MTL - The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir-Chapter 170 Take her behind the back door

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"what do you mean?"

When the body was pulled to the side, Jiman raised his eyes and looked at Mo Yuhou’s deep eyes: "Do you know the road repairing?"

"What road repair?" Jiman's eyes were completely innocent, shaking his head and saying: "The next step is to teach good words, and there is no intention to read a sentence on the books."

"Oh?" Ning Yuxuan snorted and let her go: "What book? Are you talking about it?"

Ji Manli took Li Yi, a serious and authentic: "From the Analects of Confucius and Road Repairs, it is a lost Confucian classic. The main meaning is to tell future generations that if you want to create wealth, you must first repair the road. Roads are more convenient. In order to save time, reduce transportation costs, and finally reduce commodity prices and promote consumption."

Looking at Ning Yuxuan, who was dull, Jiman sighed and patted his shoulder: "I know you don't understand."

It’s clear that it’s a nonsense. Why can it be justified? Mo Yuhou looked at her for a long time and then turned and planned to leave.

"What is Hou Ye’s just saying about road repair?” Jiman pulled his sleeve.

Ning Xuan Xuantonton, sideways said: "Changjun Wang Shangshu requested the road to the county and the capital, can you not know about this?"

"Know, it turned out to be this thing, isn't it normal? The emperor should also let it go." Jiman smiled and said: "The new emperor has just been enthroned, and he can't give the impression to the king. A road is gone, and it doesn’t cost the court a lot of money."

"The woman's opinion." Mo Yuhou snorted: "This road cannot be repaired."

"Why?" Jiman is puzzled.

Mo Yuhou did not say much, and gave her a glance and left.

Naturally, it can't be repaired. The treasury pays for the long road to open trade. When transportation is convenient, many things are convenient. The new emperor is not a fool, naturally it will not be this big head.

However, when the king came to Beijing, the Queen Mother cried to a few princes, Wang Yitong, and the new emperor sternly treated his mother. There are many strict taxes on the tax itself. The reputation of the new emperor in the private sector can be described as extremely low. Many scholars write poetry and songs, and the name of Zhao is faint. I don’t know why the people are ignorant.

Mo Yuhou dismissed the extension of Changjun Wang on the grounds of insufficient funds in the Ministry of Housing. However, when the incident came out, Wangyue Pavilion had to stop working. If you say that the funds are scarce, then don't fix anything.

The face of the new emperor is very unsightly, Ning Yuxuan wanted to persuade him to endure this battle, and wait for the king to return to their respective territories and then continue to build, but somehow, Zhao Li seems to have drilled the horns, and must continue Wang Yuege finished.

Well, Ning Yuxuan can't persuade anymore. The kings of the various roads don't know what the benefits are for the Long King or the Queen Mother. They even wrote to help Zhao Wei. Under unanimous condemnation, Zhao Li would rather agree to the road to the county, and would not let the Wangyue Pavilion stop working again.

Ji Man listened to the news, and he had to sigh one sentence. Is it true that Zhao is a kind of person with a heart-wrenching mental deformity?

Wangyue Pavilion, Wangyue Pavilion, really did not hesitate to help him.

Ning Yixuan expressed dissatisfaction with the decision of the new emperor. At first glance, it is the decision of the child to be willful. But there is no way, people are the boss, the boss's decision, he can only be released, so that the Ministry of Housing grants.

Jiman is playing a small calculation, the road is probably to be repaired for a year or two, during which she has to continue to sell small and long. Fortunately, she had already obtained permission from Zhao Wei, and she was responsible for the export of the county. Even if the road opened later, the profits would be more, and it would all enter her pocket.

The Food Federation will re-elect a leader every year. Jiman has been very busy recently, because after a while, he will be re-elected. She is not a city person, there are not many connections, and the assets are not too rich, but she wants that seat. Although there is no real power, the position is the most dealing with the government.

In order to be promoted, in addition to outstanding performance, the most important thing is to be a good person. Jiman has raised the price of Changjunmi slightly, and will not bring too much pressure to his colleagues. Then he will eat and drink with the shopkeepers of various food banks. By the way, he will also pay attention to the last Tang’s principal, everyone. I am willing to go.

No one will think that Zeeman is wooing them, because the league will compete very much every year. Jiman is completely small shrimp in their eyes, and there is no possibility of competition.

Mo Yuhou listened to Ghost White and reported the recent whereabouts of Jiman. He laughed and said: "How does this woman love toss?"

Selling a meter can be so busy, but also ask any official to eat, she does not know, the family is also in his hands?

How is this stupid?

As the night falls, Jiman is late, and once he returns home, he is so tired that he will prepare a bath to take a bath. The human skin mask on her face was also worn for ten days, and it would be acne if she didn't take it.

