MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 214

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Chapter 214

The raging flood is like a beast, and with an irresistible momentum, screaming at the wall of the labyrinth.

The walls that the players and monsters can't destroy are like paper paste under the impact of the flood. The walls slowed down the flood slightly, but more and more floods came in from outside the maze, and in the blink of an eye they swallowed a small half-maze.

Tang Mo and Fu Wen took the forefront, followed by Mu Huixue, Bai Ruoyao and Andrei.

As they moved toward the center of the maze, they saw that many humans rushed from all directions to the center of the maze. Far away, Tang Mo saw a magnificent ship that was magnificent. The ship is made of gold, brilliant, with gemstones set on its mast, and Jasper made it into the cabin.

The ship is firmly situated in the open space at the center of the maze, as if it were full of tempting snake apples, inducing humans to take it. Just take it, you can definitely leave here and avoid the terrible floods.

Seeing it, the name will emerge in everyone’s mind -

Noah's Ark.

However, when Tang Mo looked down and saw the black-pressed head around the Ark, his heart suddenly sank.

The muscular wolf's grandmother was on the four feet, and the green beast was full of hunger, and looked at the humans flying in front of her eyes; the tall Santa Claus drove the sleigh and circled around the ark. He Under the sled wheel is blood and meat that have not dried up.

There are also strange circus heads, Queen of Hearts, Peter Pan and Schrödinger.

A total of six black towers**, they are surrounded by Noah's Ark, watching the crowd of players coming in with the eyes of the ants.

The players stopped.

Behind it, the flood has raged to the core of the maze. Although all the players present can be in the water for more than an hour, and even some players still have props in the water, they dare not take the risk.

Mu Huixue: "The black line's branch task is to leave us from the maze. Obviously, the exit of this maze is here." She pointed to the ark surrounded by monsters in the distance, saying: "The water behind you can Rushing over the labyrinth wall that we can't destroy, so what is it, whether it is water or not, is it to be discussed. Tang Mo, Fu Wenzhe, cooperation?"

Tang Mo turned his head and looked at each other: "In this, I think the wolf grandmother is the strongest, and Santa Claus never kills humans."

Fu Wenzhe: "He just doesn't kill himself. His strength is better than the head of the circus."

Bai Ruoyao smiled and said: "What about Peter Pan and Schrödinger? I can say that although Peter Pan’s strength is not as good as Santa Claus, Schrödinger is definitely the weakest inside. Before I entered a copy, I used to touch Schrödinger. Passing. He is really very, very weak."

Andre said sullenly: "But the cat has a lot of very harmful props."

It’s so easy to attack the tower with advanced players.

Among the six black tower monsters, the only one who had not touched Tang Mo was Peter Pan, but Bai Ruoyao and the other party had handed over. Mu Huixue and Queen of the Red Carpet played against each other, Andre and Schrödinger played against each other. After merging their own information, the five people concluded that "the breakthrough is Schrödinger!"

At the same time, players in other districts have also found their own objects.

Tang Mo looked around and looked around: "Ling Yu Zheng, Yu Wang Shu and Ning Yu did not come, they may have died, or left the game." The voice just fell, a wolverine figure appeared on the left side, Tang Moyi: "Learning Yu Zheng?"

The body was covered with blood, and there was a wound on the face that had a half-faced cheek.

After practicing Yu Zheng, he saw several people from Tang Mo and quickly came over. She opened her mouth and said: "The head left the game. We met the Queen of Red Peach, she was too strong, and my teammate was not her opponent at all. The head was almost killed by her, and she left the game with props." When she saw the six black towers gathered under the ark, they narrowed their eyes and practiced Yu Zheng to look at Tang Mo and Fu Wen: "He said, if I can meet you next, let me listen to you. I hope to cooperate."

The strength of practicing Yu Zheng is very good. Six people will be better able to deal with those Black Tower monsters.

At this time, a total of twenty-two players were concentrated in the center of the maze. Maybe there are players who haven’t come, but the flood is coming, and players have no time to wait for newcomers.

Twenty-two players have already had a squad. Black-haired, black-eyed Asians consciously stand together, and Westerners form a team. They seem to have chosen the objects they want to attack, and they don't plan to join hands. But there is one thing they can do -


Twenty-two players suddenly launched an attack together.

Six monsters, twenty-two people, and an average of three or four players deal with a monster. But everyone wants to attack the weakest monsters, so Peter Pan and Schrödinger are the breakthrough. Upon seeing it, several other black towers were all besieged. The situation was very bad, and it suddenly became a melee.

