MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 18

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Li Wen walked behind the man who looked like the teacher and strode into the guard room. Behind him, he followed four junior high school students.

Tang Mo loosened the hands of the little fat man, and the little fat man ran to the back of the teacher.

Li Wendao: "You can finally come. After the game of towering today, I blinked and found myself being thrown on the street. When we entered the game, we went to the junction of Putuo District and Changning District. As a result, I woke up. In Jing'an District. I thought about it or decided to go to the city of Beili first, maybe I can wait for you."

Tang Mo glanced at the teachers and students who were still guarding him, and then looked at Li Wen: "What time did you arrive?"

"About seven. This is my alma mater, I know the way." Li Wen found that the teacher and other students had not spoken, and quickly introduced: "Mr. Li, this is Tang Mo. The person I said before is him, he is not Bad guys, not even illegal immigrants, don't worry."

Teacher Li guarded the students behind him and watched Tang Mo with vigilance: "Li Wen said that you are looking for someone? Who are you looking for?"

When Tang Mo heard that Li Wen specifically explained that he was not a smuggler, he raised an eyebrow.

"I am looking for Chen Hao, she should be on the first day."

"Ah, hey?"

"Is it for you?"

Tang Mozheng was surprised, but he saw a one-meter-small short-haired girl coming out of the students. There was no expression on his face. He looked at Tang Mo coldly and said, "I am Chen Hao. I only call this one in the city. Name, what do you do for me, what is the purpose?"

Is it so clever? !

Li Wen was also very surprised: "I didn't expect you to look for it. If you tell me my name, I have already found her."

Tang Mo looked down at this very calm little girl and said: "I am a friend with your father. Your father is called Chen Fangzhi. I work in the library of sū zhōu. He often goes to see me. He asked me to come to Shanghai for him. Look at you and confirm your safety."

"My dad really called this. Do you have evidence that you know him?"

“Hey?” Li Wen and Li’s teacher frowned. Li Wen has always believed in Tang Mo and has no doubts about him. Teacher Li listened to Tang Mo’s words and felt that he was very credible. But he still doubts him?

Tang Mo smiled, watching the little girl's gaze a little more serious: "Your father is about one meter seven five five, and he has been unemployed for almost a year. He told me that his father, your grandfather is a doctor, he I am an avid religious. Right, your father seems to have been wearing a string of red agate stone bracelets." Dunton, Tang Mo smiled: "This can only prove that I do know your father, but still can not prove I came to you just to fulfill his wish, no other intentions."

"Is it a wish, or... a wish?"

The smile on Tang’s lips fades, and he no longer laughs: “It’s a last wish.”

The little girl’s expression loosened for a moment, turned sharply and returned to the middle of the student: “I believe in you.”

Li Wen sighed with relief: "What is it so complicated? I have already said before. I met Tang Mo on the highway in Shanghai sū zhōu. He wants to be a bad person, and there is no need to go to another big and long distance. The city is coming to harm a junior high school student who doesn't know. Isn't zhōu enough for him to be a curse? He is not a smuggler."

Tang Mo: "So what happened?"

Teacher Li: "This is not the place to talk. Zhao Ziang, you and Liu Chen have worked hard to recover the trap. Let's talk inside."

The little fat man named Zhao Ziang nodded, and another tall boy stayed at the school gate to recover the deep pit trap that had just been touched by the glass slag. Tang Mo followed Mr. Li to go to the school.

Walking under the tall fir tree, Teacher Li explained: "Sorry, we are really afraid that you are a bad person and a smuggler. We dare not take a little risk. Now this time is the most dangerous time, you are here at this time. School, it is difficult for us to determine your identity. It is better to kill and not to put in one."

Tang Mo nodded: "From late 11 o'clock to 2 am, people's deep sleep time, this time is indeed the most dangerous time of the day, if someone wants to sneak attack, it is most likely to choose this time."

A junior high school student interjected: "You are as embarrassed as you said."

Tang Mo looked at the short hair girl in the middle of the student.

In addition to the two boys and Chen Hao who stayed at the school gate, there was a girl and a little boy who walked into the school with them. Chen Hao looked down and didn't talk. The boy and another girl kept comforting her. In any case, Tang Mo just told Chen Hao that her father is dead. Although the little girl did not cry, she was still small, and could not completely conceal her own sadness.

