MTL - The Demonic Ancestor who Desired Supremacy-Chapter 28 The body of the demon

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This beautiful and beautiful young man is the first and last opponent of Yang Shiyan’s short-term palace career, Ye Zhiqiu.

It is the only love enemy in life that makes Yang Shiyan impressed and becomes an important role in the magical fantasy. After all, in addition to this old thing, he did not have any other experience to recall the sweetness. I have been so fond of Chaoyang Palace for so many years, and occasionally I feel that life is lonely. There is no ability to play the game of the palace, but there is no place to play.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu did not know that he was standing alone for a lifetime, and he went back to the starting point.

Twenty years ago, after he left the Western Yin Palace, because of the generosity of His Sixth Highness, he carried enough silver with him, and he did not need to worry about his livelihood.

But there is a saying that it is difficult to fill. He used to spend his extravagant days in the Chaoyang Palace. Lingshi Dan medicine is used with his heart, and his eyes are so high that he can be willing to be willing to live forever. He is as old as a mortal.

Moreover, when he was 20 years old, he had already broken through to the foundation period. Looking at the mainland is also a genius. If you don't continue to cultivate, you will not hesitate.

Ye Zhiqiu was full of ambitions and thought that his potential had an infinite future, but the reality quickly gave him a slap. There is no Lingshi, let alone Jin Dan, he can't break through the middle of the building.

In the Western Yin Palace, the sparse and ordinary Lingshi Dan medicine, to the folk is a rare treasure that everyone is vying for. Even if he goes bankrupt, he can't afford a piece of Chinese stone.

Outside the palace, the cloud is different. He finally understood how much he did not know how to cherish. Leaving the West Yin Palace and losing the identity of the six-serving monarch, he was nothing.

That period of time was his toughest day. He also took the fame and name as a small official. He relied on the spiritual stone in the sacred sorcerer, but those were only the next to the spiritual stone. He could not look at it.

A few years later, he resigned and went to the South China Sea. Perhaps he was destined to meet the nobles, and actually let him climb the Haiping tide of the South China Sea National University.

Ye Zhiqiu was selected as a servant in the same year, and it is natural to be a good one. Hai Pingchao fell in love with him at first sight and brought him back to the palace to become a patron. Around a circle, it is still a male pet, but this time Ye Zhiqiu is a willing man.

Unlike the Western Yin Dynasty, the South China Sea royal family has always been a singer in the double repairs, and the number of the three palaces and six hospitals is inexhaustible. Ye Zhiqiu was loved by Haiping Chao for a few years, and slowly lost his sense of freshness.

Today, he is doing some chores with the side of Haipingchao, watching him pamper others, but he dare not have the slightest heart, lest the identity of the male pet is lost.

Dedicated to the good tide of the sea, at least you can get a few pieces of spiritual practice. If you leave him, he will really have nothing.

Ye Zhiqiu did not dare to get along with Hai Lingbo alone. He saw a terrible light from the eyes of the other party. This Nanhai Guosan princess is not as sweet as the appearance. Those who can survive in the Nanhai Palace, which is intriguing and intriguing, are not good at generations.

But he has no choice but to follow Hailingbo to a quiet place.

Leaving the sight of Wei Yang, Hai Lingbo revealed the nature of the arrogant and arrogant, and a slap in the face of Ye Zhiqiu: "Hey, I dare not obey!"

Ye Zhiqiu didn't dare to face his face, and his legs were soft and soft: "The villain doesn't dare."

Hai Lingbo sneered: "The big emperor has a good heart to take you out of the palace to see and see. I didn't expect you to cry on the road, because the emperor brother likes to be a cousin and is not satisfied!"

Ye Zhiqiu’s horrible gimmick: “The villain does not dare, the three princesses are forgiving...”

However, his humble petition did not get Hai Lingbo's forgiveness. She had already decided to kill this unsightly male pet. For her, killing a few palace servants is similar to trampling a few ants. There is no need for psychological construction. If you want to kill, you will kill.

The great emperor and her mother were compatriots. They were very close to each other and learned about her mind. However, she did not stop her from taking away Ye Zhiqiu. It was a acquiescence in disguise. However, it is a grumpy male pet. It doesn't matter if you die.

Even in order not to obstruct the eyes of Weiyang, this male pet has to die.

Seeing that Hai Lingbo slowly pulled out the long sword at the waist, Ye Zhiqiu knew that the other party had really moved his mind and hurriedly escaped. At this point, he also did not care about being in the unpredictable array of methods, just want to escape the robbery and then say.

However, he only survived in the mid-term of the foundation, how can he escape the quest of Hailingbo, the early monk of Jindan. Hai Lingbo looked at the back of his gradual departure, and he did not panic and read the sword.

Her sword is different, there is no scabbard, the whole body is red, with a **** blood.

"Disease!" Just listened to her a slap, and the flying sword shot like a lightning, chasing Ye Zhiqiu. Almost in an instant, it pierced the body of the man in the distance.

The **** flying sword came back and quietly fell into the hands of Hai Lingbo. She whispered her lips and greedily added a bit of blood on her face and smiled with satisfaction.

This is the ninth and ninety-six people who died under her sword. They are still four, and the blood of the sword will be born.

By then, she will become the first sword repair in the mainland. No matter who they are, don't want to arbitrarily arrogate her fate.

