MTL - The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir-Chapter 219 Dross

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Zhao Wei looked at Kang Yuan as he watched the madman, then turned and left the cell.

It’s nothing to forget in Wen’s eyes, it’s just a scrapped piece.

Kang Yuan is still laughing, and the laughter is spreading farther and farther in prison. Zhao Li took Wu Yong and hurried back to the palace and let the slaves around him tell the words of Kang Yuan to Jiman.

Jiman listened to these words, but he was a little surprised. Wen Hao has no memory loss? But she looks at her like that. If it is installed, the acting is too high, right? Her woman, whose brains are not so good, has evolved so badly?

Mo Yu Hou is not surprised at all. After all, he knows Wen Yu better than Ji Man, and he does not wear it. Only before, she used her to be faithful to the Emperor, and let the Emperor believe him 100%. So she let her out of the Rose Garden and follow him.

Now it is finally useless. His fate with her has been done in the morning. Since the war with Changjun, even if he returned to Beijing, he did not see her again.

"Speaking, if you are a god, can you understand people?" Ning Yuxuan suddenly asked her sideways.

Jiman touched his chin and made a serious statement: "The human heart is the most complicated thing. If you have a perspective, you can't understand it. You can only feel it. Even if I am a god, I will feel that people are speculative."

Mo Yuhou nodded, that would be good.

He used to have some thoughts, but still did not let her know the best.

The two are in prison, and they really have nothing to say. Jiman is boring because there is nothing to do, Ning Yuxuan is really heart-to-heart and will say something in his heart.

Except for a sentence that shows the heart.

Jiman asked him: "Hou, do you love me?"

Ning Yuxuan shook his head: "I don't love you, what about you?"

Jiman sighed long: "Me too."

Then the two will be silent for a long time. Jiman counts the time, he should win the gambling contract, because Zhao Wei will not shut them for too long, and now, she still has no plans to enter the palace.

Until one day, Wu Yong came to the prison and put Ning Yuxuan out. He turned his head to Jiman: "The emperor has a purpose to forgive the sin of Nie, and the other person who killed the Emperor."

Ji Man is stupid. Zhao Li, who killed her by hand, now says that the murderer has another person?


When Wu Yong walked past a jail gate and passed through the Kangyuan County, he saw someone using a white cloth to cover her body.

Jiman Wei Wei.

"Yongan Kangyuan County Lord, the hand and foot of the sorrowful sorrow, the king of the court, the rebellious ninety-five. The poisonous killing of the princess of the jade, the emperor of the hand, the sin of the sin, although the death is not enough to sin. He was buried in an orphaned post and was not allowed to enter the ancestral grave. His pro-independence is not allowed to stand in the spirit, and his sorrow may not be used for incense. Let his soul reflect on the underground, and come to life as a well-known filial piety..."

The poisonous killing of the moon is not a fake, even Zhao’s blood debt is counted on her, and the end is so miserable, and let Jiman breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, it is a good reincarnation of heaven. This woman’s favorite is Zhao Li. Now she says that Zhao Li is killed for her. It is estimated that she is dead and not safe.

Jiman got out of the dungeon, but was separated from Ning Yuxuan.

"The girl of the season, the emperor summoned." Wu Yong smiled and said authentically.

Jiman frowned slightly, and then smiled: "But Wu Daren, the little woman has not changed clothes..."

"No problem, the Yuxi Palace has been prepared." Wu Yong reached out to make a "please" posture, the carriage next to it has stopped.

Jiman subconsciously looked back at Ning Yuxuan. He was led to another carriage, and it seemed to feel her gaze. She turned back and smiled at her and made a mouthful.

"I won."

Sure enough, the people on the dragon in the Tianzhu are also waiting for them.

Followed by Zhao Yu’s longest Mo Yuhou, naturally he knows him best. Jiman has only reacted now, and their gambling has not even said what she will get when she wins.

Because Ning Yuxuan knows that the imperial power cannot be violated. (Good-looking novels) No matter what method is used, Zhao Wei will definitely let her enter the palace.

He stayed with her in prison for as long as he was worried that she would not be alone.

Jiman sighed and turned to get on the bus, but he heard the man shouting: "Wait for me."

When you are a big ghost, she has to find a way to save herself. So going to the palace, the palace is their territory, she has no power to bind the chicken, if there is no awareness, how to die does not know.

What did the emperor let her into the palace? The crime has already been topped by Kang Yuan. Can he stop her from spending more than a year in the palace?

On the way, Jiman was thinking about this problem. When he arrived at Yuxi Palace, there was a large group of palace ladies waiting for her to change clothes. After being locked up for more than ten days, the body was so dirty that it was so dirty that Jiman had a good service and then put on the clothes they had brought.

It was a twilight palace dress with a green poncho, plus a palace, how to look like a harem.

Jiman helped the forehead and asked the palace lady next to him: "Where will you go to see the emperor?"

