MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1572 a secret

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The dozens of streamers, the speed is very fast, the momentum is huge.

Li Qingqi and others, at this time also reacted, each face changed greatly.

The time for the counterattack of Dao Zun League is too fast.

[Zhenzu] has just been defeated with the fall, and someone has rushed to attack?

But don't know who it is?

Is it the existence of the four ancestors?

However, the three men of Li Bai, after being shocked, reacted and said: "It is the reinforcement of the Heavenly Alliance."

A few people in Li Qingyi were relieved.

The expression, all of a sudden relaxed.

Tiandao League and the ascendant camp have alliances.

Sun Fei was laughing and said: "It’s really time to come."

Li Mu heard that there was some sarcasm in the tone of the goods.

It seems that one of the three peers, the perception of Tiandaomeng, does not seem to be very good.


More than a dozen figures fell.

"Ha ha ha, this seat seems to be a step late."

In the laughter, a middle-aged man dressed in a white robe, wearing a square crown and a white jade, is quite round and walks out of the light group.

This person is very temperament, very excellent, there is a kind of majestic atmosphere that has been developed for a long time, but the smile has a taste that makes people feel close.

He smiled and bowed to Li Bai's several people. It was a courtesy, and then he saw Sun Fei. He was shocked on the face, but he did not dare to neglect. He raised his hand in awe. He said: "I don't want the three emperors in the world. In this small Ninh Binh City, rude rude..."

Sun Fei snorted and said: "There is a Lao Songhuang personally coming."

"Hey." Song Huang shook his head and smiled and said: "I knew that the ascendant is here. I will not come to the door to get an axe. If you are one of the three peers, you will be the four ancestors. I am afraid. I can’t ask for it.”

Wang Chuxuan gathered in the ear of Li Mu and lowered his voice: "Tiandao League six emperors and six emperors, this is the Song Emperor among the six emperors, followed by him, is the one in the twelve will be Zhai Yiqing and Zou Xinglong, Everyone else is a strong player in the Heavenly Alliance."

Li Mu nodded and said that he knew.

The top powerhouses of Dao Zun are one, four ancestors and ten kings.

The ascendant is the third peer, the thirty-six pillar god.

And the top powerhouse of Tiandao League, it seems that the so-called one fairy, the six emperors and six emperors will be twelve.

Looking at the repair of the Song Emperor, in the Xiansheng Peak, and Li Bai, slightly stronger, probably know that the six emperors and six emperors are roughly repaired.

As for the twelve will, watching the repairs of Qi Yiqing and Zou Xinglong are all in the middle stage of Xiansheng, so the revision of the twelve will be roughly inferred.

"This is Li Mu?"

Song Huang smiled and looked at Li Mu.

Li Mu nodded his head and said: "It is the younger generation. Thanks to the Song Emperor for not far away, to support Ning Pingcheng."

Song Huang repeatedly waved his hand and said: "Hey, it’s late."

Between the words, the city owner Li Qingxi led everyone to the city wall.

The victory of the big victory has already gone out.

It is inevitable that a banquet will be held in the city.

In addition to hosting Sun Fei and Li Bai and others, Song Huang and others who came to support in the distance must also be entertained.

When I went down to the city, Li Mu looked at the desert outside Ningping City. The green mountains and green waters no longer saw each other. My heart sighed slightly. The battles of these top powers were like nuclear bombs. The destructive power was too strong. The city was originally beautiful. Now It has become a deserted desert, but there is no such thing as nuclear radiation...

"Let's go, this area outside the city, I am afraid that it will take two or three years to restore the original appearance."

Wang Chuxuan saw Li Mu’s gaze and said one.

Li Muyi.

Can it be restored in two or three years?

Can it be three or fifty years?

However, he quickly reacted.

Here is three days.

How rich the heavens and the earth are, and the law of all things is tenacious and recovers. It is much faster than mortal.

A group of people are in the city, walking slowly.

Li Qingyi, as the landlord, led the way along the way, talking and laughing.

Sun Fei quietly touched Li Mu's side and said: "I don't think it is very interesting. It's better to change places to play."

Li Muyi’s forehead black line: “Where to go?”

Sun Fei touched his head and said: "I don't know." He turned to look at Wang Zhixuan and said: "Is there any fun place around?"

Wang Chuxuan’s forehead was cold and sweaty, and finally he cautiously said: “Where the Song Emperor is, do you want to give someone a face...”

"Oh, that's boring."

Sun Fei grinned, but still stayed.

Li Mu’s heart was moving.

How do you feel that Sun Fei is not very appreciative to the people of Tiandao League, and even a little cold.

Is there any festival in this?

Soon, I arrived at the city government.

When entering the hall, Wang Zhixuan lowered his voice and quietly said in the ear of Li Mu: "When the Emperor first rose in the middle of the three days, he and the Tiandao League had misunderstood and played several, so now I see the Tiandao League. People feel uncomfortable and don't see much."

Li Mu suddenly realized.

It turned out that there really is a beam.

The crowd was slightly mentioned in the hall and the party was ready.

A banquet lasted for two hours before it was over.