Teacher Li sighed: "You are right. We are really worried that some people will sneak into the school and even sneak up. Even the students and teachers of our city have a total of more than a thousand people. That day, Black Tower said the game. After the official start, our school disappeared most of the people, leaving only two teachers and sixteen students."

Tang Mo asked: "Where are the other people?"

Teacher Li’s voice dried up: "They are here."

Everyone has already arrived at the gymnasium. Teacher Li pushed the door in. Tang Mo looked up and his eyes stopped.

On the ground of the stadium corridor, six bodies were neatly placed, and some people covered their faces with jackets. Three of the bodies were short and thin, and at first glance they knew that they were children, and three bodies were more than one meter seven. They lay quietly on the cool tiles, and the moonlight shined through the floor-to-ceiling windows at the end of the corridor, cold and piercing.

Teacher Li’s voice has some hoarse voices: “We have too many students, and there are only two teachers. There are 16 students who live in different places. It’s near and far away. It’s impossible to send them home. The game started officially the day before yesterday. After that, I and Mr. Wang decided to wait for the parents to pick up their children at school. If their parents did not disappear, I believe that they will pick up the children. We will send them home blindly instead of missing them. If they disappear Then, let's go through this difficult time. Finally, there are five parents to pick up their children, and eleven children have no parents to pick up."

Tang Mo looked at the six bodies on the ground and pinched his fingers. He turned his head: "How did they die?" Obviously this was not erased by the black tower. A child's body was covered with knife marks and was hacked to death with a knife.

Teacher Li blinked red eyes and said with anger: "It is the group of stowaways!"

Li Wen is also with the enemy: "Tang Mo, all of us were transferred to the Black Tower during the day, and participated in the tower game. The teacher of the city's Bei Li is no exception. At the end of the game, only two children did not return, come back. Nine children, and the teacher Wang. Three of them were transferred to the same game. There are six players in the game. In addition to them, there are three adults. Among the three adults, there are two smugglers. The three children were just ordinary reserve. They only wanted to survive in the game, but they did not expect that one of the children accidentally completed a side task and was rewarded with a big match."

Tang Mo was shocked: "Big match?!"

Li Wen nodded: "Yes, it's exactly the same as your big match."

Teacher Li gave the students a gesture. The tall boys went to the equipment room of the gym and took out a giant match. Huge red match head, familiar wood match handle. Tang Mo took over the match and observed it: "It is exactly the same as my match. The child has seen the mosaic? Has he completed the task of mosaic release?"

Li Wen shook his head: "I don't know. The child is dead, just lying there."

Tang Mo collected the power of Qian Sankun. "I am worse than the protagonist." His use restriction is a one-time ability, that is, only the same inanimate object can be collected into the body. Tang Mo took a big match and found that he could take this big match into the body at any time and turn it into a tattoo again. But he didn't do that, and returned the big match to the little boy.

The little boy took over the big match, his eyes were red, and he shed a tear. He quickly erased it: "This match is Wang Chao. All three of them are dead. They are all killed by those who have stolen." Wang Chao died before I told me that after he got this big match, a stowaway forced him to hand it over. The stowaway could see that it was a treasure. In fact, if he wanted it, Wang Chao would definitely give him, Wang Chao. The courage is very small, we used to like to make jokes, saying that he is more timid than girls. But... but..."

The little boy was so upset: "But in the game, Wang Chao has not had time to make a choice. The monster said that it found a stowaway. It had to eat a stowaway. If you don't hand over the stowaway, it puts Wang Chao, they eat one by one."

Li Wen: "Like our situation, they also faced this kind of situation. But two of the three adults are stolen. They both decided to hand over the children first, and the last one did not. Knowing what the reaction is, anyway, the monster decided to start eating three children. The child named Wang Chao casually pointed at it because he was afraid, saying that one of the adults was a smuggler. The monster said that if the adults were too much, they turned to eat each other. The result is really a stork...."

Tang Mo: "Come on?"

"Yeah, the three children were terrified at the time, but they didn't want to be eaten. They just pointed one. The man had always said that he would hand over Wang Chao, so Wang Chao would identify him. I didn't expect to be right. ""

"Does the monster eat the stowaway?"