The next palace lady replied to her: "The general of Zhenyuan has temporarily entered the palace. The emperor has no time for the moment. When he is free to meet the girl, someone will come to inform, and ask the girl to wait for a moment in the Yuxi Palace."

Jiman nodded and asked: "Where is the Queen's Empress in the Palace? Can I first seek the Queen's Mother?"

The young woman shook her head: "There is no queen in the palace. The emperor's original match is temporarily in charge of the harem, now called Shen Niang."

Jiman said again: "Shen Niangniang and I are old people, can you let me see you first?"

The little palace girl still shakes her head: "The emperor has commanded you. Before the call, you must not see anyone, and no one can step into the Jade Palace."

The protection measures are really doing well. Ximan’s heart is sneer, and all the men are looking for a forgive wife. Shen Qingqing is accompanied by Zhao Yurong’s sufferings. The new emperor did not have the first time after he ascended the throne. After she was sealed, she would also take a woman who was inexplicable and entered the palace to add her.

She just came in and changed her life to make a successful finale. She was not interested in developing into a palace from the house.

"That's all right, I am waiting." Jiman went to the bronze mirror and looked at himself. He took the steps and the golden scorpion on the head and took two pieces. He left a few jade, which seemed more simple.

After a while, there was a sound outside, and she took her out of the Yuxi Palace and went all the way to the Zichen Temple.

"Stand up!" When I walked halfway, I heard a scream, and Jiman’s heart was slightly loose. When I turned around, Shen Qingqing did not live up to her expectations. She came with a few palace ladies and looked angry. she was.

"Who is this, why is it sent to the emperor's palace?" Shen Youqing clearly recognized her, but she still asked the lady on the side.

The palace lady squatted down and said: "The maiden is forgiving. This is the emperor's command to send the girl to the face."

Shen Youqing's eyes swept over her face, and Jiman slammed down with a bang, his voice choked and said: "Shen Niangniang saves his life, Shen Niangniang saves his life!"

I have never seen a woman who has been sent to the emperor and crying like a ghost. Shen Qingqing has a slight glimpse. After the death, several palace people opened the palace girl in front of her, and she stood in front of Jiman in her golden silk embroidery shoes. : "What do you want the palace to save you?"

Jiman slammed his head, because the voice cried so badly that he didn't dare to look up on his face: "The women's hearts have their own belongings, they don't want to go to the palace. It's just this, I don't know what it will be, but also ask the goddess to save lives. Let the women leave."

Shen’s current position is the best assist for her. As long as she hits her, there is a layer of protection.

Sure enough, listening to Ji Man’s words, Shen Youqing’s face would look a lot better: “Is there a heart?”

"Not only does the heart belong, but it has already been married, and the maiden knows it." Jiman tried to lick the tender meat in his hand, hurting to hang out with tears, and then looked up at her miserably: "The woman only wants the emperor to just summon the people to see the people. After that, the women still want to go home to bring the children. The goddess of the buddha is the heart of the emperor, and it is everywhere for the emperor. Isn’t it like a woman?"

Shen Youqing licked his lips and sympathizedly lowered her body to support her: "If you say this, it is not appropriate for the emperor to do things. Maybe it is just to summon you to talk, but wash it in the Yuxi Palace...that is the queen of the ages." Place. Since you also let the palace go to see the emperor together, then the palace will accompany you."

Jiman quickly thanked him, and all the way was a sly look. He pinched the whisper and whispered: "Although the daughter has been abandoned by Hou Ye, but in the days of prison, he and Hou Ye continued their forefront. I also want to continue to go back to Houfu to serve. The body of the Emperor Zhenlong, where is the woman and the waiter? Only the noble and generous woman of Shen Niang can accompany the emperor."

Shen Youqing smiled slightly: "You are sensible."

"Ministers think that the emperor is just a fresh picture." Ji Mandao: "The niece should persuade the emperor to focus on the overall situation. After all, the Shen family is also a national success. The maiden is the Shenjia niece and the emperor's wife. It should be sealed up."

Shen Youqing nodded again and again, and Nie Sangqi’s mouth could really be said, and she said everything she wanted to say. If she had a conflict with her position, she really wanted to talk to her.

When Zichen Palace arrived, Zhao Wei was waiting with joy and joy. As a result, the door opened and Shen Youqing came in with Jiman.

"See the emperor."

"Imperial." His face sank a lot: "How did the Qingle come?"

"The women and the maiden met on the road, met each other and talked all the way." Jiman’s face had no trace of crying, and smiled and said: "The maiden misses the emperor, so she came with the woman."

Zhao Wei is not happy: "He said that only you are alone, the following people can't understand what you mean?"

Several of the palace ladies who led the way had already squatted in front of them, and they did not dare to speak.

Shen Youqing was somewhat dissatisfied: "The emperor summoned Nie girl, but the courtier is not suitable for the presence?"


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