MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2083 S-level savior is walking all the way

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"Thank you for coming, because of the urgent situation, I will not be more accommodating with you. Now I will distribute this information to you, please read it carefully."

Because of the time constraints, it is impossible for the ministers of various countries to immediately rush to Li Yalin. However, the technology development in this year is so rapid that even if people can't be there, there is no problem connecting a video or something.

Then the same is true at the moment.

Through the video connection in the conference room, Li Yalin soon saw the ministers of the national branches, which is a familiar face for him.

However, at the moment, it is not a matter of lobbying. The time is tight. Li Yalin sent all the information in the first time. Before he announced his order, it is better to let everyone look at the information first.

"The devil of the devil-level? How many?"

"How many possibilities are there for the super-level and fortress-level heretics?"

"This world... is it going to be destroyed?"

It is true that the minister who can become the branch of the White Knights has the title of S-class savior, and everyone present here is the top powerhouse in the world.

But it is a pity that in the face of the exaggerated information on the information, the ministers still took a sigh of relief.

It is no wonder that whoever makes the information on this information is too horrible, it is simply a disaster of extinction, even if it is an S-class savior, they have absolutely no confidence to resist such an enemy.

This is simply a question of no solution. If there is no accident, the world is really going to die!

"Everyone should not be too anxious. According to this information, the army of heretics wants to go to the world, at least for half a year. Even if there are sporadic heretics, it is not enough."

"In the past six months, we can save the world as long as we want to take countermeasures! Everyone here is the strongest savior of the world today. If you even give up, can the world be saved?"

Pessimistic emotions inevitably appear, which did not make Li Yalin feel unexpected, but if these S-level saviors continue to sink, then it is too bad.

So these motivating words, Li Yalin feels that it is necessary to explain.

"Yahlin, I don't know where your intelligence came from, but if this information is true, we have no power to fight back. Even if we gather the power of all of us, it is like a car. There can be no chance of winning."

Although Li Yalin’s words have been said, it is a pity that the effect is not obvious, because this information is really scaring everyone.

Shaking his head, the French branch's minister, Charlie Saint-Germain, was quite pessimistic about this. The guy's face was fierce enough. This frowned, it is estimated that you can scare the children!

"Yeah, we have no way at all."

There are Charlie so heads together, and the rest of the ministers have shook their heads. Among the people in the room, apart from Li Yalin’s confidant, Wah Lisa, who is the Russian branch minister, is completely trusting him. I am afraid that only Edward The guy can give him confidence.

Although for Li Yalin, he is very reluctant to communicate with Edward now. After all, since he has the Kemp’s bracelet, the character has been...

Cough, this matter is not mentioned for the time being, or to say something right.

"I can guarantee the source of this information. It is absolutely no problem, so what everyone should consider next is how to deal with this disaster."

Because Li Yalin forcibly integrated the White Knights, all of you present know that he has a few pounds, and because of this, he has absolute right to speak at the scene, just because he has the strength to crush everyone.

Then he is now open, naturally no one dares to question, even if there is any doubt in his heart, he can only listen to the anxiety and listen to the words of the Yalin adults in front of him.

"I know that this is an unprecedented disaster. Everyone will inevitably lose confidence, but please rest assured. I will not watch the world being destroyed by heretics. We will definitely win the final victory and destroy all the courage to invade our world. Enemy!"

Li Yalin knows that it is time to give everyone a reassurance, or else go on like this, God knows if people will not be scattered.

In front of these S-level saviors, they all have this virtue. I really don't know what kind of panic will be caused if this news spreads around the world.

Forget it, let's hide this news first.

While appease everyone, Li Yalin also made a decision in his heart. This matter, there is no way to publicize it.

"Oh? Master Yalin, what do you mean... Have you got a way to defeat the enemy?"

Being able to become a S-level savior, he can sit in the position of the White Knight's branch minister. No one in the room is a fool. Li Yalin's words just came out, and someone immediately responded.

