MTL - The Divine Doctor and Stay-at-home Dad-Chapter 984 Look at each other

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At this moment, the huge venue seemed to be still in the air, until Fang Qionger turned back and the talents returned.

"Waste, it's so incompetent, I can lose to Xuanwu College..."

"What happened? Even Xuanwu College lost, can you do something?"

"Too disappointment for me, mad at me..."

In an anger and disappointment, the referee returned to the face. In the face of this kind of competition, he just wanted to be partial and unable to do anything. He could only helplessly declare that Xuanwu College won the first game.

Liu Zhaoji said with dissatisfaction: "How did you do this? This is the first game of the opening game. We lost as the host in the first game!"

Liu Hong said: "Father, don't be angry, this is totally an accident. Who can think of Xuanwu College even has a master in the middle of the fit.

The members of Xuanwu College obviously pressed Liu Baigang to a level, and winning is normal. ”

Liu Xiaofu’s face is not very good-looking. He said: “Although I lost one game, the victory ultimately belongs to us. The Xuanwu Academy can have a mid-term in the middle, and it is impossible to have it again.”

Liu Zhaoji’s face eased a lot, and said to Liu Xiaofu: “Tell our team members that the second game can’t be lost anyway.”

Liu Xiaofu said: "Don't worry about the king, Chen Xuan-shuang's gimmick must be a big deal. I looked at the Xuanwu Academy and sent a student who was not strong.

In the second game, we will send a student in the middle of the match and will definitely win. ”

After she finished walking down the stands, she made a full-fledged gesture to Chen Xuan-shuang.

Chen Xuan-shuang’s face was also very unsightly, losing the first game, which was equivalent to being beaten on the spot of the Suzaku Kingdom.

The special opponent is still the weakest Xuanwu Kingdom, which makes her unacceptable in any case.

"Feng Tianbao, this is the battle for you, you must win the lost face."

There are three students in the middle of the Suzaku College, and Feng Tianbao is one of them.

"Reassure the captain, give it to me."

Just lost a game, as Feng Suibao, a member of Suzaku College, also felt that his face was dull, and his heart secretly vowed to give Xuanwu College a good look.

Qin Haodong did not want to give the opponent any chance of backhand, and did not even want the other party to see a little hope. The second game directly sent the little witch Luo Hongying.

"It’s a woman, how is Xuanwu College a woman, and it’s so beautiful?”

"We will definitely not lose this game again. After all, the strength of Xuanwu College is there, just a master..."

"The chance of revenge and hate is coming. Don't be soft because of the other woman being a woman. Victory, we have to win..."

In the midst of a loud noise, the referee announced the start of the game.

According to Qin Haodong's instructions, Luo Hongying did not have any muddy water, and when he came up, he opened the door of life.

Among all the players, the summoner belongs to a small number of existence.

Seeing that she came up, she used the summoning technique, and all her eyes were gathered on the quaint gate. I don’t know what kind of Warcraft would be called out inside.


With an earth-shattering roar, a tall leopard smashed out from inside, and his body was still faintly shimmering with tears. It was a seventh-order Warlord Leopard.

Lei Leopard is the top of the seventh-order Warcraft, which is equivalent to the perfect strength of the fit. Before Li Mengyao, he relied on a beast pet Lei Leopard to increase his strength several times.

Seeing that the other party came up, he summoned a Leopard. Feng Tianbao was a bit dumbfounded. He did not expect to encounter such a strong opponent.

But the scene that made him more unexpected happened, the door of the living did not stop, and then three leopards were pulled out from behind.

That is the advantage of the body of the Holy Spirit. If you change to an ordinary summoner, the mental power cannot be maintained in harmony with the four World of Warcraft.

But the little witch is not the same, summoning Warcraft completely freely, do not worry about mental problems.

Poor Feng Tianbao, just full of momentum, confidence a hundred times, at this moment saw four thunderstorms in the middle of his eyes, the snow red eyes flashed fierce, suddenly a urine straight into the top beam.

A Leopard can't cope with it. There are four in front of him. How can you fight this?

In the stands, Liu Zhaoji instantly widened his eyes: "The seventh-order summoner, even once again, summoned four World of Warcraft, Xuanwu College, is this going against the sky?"

Liu Xiaofu’s eyes flashed a touch of loss. “It seems that we have to lose again.”

Seeing that four Leopards are about to launch an attack, Feng Tianbao hurriedly called the next referee: "I admit defeat! I admit defeat!"

This is just a game, it is useless to die, and even if he squats, there is no hope, and if it is not good, it will become the feces of these Leopards.

The referee was also afraid of what happened to his team members, and quickly announced: "The game won the Xuanwu Academy!"

"It's really waste, I haven't enjoyed it yet!"

The little witch was dissatisfied with a grin, and waved back the four Leopards back to the door of life, and turned and jumped down the ring.

Looking at the results in front of me, everyone has widened their eyes.

Just started, Xuanwu College has won two games in succession, and they are all crushed with absolute advantage. What is the situation?

