MTL - The Distinguished Cute Master-Chapter 1275 Tenhikoban, 130

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Chapter 1275 Tian Yan Fan, one hundred and thirty

Su Wei didn't know what happened, but no matter how he operated, the signal of the robot was still broken. Someone hurriedly ran over and said, "Someone is black into the super protection system! All the robots are lost!"


Su Weiqi hammered the console in front of him, and he couldn’t forget Gu Yan’s last ridiculous smile in his mind.

Obviously he has created so much trouble, and he has so many cards, why does he still feel that Gu Yan is not serious?

No, this must be an illusion, an illusion!

Wait, he must let Gu Yan laugh out!

On the other side, Li Tian was slightly asthmatic.

At his feet were all kinds of deformed bodies, and in front of him, there were four very mutated animals that were very difficult to deal with.

He licked the blood on the axe, and there was no rash on the opposite side. Li Tian’s strength made them fear, but it was impossible to let them back, because they had already killed their eyes.

The No. 13 laboratory was close at hand, Li Tian did not want to give up, so he took off the blood beads on the axe, took a deep breath, and again took the axe and rushed over!

The four mutant animals on the opposite side saw the movements, and they were also copied from four angles!

One of the apes has been seen before, and there is also a dog with a fangs, a worm covered in scales, and a spider as big as a casserole.

The spider moves lightly, so he quickly rushes to Li Tian and sprays venom at him!

Li Tian quickly drove away, the axe in his hand slashed hard, but the spider was very fast, and Li Tian chopped off again. Before he retracted his hand, the mutant dog jumped up and bit his wrist, if not Li Tian Hiding fast, you will definitely be torn off a piece of meat!

The back of Li Tian was shocked by a thin layer of sweat. Seeing that the mutant ape had already attacked him, he slammed the wall and then jumped over the mutant ape, and the last axe fell on the worm!

After killing one, Li Tian could have breathed a sigh of relief, but I did not expect that in the corpse of the corner, the tentacles like the octopus did not die! It was hard to pay attention to, and with only one left tentacle entangled Li Tian’s hand holding the axe, Li Tian couldn’t slow it down, the ape took the opportunity, and the sharp claws screamed at the sky. Face the door!


Li Tian was smashed into the No. 13 laboratory, and all kinds of screams outside were heard. The snake tail that would hit into the sky, the apes were entangled, and the spiders and hunting dogs could not Breaking through the thick snake scales on it, the battle suddenly reversed.

Li Tianqi looked out the door, he was saved by a big python?

The super computer couldn’t help but shouted, "It’s a big pet!"

Gu sent his pet to save them!

Li Tian gasped, asked an eyebrow, "Gu Da?"

"Oh..." The supercomputer paused and quickly changed his mouth. "It’s Gu Yan, I just stuttered. I want to say Gu Da boss! After all, only such bad guys will raise the metamorphosis. Creature!"

The tone of the super computer is full of disdain, and Li Tian has already seen it. "Well, I will tell Gu Yan about your words."

"Don't, Dad!"

"Hey, I don't have such a bad son."

The super computer is divided into dog legs. "Hey, you are so kind, I know you won't be so worried about me."

Li Tian and his talking space have already found the green pottery that Dong Xiaolan said. He snorted and went to the vent. He said, "Be merciful to the traitor, it is cruel to yourself. You better unload yourself and go find it. Your Gu is bound very much, my temple is small, and I can’t let it go!"

"Don't... let's have something to say..."

As a result, the supercomputer had not finished yet, and Li Tian suddenly fell down. The next second floor window was cracked from the outside, and the glass was broken!

At the same time, many people screamed in unison, Li Tian smashed, and there were many survivors upstairs!

After a long crocodile tail smashed into the glass of Litian’s laboratory, it slowly shrank upwards. It shrank an inch, and the movement from above became more and more chaotic. Various screams and footsteps were heard. There were also several gunshots during the period.

Li Tianxian broke the liquid in his hand and threw it into the vent. After the sealed glass bottle was broken, the liquid began to evaporate as soon as it touched the air. Li Tian quickly took a breath and then went directly to the outer wall to save people.

The reason why the above layer hides so many people is because there is a mutant animal laboratory on this floor. In order to prevent experimental animals from escaping, there is a big cage in this laboratory.

The cage material is very unusual. It is said that all the mutant animals can't be broken. Now, there are dozens of people crowded in the cage, some people who don't want to hide in the cage, have already ran away in the moment of the big crocodile. However, because there are cages in the cage, one does not want to run, and the other is to open the cage for a while, so they did not run away and were forced to stay in the cage.

At this point the crocodile was spinning around the cage, and the cold eyes turned slightly, seemingly where to start.

When Li Tianyi came up, it attracted everyone's attention.

"Are you coming to save us?!"

Everyone's eyes brightened. Just said a word, the big crocodile violently slammed into a cage!


Li Tian’s ear is another scream.

After the green drug is volatilized into a gas, under the operation of the super computer, it is only a matter of time to faint the creatures in this building, but the question is whether they still have so much time.

Li Tian tried the axe in his hand and approached the crocodile a little bit, and the big crocodile saw him too, his eyes were very bad.

I haven't seen it for a while, this crocodile seems to have grown a lot. The tail is four meters long. I saw that it was swept from a tail, and it was a thousand miles. Li Tianyi knew that he couldn't fight hard!

He evaded a side flip, but the axe in his hand grabbed the opportunity to cut the crocodile's tail!

On time, the crisp crash came, Li Tianhu mouth numb, he just like it was cut on the steel plate, this crocodile skin is so hard!

The big crocodile has a pain, and the speed of the original slow movement has doubled in vain!

It turned around and rushed toward Li Tian, ​​and the fangs in his mouth grew like a barb, and if it was bitten, it was estimated that the drag could not be dragged out.

Li Tian has a lot of heart, can not be hard with the big crocodile, he decided to take the crocodile away, or find a way to get it down the stairs.

Even if it doesn't fall, it can't be messed up.

When I thought of doing it, Li Tian took the risk of crocodile attacks several times, and every time, he stood on the edge of the window and waited for the opportunity.