MTL - The Devious First-Daughter-Chapter 605 Peeper behind the bush

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"This is the Xia Niang Niang? It's really beautiful." A girl carefully looked out from the bushes. Although she was far away, the girl's eyes were good. She could see the most mysterious Xia, how? Not happy, this will secretly talk to the people around you.

A few of them were secretly following the Ningxue tobacco body. I thought that the people in front would find out that I couldn’t think of it so smoothly. One time, a girl accidentally stepped on a twig and made a point. The voice, the girls were scared and did not dare to move.

I couldn’t think of it, not only Yi Wang and her ring, I didn’t hear it. Even the seemingly shrewd palace girl didn’t even hear it. She looked at her eyes, but she was very awkward and didn’t know what she was thinking. It was for them to follow and discover a hidden place.

These girls are more curious. Before the sound of the king, the voice was a bit big. They used to be late, only to know that Yi Wang was going to see Xia, and now they sneaked over.

"Hey, do you think Xia is a bit familiar!" Another girl looked at the other side and shook it.

"It seems to be a bit familiar, what the eyes are, how is it so familiar." The girl frowned and meditated.

It happened that Xia Wei stood up at this time, and it was a bit clearer when I poured a cup of tea on the whole face of Ningxue.

"Oh, she looks like a flower girl!" A girl suddenly screamed and then immediately raised her mouth.

"Yes, yes, it’s a flower girl. You don’t say that I really didn’t think it. You said it, it’s really like, although this looks more beautiful, but the eyes and the nose are really long with the flower girl. The elephant." The first girl then carefully recognized it, nodded, sure.

"Is there any sister who is not a flower girl?" Another girl who was not familiar with the flower girl was asked.

"No, the flower girl died in the war, and the flower girl died of illness. This flower girl could not have a sister." Another girl who was familiar with the flower festival, shook her head, and then said a sentence. .

"Yes... really like it!"

"Hey, can we go back, it really makes Xia Niangni find it, but it is not very good." A timid girl couldn’t help but speak. She said before on the way, don’t go, helpless Curiosity is too strong, she has to follow.

"Well, let's look at it, just go back!" Satisfied with curiosity, these girls are not stupid, of course, can not be discovered, so they sneak back along the same path.

And behind the tree fork in the other place, there are two, and quietly followed back.

No one noticed that Fang Ning Xueyan was so troubled, knowing that she was coming to see the most mysterious Xiayan, and it aroused the curiosity of many people, especially the younger ones, the easiest to control themselves, secretly touched It’s not just a dial, anyway, everyone is visiting the Royal Garden, and they haven’t said anything, they can’t go shopping.

Xia Wei in the pavilion, single-mindedly conveyed to Ning Xueyan the preference of the girl at the time, or how to be more like a girl, not noticed that between the branches, there have been several voyeurs, sneak Going, as for Yan Zhen, although the look on his face has returned to normal.

But my heart has always felt faint. Where did the palace lady who brought the king of Yi? It’s not that she was allowed to take the King of Yi together with Yisan and tell him to stay again. He will be counted, rescue him from the flower girl, and then bring it to the girl. Come on!

Why did she see Yi Wang on the road, and it was difficult for the palace girl to find Yi Wang, or what happened to the palace girl!

Otherwise, at this time, what Ning Wangzhen saw was the situation in which Yi Wang and his own maiden were dependent on each other.

However, why things have changed, even though their own goddess looks like a self-confident, but Yan is really aware that Xia Wei is very unhappy at this time, she is trying to figure things out, of course, for some things, will not pay attention.

Xinmei’s ear is very spiritual. She was originally a martial artist. Of course, she was much more sensitive than the average person. So even the voices that secretly spoke, I heard some, bowed my head, seemingly respectful standing there, full of attention. On one side, but the main child hinted at her, for these, as long as Xia Wei did not find this side, she does not have to say.

This will of course show that it has not been heard at all.

Ning Xueyan did not talk to Xia Wei, and the goal has been reached. He also knows the purpose of Xia Yu. Ning Xueyan will let her go back earlier because of her ability to leave her. She did not leave much for Xia Wei. I am still polite to Ning Xueyan. When I have time to enter the palace, I will come to see her. She likes to talk to Ning Xueyan.

In this regard, Ning Xueyan naturally promised, and then came out, and Xinmei went back, not far away, they met the **** sent by the sergeant, and saw Ning Xueyan, leading the way ahead. The people in this palace, Ning Xueyan was originally unfamiliar, some led the way, and walked faster, and then returned to the original place.

