MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 1781 You don't know your true identity.

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Chapter 1781, you don't know your true identity.

Under the gaze of the upper evil spirits, the bone texture of the bone lying on the ground suddenly glowed with a layer of jade.

Soft and seductive.

There is an impulse that people can't help but pick up and wear.

Of course, it is useless to the upper evil spirits.

After all, it is not human.

In the face of the evil spirits that are not moved, the bracelet does not give up, and the brilliance is more and more dazzling.

Even in the ear of the evil spirits, there was a fascinating voice.

Shallow female voice.

Low humming.

It spurs the desire of ordinary people.

However, falling in the ear of the evil spirits is probably...

‘Come on, happy! ’

Not only did not let the spirit of the upper evil spirits have any fluctuations, but also wanted to laugh.

It is an evil spirit.

It is also a metamorphosis of the upper evil spirits.

It is completely tempting, and it is the degree of talent.

This means of ‘residue’ is too superficial and childish in the eyes of the upper evil spirits.

However, he took the bracelet and hid it in his sleeve.

Because Bill, who plays the dark guard, has brought people around.

Just after seeing the appearance of the evil spirit at the moment, these people all burst into exclamation.

"Colipo Councillor!"

The exclamations came one after another.

Fear is more than everyone's face.

Although the "Lake Carl" disguised by the evil spirits was full of blood, when faced with a member of the House of Representatives, those who had been trained by the "Quiet Night Secret Society" could not help but fear.

This is not a shameful thing.

This is a change brought about by habits.

Any habit is terrible.

Qin Ran admits this.

The evil spirits are naturally followed.

In fact, these people saw it at the moment, and they did not turn around and ran. The upper evil spirits were already very happy.

At least, this proves how successful it was before.


Imitating the cold voice of Coripo's arrogance, the upper evil spirits opened.


The body was thin, and the long-handed Bill had fear in his eyes, but he did not hesitate to come out.

He knows that he can't hide.

At this time, any evasion is useless.

It's better to fight for it.

at least!

Create opportunities for people around you.

Can run one, is one!

Thinking of this, a decisive anger appeared on Bill's body. The two daggers appeared silently in his hands. The whole person was like an arrow from the string, rushing toward the upper evil spirit. At the same time, in the mouth. Shouting: "Come on!"

Shouting like a thunder.

The guards who stayed around were instantly back to God.

Immediately, turn and run.

The one closest to the warehouse door, do not forget to ring the alarm bell.

However, it was blocked by one hand.

Looking at this hand, everyone was stunned.

That is the hand of Councillor Korip.

One hand blocked the alarm bell and one hand slammed Bill's Councillor.

Everyone is desperate.

The strongest of them is Bill.

But Bill was taken down in an instant.

what should I do now?

The six gods and the lords of the people looked at Bill, who was held in the hands of the evil spirits. At this time, Bill was as dead.

Bill knows that the members are very strong.

He will not be an opponent of a member of Parliament.

However, he never thought that Members would be so strong.

As a field worker, second only to those who did not have a name, he just rushed to the other side, and there was no real attack, and he was left behind.

Moreover, he was not feeling at all when he was left behind.


Faced with this ghostly speed technique, Abby knows that neither he nor Stone can be an opponent, and that the person present can't have a run.

There is only one dead road left.

Subconsciously, Bill closed his eyes and waited to die.


A little.

But not too much.

Compared to not finding out early, preparing early, regret at the moment, for Bill, it is really not worth mentioning.

"It's really reckless."

The cold, arrogant voice rang in the ear.

Then, it is the footsteps.

After the evil spirits swept over the crowd, they directly pushed the door of the warehouse.

"Come in."

The evil spirits said to the guards.

One by one guards bowed their heads and did not dare to look at the evil spirits. Under fear, they were directly controlled by the upper evil spirits and walked into the warehouse one by one.

The last evil spirit that took Bill’s upper body was the last one to walk in.

Also, the door was closed.

When he twisted, Stone had already surrounded him with people.

At least 30 arquebuses pointed at it.

The leading Stone, looking at the beggar Bill, the fear in his eyes mixed with jealousy.

