MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 5 : Materials? Welcome to the end of the day!

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Chapter 5: Materials? Welcome to the end of the day!

The next time is to fill his storage space. Fortunately, I can find everything online now. Xiao Ziling found the contact methods of various production bases, finalized the purchase intention and payment method, and let them directly send things to the rented warehouse.

Xiao Ziling then went to find a 2 handcart market and ran it all over. He took a big truck that looked like a solid one and bought it. Although Xiao Ziling does not have a driver's license for a big truck, what kind of car has not been opened in the days of the end of the world?! Big trucks are no exception. As for the driver's license, the end of the world is coming. Do you still need this card? What's more, this car is a tool for him to hide the things in the warehouse into the space in order to hide his eyes and ears. Basically, he will not go there.

Xiao Ziling rented an old house in a place not far from the warehouse. The reason why I rented this old house was that I had a large yard of nearly 100 square meters in front of this old house. The wall was cut high, plus two big ones. The iron gate is closed, it is very hidden. There are no second family members around a few hundred meters. The trucks are parked inside to do something. No one around them knows. As for security issues, Xiao Ziling believes that although he was a cannon fodder in the last days, he is now working out in the last days. On the body, playing ordinary people 5 or 6 is not a problem.

With such a large amount of order shopping, 600,000 cash is almost used. At this time, Xiaogu Xiaoqingyun also came back.

After Xiao Ziling received the phone call from Xiaogu, he began to cook and cook rice. Since his parents died, Xiao Ziling’s cooking skills have grown considerably, and Xiao Ziling’s requirements for eating are relatively high, so he Not a five-star chef, but it is also said to be full of color and flavor, at least less than the street shop.

Xiaogu came close to the evening, and saw a table of small dishes suddenly smiled: "Bad boy, did you do something bad? Want to bribe me?"

"Where? Can't I be filial to you? Xiaogu has worked hard." Xiao Ziling's hippie smiles and mixes.

"Is it?" Xiaogu looked at Xiao Ziling with a smile and smiled.

Xiao Ziling's back is faint and somewhat chilly. Today, the house has just been hung in the intermediary. It was a bit embarrassing. After all, there is a sneak peek of the intention. After being looked at by Xiaogu, it is somewhat unstoppable.

"Let's say, what is it for?" Xiaogu ate a few mouthfuls of food and saw Xiao Ziling's uneasiness, and asked him to open the door.

"Small aunt, I left my mom and dad to my house, and the grandparents' sets are all hanging out. I am going to sell them." Under the watchful eyes of Xiaogu, Xiao Ziling took care of the matter and straightened the two. In front of people.

"Why?" Xiaogu's tone was cold.

"Because I got a top secret message, the accuracy of this news reached more than 90%, and I have to get a lot of cash for this thing, and prepare some supplies." Xiao Ziling said it one word at a time, the tone is prudent, Determined.

"Reliable?" Xiaogu stared at Xiao Ziling's eyes and asked.

"Reliable." Xiao Ziling's eyes are firm, clear, and decisive.

"Detailed situation?" Xiaogu eyes with a dignified, continue to ask.

"Can't say... I can only say that it is useful to reserve more food and water before November 30. As for the others, I can't say it." Xiao Ziling shook his head. He didn't want to lie to his little sister, and he couldn't tell his story. Only if you don't say the reason, it is possible for Xiaogu to support him.

Xiaogu has been silent for a long time, this is the way: "Zi Ling, you have to think clearly, your decision will make you have no place to live in the future, and the money may not be returned, it is related to your future."

"Small aunt, I think very clearly, I will not regret it, just sorry Sister, the original grandparents' house should have been handled by Xiaogu, this time I made this decision privately without your consent, it is ...... "Xiao Ziling is somewhat embarrassed, although it is for the future survival, but I don't inform Xiaogu not to give Xiaogu a reason to sell the house in such a way. I think there are some shortcomings that I have done."

"The house should have been yours, and it should be handled by you." Xiaogu interrupted Xiao Ziling's words and calmly said what she had been hiding in the heart. "You are the only heir to Xiao's family. How do you deal with it?" I have no opinion, as long as you don't regret it, and I believe that my nephew is not a blind impulsive person, you must be thoughtful after making such a decision." Xiaogu still trusts her nephew as always.

From small to large, her nephew is smart and sensible. Even if my brother and sister accidentally passed away three years ago, I don’t know what to do with my sadness. Instead, Xiao Ziling, who just graduated from college, endured grief and shouldered the heavy responsibility. The brother and sister’s aftermath was well organized. At that time, she saw her brother. Back to the time when my parents died in high school, when my brother and sister were in a state of grief and confusion, it was the brother who had finished the parent’s aftermath. At that time, his brother was only in his early 20s. Her own nephew is so responsible, she still has nothing to worry about, if this time Xiao Ziling really misrepresented the letter and caused irreparable damage, not her, the elders are giving support at this time.

"Thank you Xiaogu." Xiao Ziling smiled. He gambled and won. Xiaogu still chose unconditional trust to support himself, and this time he will never let Xiaogu leave his side in the last days.

With the support of Xiaogu, Xiao Ziling's hands and feet were more daring. Soon the two houses sold 3.3 million, and Xiaoziling's things arrived in the warehouse one after another. Basically, Xiaoziling drove a large truck to the warehouse every day to pick up the goods. Two or three times, because Xiao Ziling asked the size of the package of goods to be uniform when shopping, it saved the project of re-storing and finishing. In addition to the individual errors, the package was automatically excluded by the space, and Xiao Ziling would open it into the hemp bag or storage box. in.

During this time, Xiao Ziling also did not forget to handle nearly 100 credit cards in various banks, especially some small banks. The overdraft amount was given to 20,000-50,000, and he suddenly added more than 2 million. He is ready to the end. Explode these cards in one month and reserve all the supplies that can be stored.

Xiao Ziling also received a copy of the Tang knife that he specially created for the master. The sword took him to nearly 100,000 yuan. However, after using it, Xiao Ziling was very satisfied. This Tang knife is very suitable for him in the last days. The old man learned a set of swordsmanship. With this, at the beginning of the last day, it would be much easier to clean up the zombies.

Time passed quickly, the money in the hands was getting less and less, and the materials prepared were more and more. After 4 months, when there were 50,000 yuan left, Xiao Ziling finally stopped his crazy purchase. At this moment, he The space is full of all kinds of food, rice, flour, glutinous, vegetarian, raw, cooked, and there are more water in large buckets, accounting for almost half of the space. Well, Xiao Ziling was afraid of being thirsty at the beginning, so there was a certain amount of force on the water. Xiao Ziling will not forget all kinds of seeds that are scarce in the end of the world. That is more expensive than food and water. At the moment, it also buys a lot.

In the following three days, Xiao Ziling cleared up the final work, retired the rented warehouse and old house, and threw the second-hand big truck back to the second-hand market, and returned nearly 20,000 yuan in cash. Looking at this familiar county, Xiao Ziling must bid farewell to him. He has negotiated with an intermediary on the Internet, just waiting to see a house that can be rented if the listing is satisfactory.

The house is in the community where the legendary Chu Yutian set up the team. Although I don’t know how far it is from the place where Chu Yutian lived, at least it has already entered the sphere of influence of Chu Yutian. After the end of the world, he only needs to Pay close attention to the movements of the community, and you should be able to join the team of Chu Haotian without any trace. As long as this crucial step is completed, Xiao Ziling believes that he will never be worse than others.

Yes, the trust of Chu Yutian is definitely the biggest goal of Xiao Ziling in this life, and he finally has to take his first step.