This time, for the king, the banquet hosted by Fu Wang is destined to be unsettled.

First, the three girls of the Flower Festival Restaurant and a drunken family lie together. Two people said that they didn’t know each other. One was just dizzy, so rested there, one was drinking too much, and they just found one. The rest of the place, the drunk people and others testify, it is indeed a few people who sang poems together, the person lost, so a little drink, I found a place to rest.

As for the flower autumn, it is because of the dizziness of the walk, and the ring takes her to the side to rest.

敖宸奕 敖宸奕 敖宸奕 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , If this kind of thing is spread out, the face of the entire flower house will not exist, let alone the later things, no one can say clearly.

Who is it? If he does not admit it, but you rely on him, he is arrogant, it is directly fatal, Hua Qiu Ying did not dare to try.

Nowadays, no one can say it clearly, or it is really just a misunderstanding. It can be a misunderstanding and a solution. Fortunately, the two are also unmarried and the woman is not married. Even two people now have this kind of The situation, then let the two marriage, at that time is also a quilt cover, at least on the surface is light.

So even if this matter is set, Hua Qiuying has no face to stay any longer, and he will go back to the palace early, and the woman’s injury is even greater. Moreover, the flower festival restaurant is now a daughter, it is said that The long, charming, and very charming, when I was engaged in the engagement, the reason why there is no engagement is that it is not high, and it is not good.

At this time, I am forced to find someone to marry at random, and I will not be wronged.

It is said that the girl of Huajia’s family has set a good book. Although the girl is a predecessor, it is also a prominent person in the former dynasty. It’s just war, the family is dead, and the second girl is Wang, life is thin and sick, as for the three girls, everyone guessed that they would not find the average family.

Who would have thought that the end is actually such a result.

The flower of Qiuying’s story is very fast. Although the Queen’s resilience is prevailing, this matter is a conclusion. It can only be said that Qiuyingying is unlucky, and another wind, but with the news of Qiuyingying, is silent. Pass in the women.

The mysterious Xia Wei is actually like a flowery autumn, it seems that there should be a certain relationship with the flower festival, but everyone can not think of who the flower festival is.

All kinds of guesses have been there for a while!

Some people say that they may be the family members of the flower family, but they are far away. Therefore, they don’t know who this Xia is! Another person said that it should be the cousin of Hua Qiuying. Although it is three thousand miles, it is always a bit like, but it is also because of the distance. Therefore, there is no news in the flower house in Beijing.

There is also a kind of daughter who talks most arrogantly, saying that it is also a flower festival. It is a flower festival. It was born in the war. Because it was afraid of the lady who sacrificed the wine, the daughter was raised outside, and then met the emperor and brought it into the palace. Because of the illegitimate daughter, seeing no one, the identity of Xia Xia is hidden.

Although everyone thinks that the most ambitious behind, but think about it, but they all think that there is some truth, otherwise how to explain that Xia Xia and Hua Qiu Ying are so similar, these two faces, one look is like a sister I have to have an intimate relationship.

For a time, everyone was curious about this mysterious Xia.

In the following banquet, the focus of everyone's attention was not on Xiang Wang and Fu Wang. They all talked about the things of Xia Xia today, and the marriage of the three daughters of the flower festival, all of which were whispering and talking.

"Xiaoxi?" At the feast, sitting in the chief of the Yagui, who turned to the most beautiful queen, frowned and said: "Queen Empress, everyone is asking about this Xia, the goddess should not have a password, this The embarrassment in the palace is also something that others can talk about casually!"

"My sister, who is Xia Wei? Why haven't you seen her before? I have only heard of her now. Does she like to see people?" A palace that could not enter, squatting Eyes, quite a bit curious to ask Ya Gui, a look of stunned.

"Don't say it is you, I have never seen it. I don't participate in any kind of banquet." Another older palace, shaking the fan in his hand, smiled.

"Why? Is it true that the emperor, the Queen attended the banquet, she did not participate? This ... this is too..." The palace that was not in the palace soon, his face was full of surprise, and he secretly glanced at the queen sitting in it. Seeing that there was no anger on her face, she added another sentence. "It’s hard to make her darling, even the Queen’s Empress does not follow.” The words implied in the words, no one in this palace is stupid.

"Well, don't say this, the emperor has his own public opinion." The Queen's maiden had to say, "Come, people can't discuss this matter at will."

When I was talking, suddenly a palace man ran in a hurry, and there was a panic between the look. Ning Xueyan had been paying attention to this side. When I saw it here, the bottom of the temple was lightly colored, and I smiled a little...