Teacher Li clenched his teeth: "Why didn't it eat the stowaway! Wang Chao said that the monster only ate one arm of the stork, and the towering game suddenly ended. None of them died. The game. Originally we thought that this was the end of the game, and we were ready to celebrate everyone's survival from the Black Tower game. I didn't expect the two stowaways to recognize the school uniform of our city, and attacked the school half an hour later. I also found three illegal immigrants, a total of five illegal immigrants, to attack this group of children!"

The little boys are red-eyed: "They said that they want to kill Wang Chao, but we also have to hand over big matches. We were not willing to hand over big matches at first, that is the reward that Wang Chao tried to get, and why should they give them. But they are five All have abilities, too powerful, killing one of us, we decided to give them a big match, but they don’t just match. The smuggler who broke his arm said... he wants Wang Chao to give him The arm is paying! We can't promise, they attacked twice in total, we killed two stowaways, but Wang Chao them... and Mr. Wang... Teacher Wang is all dead..."

Teacher Li took Tang Mo to the toilet in the gym. There were two bodies lying on the ground.

In addition to Chen Hao, the two junior high school students saw the two bodies, suddenly red eyes, and rushed to step on their faces.

Teacher Li said: "Now things are not so simple to give a match. They have died two people, we have so many children dead, and there is Teacher Wang... don't kill them, we will give up!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

This kind of hate is said to be very harsh from the mouths of the two children.

Tang Mo did not want to comfort the two children and advised them to let go of hatred.

Now the world is no longer the world of the past, no one can protect these children forever, only those who can protect them. The world is too cruel, fifteen years old is not small, perhaps should learn to grow up in advance.

There have always been such wicked people in the world, and many places have never stopped fighting. It’s just that the former Chinese is too hé píng, there are many people who sacrifice themselves to protect everyone. Now that the evil people have extended their claws, the only thing they can do is to eradicate the wicked and protect themselves.

Tang Mo felt the long-lost anger, and he took a deep breath and returned to calm. He glanced at the clock on the wall of the stadium. "It's already three in the morning. There are five stowaways, you killed two, and there are three. If they are smart enough, they shouldn't attack the school again this evening. But to ensure safety, they have to send The man is guarding the door."

Teacher Li said: "In the remaining six people, Joe Fifi and Zhao Ziang are official players. They all have abilities and physical strength is better than our reserve. Zhao Ziang is now at the door."

Tang Mo: "You all know what is a formal player, what is a reserve and a smuggler?" He thought that only the Mole said this.

Chen Hao, who has never said anything, said: "Today, our thirteen people have entered six different games. The games are different, but there is one thing in common. The black tower monsters in these six games all tell the players three. Player identity, but they did not explain what these three identities mean. It is Levin’s brother telling us that we understand the meaning of these three identities. Of course, before today we actually know that there are two players, official player and reserve. ""

"How do you know?" Tang Mo said.

Another little girl who has been hiding behind her stood up: "It's me. I am an official player. My abilities are not as useful as Zhao Ziang. I can only see the identity of others."

Tang Mo said: "Can you see the identity of others?"

The little girl nodded: "Yes. In my eyes, everyone's head is suspended with words. After the game officially started, I saw that Zhao Ziang's head was suspended with the words 'official player', Teacher Li, 姗姗They have the word 'reservation' on their heads. But my ability can only be used five times a day, only to see the identity of five people. After reading five people, the words on the heads of others will become mosaics."

Tang Modao said: "Then you were at the school gate, didn't you see my identity?"

The little girl shook her head: "It’s strange, I know that I haven’t used the power today, but I can’t see your identity. Your head is also a mosaic.”

Tang Mo thought for a moment: "What trigger conditions do you need for this ability?"

"No, I can see it directly."

Tang Mo: "You touch my hand and see if I can trigger the ability."

The little girl walked up and touched the hand of Tang Mo, and she looked up again: "Ah! See! Official player! So strange, why can't I just see it, only after touching your hand? I see Zhao Ziang, as well as those who saw the smugglers, saw them directly."

This dá àn Tang Mo can not explain.

The boy who was responsible for the trap with the little fat man came back: "Teacher, we have already set up the trap. Zhao Ziang said that he continues to look at the door, let me go back to sleep first."

"Official players and stowaways must have abilities, and it is obvious that the physical quality of the two is much better than the reserve." Chen Hao suddenly spoke, everyone looked at her, but she looked at Tang Mo: "Know... your What is abilities? If you don't want to say in detail that we can understand, but I want to know, you would like to stay and help us. Your abilities are the same as Fifi, without actual combat ability, or like Zhao Ziang, biased attack of?"

