MTL - The Fairy Just Wants To Lie Down-Chapter 12 Li Changsheng

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  Chapter 12 The Demon Dao Li Changsheng

  Tianlao is located on the Xuezang Plateau sandwiched between the six countries. It starts at an altitude of 3 kilometers and is covered with snow all the year round. The central area is permafrost. There are large areas of desert and white snow without even grass.

  However, in such a desolate place, there is a prison, the towering black city wall is extremely conspicuous on the snow-white land.

   "Number 89, wake up and look up."

  The prison guard with guns and live ammunition made a deep voice, the tone was calm and indifferent, just like the inspector Xie Yunan who was outside.

  The voice echoed in the empty alloy cell, and finally reached the person sitting in the innermost part. His face was hidden in the shadows, his thin body was covered with iron chains, and iron nails went through his limbs and lute bones to connect to the metal wall.


  The man's lips moved slightly, making an extremely unpleasant sharp sound, as if countless nails were scratching on the blackboard.

   "Ten Blood Eaters."

   "No death row inmates this month."

   "Don't talk about..."

  The prison guard ignored the prisoner's refusal, but turned to look at the person next to him. Thick eyebrows and thick lips, simple and honest looks, less than 1.6 meters tall, a fat man with a smile on his face.

   Zhou Guo's first-class monk, spirit class, Zhong Fu.

  The two exchanged glances, and the warning asked after getting the other's nod: "Li Changsheng, do you know this name?"

  The prisoner was silent, without any response, as if he had never heard of the name. But the prison guards don't trust the reaction of the prisoners. People with strong cultivation bases can perfectly control the body, and it is difficult for them to express their emotions if they want to.

  Zhong Fu approached the prison guard and whispered something, but the prison guard did not press the microphone button, and the sound did not enter the cell. But the prisoner suddenly looked up as if he heard it. His eyes were dark, and his eyes had been gouged out, leaving only two black holes with blood.

  Zhong Fu fell to the ground with a bang, his body naturally burned like paper.

   "It's really scary. It's worthy of being a reincarnation. Even the lowest kind is scary."

  Another fat man came out from the shadows, still with that honest smile on his face.

   "Longyou was beaten by shrimps in shallow water, and bullied by dogs when tigers fell in Pingyang." The prisoner lowered his head again, "How dare you challenge me in a mere foundation building period..."

   "Predecessors think about the good, I am also a genius in the soul. At present, there are very few monks in the foundation-building stage of the world, and there are only a few town-level monks in the Jindan stage that the country is fully cultivating." Zhong Fu comforted.

   "You are just building a foundation."

"Hahahaha! I don't know the heights of the sky and the depth of the earth. There are distinctions between high and low. The gap between the same realm can be the difference between heaven and earth. Only mediocre people think that representatives of the same realm can stand on the same level as everyone. If I let this old man out, ten thousand Hundreds of thousands of you! You can't beat me."

  Amidst the almost maniacal laughter of the prisoner, Zhong Fu did not refute, the fact is indeed so.

   There is always an upper limit to the physical gap between people, but there seems to be no upper limit to the difference between monks and other creatures. The same foundation building, the same spiritual altar was opened, but these reincarnated people were able to defeat a hundred with one.

  One bullet can kill the foundation, but it can't kill the reincarnation.

Zhong Fu was not annoyed, and went back to the topic and continued to ask: "Let me ask again, have you heard of the name Li Changsheng? If you still want to save yourself some face, senior, just tell me honestly, I don't want to enter your soul again." To verify the authenticity."

   The prisoner fell into a long silence, and Zhong Fu also waited patiently.

"I know, why don't you know, that guy is amazing, I didn't expect him to be reincarnated. Either you can kill him with one blow, or don't provoke him. There is a gap in life, and I am mediocre in front of him hahahaha . " The prisoner's posture was crazy, he seemed to be crying and laughing, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

   "The demon Li Changsheng, kill tens of thousands of monks in my Yunzhou!"

  Zhong Fu's heart trembled, and a bad guess emerged, and the big shots who watched them through the camera described their reactions more intensely than him.

  A urging came from the headset: "Is what he said true?"

   "I didn't perceive that he was lying." Zhong Fu didn't guarantee it, even if the other party had been suppressed by drugs to the point that ordinary people could kill him.

   Hundreds of people were sacrificed to catch him back then, many of them were monks, and there were 5 Grade A monks in the hands of this old devil. It is not known how many hole cards this old monster has. The longer they reincarnate, the harder it is to catch or kill them.

   "Continue to ask, the matter is important and must be clarified. Zhou Guo can't produce another White Lotus Madonna."

  Zhong Fu asked: "What exactly did he do? Is it an evil cultivator?"

"Hehe." The corner of the prisoner's mouth cracked into a frightening arc, and his tone was joking: "His aura is the most upright and peaceful I have ever seen, even more upright than the monks in the Shangqing Palace. , then there is not a single cultivator in the world who is not a cultivator."


