MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 1573 Intuition and evidence

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This kind of celestial map is not a fake, and it is known as the realm of Li Bai and others.

According to the thread on the map, the line of clues, Li Mu is not only related to the Dao Zun League, but also has a great relationship.

"Oh, come, give me a look."

Sun Fei laughs and sighs.

Qu Zi passed the telegraph to the past.

Who knows that Sun Fei didn't take a look at it and directly blown it in one breath.

"What about the map?"

He pretended to be astonished.


Li Bai three people, all of a sudden black line of forehead.

Even if you don't want to admit it, don't do it so obviously?

The eyes of the Red Emperor and the Song Emperor were pumped.

This live treasure.

Anyway, they have already dealt with Sun Fei more than once, so it is already strange.

"The Emperor wants to fly to the camp, and then a peerless mood, I can understand, but it is a big thing, the emperor thought about it, in case Li Mu is really a Taoist ally, and it is still the Dominion The core figure in the middle, what is the consequence? He will be trained as the fourth peer of the soaring camp, and he will hold the weight. When he is in the midst of his thoughts, he can collapse the entire camp."

Red Emperor argued.

Sun Fei re-laid back on the recliner, hehe smiled: "Dao Zun Meng does not want us to appear the fourth peerless, I think, you Tiandao League, it is not good to go there, hehehehe, in addition to the ascendant, this three days, No one wants to have a fourth peerlessness."

After that, he began to lie down again.

The rocking chair swayed, as if it was overwhelmed.

Li Bai, Zhang Xu and Qu Zi’s hearts all understand that Sun Fei’s words are for them to listen to.


Although Tiandaomeng is an ally of the ascendant camp, it is more hopeful that the ascendant will be relying on and relying on the Tiandao League for everything, and respecting Tiandaomeng as a small brother who is also step by step, instead of growing directly into heaven. The behemoth is flat.

Regardless of how the Lord of Heaven and Earth, the Lord of the Clouds, thinks, but the Six Emperors and the Sixth, will be this idea.

Muyun Xianzhu is a worthy person.

At the beginning, when the ascendant camp was still struggling to survive, it was the fact that Mu Yunxian had appeared in person several times and helped the ascendant camp to have the situation today.

In the minds of most of the ascendants, Muyun Xianzhu is a top character worthy of respect.

However, for hundreds of years, in order to understand the mystery of the last three days, Muyun Xianzhu has been retreating for a long time, and it has gradually become neglected for Tiandao League.

Although the Six Emperors and Six Emperors also adhere to the concept of the animal husbandry, it is helpful for the ascendant camp, but to be honest, the roots of the Tiandao League are, after all, different from the ascendant camp, or even the opposite, the root of the Tiandao League. It is basically similar to the roots of the Dominion League, so that many middle and high level leaders of the Tiandao League may not be close to the ascendant camp.

Even, there are occasional frictions.

Therefore, if you completely consider Tiandao League as a brother, it is too naive.

If the Song Emperor thinks thoughtfully, he said: "Is it true that the Dominion League is at the expense of the core strength of the six, for the wedding dress of Li Mu, the broken army, the sacrifice of the moon and other people are victims? However, even the three kings among the ten kings are all in. It is also accompanied by more than half of the ancestors, and the price is too big."

Everyone nodded.

indeed so.

In the past, the Apostolic Alliance used this kind of sacrifice to insert some eyeliners into the Tiandao League and the Flying People camp.

Caused tremendous damage.

But this time, if it is the same plan, then the Zumeng is also playing too much.

The six sacrifices are barely within the normal range.

But the death of Shi Wang, Mo Wang and Beastmaster among the Ten Kings is a huge loss and blow.

There is also a [town ancestor] of one of the four ancestors, who was completely disabled by Sun Fei.

Such a loss is no longer a slap in the face.

It is simply a big injury.

is it possible?

Red Emperor shook his head and said: "That is to see what the Dominion is doing. If they can really make a traitor and support it as the fourth peer of the soaring camp, then the harvest can be said to be unprecedented. The proceeds may not only cause damage, but may even directly disintegrate the ascendant camp and the Tiandao League, ending the three-legged situation and unifying the three days."

This sentence is said, everyone’s heart, suddenly a glimpse.

Not bad.

There is such a possibility.

If you can support a person to become the fourth peer of the soaring camp, then the price paid by the Dao Zun League is absolutely affordable.

Suppose, if you can let the Dao Zun League unify for three days, let alone a sequel to the ancestors, even if one or two ancestors exist, it is completely acceptable.