Ye Zhiqiu lay on the ground, his chest broke a big hole, and the blood smudged the land under him. He is still not dead, but he has only one last breath.

I am not willing... I don’t want to die...

With unforgettable resentment and pain, he completely lost consciousness.

Large groups of red-winged black-winged butterflies, like the smell of fragrant flowers, rushed around, dancing around this fresh body. But the strange thing is that they are not as eager to eat as usual.

A group of butterflies gather together and turn into a human body in red and black. It has a black hair, a scarlet eye, a beautiful facial features, and a faint feeling of poor and willow wind.

This is not a gray smoke, but who is it!

He floated in the air, hooked his lips, and observed the corpse in front of him. This younger brother, he knows, has appeared frequently in the memories of that guy.

If you use this person, you can definitely find some trouble for the guy. Although it didn't make a big difference, he would be happy if he could make the guy unhappy... Hey.

and many more.

He suddenly stopped laughing, thinking that he was a demon, and actually fell to the trick of playing this kind of incompetence? If you are known by other demons, you will be laughed at!

I feel that the magic is so dark!

Like a pricked balloon, the demons who wilted down, waved their hands weakly, and a lot of butterflies heard the instructions. They went to Ye Zhiqiu and turned into a red-black powder. From his facial features, his wounds, he All the holes in the body penetrated into it.

The blood hole in the chest heals at a speed visible to the naked eye.

For a long time, Ye Zhiqiu’s body trembled a little. He climbed up from the ground with no eyes and stumbled like a headless fly, heading in a certain direction.

In the shadows.

Repeated battles and repeated defeats, the defeated and defeated demons in the same place as mushrooms, for a long time, through continuous self-encouragement, finally adjusted the positive and enterprising mentality.

He touched the face that had changed, revealing the sinful smile that was inevitable.

Unexpectedly, in such a poor and awkward world, it would be difficult to see a "magic body" in a million years. Is this his bad luck or lucky?

Among their Mozu, the weakest is the semi-magic and the demons, which can only be regarded as the cannon fodder. The upper part is divided into three classes, the demon belongs to the lower order, the demon is the middle order, and the higher order is called the demon. . Above the demon, it is said that there are also demons, gods, but those that belong only to the legendary monsters.

On the day of the awakening of the demon, this small world will be charred, and no matter whether it is a demon or a ghost. But as the devil has not yet awakened today, he still has a chance.

As long as he swallowed the body of the demon, his low-level demon... can be replaced by a new high-ranking demon!

Not motivated, do not want to be the demon of the demon, not a good devil!


The evil charm smiles back in the woods, and the human body is once again turned into countless butterflies, hidden in the white flowers that are full of branches.

Yin Lizheng and Feng Qingpeng discussed the next countermeasures.

They have been in this defensive defensive array for nearly two months and can no longer waste time. Those magical worms are gone, and the monks in the middle of the squad will only be more and more.

"I have already analyzed the route map for the next one kilometer."

Yin Li took out a thick stack of papers full of formulas and put them in front of Feng Qingpeng. "You can find someone to verify the correctness of my way of breaking. If you think so, I suggest starting as soon as possible."

Feng Qingpeng picked up a few sheets of paper and looked at the weird number symbols. He only felt dizzy. The profession has a specialization. As an orthodox martial art, it is not worthy of shame to understand these ghost characters. Self-consolation, he pretended to calm down the stack of paper to the North Seal monk behind him.

The Jindan monk, who is also good at the formation, holds the stack of papers, as if holding a rare treasure, and his eyes are full of reverence.

Although the Sixth House of the Western Yin Dynasty only had the cultivation of the initial stage of the foundation, the mastery of the law against the law was the first in the mainland.

Feng Qingpeng coughed: "I agree that no matter whether the monks outside can wake up, we will leave after three days."

He knows the meaning of Yin Li, and now the unconscious, the monks of the Northern Feng State, if they decide to leave, it is equivalent to abandoning these people. This decision must be made by him, the great emperor of Beifeng.

In fact, Feng Qingpeng’s decision to make this strong man’s broken wrist is not as difficult as he imagined. The Jindan monks who followed him were not all his confidants, but also the nails sent by his father and mother, and some of them were the ones who drowned the fish.

Feng Qingpeng has already counted statistics. His confession has only stunned five or six. From the mortality rate, he has already been out of luck.

The two reached a consensus and were about to talk about some details. Suddenly, a Beifeng monk rushed over. It was the white-bearded old man who knew Yin: "The Great Hall, something happened! Those comatose people woke up!" ”

"What happened?" Feng Qingpeng asked this question, but his heart was faint. If those people are not abnormal after waking up, this person will not be so flustered. It can be seen that the person who wakes up is afraid that something is wrong.

Sure enough, the old man with white beard went on to say: "Those people are red-eyed and mad in shape. When they wake up, they will attack the people around me, afraid that they are already enchanted!"

Yin left: "What is the defensive formation I set?"

The white beard's old man showed a glimmer of fortune: "Fortunately, there are six imperial arrays that trap those people for a period of time and give enough time for the surrounding monks to react. Otherwise, we will probably be caught off guard, and the death and injury will be heavy."

You know, in this ghost place, even a drop of blood can't flow. Once injured, I am afraid that I will be eaten by those weird butterflies.

Feng Qingpeng’s face was cold and he waved Fang Tian’s paintings.

"Transfer orders, enter the demons, kill innocent!"