MTL - The Existence of Harry Potter-v2 Chapter 23 Dangerous "Letter"

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Three thousand words full of integrity! Ask for a recommendation!


Asker thought he was the last customer of Ollivander's wand shop today. When he was about to leave, the sun had already set, and Diagon Alley was silent. Glancing at the clock on the wall, it was half past nine, and he had been in the wand shop for four hours before he knew it.

"Time flies so fast." Ask put down the knife in his hand and smiled with satisfaction as he looked at the half-finished stick body, "It's more troublesome than I thought, it took four hours just to trim the stick body, and it didn't work. Well, everything is going well, a good start."

Ash wood, eleven inches long, light brown throughout, taken from the core of the wood, the wood texture is clear and beautiful. Ash has always been a good wood, resistant to decay, high quality and durable. It is easy to machine, cut, polish, glue and paint well. In the Muggle world it is widely used in machinery, skis, furniture, bats, bark and fruit for medicine as a laxative, as well as for dark brown and blue dyes.

Ollivander squinted his eyes and looked at the body of the ash stick. Although it was not finished yet, from the appearance, Asker's technique was very good and very skilled. He didn't destroy the grain of the wood itself. Dry ash is prone to cracking, which is not easy to do. Therefore, Ollivander couldn't help but exclaim: "Very skilled, is this really the first wand you made?"

"As for a magic wand, it is indeed the first one, but I have practiced with other woods before."

Asker began to clean up the tools and sundries on the table, a small and delicate box, filled with large and small, exquisite and durable tools, which are indispensable for making wands. Ollivander has a total of two sets of tools here. He did not choose to sell them, but leased them, and Asker agreed.

It was getting late. Asker packed his things and was about to leave. As soon as he reached the door, the door opened automatically and a girl walked in.

In a white dress, she is tall, with waist-length blonde hair, light eyebrows, and bulging eyes, making her look as if she always has a surprised expression. She wears a necklace made of wine corks around her neck, which clearly exudes A weird vibe...


Asker shook his head. Among the people he had met, there were a lot of weirdness. The girl in front of him was really nothing. Glancing slightly, Ask turned sideways and let the girl come in first, and then he went out.

"It's so noisy here..."

Asker glanced at the girl and saw that she was frowning as if she was distressed. Then she took out two earplugs from her pocket and blocked her ears with them before she smiled contentedly.


Asker looked around, except for a magic wand, a magic wand, how could it be noisy? He didn't care too much, just a little curious. After plugging his ears with earplugs, how would the girl communicate with Ollivander?

"It's not too early, I always feel as if something has been forgotten by me. What is it?"

Asker touched his chin, maybe he didn't feel it before, but now that he was free, some things that he didn't care much about before appeared one by one, and the squeezing head felt a little dizzy. Shaking his head, Ask walked out of the wand shop, identified the direction, and walked towards the exit of Diagon Alley. He didn't choose the exit of the Leaky Cauldron, after all last year he almost wiped out Old Tom's collection.

Thinking of Old Tom's collection, Asker was suddenly a little disappointed, because he hadn't had a nightmare for a long time, which made him very disappointed, because many of his questions could not be answered. Maybe it was the magic stone water that had a miraculous effect, but after drinking it for a month, Asker never had nightmares again. Now that I think about it, I shouldn't drink that thing at that time.

Inevitably, Asker thought of the Philosopher's Stone and Nicole Lemay. The latter is estimated to be indefinite, the former... Nicole Lemay has left a problem. If it is solved, Asker will make a lot of money. , because only he knows that there is the last magic stone in this world, hidden in a very hidden place by Nicole Lemay.

However, Asker is not interested in where the Philosopher's Stone is. What he is interested in is what the Philosopher's Stone is?

As a person with a certain degree of self-control, Asker just thought about it for half a minute before forcing himself not to think about it. Because this is obviously not a short time to come up with the answer, before him, many people have already thought about this question, Asker's life is not as long as a fraction of their thinking time.

"Forget it, let's find a place to spend the night first."

Finding a place to spend the night couldn't be easier. Ask was not the kind of person who honestly followed the rule that underage wizards were not allowed to use spells outside of school. He even dared to use spells on Muggles.

Use a random spell to make Muggles invisible. Ask found a room in the hotel. It was not difficult to open the lock with the Araho hole. life is much simpler. There are pros and cons, because many things can be solved with magic spells, the IQ of wizards is also declining, and they often can't think of other means to solve problems besides magic.

