MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 1782 Curtain

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Chapter 1782

The mist was slightly twisted and the resulting face became distorted.

The original life is like life, at this time, only the difference is left.

What is even more bizarre is that in the face of the inquiry of the evil spirits, all the faces of the fog are said.

"I won't tell you, we are not what 'residues' at all."

"I won't tell you, we originally planned this."

"I won't tell you that we have already achieved an unexpected advantage."

One sentence after another.

The look of the evil spirits became more serious with the words of the other party.

For the copy world in front of us, the evil spirits that have been following Qin Ran know what is going on.

It and its Boss are intruders.

That ‘hacker’ is also an intruder.

However, the other party has a front hand and layout.

Although only ‘Bol’ is now locked, it believes that since the entry point of ‘hacker’ is ‘Bol’, then ‘Bol’ must have any difference.

Moreover, the upper evil spirits affirmed that their own Boss followed each other, also because of this.

Otherwise, with its understanding of Boss, this time is already a plan to maximize profits, not this kind of trick.

Nothing is just thinking about what the hacker wants.

And now...

"This is what the guy wants?"

"A riot?"

The upper evil spirit guessed, and told Qin Ran all that he saw in front of his eyes.

Then, the upper evil spirit who got the new order directly put the bone bracelet into the dark pocket of the sleeve.

Hard steel is impossible for hard steel, and the task of Boss can only be accomplished by illusion.

Thinking about Boss' new mission, the silent chanting of the evil spirits.

Then, the night wind blew.

The figure disappeared.



The night wind blew, and many people subconsciously narrowed their necks.

The night winds of Hokuriku are not as comfortable as the South.

It is cold and bones are drilled.

Even if you wear a cotton coat and stand for half an hour without standing, you have to be frozen and numb, especially the nose and ears that are exposed, and frostbite.

Therefore, when everyone passed by Sivarka, they were surprised to see this man wearing a casual dress, no jacket, no hat, and a collar.

The other party stood in the night and looked up at the moon.

The corner of the mouth is slightly upturned.

It seems to be a smile.

It is like disdain.

It is difficult to judge what he is doing.

Some people think that they have seen idiots, idiots, and can't help but lick their lips.

Some people rushed away and they thought they saw a madman.

Still others are amazed.

These people are the kind of people who are very knowledgeable. They are confirming that Sivarka has extraordinary power.

In this regard, Sivarka did not care.

There is not much time for his 'resting', and there is time and waste of these people.

Especially when the first ‘rest’ was in conflict with some people, and ended the ‘rest’ early, and after the cancellation of the news, Sivarka had already learned to be indifferent.

Otherwise what?

Can you still die?

No way.

Sivarka knows how afraid he is to die.

When he was a mercenary, he had the nickname "Swarovski".

However, he does not care.

The most important thing is to live, isn't it?

There is hope in living.


That's really all over.

He is admired by those who claim to be brave, and each time they are in front of the charge, so every time he sweeps the grave, he always brings a bunch of wildflowers from the roadside.


Sorry, the timid Sivarka is good enough to have a full stomach.

No extra money to buy wine.

After becoming a deacon with a knife, Sivarka can eat every time, and there is still a glass of wine every day, which is something he once hoped for.

Sour and sweet, very good.

If the color is not red, he will be more like it.

At the thought of the red liquid, Sivarka's throat began to itch, and the whole person's stomach was a convulsion.


Hold the wall next to you.

Sivarka retched for a while.

This is the aftereffect of using 'residues'.

Between the index finger of an adult, the thumb and the eyes of an adult woman, and one liter of blood (preferably a virgin), the dark hall gives him the latter.

After all, the latter can be regenerated.

But one liter!

Even if it is water, you have to drink for a long time.

Not to mention blood!

If you are not punished every time you worry that you can't finish the task, Siwarka will never touch those things.

This made him feel that he was no different from the rumored vampire.

Do not!

Those vampire demons can be much bigger than me.

What am I?

