MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2084 Must be young and beautiful girl

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"The question now is, will Mr. Yalin really want to help us?"

If you don't want young people to catch up, then only you will become stronger. The S-level saviors of the White Knights are very clear about this truth.

But also because of this, everyone will be more uneasy, because their current strength has reached the bottleneck, it is difficult to break through, unless Li Yalin has a way to help them, otherwise, don’t think too much, just wait for half a year. After being overtaken by the young saviors.

Therefore, everyone is very embarrassed now. After the meeting, several ministers have joined together and started a small meeting with Li Yalin to discuss the future of everyone.

At the beginning of the meeting, Lu Zhishen, the branch of the Huaxia branch, shook his head. This sentence can be said to be a hit on the head and an important issue that everyone is worried about.

Yes, even if everyone has this expectation, the question is, will Li Yalin really help everyone?

Think carefully and carefully, this possibility does not seem to be very large.

At the beginning, Li Yalin unified the White Knights, not relying on the help of Wah Lisa and Edward, really conquering these S-level saviors, or his powerful to unparalleled strength!

You must know that in addition to the S-level savior, there are SS-level saviors above the S-class in the world, and before Li Yalin, there are only two SS-level saviors!

One is the old man from Huaxia, and the other is the Anton River in Sakamoto.

Said to be the SS-level savior, but the ability of Jun He Anton is entirely used against the heretics. If it is only against the people, he is only S-level strength at best, if his ability to fight against the heretics is too special, he also Not to be one of the only two SS-level saviors.

It can be said that the SS grade of Junhe Anton has water, so the old man from Huaxia can be a genuine SS-class powerhouse. As a master of the Lu Zhishen branch who has reached the S level, the old man The strength of the strength is really strong, and everyone in the room may not be able to verify.

Even Lu Zhishen himself could not find out the depth of his master!

It is also such a strong and powerful terrorist, he was actually defeated by Li Yalin! Although I could not see the battle between the two people, and afterwards, the two of them actually became inexplicably become the obsolete, but the failure of the old man is unquestionable.

If this is not the case, Li Yalin is not likely to integrate the entire White Knights so quickly. The battle between him and the old man was too horrible!

Therefore, although the ministers of the White Knights have become Li Yalin’s men, they were not so willing to surrender, and everyone knows.

It is precisely because of this that there is now a request for Li Yalin, everyone's heart will come to restlessness, after all, they are only subordinates of Li Yalin, there is no reason for people to help themselves.

"In fact, if you want to let Yalin adults help you improve your strength, the success rate is almost negligible. Maybe Yalin adults will improve my strength, but that is only limited to me alone. You...there is no such qualification. !"

Because of Lu Zhishen’s words, all the people present were quiet, because everyone’s heart was uneasy.

But at this silent moment, Vasilysa’s sudden words were like igniting a gunpowder barrel, which directly detonated the atmosphere of the scene.

"what did you say?"

"Wah Lisa! Are you provoking us?"

For the ministers here, Wah Lisa’s words are too ugly, and they are simply provoke everyone.

When the French sergeant Charlieton, who had a bad temper, took a table, even though he was separated by video, he could see his anger.

Unfortunately, the anger of a group of S-level saviors did not allow Wah Lisa to retreat. On the contrary, she even laughed very proudly.

"How? I was told the facts, so I am angry and angry? Why does the Yalin adults help me to improve my strength? The reason is very simple, just because I am a native of Yalin! And you... just forced by Yalin. Power and yield, this already shows everything, isn't it?"

Accompanied by the laughter of Wah Lisa, and then look at the S-level saviors, they are all speechless.

It's no wonder that who made Wah Lisa really talk about the idea.

Yes, the biggest difference between you and Wah Lisa is that Wah Lisa is dedicated to Li Yalin, even if she is dedicated to her body and mind.

Compared with her, other people are too far away.

And a sentence I am a person of Yalin adults, has been supplemented by everyone's subconscious brain - I am a woman of Yalin adults!

With this relationship, what else can you say?

"I can understand everyone's feelings, but if you want to rely on Yalin adults to improve their strength, you should not think about it, absolutely impossible."

