MTL - The Evil God Emperor is In the City-Chapter 134 Unfilial son Zhang Sanhe

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Wushan Lun Dao's terrestrial and celestial innings are still in progress.

The first round of the word "di" was voluntarily participated by the sect masters, pavilion masters, and seniors of the aristocratic families below the Golden Core Realm, aiming to find out their own shortcomings. So far, there is nothing exciting about it.

The people who participated in the Tianzi game were sitting and talking. The participants were all old people over 100 years old with white hair and beard. The old man is almost the same as bragging about tea.

But an accident happened in the middle.

This is two days after Ge Mu and others left Wuming Yeshan in Xishu.

Inside the small universe.

Yunshang Zhenren, Zhang Xugu, Wang Mengfu, Taiyi Sect Second Elder Wang Ju, Qingyang Sect's chief elder Cao Jinzhi, etc., a dozen Jindan people sat in the dilapidated stone pavilion to express their opinions.

Wang Mengfu obtained the upper bound exercise "Kuishui Xinfa", which he said was "poison", but it was also an eye-opener from this exercise. The admiration is unceasing, and the authentic comprehension of the samadhi.

At this time.

A crack suddenly appeared in Xiao Qiankun's space, and a man in purple walked in from the crack.

She is a very mean-looking middle-aged woman, with a short stature, dry skin, and a faint dark mist covering her body.

Yunshang Zhenren first recognized her, and this person was the teacher of Fang Ying, the five evil mother-in-law of Qisha Ghost Sect.

"Five evil mother-in-law?"

Hearing this name, the big boss of Xuanmen Zhengdao was a little puzzled at first.

The real age of the five evil mother-in-law is close to two Jiazi. She has been trapped in the foundation-building stage before, and it seems that she has reached the golden core at this time. But an evil cultivator who first entered the Golden Core Realm? Any one person present at the scene has the ability to frustrate her. If two people practice their skills, she will die.

This old witch came from looking for a dead end?

Cao Jinzhi, the elder of Qingyang Sect, took the lead and said, "Five evil witches, you dare to make trouble in the five mountains, do you think our old men can't control you?"

The five evil mother-in-law laughed: "The old lady doesn't have the guts to challenge the masters."

"Then you are..."

"The old lady came here with her old bones, just to say a few words. After saying these words, you will not resist the demons and demons, but please listen to the old lady first."

At this time, more than a dozen big bosses were present, and they were not afraid that she would make waves, so Yunshang Zhenren and Zhang Xugu nodded in approval.

The five evil mother-in-law first glanced at Zhang Xugu with a deep meaning, and then casually told an old story more than a hundred years ago.

It was the second year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty.

In a farm family in Shanghe Village, Pingcheng, southern Jiangxi, the father died early, leaving only the mother to raise three brothers.

The youngest of the three brothers was named Zhang Sanhe. He was the smartest. He attended a private school for a few years when he was a child.

Therefore, when Zhang Sanhe was fifteen years old, the Zhang family smashed pots and sold iron for him to go out to study.

Zhang Sanhe left Gannan and turned to Wuyue. On the way, he saw the sufferings of the world and the world, and he couldn't help dreaming of the ancients' ambition to write and join the army. It happened that when he was in trouble, he was rescued by the Taoist priest Tian Buyan.

Taoist Master Tian Buyan found that Zhang Sanhe's cultivating qualifications were rare for a hundred years, and immediately had the intention of accepting disciples, so he brought back the Longhu Mountain Zhengyi Method.

Sixteen years later.

Zhang Sanhe really lived up to his expectations. He won the first prize in the Wushan Lun Dao Renzi game, and his peers in the world could not compete with him!

At that time, the world was in turmoil, demons were rampant, and the notorious "Chaoming Dao" demons were still waiting for the opportunity to come to Wushan to discuss Dao and cause trouble. Zhang Sanhe and seventeen of his peers resisted the "Chaoming Dao" demons and killed 24 evil cultivators to become famous.

That is, in the same year.

Zuo Chaofeng, the master of Qisha Ghost Gate, traveled around the world and passed through Shanghe Village in Pingcheng, and met Zhang Sanhe's mother.

The mother, who is only 60 years old, is seriously aging due to long-term hard work. She looks older than an 80-year-old person, and her eyes are also blind, but every day she looks at each other at the entrance of the village, waiting for her youngest son to come back.

Zuo Chaofeng was already a grandmaster back then. Although he was not a cultivator, he didn't bother to kill ordinary people. He even talked to the old mother a few words: "You are so old, why is there no one serving you?"

"The eldest son and the second son both died in the military famine. It happened many years ago... But I still have a younger son. He has a promising future. He was admitted as a scholar when he was a child. didn't come back."

"How long has he been out?"

"Fourteen or five years... I can't remember, maybe sixteen years."


"By the way, a foreigner, my youngest son's name is Sanhezi, and his name is Zhang Sanhe. He must not eat well or wear warm clothes when he is studying outside. I have some things, you help me bring them to him."

Zuo Chao responded.

Three days later, the old mother died.

Her son Zhang Sanhe did not become a high-ranking official as she thought, but he attracted much attention in Zhengyi Dharma. His disciple, direct disciple, pavilion owner, later changed his name to Zhang Xugu, until he became the sect master and became the sect leader of Nanguo Taishan Beidou of the monks.

After finishing the description of the five evils threw a bag of things to Zhang Xugu.

"There are two sets of clothes inside, which Lingtang sewed by himself; there are also five pieces of Qing Dynasty copper coins, which are the life savings of Lingtang. He originally wanted to let Sect Master Zhang pay for his travel expenses and meals when he was studying."

Zhang Xugu was silent.

The five evil mother-in-law gave him a cold look.

"Sect Master Zhang was famous in the Taoist world back then, but he never returned to Shanghe Village, so there was no one to take care of him or send him to his death. When he died, Zuo Chao, the master of the sect, was buried in the pine wood hall, and was buried there according to her last words. Kawamura high hills so that she can see her son return."

"The old lady came here to go to Shanghe Village according to the instructions of the left doorkeeper, but I didn't see anyone worshipping at Lingtang's tomb. The grass in front of the tomb was knee-deep, and there was a crow's nest and a rabbit's nest."

Saying that, the five evil mother-in-law walked straight to Zhang Xugu, who looked in a trance.

He raised his hand suddenly.

He slapped the Taishan Beidou, who led the monastic world of the southern kingdom, with a slap in the face.

"At the order of my sect master, I slapped Zhang Sanhe, her unfilial son, on behalf of the old mother who leaned against the door and looked at each other for 16 years and was blinded from crying."

"Sorceress, how dare you..."


Several bosses thought that Zhang Xugu's realm would definitely be able to dodge, and whoever wanted to avoid it, when they were about to make a move, they suddenly shouted: "Don't do it!"

don't do it...

He held the bag in both hands, bent his knees, and knelt facing south.

"Junior Zhang Xugu bows to Senior Zuo's grace for burying his mother, and bows his head three times."

Bang bang bang.

Knocked three times on the ground.

This time, he did not act as the master of the Zhengyi Dharma sect, but as the boy who was studying in Shanghe Village more than a hundred years ago.

Sorry, there was something I couldn't update yesterday.