   "Is he an orthodox monk?"

   "Of course, Li Changsheng is a great benevolent and virtuous Taoist. He has done countless good deeds in his life, and his incense is everywhere in the mortal world. Countless monks praised him unceasingly. He is simply a model of righteousness, which makes me feel ashamed."

   Lies, all lies.

  Zhong Fu frowned and said, "Senior, I don't want to use some dishonorable means."

   "One hundred blood meals, or drill into my soul to find the answer, don't you like this very much?"

   "." Zhong Fu let go of the call button, and said to the big man on the other side of the headset, "Except for the first sentence, it's all false."

   "Prepare to search for the soul."


  Ten minutes later, more than a dozen medical staff poured into the cell. Each of them was wearing protective clothing covered with talismans.

  After experiencing the brief chaos at the beginning, Zhou Guo gradually established a complete coping system with the help of Zhen Guolevel. Among them, the aspect of spirit is the most important area for all countries. For this reason, the countries of China have launched cooperation among the six countries. The national ideological surgery and the talisman of concentration are the products of the cooperation of the six countries.

   Special incense was lit in the cell, and blue, unknown liquids were injected into the prisoner's body.

   "Group Leader Zhong, you only have ten minutes. Once this time is exceeded, we cannot guarantee whether the prisoner is unconscious or not."


  Zhong Fu put his palm on the prisoner's Tianling Gai, and silently recited a certain formula in his mouth. The veins in his temples popped up, he had a headache, nausea and dizziness. Finally he returned to calm.

   tick tock

   It was the sound of water, and the surrounding environment became wet, as if water droplets were hanging on every hair of his body.

  Zhong Fu knew that he had successfully entered the other party's soul, the soul of a reincarnated person. This was an extremely dangerous move. Countless people had lost their lives here, but he couldn't refuse this move. On the contrary, Zhong Fu is very happy, because every second he enters the Almighty Soul allows him to come into contact with higher-level things.

   This is a dark water prison, surrounded by endless darkness, in front of him is a Taoist priest with a thin face and a mustache.

   Taoist said: "Boy, you are really not afraid of death."

   "Senior, I'm sorry." Zhong Fu squatted down, pressed his hands to the ground, and wisps of mana began to penetrate the surroundings, looking for the answer he wanted in thousands of memories.

   ". Li Changsheng Li Changsheng, I found it."

   "Boy, are you sure you want to watch it?" The Taoist suddenly said again, "Hell is ahead."

  Zhong Fu looked puzzled, but he didn't have time to think, because the flood of memories had already overwhelmed him.




  Zhong Fu opened his eyes, and found that his eyes were hazy, and the viscous liquid covered his vision. Stretching out his hand to touch it, he finally saw what the liquid was when his vision gradually became clearer.

   Blood, blood everywhere!

  The soaring rusty smell pierced into the nostrils, as if a pair of hands were digging into one's stomach, trying to dig out all the acid in one's stomach.

   In front of him, countless corpses overlapped, their limbs twisted and entangled with each other. Like a group of snakes mating in the tropical rainforest, it presented itself in front of him in a distorted, extreme, and painful posture.

   "The way of the monster! Countless murders, full of evil, today I will do justice for the sky!"

   "The demon Li Changsheng, secretly learned the secrets of many sects, I must kill you today!"

   "Demon! You killed my father and elder brother, and cut off my Liang family's journey to immortality!"

  Countless monks around waved the magical weapons in their hands, bursting out dazzling aura, each of which was countless times stronger than his foundation-building stage.

  Following the direction where everyone was yelling, Zhong Fu saw a figure. It was a man with an ordinary face, neither in appearance nor temperament. Throw it in the crowd, the type that won't attract anyone's attention.

  In sharp contrast to it was the scene around him, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, countless strong men fell at his feet, and he also built a Beijing temple.


  The sword, the light and the sword, the sky and the earth are pale, and the thunder and thunder.

  The sky gathered thunderclouds covering thousands of miles, and one person was bathed in the thunder. He raised his hand slightly and the Thousand Thousand Spiritual Sword shattered, and he dashed through the thousands of miles of sky in an instant, where everything he passed was ashes, and he was invincible and unstoppable.

  The gap between the same realm can be between heaven and earth, and I am mediocre in front of him.

  Zhong Fu knelt on the ground with a plop, completely stunned.

   Waiting for everything to calm down, the man looked at himself and walked step by step.

  Stepping on the mountain of corpses, not stained by a drop of blood.

   "Brother Duan, your master is up there, it's time to reunite."

  paragraph, the last name of the prisoner.

  Emotions from the prisoner poured into his soul, resentment, panic, unwillingness

  Zhong Fu's head was taken off and placed on the top of the Jingguan, where he was lucky enough to overlook the corpses all over the mountains and plains. Countless spirit swords fell to the ground, and the blood splashed before seemed to infect the sky invisibly, and the whole sky was dark red.

  The man held a bamboo umbrella and left in the drizzle.

  (end of this chapter)