After closing the window and locking the door, taking the mask and taking off the clothes, Jiman buried his face in the water and rose again, and he sighed with relief.

Sure enough, the work pressure is too big, and a hot bath will be solved.

Happily washed my face clean, dry and all the body just ready to come out of the tub, I heard the door "Oh," opened.

What kind of joke? Jiman flew back into the water, she just locked the door, so it was so pushed away. What happened?

"You are very leisurely." Ning Yuxuan's voice has reached the side of the tub, looking at the hair on the surface of the water, helplessly pull the person out: "I am not afraid to suffocate myself."

Ji Manhong turned his face and looked at him. "Can Hou Ye be able to guard the gentleman's gift, do not see it?"

Looking at her, Mo Yuhou had a moment of embarrassment, but did not hear what she said, only stretched out and reached the face, touched the face that had not been seen for a long time.


Jiman frowned: "Hou, the next season is full."

If I didn't hear it, Ning Yuxuan lowered her body and pulled her face and kissed her lips gently: "It hasn't been seen for a long time."

Didn't wear anything on his body, Jiman gritted his teeth: "Let people know that Hou Ye's room is not a plot, and Hou's reputation is still missing?"

"What is the reputation?" Ning Xuan Xuan took her out of the water, and the splattered him did not care about it: "When did I care about that thing."

As early as he opened the city gate, the word "Mu Yuhou" has become the name of many people secretly cursing.

With a slight glimpse, Timan was held by him, and the water on his body was cleaned up. He was placed on the bed and wrapped in a quilt.

"Hou Ye wants to be with the next gun?"

"About...what?" He bullied him, slightly dissatisfied: "Can you always say that I don't understand?"

Jiman leaned on his chest and said seriously: "The gun is a way for two strangers who have no feelings to go to bed and release their inner heart."

Just about to kiss her forehead, but was stopped by this sentence. Ning Yuxuan bowed her head and looked at her quietly: "You and me, are strangers without feelings?"

"At least not legal relationship." Jiman laughed twice: "Hou's book for Hou, has been kept under the hood."

The body was stiff at the bedside, and Ning Yuxuan gave her a look at her, and said, "I have forgotten, you are not my wife."

"Yeah." Jiman took a piece of clothes on the bed and put it on: "It’s not too early, Hou Ye will go back earlier."

"Good." Ning Yuxuan got up, leaving the bed and preparing to go out, and thought of it: "I came to see you, I am going to say that there is a banquet in the house of Zhu Shilang of tomorrow's family, which is the 80th birthday of the old lady of He Zhujia. Do you want to follow me?"

Minister of the house? That is the deputy of the household department, the adult of the four products. When I was a former lady, I didn’t think that most of the officials were very powerful. Now I have become a flat-headed people, only to find out that it’s really the people who are bound to be.

Jiman swayed his tail, and his eyes gazed at Ning Xuan Xuan Road: "Thank you, Hou Ye, I will wait for Hou Ye to go together next tomorrow."

Ning Yuxuan smiled lightly and turned and left the room.

He didn't have a long hand, he pushed the door open and didn't know it, so that Jiman sat on the bed, and the wind that was blown in by the door was a bit cold.

The next evening, Ning Yuxuan's carriage was waiting at the main entrance. After Jiman would take a rest and rest, he jumped onto the carriage.

"Hou..." Liu Hanyun is walking to the door. I wanted to say that there is a banquet today. As a room, should she follow it? As a result, Mo Yuhou did not intend to bring her, but went with a good master.

This season, Jifuzi really has to be a heavy-duty man, and he has given him good eccentricity.

Liu Hanyun sighed and turned back to his yard.

Jiman is thinking about what to do along the way, will there be any taboos. Mo Yuhou yawned in the carriage, but he casually said: "Zhu Shilang has a son, and he is just the same age, but he is very uncomfortable. It makes him a headache. You should be very happy when you go."

A slight glimpse, Jiman turned to look at him, is this person helping her?

"He doesn't like many words. You pay attention to yourself." Ning Yuxuan glanced at her and closed her eyes.

Jiman is grateful to Dade. It is still a little useful to have a big Buddha at home. Although Ning Yi Xuan knows what she really wants in the day, it is estimated that she will not continue to help her, but now she can think about her, taking her to the back door can also make her grateful.

Although this person may not have a hatred with her, but Jiman is not in a hurry, the enemy is slowly reporting, first let yourself stand.

Zhufu door people come and go, the carriage has no place to stop, Jiman is still worried, knowing that Ning Yuxuan's car directly went to the back door, a man of forty years old is welcoming: "Hou It’s really grateful for my uncle to come in person."

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