MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 262 : Wrestling, feast open!

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Ps: Hey? Why haven’t you been to the main course... Do you want to hate me? Waiting for the meat to be so long? It’s a pity that I have to click the card first. Don’t use the rotten egg and rotten tomatoes to throw me away! Tomorrow I will work overtime to add some code words, and then send all the meat games. (The premise is that there are no unexpected incidents. For example, my family's mushroom is not noisy, I am very excited, and the inspiration is like a surge... Oh, how do you look at it is not reliable, everyone is still weighing it, don't believe me, because I I don’t have this grasp. Wow, of course, I have to thank a lot of parents for their support. I am flattered by Yu Yu’s re-emergence and the reward of this, but this time I have to slow down again, I hope that tomorrow will break out and meet Pro of hope, of course, I would like to thank babo, baboon, little suckling pig bigfoot, dark night dance, blue moon sky blue, sancysancy, ~ Qingqin Xiaoxue~, leisurely flying and so on. Pig bigfoot, rim purple cherry, Jijilai, 冉伶, 弑雨世羽, 水色2008, herstory, 58950470, side character, hanging cat, dark night dance, dazzle, Dasha, small fish 127, 藕 cake with wine, boring cat 眯 pro pink support!

This month's work was very busy, so the original promised can not be completed, and I still got the code word burnout, and even for a while did not want to sit in front of the computer code, but fortunately I came over, I feel I seem to have the desire for codewords, although I don't know how this feeling can last for a few days... Hey! However, my parents have forgiven my lost promises. I still use pink to recommend and use clicks to support me every day. Sometimes I feel grateful if I say that everyone will feel tired, but I really appreciate it. Everyone, so I still want to say thank you again here...

Just write and write so much, it seems that I am too embarrassed, please forgive me! I am too annoyed to pull down to see the text below. Good night everyone!

Chapter 262: Wrestling, the feast opens!

Chu Yutian did not answer behind him. Xiao Ziling just wanted to struggle to leave this embrace that made him suffocate, and he saw it in front of him. The whole scene has been converted. He came to the white jade bed of Zifu, but now his situation is very bad, because he was heavily crushed on the bed by Chu Haotian, firmly in his arms.

Xiao Ziling’s pretty face turned red, and turned his head to the Chu Yutian anger who pressed against him: “Chu Yutian. Your head is filled with sperm. Is it? We entered Zifu, Ye Wen, how are they? Do?" They came out to be vigil, not to enter the Zifu.

Chu Yutian bowed his head to the white sleek earlobe on the side of Xiaoziling. He bitterly smiled and said: "Reassured, I have used the space enchantment to block the 100 meters around the hut. As long as someone touches it, I will know it here."

Chu Yutian’s words made Xiao Ziling silent, and the **** went to bed with him. Everything is arranged, what else can he say? It seems that today is a disaster, but it is good, they always have to break, continue to entanglement is not good for each other, since Chu Haotian wants his body, he will give him a good, then two do not owe.

Chu Yutian felt the body of Xiao Ziling gradually relaxing. I knew that he accepted his arrangement. An unspeakable sadness went straight to his heart, and he couldn't help but bite the earlobe in his mouth and heard the whisper in Xiaozi's mouth.

Do you want to clarify the relationship with me? Chu Yutian used his tongue to caress the earlobe that Xiaoziling had bitten out of his scar. I lowered my eyes and covered the sorrow in the depths. In this case, let me love you well. Let you know that this kind of compensation is never enough for me, I want more and more...

Chu Yutian turned Xiao Ziling's body over, and suddenly there was a bottle of water in his hand. Suddenly the bottle was cut off by the whole, and Xiao Ziling smashed it. Is there any quirks in the bed? Drink water and throat? Or sm? Do you still have to enema?

When Xiaoziling was thinking about it, Chu Haotian poured the whole bottle of water into his head. Before waiting for Xiao Ziling to exclaim, Chu Yutian’s hand appeared again with a bottle of water, but this time it was poured into the face of Xiao Ziling. On, almost let the unprepared Xiao Ziling reach.

"Chu Yutian, what crazy are you doing?" Xiao Ziling touched a soaked face angrily. He was eager to go to bed. He was also pouring cold water. He didn't want to go up, why bother? He is not rushing to ask for his dedication...

Chu Haotian did not answer, but a white towel appeared again in his hand. He carefully wiped his face for Xiao Ziling, and the face that slowly belonged to the original face disappeared, and the face that made him love the bone marrow slowly It is the real face of Xiao Ziling.

Then Chu Haotian washed his own disguise, and the cold and overbearing Chu Yutian appeared in front of Xiao Ziling. Xiao Ziling immediately realized that his boss did not want to use other people's identity to play other people's bed. He only used Chu Yu. The identity of the day and Xiao Ziling, the person who went to bed, thoroughly made a love that belongs to them.

"You are bored, not all of us?" Xiao Ziling frowned, and endured the arrogance in his eyes, his heart actually twitched a few times because of Chu's move.

Chu Yutian loves to touch the face of his dreams: "Not the same, this face is an aphrodisiac for me, which makes me more desire..."

I know that Chu Haotian will not be so kind... Xiao Ziling hates the white jade bed under his body. Oh, he has never been touched, absolutely not.

Chu Yu Tianxiao laughed, he pinched the chin of Xiao Ziling, the hot kiss fell directly, and sealed the words of Xiao Ziling's roar. What he just said is the truth. Although Xiao Ziling, who is facing the original face, his desire expansion will not stop, but he always feels that he is not very happy.