Tang was quietly watching the little girl. For a long time, he said: "My ability is not an offensive type, but I will stay."

Everyone was relieved.

The east is bright and the morning light is slight.

The sky is getting brighter, and the nerves that Li and the children have been tightening are finally relaxed.

Teacher Li: "They shouldn't attack during the day. I think we should be able to sleep well during the day. I am going to call Zhao Zi'ang back. He didn't sleep all night, so take a rest."

Tang Mo went to the corridor of the stadium and looked at the six bodies. He looked at them one by one, with no expression on his face and a slow walk.

"How did you become a regular player?"

Tang Mo looked up and Chen Yu walked out of the stadium and looked at him against the wall.

Tang Mo silent for a moment: "On the third day of the Earth's line, I participated in a black tower game and won. It is a 1v1 confrontation game, and another game player is your father."

Chen Hao has a stretch of body, but quickly relaxes: "You don't have to feel embarrassed."

"I didn't feel embarrassed."

Chen Hao looked at him.

Tang Mo: "Your father brought me into the game. Although I have not participated in this game, I may have disappeared, but I have completed his last wish and confirmed your safety. The game is not that I disappeared or he Disappeared, I have been embarrassed, but now I see that you are still alive, I will not be jealous again, I think your father will not blame me."

Chen Hao looked at him for a while and smiled. "You are so strange."

The little girl is shorter than Tang Mo, and her words are very mature.

Tang Mo thought: "You are very smart."

"My achievements are in the top ten of the year-round, I won the first prize of the Olympic Games, the first prize of the National Computer Competition, and often represented the school in various academic competitions." Chen Wei said, "But after the Earth went online, the physical fitness of the reserve has also improved. I seem to be smarter. For example, do you know how the reserve is produced?"

Tang Mo’s eyes shook: “I don’t know.”

The official player is the player who won the Black Tower game in those three days, and the smuggler is the player who killed the player within three days.

What about the reserve?

"After the game officially started, there were 18 people in our school. Among them, only Zhao Ziang and Qiao Feifei were official players, and the other 16 people were all reserve. I asked them in detail about their experiences in the past three days and found common ground."

Tang Mo has not met so many people, so he does not have the capital to explore the conditions for reserve. Chen Yu knows a lot of reserve, she has the opportunity to explore the reasons, but she can think of doing this, and seems to have found dá àn, which is already very surprising.

"Including me, these 16 people have played games in three days and won the victory. It is not a black tower game, it is a very ordinary game, including computer games, mobile games, and real games. The most special, he has not played any games, but he once bet with a teacher to win, he also survived."

Tang Momei: "It's not that simple. If you just won a game, there are definitely more than 400 million people who have played games in three days."

Chen Hao nodded: "Yes, certainly not so simple. For example, I won the game in the three days and lost the game. I survived and won my classmates but did not survive. I asked again and found out that I lived. The classmates who have come down have been personally admitted by the opponents - 'I was eliminated.'"

Tang Mo was surprised: "I personally admitted to being eliminated?"

"Yes, I personally admit that I was eliminated. Heitai issued an announcement on the 15th to inform the world of the Earth, and told humans to eliminate the players. No one knows how to eliminate the players, but it said this sentence, many people I went to my heart. Normally playing the game, I might say 'I lost,' but I don’t usually say 'I was eliminated'. It’s because the Black Tower said the word 'obsolete' in advance, so many people are in the heart. More of this awareness. Sometimes it may be a joke, sometimes it may be casual, 総uì dǎng隽苏饩浠!?br />

Tang Mo never thought that things would be that simple.

Chen Hao leaned against the wall: "But this may only be a way of becoming a reserve. In our sixteen reserve, two students have not been personally recognized as 'eliminated', but they have also become reserve. There are too few samples. I can only analyze so much."

"You are already very powerful." Tang Mo is rarely praised.

Chen Hao looked down and looked at the six bodies on the ground, with her teacher and her classmates. Maybe she didn't know the six people, but she saw them die in front of her own eyes.

"They should be attacking this evening."

Tang Mo: "Well, it should be tonight."

"I want to kill them and live."

I want to kill them first, and then want to live.

Tang Mo looked seriously at the little girl and nodded: "Well, kill them and live again."

