MTL - The Distinguished Cute Master-Chapter 1226 Tenhikoban, 81

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Chapter 1226 Tian Yan Fan, Eighty-one

This cognition makes Li Shuiyue flustered! But at this time, she saw a giant screen billboard on one side, and the contents of the billboard made her pupil shrink, and she quickly removed her gaze.

At this time, the watch on her wrist is constantly shaking, Su Wei or Dongyu Yuyang is trying to contact her and help her, but she knows that the horrible Gu Yan is definitely here. On the road!

In addition, she miscalculated the strength of Li Tian, ​​so that she is now particularly passive. For the sake of the present, she is only in danger!

Li Tian originally did not want to kill, but when someone killed, he would not hesitate, even if the other party is the son of luck.

I saw him take out a gun and pointed it at Li Shuiyue. Li Shuiyue suddenly jumped from the car at the moment he pulled out the gun!

A shot was blown out and it was shaken around.

More and more zombies, see Li Shuiyue from the net, they don’t want to rush over!

Their bodies just covered Li Shuiyue. When Li Tian opened another shot and was blocked by the zombies, he did not shoot again.

These bullets were all brought back by Gu Yan, and it was hard to come by. He had to save some points.

Since the bullets didn't come in handy, he jumped up and jumped from the top of the subway exit. He was as light as a swallow on the shoulders of the zombies and chased in the direction of Lishuiyu!

Li Shuiyue still has two brushes. In the end, it is a person who has completely evolved completely, and her evolution is probably a little higher than that of Li Mu.

At the moment she is even more exciting! One person left and right to avoid, avoiding the zombies, the speed is not slow!

Li Lao "smack", Li Shuiyue is strong, he knows, but because he has merits, he is not afraid to kill her, even if the re-enforcement is strong, it will not kill him.

But he did not expect that Li Shuiyue was actually quite powerful, and the direction she escaped was the square where the goal of the trip was, the supercomputing center.

Li Shuiyue was born again, the Prophet is her biggest card!

In the moment when she saw the giant screen billboard, she suddenly remembered that in the last life, there were two very powerful monsters in the first meeting!

The military and government killed thousands of elites and took the two monsters down, one of them at the First Chemical Research Center.

Before, she didn't know where the Shouhui Chemical Research Center was, but just now, she saw the academic speech billboard of the Chemical Research Center!

The original chemical research center turned out to be in a place with the supercomputing center!

If, if that monster is nearby, she might still have a chance to live!

Li Tian is chasing after him, but unfortunately he has consumed a lot of aura before, which will greatly reduce the speed, but his distance with Li Shuiyue is getting closer and closer.

When he raised the gun again, Li Shuiyue seemed to have his eyes on his back and suddenly turned his head and threw a grenade at him!

Li Tian is a spin, fluttering on the side, only listening to a loud noise! Those zombies were blown up a lot.

Waiting for the smoke to be exhausted, Li Tian’s eyes are in addition to the zombies? When he saw blood on the ground, he followed the blood to chase and went straight to the supercomputing center.

Li Shuiyue is full of scratches. Just the way, she took advantage of her strength and speed to make a **** road in the zombies!

Although she was not bitten, there were a lot of injuries, but she couldn’t care so much. Now she just hopes that the explosion will bring the monster, otherwise she will die!

Li Tian followed the blood quickly, and there was a corpse everywhere! It didn't take long for the blood of Li Shuiyue to disappear.

Li Tian thought for a moment, but also let the light ring.

He is very clear that anyone who is being swayed by gas is generally not so easy to die, otherwise Li Shuiyue can't just rush through so many zombies alive.

There seems to be something in the midst of obstructing him to kill Li Shuiyue... Since she is so hard to kill, the more she has to kill, the only five-point killing that turns into a ten-minute.

On the other side, Li Shuiyue felt that the skin was getting more and more itchy. She didn't dare to catch it, and she didn't dare to move. She was afraid of making a sound and let Li Tian discover it.

At this time, she hid behind a big iron box, hiding her breath in the darkness. At the beginning, she could still hear the sound of slashing zombies. Slowly, the sound was gone, only some zombies were unconscious. Humming.

Li Tian... is missing?

Li Shuiyue’s heart beats fiercely. She squirts herself and sneaks out.

She did not expect that the **** Li Tian is so powerful!

She was so lucky that she could rush out of the corpse and live there to hide, and Li Tian was much better than her. No matter how many zombies rushed toward him, he was a knife and one, and the speed was not reduced... such a person, he is really God?

After waiting for a long time, Li Shuiyue grabbed the face and determined that Li Tian should be gone. She quietly walked out. In some dim light, she could only see some zombie figures downstairs, and could not see Li Tian. Has he gone underground?

As a result, she has not taken a few steps, and suddenly there is a chill in the back! She subconsciously rolled forward and avoided the blade of Li Tian!

Li Tian slightly raised his eyebrows, it seems very strange that Li Shuiyue can actually escape.

Even if he is killing, he still has no murderousness and no hate. Even if the woman has beaten him three times and four times, his emotions have always been very dull.

After Li Shuiyue escaped, the whole person panicked! She kept going back, accidentally knocking down the iron frame, making a loud voice, seeing Li Tian holding the knife again, she finally shouted.

"Don't you want to know why I am going to kill you? Brother! You are my brother!"

Li Tian listened, only for a moment, then went on.

"No matter what the reason, you used to make me stupid, design to kill me, we should be clear between the two, this is based on the premise that I am really sorry for you."

And she knew that he was still alive, even though he did not show any hostility, she still counted him again and again.

This is not a grievance in the last life, but in this life.

Li Shuiyue sneered at the sneer, holding the hand behind the handrail to barely stand.

"...two clear? Unless you die, we can get two clear! Know why I will target you? Because you are a monk?!"

Li Tian's face was pumped.

Li Shuiyue shouted madly. "If it wasn't for you to seduce my man, how could I end up in such a lifetime?! When the crisis is in danger, the East will save you from saving me, obviously I am his fiancee!"

Li Tian listened, just felt stunned!

He never thought that one day he would be pointed at the nose by a woman! But she meant the past life, and he really didn't know whether to refute it.