable: "I'm fine, I have nothing at all."

"Luo Xuange."

"Well, I'm here." Luo Xuange froze in place.

Luo Xuange's voice was not finished, An Ruoshui suddenly bumped into her arms, and then Luo Xuange only felt that her lips were covered with softness.

The simple and ungentle lips collided, and the aggressive kiss surprised Luo Xuange, but when she tasted the bitterness in An Ruoshui's heart, Master Luo blamed herself for taking the lead Quan, kissed An Ruoshui softly over and over again. After she calmed An Ruoshui's emotions and stabilized her emotions, this gentle and lingering kiss really began.

After Luo Xuange had lunch, she collapsed on the sofa contentedly: "It's still comfortable at home."

"If you know your home is comfortable, don't run around next time." An Ruoshui sat next to her with the script, but the script was just a decoration in her hands at the moment, An Ruoshui was all about Luo Xuan On the song, how can I still read those words at this moment.

Luo Xuange picked up the fruit on the table habitually, but was stopped by An Ruoshui: "Don't eat it, it's been put away for several days."

"It's not bad, it's fine." Master Luo said that she would eat anything when she was hungry in her previous life.

An Ruoshui got up from the fruits in her hands and said, "I'll go wash it for you."

When Luo Xuange ate the fruit, An Ruoshui began to ask her doubts.

"You, who are you?" An Ruoshui asked.

"Is it difficult to speak? It's fine if you don't say it." An Ruoshui waited for a long time, but she didn't see Luo Xuange speak, she thought Luo Xuange didn't intend to speak.

Luo Xuange shook his head: "No, I was just thinking, where should I start with you."

"Where are you from, who are you, and why are you here." An Ruoshui asked simply and clearly.

Master Luo scratched his head: "I come from the Ming Dynasty 800 years ago, the Jianghu people during the reign of Emperor Mingxuan. I fell into the tricks of the court, and after I died of poisoning, I borrowed my corpse to come back to life here. ."

“Borrowing the dead?!”

An Ruoshui has long guessed that the original Luo Xuange may have had an accident long ago, or he may have also traveled to another world, but he never imagined that he would be resurrected from a corpse. Resurrection represents the death of one person and the rebirth of another.

"When did you come back to life?" An Ruoshui recalled the scene of her first meeting with Luo Xuange, and the girl tried her best to hide her ecstasy after getting the certificate with Luo Xuange expression.

"On New Year's Eve, the original owner of the body injured her leg. She was not dead when I came, but she felt that she had no hope of living. Abandoned by her parents and relatives since she was a child, the only advantage is her appearance Yes, but because of this advantage, the actors on the cast made things difficult for her. At first, she spent all her savings to save the two orphans. On New Year's Eve, she planned to borrow money to see her injuries, but she was humiliated by words. Feeling my soul When she existed, she left automatically. She asked me to live well for her, and she also wanted to become a big star, so that the whole world could see her, maybe one day her parents and family would see her, find her, and tell her , she didn't abandon her back then, she just lost her accidentally." Luo Xuange spoke of the original owner's last night like a machine: "However, in the end, she doesn't seem to plan to find a home. There are thousands of lights outside the window, but none of them are Light up for her."

An Ruoshui burst into tears again, she wanted to ask, why didn't she tell her, why didn't she come to her, but she couldn't ask, because Luo Xuange originally only needed the medical expenses of the two children You can see the girl's stubbornness and stubbornness.

Luo Xuange took a tissue to help An Ruoshui wipe the tears from her face: "Don't be sad, I had a dream when I was hospitalized, if it's true, she should be in another The world, living the life I was meant to live."

"Your life?" An Ruoshui was very interested in Luo Xuange's past life.

Seeing that she wanted to listen, Luo Xuange said without reservation: "My previous life was very boring. The most unusual time was probably when Xuan Yang quietly ran away from teaching and went outside to play."

"Xuanyang?!" An Ruoshui already knew that Xuanyang was Princess Xuanyang, but she still wanted Luo Xuange to say it herself.

Luo Xuange nodded: "Well, it's what you think. Xuanyang was brought back to the Phantom Sect by me when he was seven years old. History records that this is a demon sect, in fact, we ourselves think it is Magic."

