MTL - The Existence of Harry Potter-v2 Chapter 24 1 food book

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Matching even kneeling Orz, forced to endure the grief and wrote 3200 words, asking for recommendation and comfort.


What you see may not be true, but don't take it lightly as fake.

Pushing on his glasses, Asker had a headache. Maybe for others, dying in a dream is equivalent to waking up, but for him, if he died accidentally, he really died.

I would rather believe what it has than do not believe it does not.

The "faith" here is a "faith" that risked his life. Unfortunately, Asker has no right not to "believe". As for anything that happens, whether it is true or false, Asker can only choose "letter". What's more unfortunate is that Asker's long-standing habit will make him not "believe" in many things subconsciously, but the actual situation requires him to "believe".

"Well, this is not a dream, if you die, you will really die."

Ask shrugged his shoulders, a little helpless. He knew his current situation very well. He always believed that this was a dream, but he had to treat this dream as a reality. The subtle difference between the two might make him fall into in the pit.

"This is not a dream... this is not a dream... this is not a dream... this is not a dream... this is not a dream... this is not a dream..."

Anyway, I don't know where to go now. Ask is standing there, talking to himself, repeating that sentence, again and again, again and again, again and again. This is also a little trick he learned from Nicole Lemay, hypnosis, hypnotizing himself. According to Nicole Lemay, if he repeats this sentence a million times, he will take it as truth, and the original idea of ​​"it's just a dream" will be replaced.

A million times, this sentence says that the last time it takes 5 seconds, a million times is 5 million seconds, about 83333 minutes, 1388 hours, 57 days, almost two months, day and night, sleepless nights, no Two months of cannibalism. It's okay to go to the toilet, but even if you go to the toilet, you have to keep reciting it.


Asker came up with the word when he heard this thing from Nicole Lemay, the word invented by Muggles, like its literal meaning, to cleanse the brain, leave what is needed, cleanse what is not wanted . This process repeated a million times is the process of cleaning and implantation, the implantation is "this is not a dream", and the cleaning is "this is a dream".

Asker didn't really repeat it a million times. In fact, he only repeated it for five minutes.

"...This is not a dream."

Asker's eyes glowed with blue light, like two ghosts floating in the air. His expression is a little stiff now, his face is expressionless, and he looks stupid. During the time he was hypnotizing and brainwashing himself, everything in front of him seemed to have changed again. The corridor was still so eerie, the wallpaper full of weird eyes disappeared, replaced by a pair of eyes that kept blinking. Even the floor and ceiling look evil and violent, weird and disgusting, and goosebumps can fall off the floor.

Good hotel huts, these have completely turned into ghost realms, it really fits the season of this day-

July 15th, Ghost Festival!

"There is something strange in the house."

Asker pushed his glasses and said lightly, he didn't seem to be as nervous and frightened as he was at the beginning, because he was repeating another sentence in his heart when he repeated that sentence with his mouth. ——

"I'm not afraid at all!"

Drunk and messed up X, bah, wine is strong and cowardly. Ask took out a bottle of wine from his pocket, looked at the brand, and it was actually Erguotou produced by TC. Asker's clothes have also changed, and pajamas have become winter clothes, cotton coats, wide scarves, gloves, and tight wraps. As if he didn't feel anything wrong at all, Ask opened the cap and drank it in one gulp. Then he held the bottle in his hand and touched the pocket with his left hand, and came out——


After staring at the grenade blankly for a while, Ask flicked his hand and threw it towards the depths, without even opening the latch and pull tab. In terms of his arm strength, it would be good to be able to throw 20 meters, but this grenade was flying all the time, and it was up and down, left and right, as if it had its own life. In the end, the grenade that flew somewhere exploded, and the shock wave was far more powerful than a grenade should have. The aisle in front of Asker suddenly collapsed, as if a photo had been cut into pieces. These fragments are moving slowly, colorful and colorful, seemingly irregular but finally stitched together to form another photo and turn into another scene.

The wooden floor, the walkway only one meter long, the light green wallpaper, the single bed, the soft lighting, the fluttering curtains and the blowing night wind... This is the original appearance of the hotel hut where Asker stayed.

"Everything depends on me, I seem to understand something."

Asker's face was still calm or dead, only the glasses were still a bit angry, but his eyes were a little scary, a bit similar to those patients in Qingshan Hospital, without focus, but seemed to be staring at something.


Asker said softly, this spell is specific to certain situations, and it is not difficult, but the premise is that you must be aware of the environment you are in.

In front of Ask, a mouse suddenly appeared on the empty floor. Maybe it's not a mouse, because it looks a little weird, with a pair of fangs protruding from the bottom of the mouth, the eyes are compound eyes like a spider, the body is not hair, but scales, the tail is a bit like a squirrel, big and fluffy, That's the only part of it that doesn't look scary, this non-lethal creature looks weird and scary.

"A Boggart..."