Song Huang and others did not leave, but stayed in Ningping City.

In the next few days, Li Qingqi and others fell into a busy life.

Although winning, but Ningzhen, Ningwang two cities are almost destroyed, heavy casualties, all kinds of after-work work, must continue, Li Qingyi, Li Mubai and other people, almost busy feet.

Wang Zhixuan served as a temporary companion to Li Mu.

Li Bai, Zhang Xu and Qu Zi were also left to sit in the town, in order to prevent the Dao Zun League from being furious and retaliating after this fiasco.

For the same reason, Sun Fei also stayed.

But he was too moving, and the dragon didn't see the end of the day and didn't know what he was doing.

However, no one can control him.

As long as everyone knows, the Emperor is in Ningping City.

In the three days, Li Mu and the Song Emperor of Tiandao League met several times.

To be honest, because I have heard too many stories of the priests, she is quite fond of Tiandaomeng.

In the fairy world, Mu Yunxian was the one who almost turned the tide.

The existence of this immortal battlefield is also related to Muyun Xianzhu.

Therefore, Li Mu also wants to have contact with the Song Emperor.

But the strange thing is that every time Song Emperor saw Li Mu, he just smiled and nodded, then hurried away, as if there was something particularly important.

On the fourth day.

In Ningping City, there are also guests coming.

It was the Red Emperor among the six emperors of Heaven and Taoism, with two of the twelve will come from afar.

Li Mu felt strange in his heart.

Three days after the end of the war, the Taoist League did not have any signs of revenge. Why did Tiandao League have reinforcements?

Could it be that I received any news, what follow-up actions did the Dominion League have?

He guessed this, but he didn't care too much.

On the afternoon of the same day, in Li Qinglan’s city government office, a secret meeting was held in the absence of Li Mu’s knowledge.

The entire hall, there is the Red Emperor who is good at the formation of the law, hands-on, set the secret law array, completely shrouded, can be foolproof, will not take the slightest news.

Moreover, the number of participants is extremely small.

Even Li Qingyi, the city owner, is not eligible to appear in the hall.

"You, this time, this rush has come, because I found a big secret according to the news of my Tiandao League..."

The eyes of the Red Emperor passed from the faces of Li Bai, Zhang Xun and Qu Zi, and looked at Sun Fei on the recliner on the side of the chair. The first three were dignified and calmly waiting for his words, but Sun Fei On the lounge chair, swaying leisurely, there is a deep snoring in the vague.

Red Emperor is a bit speechless.

But still continue to say: "This is a secret, related to Li Mu."

He said, and took another look at Sun Fei.

The latter also snored on the lounge chair.

Instead, Li Bai frowned and said: "The Red Emperor is a friend, I would like to hear it."

Tiandao League claims to be in charge of Tiandao. Among them, there are two lines of Guanxingfu. They are all grasping the limits of the heavenly machine. They often have the insight into the opportunities and the intelligence system of Tiandaomeng. They have always been ahead of the ascendant camp. If you are aware of what is secret, you must not be underestimated.

Red Emperor said: "According to the order of the Emperor of the Stars, one emperor and one emperor, Li Mu, a person from the Taoist League, is a person of the Taoist League."


"This is impossible."

"how come?",

All of a sudden, Li Bai, Zhang Xu and Qu Zi’s face are all drastic.

The meaning of the Red Emperor is that Li Mu is the traitor of the Taoist League?

This is impossible.

Even the Song Emperor on the other side was shocked.

He only knew before that Li Mu was not good.

But I did not expect that the truth was so amazing.

The Red Emperor did not continue to say anything, but was silent.

He wants to let the three men of Li Bai first digest the shock in their hearts.

Suddenly, an invisible pressure emerged around the Red Emperor.

There was a spirit in his heart, and he turned his head and looked at it, but he didn’t know when, Sun Fei was already awake, sitting up from the lounge chair, a pair of eyes, faint as a beast, staring at himself, his mouth showing a sinuous arc, like Smile is not a smile.

The Red Emperor felt a nervousness in his heart.

Among the three peers of the soaring camp, what is the virtue of the emperor Sun Fei, he is quite understanding.

I dare not support the big, Red Emperor said: "This is the telescope of the Chinese Communist Party's star-studded star. The Emperor, if you don't believe it, you can see it."

Sun Fei grinned and smiled: "Roll, don't look."

Redhead suddenly had a black line on the forehead.

At the same time, Li Bai took over the push map, and the Yuan Shen sank and looked up.

After a while, Li Mu embarrassedly handed the map to Zhang Xu.

"how about it?"

Zhang Xuming asked wonderfully.

Li Bai shook his head and said: "Look first, then read it after reading."

After a while, Zhang Xu’s face was extremely embarrassing.

Then there is the Quzi.

After reading the map, it is silent.

There are very few real products that have been passed down to the world, but the Red Emperor has taken it out, and it is natural, and this kind of map, even if it is a strong person who does not understand the telescope, the Yuanshen sinks, you can also see To the general trend.

The contents of the picture confirm the words of the Red Emperor.