"Then you won't be the leader of the demon sect, right?" An Ruoshui asked jokingly, because she just heard Luo Xuange say that she handles affairs in the sect, even if she is not the leader of the sect, her status not very low.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xuange nodded: "Well, the Phantom Sect was founded by my ancestors. It is already the twelfth generation when it was passed on to me, but it is a pity that I died in my twenties, and the future generations will also There are no more records about the Phantom Cult, and I am afraid that the Cult will be disbanded later."

An Ruoshui sensed the sadness in Luo Xuange's emotions, and held Luo Xuan's singer: "Don't be sad."

"What's so sad about this, it's just my little phantom teaching. Eight hundred years have passed, and the martial arts are all gone, leaving only an ancient martial arts family, not exaggerating with you, I can beat thousands of such ancient martial arts families who only use their fists and legs."

Master Luo did not exaggerate, even a little modest. However, he got An Ruoshui's unintelligible smile.

"I'm serious, my martial arts are very good, and the court does not dare to do anything to me, the dog emperor calculated Xuanyang, the reason why I was poisoned is because eating Xuanyang is for me Cooked food." Luo Xuange thought about the taste of the food she ate before she died, my was the biggest punishment in her previous life, and after eating the noodles boiled in An Ruo water, she felt that the last meal in her previous life was also the same. Barely a meal.

"Then what else do you have?" An Ruoshui was very interested in the life of the ancients 800 years ago, not to mention that the ancients was still her lover at the moment.

Luo Xuange actually lived in hatred in her previous life. The dog emperor killed her parents, how dare she live happily in revenge.

There are too many dangers around Xuan Yang, if she hadn't always protected that girl and removed obstacles for her, how would Xuan Yang's later throne be won so easily.

But since An Ruoshui wants to know, Luo Xuange doesn't mind saying it again.

"I have always told you that I am good at all kinds of martial arts, I can use swords, spears, swords and halberds to fly over the eaves and walls, I can also play music, dance, dance and sing, and even the cooking skills are better than those of the royal chefs. As Luo Xuange spoke, he took out his new mobile phone and searched for information: "Well, according to historical records, Emperor Mingxuan was crowned as the head of the fifth-grade imperial dining room during his reign, but this person's life is not long, and during his reign But in March, he died suddenly after leaving only one grain of fish. This man was actually disguised by me, and I stole a treasure map in order to enter the palace."

An Ruoshui looked at the screen of her mobile phone. She had seen this news when she was a child. She seemed to have chatted a few words with the same table at the time. 's lover.

"What's the matter? Are you not interested? That one should be replaced." Luo Xuange flipped the phone again: "This, General Zuo. You and Xuanyang never looked down on each other in the past day. When the two met, it was either a quarrel or a fight, so your screenwriter said that it was absolutely impossible for the two to fall in love. In the early years, due to misunderstandings, Xuanyang once abolished the Zuo Hufa. Later, the saintess searched for the secret medicine to rescue him. After that, the misunderstanding was solved, but the two never had peace of mind. There are also folk musicians who have been recorded in the unofficial and official history. Dharma protector. The piano she used is the one I played last time. Actually, there is no mystery, but it requires a strong internal force to play it. People in this world cannot use internal force to transmit sound into their ears, so the world cannot hear the sound of the piano. It's normal."

An Ruoshui can no longer be described as shocked at this moment, and asked dumbly: "What else?"

"Ah?" Master Luo was stunned, what else?

"Why doesn't the history book record any news about the martial arts? Only sporadic unofficial history has been recorded?" An Ruoshui was greatly amazed. There are so many talents in the rivers and lakes, why is it not recorded in the history books?

Mentioning these, Luo Xuange was actually very sad and angry. The reason why later generations did not understand the martial arts arena is not only that 800 years are too long, but more because Emperor Mingxuan hates people in the arena. In the Ming Dynasty, few people could write about the deeds of the rivers and lakes, and during the reign of Emperor Mingxuan, he slaughtered the children of the rivers and lakes.

"This is too much trouble to explain. It can only be said that Emperor Mingxuan was extremely disgusted with the martial arts."

rivers and lakes.

The author has something to say: I recommend a slow-warming and sweet article in the entertainment industry of my friend 'Bai Rixi': "Vase in the Entertainment Circle"