In the warehouse, the early uneasy mind of Stone, the first time found that something was wrong, when the first guard returned with a head down, he pulled out the sword, the same is true of the three friends behind him.

As a fieldmate of the 'Quiet Night Secret Society', they also have far more strength than ordinary people, and the sixth sense is beyond ordinary people.

Under the leadership of some people, these people who were driven by Stone and Bill immediately acted.

However, after seeing the people who came in was Corripo, the faces of these people appeared one after another, and some people shivered slightly.

Stone saw this fear.

He knows that the people behind him are really at the touch, not to mention fighting.

No need to say anything more.

Standing in front of Corribo is the greatest despair.

Can you blame these friends or friends for being timid?


Because he is also afraid.

Imagine is ultimately imagined.

Only when you really face the facts, do you know what is cruel!

Is it a failure?

Stone smiled a bit.

He is very clear about how terrible the Corit Board members who can refrain from being able to resist Bill’s innocence, more terrible than the rumors.

You know, the rumored member of the parliament generally likes to freeze opponents.

But never said anything else.

Maybe, but haven't waited to say it, it's frozen?

Thinking of this, Stone dropped his long sword.

As Stone succumbed to the long sword, the people around him put down their weapons.

However, no one spoke.

They are all waiting for the fate to come.

Maybe it is death.

Maybe... even worse.

Sometimes death is just a relief.

Life is better than death, it is horror.

Most people are blushing when they think about it.

No one even dared to look at the evil spirits. When the eyes of the evil spirits were swept away, they even bowed their heads and dared not look at each other.

In this regard, the upper evil spirit is extremely satisfied.

I don’t want to pay for it.

It does not need a group of brave people.

A group of ordinary people who are a little courageous but weak inside are the best.

"You are really reckless."

The upper evil spirit spoke up, raising his hand and letting Bill down.

Not throwing.

It is put.

When Bill, who was ready to die, stood on the ground, the whole person was a glimpse, and then, looking at the Colombo MP.

In Bill's opinion, he is sure to die.

The same is true of the people around you.

He used to be under the shack of Koripo, and he knew this very well.

Stone is the same for four people.

They are also under the jurisdiction of Corribo. Naturally, they know what the character of the member of the parliament is. It seems calm and unpredictable. In fact, it is very irritating and tyrannical.

With what they do, it is impossible to be good.

Is it what kind of torture do you want to use?

Stone and Bill five thought together.

"Do you think I will use torture to deal with you?"

The upper evil spirit suddenly said.

Stone and Bill were shocked.

Seeing people's hearts? !

The five people became more taboo and fearful of Corypo, who was disguised by the evil spirits.

They didn't think that Corribo would have such ability.

The people around me are even more unbearable, and the nerves are pressed to a firmness. If you use a little force, I am afraid it will be broken.

I know almost the evil spirits that clearly perceive everything with the evil spirits.

I immediately sneered.

"To tell the truth, I really can't wait for you to die."

"Of course, including the ‘Balkar’ the bastard.”

"If it weren't for you, I already found the answer I wanted."

The angry voice of the upper evil spirits swung in the warehouse.

The voice is high and the anger is obvious.

However, in this angry voice, Stone, Bill and other five people did not feel any killing.

Don't say that it is Stone, Bill, and so on. There are nearly a hundred people around you.

They only felt that the Corip Councillor was angry, but there was no killing, and there was no legendary tyranny.

How is this going?

A group of people looked at Coripo.

“Is it very uncomfortable?”

"Do you think I can't figure out why I didn't kill you?"

"I also want to, but I can't!"

"Because we are all ourselves."

Corribo sneered.

"Own people?"

Everyone is completely ignorant and completely unknown.

Only Stone and Bill had a little insight in the eyes of the five people, but they were immediately replaced by shock.

Among the people around, there are also many people who are quick-minded.

Corribo is a snake-speaker.

This is beyond doubt.

When Corribo said that they were their own people, obviously they became snakes.

Yes, they are clearly members of the ‘Queen Night Secrets’.

Is it...

When this idea appeared, these people looked at the evil spirits with horror.

Feel this kind of gaze, the upper evil spirits make a sigh.