He never saw the expression of Xiao Ziling's fall into the **** of carnival. Although there was a fierce affair, it was a pity that when he was enchanted, he was afraid that Xiao Ziling would know that he was already awake, basically finished with his eyes closed. I can rely on his hand, his mouth, his body to feel the pleasure of Xiao Ziling in that love, which makes him very sorry, because in the **** of Xiao Ziling, the most tempting scene he did not see with his own eyes .

He wants to see all the expressions of Xiao Ziling, and sees the real face because of him, revealing a seductive style, whether it is the flirting at the beginning, or the madness of the late passion, whether it is because of the painful expression of the eyebrows Dry to the point where you can't bear the last pleading.

He was already excited when he just thought about it. His lower body was harder and he was more painful. This is not an aphrodisiac. What is it?

Sure enough, it was Xiaoziling who was kissed by Chu Yutian and turned into a pool of water. The confused eyes are pure and incomparable, so that Chu Yutian has a perverted pleasure of insult, and the lower body is like a beastly beast, roaring to occupy the territory of the field.

Chu Yutian knew that he was not saved, and Xiao Ziling asked him to release the devil in his heart. He **** wants to toss and toss this big boy who looks very young and wants to see this face showing pleading, helplessness, even the moment of death.

Yes, it is presented in front of Chu Haotian. The real Xiaoziling is a big boy. The true appearance of Xiao Ziling is no longer the cute face of the 14-year-old underage, but it is not the mature and handsome face of the twenty-five-six years old that he often holds. His real face is a face in his early twenties. It is a mixture of pure and capable, mature and immature, with a contradictory feeling that makes the eyes inseparable...

Well, the adjective just has been effective only for Chu Yutian. That is to say, this face of Xiao Ziling also has a strong sense of temptation to Chu Yutian, and others have seen it. Maybe there is no impression at all, isn't that the 20-year-old face that everyone has? Of course, Xiao Ziling may be a little more cute and beautiful. Mature, a little more fluent, a little bit more...

It turns out. In terms of affairs, Xiao Ziling is not an opponent of Chu Yutian. Although Chu Yutian’s emotions and desires skyrocketed, he was able to keep his head clear. He finally restrained the impulse to start directly and began his original plan. This love is not a simple love, but the wrestling between him and Xiao Ziling.

It is a pity that Xiao Ziling, who was fascinated by Chu Haotian's superb skills, did not know Chu's plan, otherwise he would not let himself go into this love.

Of course, Chu Yutian can still keep his head clear in this situation, and restrain his own desires, which is the ability acquired through special training. Such a heir to the top family like Chu Yutian is destined to be safe in his life. He has to face all kinds of conspiracy and assassination since childhood. In adulthood, of course, it is necessary to carry out the course guidance on the aspect of lust, and how to maintain the spirit of the spirit in the love to deal with the sudden attack of the pillow people. No one knows whether the opponent will use this method to achieve their purpose. This is also the reason why the past Chu Yutian and the woman loved and never left people.

Therefore, after the age of sixteen, Chu Yutian knows this kind of situation well, and he knows everything. Only by knowing all this can he know whether the person under him is harmless or the sneak attacker. Of course, there is another reason for this kind of course, that is, to let the heirs understand the familiarity of this kind of bed, and will not be fascinated by such things, and there will be no faint person who only loves beauty and does not love the country. .

What Chu Yutian learned at the beginning was only the love with women. After all, no parent wants his children and grandchildren to like men. They all hope that their children will prosper in the future. However, when Chu Yutian understood his feelings, he began to learn what he had not learned at the beginning (male and male love), but now he should understand and should not understand.

Xiao Ziling felt that the chest was cold, and the gods who flew away from the sky were finally caught back. It was discovered that he did not know when his clothes on his chest had been untied, and Chu Yutian was untied his leather buckle, slowly For him to fade the trousers, he wrapped the black **** underneath, and the two slender white thighs were displayed in front of Chu Haotian.

Xiao Ziling clearly saw that Chu Yutian’s eyes were more dull, his throat rolled a few times, and even he heard the sound of the slobber under the pressure of Chu Yutian... Xiao Ziling’s eyes narrowed, his mouth showed a smug smile, his body looked I am very satisfied with Chu Haotian.

Because of the pure heart surgery, because the food energy absorption transformation and repair, Xiao Ziling's physical quality is no longer the early waste material body, has become very transparent, soft and resilient, and its mechanism is perfect, which makes him Every part of the body is very harmonious, which makes people look very comfortable. Not only that, but the cultivation of abilities is also very fast. Although it is not as unique as Chu Yutian, it is not much better. This is also the way Xiaoziling can enter. The reason for the top players.

Soon, Xiao Ziling was stripped of a slap in the face of Chu Yutian, and Chu Yutian also took a glimpse of himself. Chu Haotian slowly leaned down and worshipped the skin of Xiao Ziling in general, from the forehead, nose, lips to chin, he slowly went down, throat, neck, collarbone, and then two ruddy eyes that made his eyes Cherry.

Chu Yutian’s butterfly-like kiss made Xiao Ziling’s itch very insane. He subconsciously struggled to escape, but he was firmly pressed by Chu’s natural body. He couldn’t move at all. He felt like a bowl of food. Chu Haotian slowly tasted it, and finally ate it a little bit.

Chu Yutian used his tongue to slowly lick the skin around the cherries, but he always refused to pity the cherries that started to stand up because of the hustle and bustle of Chu Yutian. Chu Yutian knew that the two cherries on the chest were sensitive points of Xiao Ziling. As long as you allow it, you can make Xiao Ziling feel emotional. This is his first experience gained through training opportunities. Of course, the time to solve the fascinating venom, although not blind, can also appreciate this.

But this time, Chu Haotian did not want to satisfy Xiao Ziling so quickly. He had to step by step to make Xiao Ziling fall into madness, so that he would never forget this love, and even completely fall in love with this feast.