Schrödinger was held in his arms by the housekeeper and kept throwing various props at the player. The little black cat yelled as he threw, "Is there such a treat for you? Damn, I don't want to come here, if it is not a black tower, who wants to come here, I want to go back to my fortress!"

One turned, the little black cat saw Tang Mo and Fu Wen. The big round eyes are straight and straight, and Schrödinger screams: "Santa Claus, if you kill them, I will immediately give you a new pure gold toilet with automatic flushing function, pure gold!"

Santa Claus was driving the sled and playing with two European players. After listening to this, his eyes brightened and he turned to the front of Tang Mo and Fu Wen.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, stmas!"

Tang Mo’s right hand was lifted and several steel needles appeared beside his hand. He waved his right arm and the steel needles shot at Santa Claus. On the other hand, Fu Wen took a direct rush to Schrödinger. The black weapon slammed into the little black cat, and the machine butler raised his hand and blocked the blow of Fu Wen’s hand with his elbow.

The sound of the steel collision sounded in the maze.

Fu Wen took his eyes and attacked Schrödinger and his machine butler again. He knows that Tang Mo is not an opponent of Santa Claus. The time that can be procrastinated is not long, and he must be quick and quick. On the other side, the Queen of Reds and Mu Huixue, Andrei, and Bai Ruo Yao are on the opposite side, and there are two American players on their side. Five people joined forces, and the Queen of Reds gradually fell into the wind.

Mu returned to the snow to find an opportunity, a whip to the ark, the whole person borrowed to prepare to fly on the big ship.

The Queen of Reds turned back and said: "Damn Grea, you will kiss Noah's boat there but help, I will definitely make you a meat sauce, when my flowers are fat!"

Yes, there are only five Black Tower monsters and players from start to finish. There is also a black tower monster - the head of the circus circus, who holds the Noah's Ark with obsessive eyes, madly kissing the cabin made of Jasper, and stroking the gold used for carving.

The Queen of Reds stopped Mu Xuexue’s way, and turned his head again. Greia then lost sight of the baby’s ark and pressed the hat with his hand and sighed: “Well, let a lady wait is a very Nothing is a hat, although you are not a lady."

When the voice fell, his mouth twitched. The next moment, a small and delicate cane shot at an incredible speed to the American player and shot through his arm. American players make a painful cry.

The flood continues to erode the maze and is about to reach the center.

These Black Tower monsters did not mean to leave, they madly slaughtered the players. Finally, some players were slaughtered into two segments by a wolf's grandmother. He is still not dead. He took out a golden coin in horror. He wanted to leave the game before the grandmother of the wolf completely killed himself. But he didn’t say anything. The wolf grandmother opened his mouth and put his head in his stomach. , made a full meal.

"Hey, thank you for your gold coin."

The death of someone, coupled with the threat of flooding, makes these self-righteous players no longer afraid to neglect.

Originally, they did have the idea to let these black tower monsters kill the players and reduce their competitors. But after someone really died quickly, they finally understood that they could not pass this side mission without cooperation.

A strong brown-haired, blue-eyed man speaks in English: "Attack Schrödinger."

The little black cat stunned his eyes: "Why always aim at me!"

Because you are the weakest!

All the players answered this question in their hearts, and they turned and attacked Schrödinger. The joint attack of more than a dozen five-level players made Schrödinger not use any props at all, and they were attacked by them. Once the line of defense was forced, players soon took out strange props and ran to Noah’s Ark.

When the wolf grandmother and others arrived, seven or eight players had already boarded the boat. When they got on the boat, the black tower sounded like a hint of emotion -

"Hey! The quest for the quest "Leaving the Labyrinth of Noah" has been completed."

Mu Huixue and a whip tied the fence of the Ark and smashed himself and Andrea. However, Tang Mo was entangled in Santa Claus and could not get away. Fu Wen’s original deal was Schrödinger, who was the first to board the ship. Seeing that Tang Mo could not leave, he turned his body without hesitation, and the two men dealt with Santa Claus.

Fu Wen took this and gave up a seat. Bai Ruoyou said with a smile: "I will be welcome." The baby face is about to go on board, a black shadow suddenly rushes to him, Bai Ruoyao’s face Great change, jumping backwards.

I saw the wolf's grandmother licking her sharp teeth and looking at him in disgust.

"Human, your meat is a bit stinky, but you broke my skirt, I want to eat you!"

Bai Ruoyao: "..."

Your skirt is simply broken by yourself!