Chen Hao was shouted to help by Li, and Li Wen came over: "You came unfortunately today, it is the most dangerous time at night. Chen Xiao, this little girl is very smart, she let us not only set traps beside the gate of the guard room, but also Use a very thin line to stop in front of the iron gate. Anyway, if you want to enter the door, you will fall into the trap. Fortunately, you broke into the glass of the guard room, or you will definitely fall into the trap. How do you know there are traps?"

“I found a map of Shanghai from a newsstand with the location of the Markei Middle School and the area marked with it. This middle school is quite big.”

Li Wen didn't quite understand: "My alma mater is one of the four famous universities in Shanghai. It really does not occupy a lot of land. But what happened?"

Tang Mo looked at him: "Junior is not a primary school. Most junior high schools have set up a commissary on campus. Like your big school, there may even be a campus supermarket. It’s only two days before the start of the game. There are supermarkets and students in the school. It is impossible to lack water and food. I deliberately told the little fat man that I would give him water and food. If he didn't want it, it would be normal. But he actually wanted it, indicating that there must be fraud."

Xiaokang Zhao Ziang just walked into the gym and scratched his head: "Ah, I originally wanted to trick you into the trap. It turned out that you have been lying to me in the end?"

Tang Mo: "You are still young. When you lie in the future, you must first think about whether you have a lòu dòng."

The little fat man stupidly nodded.

Li Wen joked: "You actually teach a second-year student how to deceive."

Tang Mo shrugged and looked at the little fat man: "Listen to Chen Yu, your ability is offensive. Can you tell me what it is? What nails are I getting on the road?"

Zhao Ziang sat down and honestly said: "Yes, it is my ability. I am an official player with Joe Feifei. Don't look so short, so thin, but our physical strength and energy are better than Teacher Li. Joe Feifei is a girl. I volunteered to go to the guard room to watch the night, to prevent the bad guys from attacking at night. Chen Hao said that between 11:00 and 2 am, the bad guys are most likely to attack. You just came at that time, I thought you were a bad person, and started with you. "He touched the back of the head. "Sorry, it hurts you."

"Nothing, you want to be able to harm me is also your ability." Tang Mo is more concerned about, "Those street lights are you broken?"

Little fat man nodded: "Yes, it's smashing me. She said that the ground is broken glass, so that when someone approaches, it will make a sound. After I become an official player, I hear very well, as long as someone steps on the glass, I can hear it very far."

"What is your abilities?"

"Is it a space move? I don't know. I can move the object to any position within a hundred meters of the square. But my power is not strong enough, I can't move the heavy thing. If I want to move the knife, my move. The speed will become very slow, probably."

Tang Mo saw a knife swaying from the ground and flew up to him. He grabbed it.

Zhao Ziang blushes: "That's it, it's very slow, it can't attack people at all. But if it's a very light and small thing like a nail or a needle..."


A small-needle-sized sharp needle instantly appeared in front of Tang Mo's eyes. He quickly hoeed his head, and the fine needle only hung in front of his eyes and did not move forward. With Tang Mo's current dynamic vision, I can see the path that this needle flies, but it must be based on some defense. If he is unprepared, he may not be able to escape this needle.

Zhao Ziang saw Tang Mo quickly escaped and was surprised: "Your reaction is fast, faster than me and Joe Fifi."

Tang Mo reached out and pinched the needle: "So you have been using nails and needles to attack people?"

Zhao Ziang nodded.

Tang Mo has already understood the abilities of this second-year boy.

This is indeed a very aggressive ability, but unfortunately the things that can be moved are too small, and the speed is not fast enough, at least Tang Mo can hide. If he can move a sharp knife at a faster speed, those who are stolen will probably be even worse.

Tang Mo took the nail and looked at the little fat man: "Don't tell your abilities any more in the future."

Zhao Ziang: "Ah?"

Tang Mo: "Long snack eyes."

Zhao Ziang: "..."

This is not what you told me to say! ! !

The little fat man has never been fooled by this, and he walked away with grievances.

Li Wen reluctantly said: "Tang Mo, is it really okay to bully a child like this?"

Don't change his color and not jump: "I am helping him grow up."

Li Wen actually felt that it was justified and convincing.

During the day, several people from Tang Mo had laid off several traps near the school gate and near the school. With the power of the little fat man, the cloth trap is very convenient. Chen Hao also told Tang Mo about the remaining three illegal immigrants.