"As you think."

“The ‘quiet night essays’ used to be, in fact, the snakes.”

When the words of the evil spirits came out, suddenly, in the quiet warehouse, there was a breath of inspiration.

The members of these ‘quiet night retreats’ simply did not think that there would be such a thing.

Even Stone, Bill, five mentally prepared field personnel are still incredibly wide-eyed.

"Do not believe?"


"If it is me, I will not believe it."

“The ‘Secret Night Secrets’ will be a snake.”

"But that's the truth."

"Otherwise, do you think you can still live now?"

After the sneer of the evil spirit, he asked.

Suddenly, the rest of the warehouse was silent again.


If we are not a group, how can we survive now?

Can it be said by the "round Carl"?

And since we are snakes, what was it all about the witches and the devils?


Thinking of this, many people still do not understand.

Inductive of all the upper evil spirits, the palm of the hand touched the bone bracelet.

It was initially prepared to mix the past with other reasons.

However, after picking up this bone bracelet and perceiving everything inside, it has new ideas.

"Are you thinking that since we are all snakes, why are you going to destroy the wolf-hunter in the ‘black disaster’?”



The voice of the upper evil spirit does not consciously become lower.

Gives a feeling of gnashing your teeth.

In particular, the murderous meaning contained in the inside is to let the temperature of the warehouse begin to decline. Everyone who feels such a change can not help but shrink their necks and watch the evil spirits in horror.

"You look like a snake."

"But you are the seeds of the snakes."

"If I can, I really want to clean up all of you."

"Then, re-cultivate a batch."

"But time is not allowed - the evil is eroding us, far beyond your imagination. Except for me, the remaining 16 members are all eroded."

“They have changed from them to them, from the serpent’s ‘quiet night retreat’ to the sinister ‘quiet night cleric.’”

"I can't tell you more about some things."

"Now, go to the radish hotel to find Carlisle."

"The rest, he will tell you."

"The ruthless **** of 'Karl' is really a curse!"

After that, the distortion of the upper evil spirit disappeared from the place.

Looking at the position where the evil spirits disappeared, everyone looked at them and looked at the leading Stone Five.

Four of the five people looked at Stone.

Facing the gaze of nearly a hundred people, at the moment, with a trace of Stone, he had to stand up with his scalp.

"Now divide into five teams and go to the 'radish' hotel to find Carlisle."

Stone issued an order.

"Is it really going?"

When asked to start the detachment, Bill whispered.

"if not?"

"Continue to stay here?"

"If that person is true, I am afraid that we are the people who have passed the test, are recognized as 'snakes', and are recognized as 'snakes', and the corroded 'quiet night secrets' will be placed Have you passed us?"

"And, there are our family and friends."

"They are all in the 'quiet night town.'"

"Without the 'snakes,' we can't save people."

Stone smiled bitterly.

Bill was silent for a moment.

In the end, the thin man whispered.

"Like Carl is really a jerk."



"However, it is also an upright person."

“It’s much better than the cold guys in the ‘Staying Night Secrets’.”

Stone sighed and raised his hand, indicating that the team was ready to act.

The five teams are silently close to the radish hotel.

Seeing the disappearance of the five teams, the upper evil spirits slowly stepped out of the shadows.

It certainly hopes to be more perfect.

However, reality is not allowed.

If you say a little more, I am afraid that there will be a flaw.

not to mention……

The upper evil spirit bowed his head and took the bone bracelet out.

At this moment, there is a mist on the bone bracelet, which gathers the appearance of a face. The mouth of this face is just opening and closing.

"con man!"

"Shameless liar!"

The sound is strange and straight into the heart.

Ordinary people may be mad or embarrassed when they hear it.

However, for the upper evil spirits, it is simply not enough to look at it. Even, it is caught by the upper evil spirits and it is aware of the other party’s emotions.

[Evil spirits]!


Start immediately.

It looked at the face with no expression, but the sound seemed to be magical, straight into the soul of the other soul.

"Tell me, your purpose."

"Impossible! I will not tell you that we have united and accurately destroyed the entire plan of Aitinburg..."

(End of this chapter)