Just as everyone was silent, Wah Lisa did not forget to continue to pour cold water. After all, for her, this is an ‘important link’ that she deliberately made!

"What should we do?"

“Don't we look at the countless S-level saviors, and then sit still?”

It is a matter of course. Under the bait of Vahirisha, a number of S-level saviors have been hooked up. Seeing this scene, Edward, who has been silently beside him, can't help but sigh.

Why do everyone's concerns become this? Shouldn't we pay more attention to the upcoming disaster after half a year?

If the world is destroyed by heretics, how can you compete, not all in vain?

Although the heart is sighing, but Edward is not unable to understand the thoughts of these S-level saviors, it is no wonder that the so-called interests are smouldering, not to mention that their ministers now represent more than just themselves.

They are more representative of their respective countries. At this moment when the White Knights are monopolized by Li Yalin, who can win more, the country behind them can get more benefits.

Don't say other people, even Edward himself, in fact, is not playing his own small abacus.

"To say the solution, in fact, I really have one."

In order to save their position, everyone in the S-class savior is in a hurry, and then look at the current Shih Lisa, she is coming to the chest, which makes everyone can not help but curious.

"Oh? What the **** is it! Don't sell it, just talk about it!"

"Yeah! Do you want to die for us?"

All the savior's eyes were concentrated on Wah Lisa's body. Everyone was looking forward to the solution she had thought of. For this reason, Vahirisha did not sell it again, but directly said her thoughts.

But after Vahirisha finished her method, she saw all the saviors in the room open their mouths, and their faces were full of incredulity.

It is no wonder that the method that Wah Lisa said is too much for everyone's expectations.

"It's very simple. Doesn't Mr. Yalin let everyone send a branch to ten people? We just need to pick out ten young and beautiful girls. Remember, be sure to be young and beautiful, this is the point!"

"What is your idea?"

"Yeah! What is this method? Ten beautiful young girls? Is it that you are going to send a woman to Yalin?"

"You have to give a reasonable explanation!"

When Wah Lisa’s words came out, the meeting was suddenly blown up. No one could understand the meaning of Vahidissa’s words. After all, it was incredible.

If you want to find a woman for Li Yalin, no one will have opinions at the scene. It should be said that it is a trivial matter. If you can use the woman to make Yalin adults happy, everyone does not mind picking out one hundred and eighty beautiful women to help Li Yalin. Help.

The question is, can you really say that?

No, don't be kidding! This is not a problem that women can solve at all!

"Hey? Do you really think that my idea is a bad idea?"

Seeing the enthusiasm of the S-class saviors, Wah Lisa’s face could not help but show a scornful smile, because she found that these people were so stupid.

If it weren’t for Yalin, she wouldn’t bother to explain to these guys.

But now, I am sympathetic to these stupid guys!

"You shouldn't really think that the identity of Yalin is as simple as what you see? Forget it, you can't see anything with your wisdom."

"In short, you only need to understand one thing. The battle between Yalin and the heretics is far greater than you think. Our world is just a small battlefield. The so-called S-level savior, in Asia. Lin Daren’s eyes are only the low-end combat power, and it’s not worth much.”

"The reason why Yalin adults are willing to train 60 S-level saviors is simply to save our world. You will feel the threat because you are too small and don't know that except our world, outside. How broad the world is."

"Forget it, I can't reveal anything before Yalin's adult has no consent. Anyway, just remember that if you don't want to be threatened, try to pick those beautiful young saviors. Of course, if you want to choose a man. I don't say anything, just when the person you choose has surpassed you and replaced you, remember not to blame everyone."

"When I say this, I have done my best, how to choose, and how to see yourself, I will not talk nonsense."

"So, it's your turn to make a choice!"

As a person of Li Yalin, Wah Lisa knows much more than ordinary people. Even, even the secret that Jing is not known in May, she knows more or less.

Although she could not disclose all of them before she got the consent of Li Yalin, some things that could only be said can already attract the attention of those S-level saviors.

At least after she said this, everyone fell into meditation, which is what Wah Lisa wants to see!