"The two dead immigrants I didn't say, their two abilities are very tasteless, so we are very good at killing them. There are three people left, two of them are dangerous, and one Personal abilities are not obvious. I will first say the abilities that are not obvious. The sneak abilities are... planting flowers. Teacher Li saw with his own eyes that the place he walked suddenly bloomed. What is the ordinary rose, the rose? We played twice and he didn't show anything special. But he was very fast, and it seemed to be a little fighting skill. The fight was fierce. He broke his arm and he wanted to win in the Black Tower game. The stolen passenger who took Wang Chao’s match."

Tang Mo has seen all kinds of wonderful abilities, and his own book is also very wonderful. For this kind of self-cultivation, he has no evaluation, but he still can't relax his vigilance.

Chen Tong: "There are two people whose abilities are dangerous. One of them will spurt fire."

"Spitfire?" Tang Mo heard for the first time such a strange and common sense.

In many TV series, most of the characters with abilities use magical abilities, such as spraying a fire and spitting a water. When Tang Mo was bored in the library, he read some novels. Many of the abilities are classified as gold and wood. It is a minority that produces strange powers like the Black Tower.

"Yes, he will spurt fire. His fire is from his mouth. I have observed it carefully. Every three minutes he can spray a fire. The flame temperature is very high. It can't melt steel, but it can melt the marble. The night is too dark. You may not have seen the words 'Shibei Middle School' at the entrance of our school. Two words were melted by the fire that he sprayed. The melting point of steel is around 1500c, the melting point of marble is about 800c, and the temperature of the flame that he sprays is estimated. Below 1000c."

This is indeed a very dangerous abilities.

"There is another one?" Tang Mo is very serious.

"There is another...he has a gun."

"Gun?" Tang Mo's expression condensed.

China has a ban on guns, and ordinary people cannot have guns. However, there are policies and countermeasures. Huaxia has also had several cases of shooting shā rén. In the past few years, there was also a serial shā rén who was called the blast | head brother was using the gun shā rén.

There is no doubt that illegal immigrants must kill people. But shā rén and gun shā rén are two different things. The criminals who can use the guns shā rén are often the most sinister and evil, not ordinary shā rén, they have at least a way to buy a gun.

Chen Hao shook his head: "No, it's not that terrible. Zhao Ziang likes to play survival games and is more familiar with firearms. He said that the gun is a police gun. It should be the stolen passenger who was taken from the police station after the game started. But there is a gun. It’s not terrible. The horror is that the person’s abilities seem to be related to the gun. He has unlimited bullets.”

Tang Mo is in a tight heart.

"Zhao Ziang said that the general police gun has eight rounds of bullets, but the stowaway shot at least 30 rounds of bullets last night. It has not changed the gun and has not changed the magazine. We don't know if his ability can be fired. How many bullets are produced, only the worst case, he has unlimited bullets."

Tang Momei said: "The official player's physical quality is high, the skin is hard, can resist the ordinary knife and slash, but for the time being, it can't compete with the gun. The middle three shots will lose their fighting power. The reserve is even more impossible to prevent the gun. ”

"Yes, we know."

Tang Mosi thought for a long time: "Can the big match be used for me?"

His voice just fell, the little fat man quickly hugged the big match and handed it to Tang Mo: "I have been waiting for you to say this. The physical qualities of our three official players are the best, I feel your strength ratio I am stronger. Chen Hao said that this thing is best for you."

Tang Mo Wei, looking at Chen Hao.

The short-haired girl looks solemn, like a little adult: "This thing must be very powerful."

Tang Mo smiled: "In my hand, it will be even more powerful." After that, Tang Mo pressed this familiar big match to his wrist. In an instant, the giant match disappeared, and a red match tattoo appeared on his wrist.

Chen Hao and Xiao Fatzi stared in surprise.

Tang Modao: "My abilities."

The little fat man suddenly understood: "This is a hidden weapon! It's great!"

Time passed by, and the sun gradually faded. During the day, everyone is still a little relaxed. The closer to the evening, the more intense the spirit of everyone.

Tang Mo went to the little girl Qiao Feifei. This soft and weak junior girl held a large kitchen knife found in the dining hall of the school, and she also had a big stick. She is a girl, but she is a formal player, she is more powerful than the teacher Li.