After a sound was heard, the S-level saviors who were present were all bright eyes.

Yes, if there is no way, it is impossible for Yalin to say such a thing. If so, does it mean that the world is saved?

"I have a way to say that, in fact, it is only the most stupid way. To put it bluntly, to kill the enemy, the last thing we need to rely on is our own, so my solution is to raise our own strength!"

Li Yalin is very clear that everyone can understand their own words, so he has no need to sell off, what to say.

But what he said now is to let the S-level saviors here listen to the fog, rely on themselves? Improve your strength? Although this is very reasonable, the question is, what is the strength, is it really easy to improve?

No, no, no matter how you think it is impossible, okay!

"In a nutshell, I intend to train a unit, a unit dedicated to fighting this disaster. I will train all members of this unit to be S-class for the remaining six months. Savior!"

Seeing that you still don't understand, Li Yalin can only make the words more clear, but it is precisely because of this, his sentence can be described as detonating the audience.

"S...S-level savior? How is this possible?"

It is natural that the S-level savior is strong, and all of them are S-class.

For this reason, the S-level savior will be even more rare and rare. It is so easy to have S-level saviors. What do these ministers do?

So, that is simply impossible, S-level savior, where is so easy to cultivate!

"You haven't seen it, it doesn't mean I can't do it. Now I declare that every branch can send ten people to participate in this training. The training will last for half a year! The savior I need must be young and have potential. More than 25 years old. Don't you understand?"

Since the integration of the White Knights, Li Yalin is the boss here. When he speaks, he naturally speaks one thing. Even if everyone is unbelievable, he will never dare to violate his words.

Since he has already said that this training will begin immediately, then don’t talk nonsense, and pick someone up!

It is conceivable that if Li Yalin said that it is true, then after half a year, there will be at least sixty S-level saviors and sixty S-level saviors! What is that concept?

This means that your S-level identity is completely worthless after half a year?

To be honest, this is really a tangled problem, but it can't be rebellious.

Yes, the S-level savior is really a strong existence. After all, it is comparable to the strength of the devil level. When Li Yalin and the fantasy plane are at the same time, it can be regarded as a mid-level combat.

It’s a pity that even now, even the strongest of the demon level is not enough in Li Yalin’s eyes. Don’t say anything else, the battle-type loli of his summoning book, just pull out one, who has no devil-level strength. ?

If you are lucky, it may not be impossible to pull out a loner level.

After all, after a world war, Li Yalin’s family has become extremely rich, and the strength he controls has naturally become very scary.

So for him, training the sixty demon-level saviors is not a problem. If he wants to rely on the world's own strength to defeat the enemy, and find the opportunity to improve the strength of the girls around him, he is too lazy to waste that time. It.

Think about the upcoming S-class savior going all the way, the S-level savior is not as good as the dog, it is really interesting, isn't it?

Yes, Li Yalin thought of the situation after half a year, and it would be very interesting. But the ministers of the major branches felt the unprecedented pressure, even if Wah Lisa, the most acclaimed subordinate of Li Yalin, would be no exception.

Choosing the most potential savior, there is no problem at all. The real problem is that after half a year, those young saviors who have been selected will have the same strength as themselves. Can they bear this kind of thing?

Do not! Can't stand it!

So what can I do? Revolt?

On this question, if the answer is yes, then that is the real idiot, because everyone knows that Li Yalin’s purpose is to save the world, train these S-level saviors, and also for the world, how can he be because of his heart? And to resist?

The most important thing is, even if you really resist, can you resist?

Well, I can't resist, so the ministers of the major branches quickly figured out everything and understood what they should do.

That's right! Since you can't stop others from becoming stronger, then you will become stronger together.

Who is the person who can make you stronger?

You don't have to ask this question. Everyone knows it well. Then naturally, you don't have to say more. You must definitely turn your attention to the white Knights of Sakamoto.

At this time, it is still necessary to ask the talents of Yalin!