MTL - The Era of Hard Work-Chapter 790 imitate

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   Chapter 790 Imitation

   "61 million second time!"

  High-tech Industrial District, in the newly launched trading center of Taidong Software Park, an auctioneer in a suit shouted into the microphone: "61 million for the third time!"


The crisp sound of    spread throughout the audience, and the auctioneer announced loudly: "Summer land auction in the high-tech industrial city, the third plot, sold!"

   In the second row, Wang Gang clenched his fists hard, and then high-fives Lu Dong and Mu Kun next to him to celebrate!

   This is the second piece of land acquired by Intertek Real Estate Company in the summer land auction in Quannan.

  In the current situation of the real estate industry, as long as the land can be obtained from the land auction and loaned from the bank, the development and construction are relatively smooth, and basically it is a stable profit.

  Intertek Real Estate Company successfully applied for a loan from Quannan Commercial Bank, and there is absolutely no problem in operating this new project.

  After completing the formalities, the three went to the Lu's Restaurant Building, and soon had a formal meeting with the people who came over to discuss.

   Lu Dong did not participate in it. After all, Party A and Party B have a close relationship with him.

  Professor Fan's son, Fan Qingshan, negotiated the construction contract with Wang Gang on behalf of Lvjiacun Construction Engineering Company, a subsidiary of Lujiacun Group.

  Anju Real Estate Company, represented by Qin Ya, wants to talk about outsourcing sales.

  The cooperation of the three parties basically took Intertek-Taifeng Garden as a sample, and the negotiation went quite smoothly.

Xue Tianshang came to Lu Dong to report on his work, and talked about the personnel inspection, and suggested: "Mr. Lu, there will be a large-scale recruitment in the company next week, do you have time? Many students who graduated from university towns admire you now, I suggest you Go show up."

   Lu's Catering has recruited a lot of people this graduation season and is still recruiting people now.

   Lu Dong thought about his recent itinerary a little, and said, "Okay, remember to remind me when that happens."

   When he was about to get off work, Lu Dong received a phone call from a foreign country.

"Guess who I am?"

   A mouthful of Quannan Mandarin with a slightly strange accent came from the receiver: "There is no reward for guessing right!"

   Lu Dong was stunned for a while, then he reacted: "Ivan? Great Ivan!"

  Time and distance are sometimes scary. Big Ivan just returned to China, and when he was teaching at Moscow State University, the two sides kept in touch from time to time. Later, the number of contacts became less and less. The last contact seemed to be before the Spring Festival.

   There was a cheerful laughter: "It's me! Lu Dong, I haven't contacted you for a long time, are you all okay?"

   Lu Dong said with a smile: "Everything is good, the business is going well, and the company is developing very fast."

Ivan said over there: "I read your news on the Internet, you are doing a very large scale now, and I see an economic analysis, saying that Lu's Catering is already one of the top companies in the chain catering industry in China. ."

   Lu Dong was a little more modest in front of his friends: "I can barely squeeze in."

Ivan said: "You guys are really amazing, very, very powerful!" He called, not only wanting to say this: "Lu Dong, Moscow University is on vacation now, I have a long vacation, and I am going back to China and Quan Nan, take a look, take a look at you old friends!"

   "Okay!" Lu Dong was very happy to hear that his old friend was coming back: "Come back and have a look, Ivan, this is your second hometown, come back and stay here for a while."

  Ivan replied: "Okay, you must stay for a while when you go back."

   Lu Dong asked: "When will you be back?"

  Ivan said: "I haven't booked a plane ticket yet. I'll call you when I book a ticket."

   Lu Dong smiled: "Okay, I'll wait for your good news."

After chatting a few more words, Ivan hung up the phone. Lu Dong looked at Wang Gang, Fan Qingshan and others who were still negotiating. He was basically not needed here, so he went downstairs to Song Na and told her this good news.

   Came to Song Na's office and heard that Ivan was going to come back and have a look. Song Na was also very happy. The friends who started the business together at the beginning left one of Ivan, but she had to go back to Russia for family reasons.

   "It's good to come back and have a look." Song Na said, "Ivan grew up here, so he must have some feelings."

   Lu Dong said: "If it wasn't for his parents, Ivan would never have returned to China."

  Song Na remembered Natasha: "I'll tell Natasha when I look back."

   Lu Dong asked, "She still thinks about Ivan?"

   "Thinking about it, it's not the same as before." Song Na said simply: "There is a teacher in the provincial university who has been chasing Natasha. Natasha intends to take root here, and it may be successful."

  Lu Dong nodded: "Natasha's family just got a long-term visa some time ago."

  The society here is stable, the economy is developing very fast, and the public security is in good condition. People in many countries actually yearn for it.

   Lu Dong has an impression that the situation in Ukraine seems to be getting worse and worse, and even a civil war broke out later.

  This country seems to have inherited a lot of weapons and equipment and arsenals from the former Soviet Union, but in the end it became a local battlefield between NATO and Russia.