"You still don't use sticks. It's enough to use a knife. You are not tall enough, but you can't make full effort with the stick, and it will become cumbersome on your body. You are suitable to use light weight wǔ qì." Tang Modao, "put Give me the stick."

Qiao Feifei thought about it, took off the stick on his back and handed it to Tang Mo: "Good."

Tang Mo took the stick and expected a strange power in the middle. He went to the corner and took his abilities book out of the air.

It turned out that his ability was stronger than Joe Fifi's ability, so Qiao Feifei could not directly see his identity, but need to touch the body?

Tang Mo looked down again.

Tang Mo is deliberately collecting Qiao Feifei's abilities. After he got Li Bin’s power yesterday, he was faintly aware that his physical fitness seemed to be stronger. The eyes look farther, the reaction is faster, and the power is greater.

Before getting Li Bin’s ability, Tang Mo could not guarantee that he could escape the first nail of the sneak attack. He wants to verify that after getting the abilities of others, what he gets, besides the ability, can improve his strength.

The result is the same as he thought.

Tang Mo pinched the stick in his hand. His right hand and five fingers pressed hard, and there were five shallow fingerprints on the solid wood stick.

If you gain the power of others to enhance your combat effectiveness, then...

Tang Mo went to the little fat man: "I am a little hungry, little fat, can this bread be given to me?"

Zhao Ziang is eating to replenish his energy and prepare for the war. He muttered: "There is a lot there, you can take a nap yourself."

Tang Mo is cheeky: "I like your taste, only this one is left."

The little fat man was very kind and gave the bread to Tang Mo.

Li Wen: "Hey Tang Mo, you still grab the children's food?"

Tang Mo did not answer his words, but his face was a bit unsightly.

He has come to the bread from the little fat man, has not given money, but actually did not get the power of the little fat man? !

How is this going?

Tang Mo is a little bit unwilling. The power of the little fat man is very aggressive. If he collects it, it will be a big boost. Tang Mo also asked the little fat man for a few biscuits, a box of milk, and other people's food he did not want, it would be a small fat man. The little fat man's face is green, and he wants to cry without tears: "Why are you staring at me!"

Tang Mo's face is greener: "...a more biscuit."

After eating a small box of two small biscuits, a piece of bread, a box of milk, Tang Mo has eaten, or did not get the power of the little fat.

Everyone else was amused by their wonderful behavior, and they laughed a little before the war. Chen Hao looked at Tang Mo thoughtfully. When Tang Mo finally gave up and turned away, she picked up a box of biscuits and ran quickly.

This short, thin girl is not very good-looking, but her eyes are very determined. She looked at Tang Mo: "Do you want to get something from someone else? Is it related to your ability? Can I give you something, so will you become stronger?"

Tang Mo was surprised.

How can it be so smart? Guess so accurate?

Chen Hao has no power, and Tang Mo will not have any benefit even if she takes her things and does not give money. But the little girl stared at him very seriously, holding a box of biscuits in her hands and gnawing her teeth: "I will give you, you must kill them. No matter what, kill them, I will give you."

Tang Mo just wanted to say something and refused. After listening to this, he closed his mouth and took the little girl's biscuit. At the moment when the finger touched the biscuit, Tang squinted. After he took out the essay, he did not put it back into the air, but put it in the backpack. He now takes out the book and opens it.

"What's wrong?" Chen asked.

Tang Mo looked down at the little girl.

The Great Mole once said that formal players and stowaways must have abilities, and reserve can also have abilities.

It turns out that it is no wonder she is so smart.

"I will kill them."

Chen Hao: "Okay, kill them, take revenge!"


A piercing gunshot broke the silent night, Tang Mo turned his head sideways and pushed open Teacher Li standing behind him. In his sight, a silver bullet flew at a slow speed past the place where Teacher Li stood. The bullet trajectory broke through and Tang Mo quickly looked at the direction of the bullet's launch, and his eyes condensed.

Tang Mo whispered: "Little fat man, breaking the lights of the stadium."

"it is good!"

A nail quickly passed through the air and shattered the stadium's light bulbs.

The world is in darkness.

Li Wen asked in surprise: "Tang Mo, what are you doing?"

Tang Mo was on the ground and drew a neat circle at a very fast speed. It was too dark, and others only saw him suddenly falling down, but did not know what he was doing. Tang Mo stood up and said: "Draw a circle and curse him."