In the hearts of several people in Li Bai, there are some tangles.

It’s a big deal.

Once the wrong decision is made, the result will be unacceptable to anyone.

The three were silent.

Sun Fei is still lying on the recliner, his feet and his feet, not saying a word.

Song Huang smiled bitterly.

"You, this thing, can't be taken lightly, there is one thing, you should all know that the era of the opportunity to solve the mystery of the last three days is coming. All of us have done research, deduction and research. I believe that no one is against this point?"

The red emperor is slow and authentic.

Li Bai and a few people nodded.

This is a secret that is not a secret in the middle of three days.

Red Emperor continued: "So, if it was in the past, when the next three days of the Olympics were in the foreseeable future, the Taoist League would not make such radical things, but now, the general trend has changed, and Taishidao respects the road of the heart. Sacrifice one or two confession, even if the people of the Taoist League are all dead, can exchange him for the three-day mystery, let him enter the last three days, he will not hesitate to accept ""

This sentence seems to be a heavy hammer.

All of a sudden, many people’s hearts began to have cracks.

What happens when Taishi Daozun enters the last three days?

That will be an era of darkness, death and destruction. Start.

Whether it is the soaring camp or the Tiandao League, it will usher in the catastrophe.

There will be no more light in this world.

The consequences of this are really terrible.

Red Emperor continued: "You, I just want to show what I want in my heart, and show the attitude of Heaven and Earth, and will not force you to make choices. However, if you think about it, give up Li Mu, the loss of the Flying Camp camp is only A seedling that is likely to become the fourth peerless, and once you truly accept this person, it may be the eternal darkness of the whole world."

He glanced at Sun Fei on the recliner again, seeing the other person with his eyes closed and no response.

"Okay, my words, finished, you, you decide."

He said, he stepped back a few steps and sat down on the big chair, no longer talking.

The Song Emperor was also a bitter smile. He spoke a few times, but when he reached the top, he swallowed it.

At this moment, let's say that it may be counterproductive.

He knows that such a choice is very difficult for the ascendant camp.

In the hall, I was in a quiet moment.

Only the sound of the reclining chair is intermittent, but it makes this quiet and more turbulent.

"So, the meaning of Tiandao League is not only to give up accepting Li Mu, but also to kill him completely, right?"

Li Mu took a jug and took a long drink and asked for a break.

Red Emperor said: "Yes."

In the oppressed air, it seems that the sword is shining.

The Red Emperor did not conceal his intentions, and frankly said: "Li Mu's performance is very amazing. Even if he is a fake ascender, it is still shocking to show such strength. Moreover, he is likely to hide. Strength, Dao Zun League will not choose to send a mediocre person to act as the fourth peerless of the ascendant camp. The chosen person must be the same secretly trained person. Such a person, even if it fails to enter the ascendant camp, Returning to the Dominion League is still a terrible opponent. Once it grows up, it is far more threatening than the four ancestors."


In the words of the Red Emperor, there is no flaw in logic.

This is indeed the case.

As long as you think about it, what kind of characters such as Li Mu will be put into the camp of the Taoist League will be a terrible consequence. Li Bai and others will shudder.

Song Huang took a deep breath.

He finally decided to say something, and slowly said: "Tai Shidao respects these years, rarely appeared, rumors that he has trained a number of peerless people, one of which is this time attacking the sea of ​​the sea Respect], in the Dao Zun League, under the Taishi Daozun, is the Four ancestors and the Ten Kings, but this [White Respect] is based on respect, but it is only its status and is still above the four ancestors. The characters are only gradually gaining power within the Dominion League, carefully exercised, and have not been chosen to become the 'fourth peerless'. What does it mean? Explain the identity of Li Mu, in the Tao Zun League, still in Bai Zun Above, at least his potential and ability are above [White Zun]."

Li Bai three, did not speak.

The reason is this.

They did not think of it.

It is only subconscious, or more willing to believe in Li Mu.

In particular, Li Bai, who had talked with Li Mu all night, knows Li Mu's many experiences, especially those in the Ziwei Star field. If he has never been to these places, it is absolutely impossible to know.

This made him more willing to believe that Li Mu is not a fake.

But the problem is that the Red Emperor and the Song Emperor are too analytical.

Moreover, the chart of the day is definitely not a fake.

On the one hand, it is intuition, it is sense, it is trust.

On the other hand, it is logic, evidence, and consequence.

Li Bai is not an indecisive person. On the contrary, he is so chic and romantic.

But encountering this matter really made him difficult to decide.