The night was silent, but this night was not an ordinary night.

As mentioned earlier, Asker used the Muggle Banishing Charm on this room, so there would be no Muggles to disturb him, so the knock on the door shortly after he fell asleep was very suspicious.

"Dong, dong, dong~"

Asker opened his eyes, and he also thought of this question. Obviously, it would not be a Muggle who would knock on the door at this time, so who would it be?

"No matter who you are, disturbing my sleep is unforgivable!"

Wearing pajamas and bare feet, Ask walked to the door, pressed his left hand on the doorknob, the three fingers of his right hand flashed gray light, and the petrification spell was ready to go.


Asker turned the door handle, the lock spring opened, and with a slight pull, the door opened.


Asker pushed his glasses, stretched his head out to look left and right, and there was no one in the corridor. Because the corridor was relatively long, it was very difficult to hide silently when Asker opened the door.

It's difficult, but that doesn't mean it can't be done.

"All show up!"

The petrification spell was canceled, and the pain in the three fingers was unbearable. The spell against the Illusory Body Charm is like dropping a small pebble on a calm lake, and a circle of ripples spreads out, penetrating the wall, and forming a sphere with Asker as the center.

Nothing was found.


Asker snorted, turned around, and prepared to go back to bed to continue sleeping. Just as he turned around, a person suddenly protruded from the ceiling, with red hair and ghost face on his head and feet, his face was rotting, all the bones of Bai Sensen leaked out, an eyeball was hanging outside, and his tongue was like a whip. , this monster grinned and bit towards Asker.


Asker was taken aback and almost didn't shout out. After regaining his senses, he became furious, and he was torn apart and threw it towards the scary thing in front of him.


It was as if a tomato fell from a high-rise building, the monster in front of him exploded in an instant, and the flesh and blood like a tomato rushed towards Asker, and it was enough to frighten people to faint.

"Iron armor!"

A pair of indistinct armor covered Asker, blocking the flesh and blood, but the stench of the rotting corpse still floated into Asker's nose. The effect was immediate, and the effect was outstanding. "This DEBUFF.


Ask's face was a little pale, and there was a pool of flesh and blood under his feet. It felt like walking on a muddy path when stepping on it with bare feet, but what he was walking on now was not mud, but flesh and blood!

"In the end what happened?"

Ask took a few deep breaths, resisting the urge to vomit, forcing himself to think about what happened and what to do next. After calming down and looking at the surrounding environment, Ask found that the walk in front of him suddenly became longer. It was only four or five steps from the door to the bed before, but now it has extended to more than 20 meters.

There is a rotten and moldy smell, and there is a straight corridor in front of you. The ceiling is wooden, and the walls on both sides are covered with wallpaper. The patterns on the wallpaper are quite strange, like human eyes; There is a green carpet, there are no windows on both sides of the corridor, and there is no door, but every other distance, there is a dimly lit wall lamp...

This is not the hotel where Asker stayed before!

"Che, what I want is not this nightmare!"

Asker grabbed his hair irritably. He probably guessed that he was having a nightmare. As a rule, there are several ways to wake up from a nightmare: being woken up by others, breaking free, and...death!

If this is a, then no one will find that room to wake Asker, it is too difficult to break free, and Asker doesn't know how to break free. It seems that only the last method works. Most nightmares usually end in their own death, then sweating profusely, opening their eyes in horror, and getting out of the nightmare.

It's just...

"Ask, do you know what faith is?" Nicole Lemay once talked to Ask about religion, but of course he only told stories unilaterally, while Ask was listening.

"The Bible, the New Testament, the Gospel of John - **** said, I am the bread of life, and whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty... **** said to him, I am the resurrection, the life Me too. Whoever believes in me shall live, even though they die. Whoever lives and believes in me shall never die..."

After quoting from the Bible, Nicole Lemay pointed to himself and said in a playful tone: "Whoever believes in me has eternal life! Do you know why I live forever? Because I believe in God, and he is The most pious one, the merciful God grants me eternal life..."

Asker only took this as a joke at the time. What he really remembered and cared about was what Nicole Lemay said later——

"Those who believe in me will have eternal life. Which sentence is the key? Of course it is 'believing in me', so which word in this sentence is the key? Of course it is 'believe'... Then, Asker, from now on I will I have one request for you, and that is..."

"Don't 'believe' easily, because you don't know how dangerous the existence of 'belief' is!"