MTL - The Era of Hard Work-Chapter 819 journey

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   Chapter 819 Journey

  In the conference room on the top floor of the Lu's Restaurant Building, a high-level meeting has reached its final stage.

"I agree!"

  Related plans Du Xiaobing has seen for a long time and fully agrees with the acquisition of Debang Logistics by Gasgoo Logistics Group, which can effectively speed up the expansion of Gasgoo Logistics Group in the south.

  Song Na said, "I agree."

  Qiao Weiguo didn't speak, just nodded.

   Li Wenyue, who represented the Lvjiacun Group, said at this time: "Lujiacun fully supports it."

  Lv Dong looked at the executives on both sides of the long conference table and said, "The plan to acquire Debang Logistics has officially passed!"

   Of course, this is just the plan of Lu's Catering and Gasgo Logistics Group, and has not made formal contact with Debon Logistics.

The    meeting was over, Zhao Jinghui breathed a sigh of relief.

   After the meeting was over, the people left, and then they left according to the relevant plan made by Zhao Jinghui.

   This kind of plan, Lu Dong can push forward with all his strength, but doing things requires cooperation from top to bottom, and it is best to get support.

   Zhao Jinghui followed Du Xiaobing and Lu Dong into the office, and discussed the specific work individually.

   After the National Day holiday, Lao Du will go to the magic capital together with Zhao Jinghui's team.

   Waiting for Zhao Jinghui to leave, Du Xiaobing leaned on the sofa and said to Lu Dong, "What's the rules for me as the best man?"

   "Nothing else." Lu Dong said simply: "Hold an apple with Wen Yue and sit in the passenger car."

  Du Xiaobing added: "You two got married too soon, Song Na has only graduated a year ago."

   Lu Dong smiled: "Get married early and finish the task early."

  Song Na gave her wholeheartedly, and he would naturally return it wholeheartedly.

  Du Xiaobing watched how Lu Dong came along all the way. Lu Dong and Song Na started a business together. They worked hard from the bottom and got up step by step. It was not easy.

   Such feelings are not comparable to others.

   Lu Dong changed the subject at this time: "I'm going to check online at 8 o'clock in the afternoon, let's go together?"

   Lu's Catering used to have a 30% investment in 8:00 Online. Because of 8:00 Online's game development financing, Lu Dong, Du Xiaobing and others all decided to continue investing, and now they have obtained a controlling stake.

   "It is said that the Internet represents the future." Du Xiaobing responded: "It's just right, I'll go take a look too."

After lunch, the two went to the eight o'clock online network technology company downstairs together. Wang Dong immediately brought the two into the development department, let the sponsors see the company's latest achievements, and told the controlling party that the money invested All worth it.

  Eight Points Online has undergone two transformations since its establishment, from a pure Internet cafe chain company to a point card and game agency company, and now it has transformed into a game development and operation company.

   Although the games developed are standard copycat products, and the development team was dug from Shanda by Wang Dong, it did not prevent 8:00 from walking ahead of most game companies in the country.

  The development team dug from Shanda has the technical assurance, and Lu's Catering can provide sufficient financial support. From the beginning of August, the online game opening plan of 8:00 Online officially started.

   Shanda's "Age of Heroes" has been tested, and the development team of "Age of Heroes" was dug up online at 8:00 to develop a game that combines the characteristics of "Legend" and "Age of Heroes".

  Du Xiaobing asked from the perspective of investment: "Mr. Wang, when will this game be launched?"

  Wang Dong naturally told the truth: "The test will start in the middle of next year at the earliest, and the official public test will be in the second half of the year at the earliest. Our game is free, and it will be available on the game store from the beginning of the public test."

  Lu Dong nodded: "The rhythm of the charges for props should be well controlled, and you can't be too eager for quick success."

Wang Dong said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Lu and Mr. Du, the company has been doing research on the market. We still have an advantage in the market. We have many Internet cafes and have good relationships with Internet cafe chains in other cities. We can do anything. very convenient."

  Du Xiaobing didn't play games, but he knew a little bit, so he asked, "A prop in an online game should be a piece of code in essence, right? Someone is willing to pay for the code?"

"There are a lot of them, and there are really a lot of people who are willing to spend money." Wang Dong used to mainly open Internet cafes, and he knew this too well: "Let's just say that the game "Legend" costs two or three thousand dollars when a ruling is expensive, and that's it. There is still no market for it, and there are too many people who want to pay for it, but can’t buy it with money, and are willing to spend money on games and become the boss in the online world.”

  Lu Dong took over and gave a simple example: "Lao Du, you like cars. If economic conditions permit, will you buy the car you see in the picture?"

  Du Xiaobing nodded: "Of course."

   Lu Dong used to play games, and in the ten thousand years TBC era, he was the leader of many groups: "The same reason, there are those who like cars, and there are those who like to have fun in games."

  The game has only entered the early stage of development. Under the leadership of Wang Dong, Lu Dong and Du Xiaobing took a brief tour and went to the next conference room.