I am just timid with Sivalka.

"Uncle, are you okay?"

A witty female voice rang.

Sivarka looked up and saw a very plain, patched little girl standing there, looking at him with concern.

Sivarka looked around.

It was discovered that he did not know when he slipped into the shantytown of the Seventh Ring of Aitinburg.

This is the slum of Fort Aitenburg.

Some bankrupt businessmen.

Disabled people who have lost their labor.

In the end, there will be a home here.

Of course, it also includes some women and children.

Obviously, the other party is one of them.


Sivarka shook his head.

He does not want to have anything to do with the poor.

Because, it is too much trouble.

He himself is self-sufficient, and more involved is even more troublesome.

"Uncle, wait a minute."

The little girl said, turned and ran back to the room, and then, came out with a cup of hot water the next moment.

"Mom said that it would be better to drink a little hot at this time."

"Uncle, you have to remember that there will be hope when you are alive."

Looking at the hot cup in front of him, listening to the little girl's pretending to be a little adult, Sivalka smiled and shook his head.

There is no doubt that this little girl regards him as a wandering bankrupt.

No more explanation.

After taking the hot water cup, Sivarka drank it.

"Thank you."

He smiled and thanked, and the subconscious reached out and touched the wallet in his pocket.

How can Sivalka, who is a knife deacon, lose money?

You must know that the secret hall is also a salary. Although it is not as rich as a rich man, it is more than enough for ordinary people.

However, when I touched the wallet, Sivarka was a glimpse.

He didn't bring a wallet.

Because I was too eager for the 'rest' time, so that he could not wait to leave the dark hall.

Damn it!

I originally hoped to use money to understand this trouble.

Now it seems……

Just as Sivarka touched his pocket and frowned, the little girl hesitated, finally turned and ran back to the room, and then a scarf was taken out.

Not woolen.

It was changed out of worn clothes.

Very small.

Belong to the little girl herself.

"Uncle gives you."

"It will be warmer."

"There is a bed there, it’s an uncle, and he has a bad temper, but if you say it well, he will let you pay first, sleep there, and the uncle will introduce you to a job. As long as you have a job, you can rent an old coat to your uncle, and if you want to eat, you can go to the one-eyed aunt, where she can also make a credit, but if you make money, you must return it to her. She has four children to raise..."

Listening to the survival guide in the shantytown, Sivarkad looked at the little girl.

He can see that the little girl knows he has no money.

The worn-out scarf that was handed to the front is enough to show that the little girl’s family is not rich, or poor.

"You have already done this, why are you still?"

I couldn’t help but ask Sivalka.

"Because we also survived with the help of others."

“So, my mother said that we also want to help more people like us.”

The little girl said innocently, purely looking at Sivarka with a shallow smile.

There is no utilitarian.

There is nothing more to plot.

It is help.

Simple help.

"Okay thank you."

Taking a deep breath, Sivarka thanked him again, but he did not take the scarf.

He does not need.

Can be needed by little girls.

Looking at the bruises on the little girl's hand, Sivarka pointed to the place before the little girl.

"I know where I am going."

"Hurry and go back."

"and also……"

"Don't talk to strangers in the future, it's dangerous."

Sivarka pointed to the door behind him. He heard the rushing footsteps. Apparently the little girl’s elder found that the little girl had disappeared, with a smile, and Sivarka pointed to the little girl before the other’s appearance. Go.

Of course he does not need to find a job.

But he could not bear to let the little girl down.

in order to……

That help.

Sivarka walked forward and there was a low voice from the little girl's mother behind her.

"Ellie, I said, don't go out at will."

"Hurry back."

The little girl was pulled back to the dilapidated house by her mother. Siwarka couldn’t help but look back. The little girl waved at him and gestured to say goodbye.

Sivarka responded with a wave of waving.

The dilapidated door closed.

After Sivarka confirmed that the little girl would not see herself, it took a detour to the third ring.

The pace is brisk, he has already decided.

Take the Kimpton with enough time for the next break.