   Li Qing knocked on the door and came in. Seeing Lu Dong, he smiled at him and said to Song Na, "Li Binbin is here and wants to see you."

  Li Binbin is the spokesperson of the company, Song Na can't be missing: "You receive her first, I'll come over later."

   When Li Qing went out, Song Na said to Lu Dong, "Yes, in order to win the role, I ran over directly."

  Lu Dong remembered that Song Na mentioned this last time and asked, "Li Qingzhao?"

"That's right, it's for this role." Song Na said roughly: "You guys have a lot of propaganda, and you also put forward the concept of a big heroine. The investment is relatively high. Li Binbin wants this role very much, follow me I've been in touch several times."

  Lu Dong didn't want to embarrass Song Na, and said directly: "When you meet her, tell her that you have recommended her to the crew. Whether you can pass the audition or not is not up to you."

  Song Na talks about love, and Li Binbin has been very cooperative with Wenxin business since the very beginning as the spokesperson of Wenxin Warehouse, and it is not easy to refuse directly.

   "Okay." Song Na nodded: "That's what I told her."

   Lu Dong said directly: "She doesn't have the right image and can't pass the audition."

  It is not easy to play a role with such a long time span as Li Qingzhao. Qian Yangchun, who has been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years, has no good candidates for a while.

  Song Na went to see Li Binbin. Before Lu Dong left Song Na's office, the phone rang. Wang Dong called and said that there was something important to discuss.

  Lu Dong went to 8:00 to be online, and Wang Dong was waiting at the door with a look of urgency on his face.

   Entering the reception room, not only Wang Dong was there alone, but also a short man in his thirties with thick eyes.

Wang Dong introduced: "Hours, this is Mr. Lu, the major shareholder of 8:00 Online, and the owner of the famous Lu's Restaurant." He also introduced the person named Hou: "Lu Dong, this is a meeting, I specially The game development talents dug from the south are very powerful!"

   Lu Dong shook hands with him: "Hello."

   This person is not very good at words, so he said hello to Lu Dong and sat there not talking much.

Wang Dong briefly introduced the company's situation and mentioned a key point: "Lu Dong, we have been acting as an agent. First, we acted as an agent for game point cards, and later as a server agent for game agents. I have accumulated rich experience in online games.”

   Lu Dong said casually: "It seems to be much more powerful than when Shanda represented "Legend".

  Wang Dong is quite confident now: "Before Jiucun was the agent of "Miracle", we might not be the best!"

   This is the truth. When Lu Dong first contacted Jiucun, Jiucun claimed to have established the first online virtual community in China, but he could not find enough channels to realize it.

  The village chief, Zhu Jun, was trying to please Du Xiaobing, who was running a branch in Modu. What did he do? Not wanting to pull investment.

   Later, Lu Dong went, and Zhu Jun pulled up a relationship with Lu Dong and took the initiative to invite investment.

Wang Dong's words continued: "This month, Shanda held an agent meeting. I went to visit Shanda's headquarters, not just to see the flowers, but to see Shanda's operations in depth. I learned a lot, too much! "

   A part of his right hand was cut off, and he kept scratching the armrest of the sofa: "Legend is not as complicated as I thought, but it's actually very simple."

   Lu Dong didn't understand what he meant.

  Wang Dong looked at Shihui, Shihui said, "Architecture and development are not difficult."

"Legend's private servers are flying all over the sky now, and the source code has long been leaked." Wang Dong cut off his finger and stabbed the sofa: "Lu Dong, I was thinking, can we imitate "Legend" and develop a game? Chinese? Game development talents are no worse than South Korea!"

   Lu Dong was somewhat surprised: "Brother Wang, let's move into development from an agency. This step has been said a long time ago. I personally agree with it, but is it too fast to develop now?"

  Wang Dong said quickly: "Not fast! Not fast at all! Even slow! The online game industry is changing with each passing day, and it is developing too fast!"

   Lu Dong really did not understand the online game industry in this era, and asked: "Are you sure that Eight Points Online has such technical capabilities and talent reserves?"

Wang Dong said carefully: "Lu Dong, we are not developing a new game out of thin air, but using the architecture of "Legend" as an imitation object to develop a role-playing online game similar to "Legend"! Of course, we can't do it. Like "Legend", no one will play it, and it even involves infringement, Shanda is now fighting a cross-border lawsuit with the Korean "Legend" development company, and it's a mess."

He obviously did enough to understand: "There are so many private servers in "Legend", it is said that the source code was deliberately leaked by the Korean company, and those sticks were jealous of Shanda's profits and wanted countless private servers to overwhelm Shanda. Our company has also done it. Private server, the relevant structure is clear."

  Lu Dong looked at that moment, and then realized that it was time to speak for himself: "Mr. Lu, with... the existing technical strength in China, it is not difficult to develop a "Legend" game."

  Wang Dong said: "I have met a lot of people this time, and I have learned a lot. If we don't go, there will be others."

   (end of this chapter)