  Wang Dong jumped out of the limitation of the owner of the county game hall and billiard hall in 1999, and the registered company really started a business.

   The brother-in-law who supported him in the past is difficult to give him strong support, even if he wants to support him, he is powerless.

   But Wang Dong has a wealth of social experience, which makes the company completely rely on Lu's Catering Group.

   This is the best choice out of no options. The development and operation of such a game cannot be done by 8:00 Online alone, and the operation of advertisements only envisaged can drag down 8:00 Online's capital chain.

   Financing made him lose the controlling stake in 8:00, but Lu's Catering hardly interferes with the normal operation of 8:00.

   Especially Lu Dong, Wang Dong knew him Yu Weimo and knew this person very well. He was a ruthless man, and he was also a very trustworthy person.

   On the other hand, the founders of almost all companies lose their controlling stakes after a certain stage of entrepreneurship.

   This is a normal business phenomenon.

   Besides, once the newly developed game is successful, his net worth and wealth will far exceed the current one, even five times ten times.

   After a few chats in the conference room, Wang Dong took a lot of information about the new game project and reported his work to the two bosses of the group company.

   This is of course a formulaic statement. Both Lu Dong and Du Xiaobing are very familiar with Wang Dong, and they are more in normal chat-style communication.

  People respected themselves, Wang Dong also winked, and immediately published a document and handed it to Lu Dong and Du Xiaobing.

   Lu Dong glanced at it, and there were some names on it, which should be the alternate names of the game.

   "The game has already entered development, and there is no official name yet." Wang Dong said quickly: "The code name is "X Game" for the time being. The company has prepared some names, and Mr. Lu and Mr. Du will take a look and help you choose one or choose a name."

  Du Xiaobing took a look and said to Lu Dong, "I don't know much about the game industry, so you should come."

Lu Dong didn't name the name randomly, but looked at the candidate name that Wang Dong had prepared. After all, this is a game project promoted by Wang Dong, and even the development team was dug from Shanda himself, even if the name was chosen. Choose from these prepared by Wang Dong.

   "Battle", "Blood Country War", "War and Chaos", "Chaos World"...

   At a glance, there are a dozen or twenty names.

   Lu Dong can see that Wang Dong has difficulty in naming and choosing.

   Anyone who has played games has a similar experience.

   Lu Dong read the names one by one, and when he saw the third from the bottom, his eyes suddenly stopped.

The name   ...a bit interesting.

   Once Lu Dong was addicted to online games, it was in the era of "World of Warcraft", a popular online game at the same time, he somewhat remembered the name.

The name    looks very familiar - "Journey"!

  Lu Dong couldn't help but be curious and asked, "Brother Wang, the name of "Journey" is good for you, what do you think?"

   "It's not what I thought, it's the director of the development team." Wang Dong reminded: "Just the one you saw last time."

  Lu Dong understood that it was the name of the head of the development team dug from Shanda, and said, "I feel that the name is good, and it fits well with the background story of the game you said."

  Wang Dong pondered for a while: "I think it's okay, that is, the people in the company have too many names, and it was too difficult for me to choose for a while."

   In fact, these game names were not chosen by him, but were initially screened after the internal collection at 8:00.

   When it was time to make a decision, Lu Dong would not hesitate: "Brother Wang, just use "Journey" as the name."

  Wang Dong agreed: "Okay, this newly developed game is called "Journey"!"


  Modu, Shanda headquarters, Chen Tianjiao was handling work in the office. After the assistant knocked on the door, he hurried in.

   "Mr. Chen!" The assistant said, "Shi Yuzhu is here, right in the front lobby, I have to see you."

  Chen Tianjiao confirmed: "The one who does Melatonin?"

The assistant    confirmed: "Yes, it's him!"

   "Go! I'm going to see him!" Chen Tianjiao immediately threw away his work and went to greet Brother Zhuzi.

   In the front hall of the company, I saw the handsome business wizard.

   A man who can sell flour for gold!

   When Yuzhu came to Chen Tianjiao, it was not a whim.

   Well, part of it is a whim. As a loyal player of the "Legend" game, Shi Yuzhu used his genius business acumen in the game "Legend" and quickly found a place where game characters can make money.

  Because of the game structure, every time the characters in the legend change a map, there will be a lag, which ordinary people can only endure.

   But in the eyes of people like Shi Yuzhu who love to research, they quickly found bugs, used Caton to copy equipment, and got a lot of high-end equipment.

  Then...the number was blocked by Shanda.

   When Yuzhu looked for the GM, and called customer service, no one solved it for him. After all, he did violate the rules first.

   Tried various methods, but nothing worked. Shi Yuzhu was annoyed, so he came to Shanda headquarters to talk to Chen Tianjiao, a junior in the business circle, and get his account back!

   Of course, a person like Shi Yuzhu has a purpose in everything he does, and this time he came here as well.

   Under the banner of unblocking the account, there are valid reasons and excuses, and it will be much more convenient to do something else.

   (end of this chapter)