According to the rules of the competition, the game uses a five-game three-win system. If you lose another Suzaku Academy, there is no chance at all.

Seeing that his team has reached the edge of the cliff, Chen Xuan-shuang did not assign other players, but he personally went to the downfall.

They can't lose anymore, and they can't afford to lose anymore. If they start losing to Xuanwu College with a score of 0:3, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Tu Jiaojiao said: "Haodong, this game is coming by me."

"No, since they sent the captain, let me play!"

The strength of Tu Jiaojiao is not too much compared with Chen Xuan-shuang, and even more weak, even if it can win, it is a difficult battle.

This is obviously inconsistent with Qin Haodong's original intention. He not only wants to win this game, but also wins neatly and completely defeats the confidence of the other party.

So in this game, he also personally stood on the downfall.

The referee announced the start of the game, Chen Xuan-shuang said to Qin Haodong: "I tell you, Xuanwu College can no longer be lucky, this game Suzaku College must win."

Qin Haodong sneered: "Do you think our victory is a fluke?"

Chen Xuan-shuang said proudly: "Isn't it? What is the strength of Xuanwu College? You don't know what you are? Do you still want to win our Suzaku Academy?"

Qin Haodong’s laughter, “If you think we are lucky, you will soon discover that we will be lucky again to win.”

"Dreaming, let us see the true strength of our Suzaku Academy now."

Chen Xuan-shuang said that his look changed, his arms were wide open, and he used the phoenix dance that Liu Baigang had used for nine days.

It's also a move, but using the power in her hands is even more amazing.

A phoenix that was twice as big as the one just appeared in the ring, and made a loud resounding whistle, and suddenly rushed to Qin Haodong.

"It’s the captain of Suzaku College. It’s great for the phoenix dance for nine days...”

"Xuan Shuang Captain is the goddess in my heart, the goddess will win..."

"The captain is fully committed, and the kid at Xuanwu College is dead..."

Liu Xiaofu in the stands was relieved and finally won the game. If he lost three games, Suzaku College could not die.

When everyone thought that Chen Xuan-shuang would win, Qin Haodong shot, and his shot was exactly the same as Fang Qiong's in the first game. He also slammed out.

The nine-day phoenix dance is just a move. The fierce fire phoenix is ​​completely condensed by the real yuan. If you want to break it, you must have enough strength.

Qin Haodong has exactly this strength. With his characteristics of cultivation, he is completely invincible at the same level. He slaps the past and powerful strength quickly disintegrates the fire phoenix.


Chen Xuan-shuang was taken aback and did not expect that this would happen.

However, she is much faster than Liu Baigang's strain. In the face of Qin Haodong's continued fight, it is also a slap in the face.

A muffled sound, the two palms touched each other.

Chen Xuan-shuang’s strength was originally inferior to Qin Haodong, and he was rushed to fight. He was directly slammed out of the slap by a few hundred meters.

The infuriating in the body seems to collapse at any time. It can no longer make a little effort, and it falls down under the ring.

Another move, Xuanwu College won three games in succession, and each game only used one stroke.

This absolute strength of crushing, so that everyone's eyeballs almost fell to the ground, this is the former weak chicken Xuanwu Academy?

Liu Zhaoji on the stage held a grape in his hand, and he did not send it into his mouth for a long time. This result greatly exceeded his expectations. They even lost so miserable.

Is Xuanwu College too strong, or is Suzaku College too weak?

The referee on the stage was completely stupid. I didn't expect that the Suzaku Kingdom where I was located really lost. Suzaku College really lost, and still lost to Xuanwu College.

Qin Haodong used to pull his sleeves and said: "The referee, should we announce that we have won?"


Although the referee was unwilling, the result of the match was there, and he could only say: "The Xuanwu Academy won the game. According to the five-game three-win competition system, Xuanwu College won the final victory."

"Long live!"

The whole game was in a state of silence, and only the members of the Xuanwu Academy issued a cheer after the victory.

Luo Dongqing suddenly rushed to the ring, and Qin Haodong was lifted up and thrown up, and the excitement was almost mad.

For many years, Xuanwu College has been in a position of being laughed at. Today, it is a beautiful turnaround, not only won, but also won and won without any suspense!

Tu Jiaojiao, Murong Jinghong, two of the players who participated in the last exchange, were also excited to burst into tears.

In the past, Xuanwu College, every game was extremely shameful, but today with this man, everything has become different, and victory has become so easy.

Song Tian and others at Baihu College are also a slap in the face. No one has ever regarded Xuanwu College as an opponent before the game.

But now the situation has changed, the powerful Suzaku College has lost a defeat, and even can not organize any effective counterattack, this situation has to let them re-examine this fast-rising opponent.

Li Mengyao looked so solemn that there was no smug after the conspiracy.

Even if they can win the White Tiger Academy and Suzaku College, I am afraid that they will miss the first place.

The strength of Xuanwu College is so strong that everyone is impressed.