Good and good.

Ellie deserves his return.

Maybe not too much.

But at least, let Ali get out of this environment.

He knows what will happen here.

If there is no previous help, then, with the help of the previous, he does not want a pure little girl to encounter those.

Another big overhead that is not needed!

So, when you go out, you have to bring your wallet!

Obviously two or three kinds of copper can solve things, now at least 50, no, and her mother, sister, want to settle in the next ring near the third ring, then at least 100 Kimpton.

My pension has shrunk again.

Sivalka, who was silently thinking about his heart, was frustrated.

But in my heart, he is a bit warm.

People are always warmed up inadvertently.

Then, choose to warm others.

There may be times when people have forgotten the beginning.

Become cold and selfish.

But when the warmth of the moment occurs, who will not remove the disguise?

Maybe there.

But Sivarka is not.

He knows that he is a coward and not a cold ghost.

With a small tune in his mouth, Sivarka is ready to turn for a little longer.

However, annoying people always appear when he is in a good mood.

The ‘regulator’ came out in the shadow of the street.

"what happened?"

"The break time is not over yet?"

Sivarka raised his brow and asked in a bad tone.

He didn't have any good feelings about these cold 'regulators'.

Not only because of the regulatory relationship, but also because of the indifference of these guys, if they are not warm, these guys are definitely one of them.

"There was an accident in the mission."

"The Divano priest is dead."

"You need to be sure of the latest situation."

The ‘regulator’ said coldly that there was no ups and downs in the tone, and the voice was so cold that people were snoring.

"Task accident?"

A glimpse of Sivarka.

He is not without a mission failure.

There are accidents at any time.

However, the death of the leader who performed the task was the first time.

Moreover, it is still the troublesome guy of Divano.

The other party is a dark-minded family, and is very optimistic about several big people.

The other party is now dead.

He is in trouble.

"it is good."

Thinking of this, the timid Sivarka nodded.

He does not want to delay time at this time.

Because this is likely to become his ‘crime’!

Behind the 'regulators', Sivarka thought about what he would face next, and then how to deal with it.

Walking through the streets.

Bishop, Sivarka found something wrong.

This is not the way to return to the dark hall.

Immediately, Sivarka stopped.

But immediately, it will resume as usual.

The muzzle of a arquebus was attached to his lower back.

Although his body has already surpassed ordinary people because of ‘residues’, it is not a weapon that is invulnerable. A weapon such as a arquebus is enough to injure him.

If you are injured, you will bleed, and if you have more blood, you will die.

So, Sivarka knows what to do.

Being held behind the ‘regulators’, soon, Sivarka came to a place.

It is a residence close to the Upper Seven Rings.

Most businessmen like to live here.

Of course, there are also hotels.

The famous ‘radish’ inn is nearby.

The footsteps of the defenders stopped.

The 'regulators' have also stopped.

The defenders did not show up, but the ‘regulator’ said: “Sirwarka, should you also “awake”?”


"What do you mean?"

Sivarka’s incomprehensible question.

“Of course it’s the awakening of ‘self’!”

“Do you still want to be treated as a 'residue'?”


"Do you think I am kidding you?"

The 'supervisor' said that the cloak shook, and a tentacle stretched out from the cloak. The other's face was revealed with the hood removed. There was no nose. Instead of the nose, it was a mouth and a connection. The mouth of the original mouth, the sharp teeth and the sharp teeth in it, and a tongue can not hold back and forth.

"Free your strength!"

"join us!"

"Then, counterattack!"

"It belongs to our time..."


A dagger flashed a shadow, passed the ‘regulator’, passed over the defender behind him, and then landed in the hands of a man with a face.

The dark gray windbreaker of the other side hunted in the night wind.

The other party's voice followed the wind into Silvaka's ear.

"You are also 'evil'?"

PS ate two days of medicine, fat dragon feels much better today, I did not eat again, then, the afternoon teeth began to hurt again, pit!

(End of this chapter)