A player is pierced by Greia's short stick, and a player is forced by the Queen of the Reds to use the props and leave the game. More and more players got on the boat, and only Tang Mo, Fu Wenzhe, Bai Ruo Yao, and two European players were left.

The flood washed the last wall and hit the big ship in the center.

Mu returned to the snow standing on the deck, found a chance, slammed the whip to Fu Wen, and directly tied his arm. "Master Fu, pull Tang Mo to come up!"

The red whip wraps around the arm of the snow back and entangles it. She screamed and forced Fu Wen to come up. Upon seeing, Andrei and Lian Yuzhen also came to help. The three men worked hard together, and Fu Wensheng was quickly pulled up. He grabbed Tang Mo’s arm and pulled Tang Mo.

The big water has already reached the front, a European player was rushed into the flood, another European player clenched his teeth, took out some props painfully, and flew up in the air and flew to the ark.

When Tang Mo was dragged and flew to the deck by Fu Wen, his light was aimed at Bai Ruo Yao. Bai Ruoyao was entangled in the wolf's grandmother and could not get away. He looked at him and looked at Tang Mo. Somehow, Tang Mo subconsciously reached out and said, "I want to be a man of One Piece." The abilities were launched. The thin rubber rope was shot from Tang Mou, and the wrist of Bai Ruo Yao was tied and he was pulled over.

The flood rushed to Santa's sleigh, and Santa Claus disappointedly "ah", and the player on the ark saw that he and his sleigh were wrapped in a giant bubble and floated on the flood.

Similarly, the wolf grandmother, Peter Pan, Schrödinger, and the Queen of Reds, they were covered in transparent bubbles as soon as they encountered the flood.

The red-haired Loli Queen sighed indignantly: "Bag Noah, your broken maze can't be bigger, the bath water can't come slowly, I almost can kill these stinky humans!"

The Black Tower monster was hit by the flood, and it was originally wrapped in a bubble, and then left with the big water. But all the players on the big ship know that humans are certainly not so lucky. What would happen if you fall into the flood, no one wants to try.

Other players saw Mu Huixue three people want to pull Tang Mo three, they all showed a strange look. Some people want to go forward and stop them from saving people, so as to eliminate their opponents. Practicing Yu Zheng loosened the hand holding the whip, staring at them coldly, showing the silver dagger.

Players in other districts think for a moment, watching it from the sidelines, no longer going forward.

With the strength of Fu Wen, Mu Huixue and Andre, let alone two men, that is, twenty men are on board. However, when they wanted to bring Tang Mo and Bai Ruo Yao up, a horrible force suddenly appeared. Mu Huixue The whole person was slammed forward and ran for three steps, almost to remove the whip.

She looked up and tightened her eyes.

"Greya Sykes!"

On the cabin of the golden ship, a black cane was firmly inserted into the hull, so that its owner was suspended in the air and was not touched by the flood. Dashui is flooded by a gentleman in a dress and can meet him at any time, but as long as the flood does not touch, he can not be covered by bubbles.

The head of the circus smiled and turned his head, holding a cane in one hand, and firmly grasping the legs of Bai Ruoyao in one hand. He did not do it, just from the bottom up, laughing and watching Bai Ruoyao and Tang Mo. He is export-oriented: give up your teammates, humans, and make you false.

Bai Ruoyao’s eyes are so pumping, I really want to take this scam down, but where can I do it.

It is clear that Grea can do it at any time, and even find a chance to kill Bai Ruoyao and Tang Mo, but he does not do this, as if waiting for a good show.

Fu Wenzhe, Mu Huixue, Andrei, the three people together, can not even come from the hands of Grecia to Tang Mo, Bai Ruo Yao up, can only maintain a balance.

Grea smiled softly: "Humans are so hypocritical, dear Tang Mo, you still don't give up? If you don't let go, I will fight against you."

Tang Mo looked at Greia silently, then he looked at Bai Ruoyao.

There is something Graya guessed wrong, he and Bai Ruoyao have never been teammates. Don't say that loosening Bai Ruoyao's hand is to let this guy down the flood, Tang Mo will not feel guilty. Of course, Bai Ruoyao must have a grasp of escape, and it is estimated that there is also a king's gold coin in hand.

Tang Mo didn't even think about it. The one-minute power limit of the rubber rope was over. He could lift the ability at any time and throw Bai Ruo Yao down. Just as he was ready to start, a voice that gnashed his teeth came from below: "Tang Mo, don't let go!"

Tang Mo a glimpse, and then naturally asked: "Why?"

Bai Ruoyao: "..."

Wait, it seems that there is nothing to do.

