MTL - The Fake Daughter Can Be Either Salty Or Sweet-Chapter 62 Have breakfast by the way

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Chapter 62 Let’s have breakfast

Yang Zizi woke up in the morning and heard a knock on the door.

Lun Shengshi, who was making breakfast, went to open the door. The sound should be that the five brothers were coming.

However, isn’t the place where they live very far away from here? Why did they come here?

Yang Zizi walked downstairs with his head on the chicken coop, drowsy and yawning, and greeted them vaguely.

 When the brothers saw such a sloppy Yang Zizi, not only did they not dislike him, but they found him very cute.

"Why are you here?" Yang Zizi yawned again, as if he was lacking sleep.

“We just moved here this morning, so we stopped by for breakfast. I heard that the breakfast cooked by the God of War is delicious.” Gui Chenchen said with a smile, not forgetting to glance into the kitchen.

“You guys bought the villa next door.” Yang Zizi asked.

 Three days ago I heard the news that the villa next door was sold.

 “Yes, this way we can keep you safe.”

"I'm just a kid, you don't need to do anything extra." Lun Shengshi, who was sitting next to Yang Zizi, said coldly, as if he didn't welcome these guests.

"You are the God of War. Of course we know that you are capable of protecting our sister, but what if there is an accident." Gui Nan brown said helplessly.

Everything, isn't it just to show off his majesty as the blood **** of war?

Yang Zizi felt that they were thinking too much. If Gui Chaole really wanted to kill him, he would have done it long ago. He felt that Gui Chaole was actually a pretty good vampire. Although he was a bit aloof, he looked at people calmly. , and he doesn’t seem to be a crooked person.

On the other hand, these elder brothers are always wary of their own sisters to protect an outsider, which is really chilling.

"Actually, you don't need to make such a fuss. I don't think your sister came here to **** my blood."

"what is that?"

“I don’t know about this at the moment.” Yang Zizi scratched his head.

 While eating breakfast, no matter how prosperous the family was, they would not be willing to give it to these brothers-in-law.

 In the end, there were some leftover poplar seeds after eating them. In order to prevent waste, Lun Shengshi gave them to them to eat.

The brothers were not polite and started to eat hungrily.

Yang Zizi Lun Shengshi was very curious, as he was also a vampire, why Lun Shengshi couldn't eat human food, but his brothers could eat it so naturally.

“Husband, why can brothers eat human food but you can’t?” Yang Zizi sat on Lun Shengshi’s lap, hooked his neck and said coquettishly.

“Because they were kind-hearted and couldn’t bear to kill living creatures, over time, they accepted human food.” The smile on Lun Shengshi’s face was a little bitter, and he seemed a little guilty.

“My husband is also a kind-hearted vampire.” Yang Zizi announced loudly, as if he wanted the whole world to know that his husband was a kind-hearted person.

Lun Shengshi sent Yang Zizi to school, and his brothers drove behind him. It was like the visual sense of a gang boss appearing and his younger brothers following behind.

 After sending Yang Zizi, Lun Shengshi did not leave immediately, but went to an appointment with an old friend.

When Lun Shengshi walked to the hill behind the school, there was a girl standing under a tree with her back to him, looking straight at the cliff in front of her.

 The girl’s back looks very sad.

As if feeling some kind of aura approaching, she turned around happily and called his name with a smile: "Brother Shengshi." Tears shone in his eyes, and he poured out all his grievances.

 (End of this chapter)