Asker pushed his glasses and nodded knowingly. If it's a Boggart, it's easy to explain what happened before, there's a Boggart in this room, and it's a particularly vile kind that delights in being scary.

The myth of Boggart is a household name in the north of England, a goblin whose shape can constantly change. Usually it is invisible, sometimes in the form of people, animals, skeletons or devils. A lot of Boggarts like to be scary, some just like Peeves as a prankster to break the usual dreary atmosphere. According to tradition, if you notice a door slammed shut, a candle blown out, a tool suddenly gone, or strange echoes in the room, that's Boggart. The more malevolent Boggart can even be scary on dark roads, frightening solo travelers, and sometimes freaking out or being scared to death by it.

Ridiculous is a spell for the illusions created by Bogut. When the illusions they create are seen through, they will temporarily lose their ability to move and be slaughtered. This time is the best chance to capture Bogut.

It is necessary to mention that there are two cases of seeing through and cracking with comics. One is forcibly breaking through, and the other is trickery. The latter will obviously cause less damage to Boggart, or even have no effect on them at all.

Bogut is still useful at certain times. For example, when you want to make someone uncomfortable, you can use Bogut to intimidate him. If you want to make his family uncomfortable, you can throw Bogut at them. Home, to ensure that their house is flying and dogs are jumping, and there is no peace.

Such things are the correct way to use magical animals, just like the blood of unicorns, this is a first-class **, as long as someone drinks it, it is guaranteed that the rest of his life will be better than death. Asker has been working on finding the right way to use Fantastic Beasts, and he has a bottle of unicorn blood in his pocket, along with a few other gadgets.

"It's all petrified."

Asker threw a petrification spell, then bent down and grabbed the petrified Boggart, walked to the window, and threw it on the road. Unfortunately, a heavy truck just passed by, only to hear a crisp "boom", and the hapless Boggart was crushed.

Those who cheat people, people will always cheat them, the cycle of cause and effect, and the retribution is unhappy.

After solving Boggart, Ask turned to look at the clock. It was exactly twelve o'clock, and it was the next day.

"Friday..." Aske took off his glasses, tiredness hit like a tide, his head was dizzy, he staggered a few steps, and before he could touch the bed, he fell down on the ground.

"Hu... hu... hu... hu..."


In summer, the sun is more diligent and gets up early, but when the sun shines on Asker's face, it is already 3:30 in the afternoon... The window of this room faces west.

After rolling a few laps on the ground, Ask yawned and got up. Sitting on the ground with sleepy eyes, drool on the corners of his mouth, and a cute expression, Ask yawned, grabbed his glasses, stood up, and walked to the bathroom to wash up.

Washing up, getting dressed, packing up, going downstairs to eat...

By the time he went out, it was already four o'clock. At this time, he could just go to someone else's house for a meal. As for the candidate, Aske just woke up and was in a daze when he just thought of it.

"So the thing I forgot yesterday was this..."

Yesterday, after Asker met Suruger, he left Mr. Granger halfway and left with the **** dog, and then there were many things behind. Thinking about it now, without Asker's guidance, Mr. Granger must have lost his way, but it wouldn't be an accident. In the end, Hermione should find him.

Then, here comes the problem!

After Hermione found out about this, would she petrify Usk and throw it into the lake at Hogwarts or the Thames?

Asker said that this was a small problem. Now he has encountered a more serious problem, that is, the small note with Hermione's address seems to have disappeared.

"Uh, it can't be so coincidental, doesn't it mean that something good will happen in a week after meeting the black cat? What kind of good thing is It's been all kinds of bad luck from yesterday to now! Speaking of which, Hermione Where do you live?"

Touching his chin, Ask recalled slowly. He didn't completely forget it, but if he wanted to be precise, it didn't seem to be very difficult.

"Well, it must be in England, and then which county?"

Because he is not an Englishman, Asker has almost no idea about the geography of the United Kingdom. He has no choice but to buy a map of the United Kingdom, and then slowly look for a place that seems more reliable. After looking for it for a long time, he listed a few possible places on the map, that is, looked familiar, and wrote it down.

"Their family is a Muggle, which means that the Muggle government should have a household registration record. Let's go there and look for it. I hope that there is no one with the same name as Hermione in the UK... Alas, where did that piece of paper go? Woolen cloth?"

In Asker's pocket, a black book suddenly opened, stood up, then twisted a few times to the side of a book, leaned down, the pages slammed shut, bit, bit by bit, inch by inch I ate this thin book.


That's right, just eating, like a Venus flytrap, the whole process lasted for a long time, until the book completely disappeared, the black book shook a few times and fell down. Its cover is bulging, as if a person's stomach is bulging after eating and drinking, vaguely, and the sound of "gurgling" comes from its body...

Asker, who is looking for the address of Hermione's house in the Muggle government, doesn't know yet that the complete collection of Gilderoy Lockhart's novels he bought and treasured has been eaten half...

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