Bai Ruo was silent and his voice was calm: "I want to clear the seven floors. The seventh floor is very important to me. You save me this time, I owe you a favor, how."

Never heard of such a serious tone of neuropathy, Tang Mo looked at each other with surprise, only to see Bai Ruoyao staring at him coldly.

In the end, Tang Mo still did not unlock the rope, he sneered: "Remember, you owe me a favor."

Did not let go of the hand, on the one hand, Tang Mo's relationship with Bai Ruo Yao's human feelings is dim, so that this neurotic owes a person, it seems worthwhile. On the other hand, more importantly, he believes that Fu Wen won.

Fu Wen will definitely find a solution.

I saw Fu Wen took a look at the situation below. He thought for a few seconds and released the hand holding the whip. The whip fell down again, and Mu Xue returned to look at him strangely. Fu Wen took the hand and took out a silver long tubular metal object from his backpack. Seeing this thing, Mu back to the snow face changed: "m70 anti-tank grenade | bomb?! You actually have this kind of thing!"

Fu Wen took the hand and grabbed the grenade | the buckle at the bottom of the bullet, and forced it to the distance. He threw it far and could not fully mine Gray. However, when the hand was thrown into the flood, a dull and powerful bombing sounded from the bottom of the water. Everyone instantly understood what was going on.

In an instant, the floods are soaring.

The shock wave set off a tsunami ten meters high and madly hit the Noah's Ark.

The ship was shaking in the water, the tsunami rushed, all the players on the boat screamed angrily, and immediately found a place to stabilize the body, so that they were not washed away by the tsunami. The tsunami was getting closer and closer, and Greya also noticed that he was not right. He took a handful of white robes and the other hand pulled out his cane. He wanted to go from the bottom to the side and kill Tang Mo.

However, he only rushed halfway and was stopped by Bai Ruoyao. The baby face youth narrowed his eyes and laughed dangerously: "Roll." One foot will open the person.

The next second, when the flood hit, the moment the Grecia touched the flood, it was wrapped in a transparent bubble. He slowly retracted his cane and looked up at Noah's Ark.

One second before the flood was approaching, Fu Wen took a few people and forced Tang Mo and Bai Ruo Yao to the deck.

In the bubble, the Queen of Red Peach did not sigh with anger: "Damn Greia, if you have a few golds, I can definitely kill more than one human."

Greia spread his hands and smiled: "Quiet me."

The red-haired loli snorted and started.

Santa Claus regretted his beard: "It's a pity that we can't mess up after this."

Behind the six black towers, the raging floods frantically washed the big ship, and Noah's Ark swelled up and down in the water. After Tang Mo stepped on the deck, the black tower sounded at the ear. But he didn't have time to think about it, the tsunami came instantly. All players are ups and downs in the violent waves. When everything subsided, the players were relieved.

The battle with the Black Tower monsters inevitably injured everyone. After the wounds were processed, the 17 players on the Ark looked at each other with vigilance.

They all know that the people standing on the ship are all senior players on the fifth floor of the black tower. Among them, the people who stared at Tang Mo and Mu Hui Xue were the most, and some people quietly looked at practicing Yu Zheng.

The name of Tang Mo has just been violent | exposed, they naturally know who Tang Mo is. In addition, the young Asian woman's sexual face, this feature is very likely to be the first place in the time list.

Time passed by, the big ship slowly moved forward in the sea, and suddenly, the door of the cabin was open.

Everyone is alert to the door.

"Hey! Please enter the Noah's Ark."

The people looked at the door suspiciously, and the black tower informed again. There is currently no other way to go, and players are entering the Ark. When entering the ark, everyone quietly looked at the people around them and recorded everyone's information in their hearts.

When entering the ark, Tang Mo and Fu Wen took away at the end, Bai Ruoyao was in front of them.

Tang Mo’s faint voice sounded: “Don’t forget, you owe me a favor.”

A little bit of footsteps, turned his head, Bai Ruoyao sadly said: "Tang Tang, in your heart, my life is worth a human condition."

Tang Mo raised his eyebrows: "Of course it is not worth it."

Bai Ruoyao: "..." How do you feel that this is wrong?

The next moment, Fu Wen took Tang Mo from his front and left a sentence: "Your human feelings are not very valuable."

Bai Ruoyao: "..."

"Tang Tang, Major Fu, you bully people!"

The last one of Bai Ruoyen ran into Noah's Ark. After he entered, the door slammed shut from behind. All players stopped and stared at the door in disbelief. The black tower’s crisp children’s voice rang –

"Hey! Successfully triggered the main line task: Noah's dinner on the ark."